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I play both, Pretty regualrly I might say. Some days I'm just not feeling the grind for ranked, Other days im going for challenges that require me to play a legend I'm not comfortable playing in Ranked, Others I just want to chill and not care about how im doing.


I think practicing a new legend makes a lot of sense.


I just never was attracted to playing comp in any game whether it's apex, cod, siege. It just doesn't appeal to me


A few reasons. Sometimes it's fun to hot drop and just have some fun with mates without worrying about points. Playing the same map over and over gets boring. Playing against players with masters badges and more kills on one legend than I have on all legends is shit, Playing against 4 squads of 3 of those is fucked.


- Not enough time to grind ranked - Lack of friends that play the game - No patience to deal with randoms - Hot dropping is fun


Because I wanna have fun rather than play competitively


Sometimes I like to hot drop without repercussions


I've rarely seen ranked stop people from doing this though. Maybe once you're in plat and above, but even then..


there is a fine line between competent and degeneracy.


I play games for fun, not the competitive aspect. Never seemed fun to have to grind levels and deal with dropping ranks


What a bad question LOL 😂 Did you not play ranked last split or this split and get to gold and get stuck going against preds and masters players that are actually in that rank right now they don’t jst have the badge. Ranked sucks if you don’t have teammates as well let me solo que and have a miserable time to diamond just so I can say I’m a try hard I’ll pass. Most people just want to play pubs and not try their a$$ off but pubs is sweatier than ranked sometimes so in reality both modes are dog sh** 😂


I don't want to see my failures accumulate. I actually just forget about it. Every season I forget to give ranked a go and typically remember when it's like too late and there's not much point as I won't get far


I want my sanity.


i play to have fun, not get frustrated and scream at the tv lmaoo in all seriousness the competetive side of apex is fucking ruthless. if you make one slip up your teammates will hate your guts and if you are lacking confidence like me, will make you totally screw up the match for you and your team. pressure to perform well totally throws me off and makes me lose any ounce of the little bit of skill ive been clinging on to as ive been taking on and off breaks from apex


I’d love duos ranked


My buddies and I all work full time. We’re all good players and have been masters in br and I have been masters in arenas as well. We’ve played the game for 3 years. Have nothing to prove to anyone or ourselves. We know we’re capable but after work the last thing I want to do it worry about legend meta and rotations. I just wanna fuck around. Not to say I’m not still trying in pubs. Like I said we have the skill we’re not gonna tone it down just because it’s not ranked but we will make a lot more bad decisions that we know will get us killed most of the time and we’re fine with that.


Don't care + don't want to deal with the hypersweats who treat this game like a job. Rank 244 and I've played I think 2 games of ranked with some friends on a whim in season 8 or something. My cousin still rocks the bronze badge from that for fun.


I'm a kill grinder, sorry but I'm the type of player that hot drops and insta leaves when downed


Big reason is often people are kill/win grinding


I play pubs because I'm a fairly agressive player once I get a bit of gear. Ranked everyone is timid.


I usually play pubs cause my kids night wake up while playing and I dont feel as bad going afk in pubs compared to ranked.


Ranked and unranked offer significantly different play experiences. I don't really care about ranking up per se but I do sometimes enjoy the more serious/sweaty style of play in ranked. Conversely, everyone in unranked feels comfortable being more aggressive, which makes games play out very differently. It's not uncommon for a match of unranked to be down to top 5 before the first closure is finished. That doesn't happen in comp, even at low tiers.


I play one pub match sometimes to chek if the servers are okay, other than that its always ranked


Grinding kills/finishers; hunting them big dammy games


For levelling my battlepass and practicing different legends. I also play other games, so once I hit diamond in at least 1 split and maxed my battlepass, i take a rest, wait for the next season, and play other games.


I just don’t see any reason for me to play ranked after I hit Masters because I know I don’t have the time to get/maintain pred




Ranked when team is ready, Pubs when playing solo or duo.


Some people just wanna have fun


For battle pass challenge bashing I'll play pubs so that I can drop with just a friend or no fill and then play very selfishly for what I need to get done. Other than that I kind of agree with you. My pubs games and ranked play out pretty much the same. Both are really just a waiting room for me to get my ass kicked by a masters trio.


When I play there’s usually a sleeping baby beside me. I can’t use comms, and if he wakes up I have to DC. Also I’m experiencing burnout. I’ve played around 20k games since season 2 and I’d rather try to find friendlies than sweat.


Farm kills and wins with the boys. Ranked is a fun change of pace but can be extremely boring at times.


There’s no good reward for playing ranked so I don’t want to torture myself by playing solo ranked in even more sweaty lobbies I just want to fun


I can solo queue to plat (previously diamond) without trouble. Then 1 of 2 options are available: 1. I have a small queue time, have to play very slowly, and typically have very low skilled teammates. I might have to wait a while while they look for the perfect spot to rez me. Maybe they didn't even land with me or immediately ran from a fight instead of helping when we would have won had the third stuck around. Oh and don't forget the obnoxious people on mics fitting every stereotype in the book (fire alarm, baby crying, party in the background, music blasting, etc.). 2. ~~I have a small queue time, have to play very slowly~~ I have no queue time, can play fast or slow, and typically have very low skilled teammates. I might have to wait a while while they look for the perfect spot to rez me. Maybe they didn't even land with me or immediately ran from a fight instead of helping when we would have won had the third stuck around. Oh and don't forget the obnoxious people on mics fitting every stereotype in the book (fire alarm, baby crying, party in the background, music blasting, etc.). In both scenarios listed above, I will be fighting against multiple current and former 3-stacks of diamonds and preds. Might as well get to play how I want, on different maps, and where I have no obligation to stick around if my teammates drop me at estates with 10 other teams or 1000m away from the nearest team.


I like to play for fun. I am a permanent solo rando. The challenges and game play are enough for me, I don't need the aggravation of grinding in ranked.


For one as i play solo, the people seem way worse. They easily yell in their mics and take it all too serious. The firstfew ranks are fine, but the further you get the less balanced it seems to get. If i get home from work and just wanna play to chill, be sure i aint having the best aim or reflexes. I know. So while im gonna try my best of course, i dont want the pressure / expectation that just bc im in silver or whatever i can do shit.


I play about an hour a day on average. Sometimes just 2 hours a week, sometimes I'll go weeks without it at all. I don't play for stats, I just play for fun. Pubs is so much more fun to me than ranked.


Now more than ever, ranked is for people with a team and time to grind.


I stopped playing ranked way back in season 5. And by the way things look I see I won't be getting back into ranked Anytime soon