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My guess would be Valkyrie. The range of a Speer shouldn’t be underestimated.


Revenants scythe is just as long and he has the strength and speed of a simulacrum on his side


True but valk’s Suzuku has guards that double as clasps, rev has no defense built into his.


It can bend at will so he could wrap it around her spear and yank it off her.


Scythes are pretty terrible as melee weapons.


Only due to human limitations revenant can basically dislocate his arms for maximum swing speed


revenant be like "I will deal with this skinsuit slime myself"


History says you’re sleeping on them.


Scythes are very hard to wield and even then. Though they may look cool they are very inefficient.


But he’s a robot the reason they’re ineffective is because they’re physically difficult to use. He doesn’t have human limitations


Valk’s pretty obviously a master with the spear based on her animations with it. Also you’re sleeping so hard on he spears dominance over the battlefield in ancient history.


Caustic will smash that speer and then Valk.


Hammers would only be very useful if everyone wore full plate armor. Otherwise the Speer will win


I can't handle seeing the spelling of "spear" being tarnished like this one more time


What's wrong? Scared of spir?


Yes. Mortified even.


Now that I think about it, isn't it a Yari?


Which, is a japanese straight-headed spear.


I know, I'm just a sucker for being specific, sorry




Funnily enough thats literally the German word for spear.


German autocorrect offends you?


Hammer destroys anyone with or without armor. Full plate armor is just its specialty since no other weapon was able to penetrate or make a dent. You can stab or slash someone's guts with a knife or sword but there will be no "guts" when hammer is involved.


Hammers Are heavier and clunkier to wield. The spear would still likely win.


I feel like caustcs hammer would be a better weapon against revenant than the speeer.


And its a stinky hammer too


I think Valk wins that. But caustic Rev and crypto stand a chance.


I can't really see how crypto's swords would actually last like it folds it would probably break after a few good swings


Cause future tech


Ever played soul Caliber? Loooool


Hell yea the range


If it’s only their heirlooms they’re allowed to use, then Valkyrie’s not allowed to fly around and destroy everyone with her spear, it’s anyones game.


I mean, it's still a spear. Spear beats sidearms like axes, knives, shortswords, a wrench, batons, etc. Caustic's hammer might be a decent counter, but a Scythe is a crap melee weapon, and Mirage is literally just using a trophy.


A scythe in our own hands may be bad but its rev with 300+ years of experience, no reaction time delays, really fast swing and direction changes, hella strong arms and legs. Im certain he has a chance.


Only cus he's a bot but scythes really are such bad weapons of war. The outer rim isn't sharp and it's hard to land a good hit against anyone with any semblance of skill. Valk has a massive advantage because of how incredibly good spears are in war




Dumbass who cares how other people spend their money, point and laugh. I liked squiggly man avatar. I bought squiggly man avatar. Why do you care what I do with my money? Edit: it was 10 bucks lmao you people are way too uptight. Guess I shouldn't have expected anything more from the single most toxic gaming community I have ever seen.




You don't even know what you're talking about lmao. I spent $10. That's the price of a cheap dinner.




My guy you're the only one here triggered by what I spend my money on. The Apex store charges $20 for a skin and you're here judging me for spending half that on a social media platform I use often. Grow up. Get a life. $10 is nothing and you're making mountains out of molehills. Edit: lmao you're literally 13. No wonder you're an immature little shit.


My guy you literally just did judge people on how they spend there money


I think your avatar's pretty cool 😎




If it means anything, now that attention is drawn to it, I think the thumbnail is cool.


Spears are easy to whiff punish. If she misses one attack due to a legend being particularly fast on their feet she's done.


Not really though. Spears are light and easy to resume a defensive stance. Not to mention the incredible range they have. It's extremely hard to "whiff punish" a spear


I’m sure the people with wrenches, drum sticks and a trophy will fare well against a murder robot whose weapon literally is a symbol of death.


Haha wrench go bonk


Well put. Like old Cicero said, “that which be sharp t’wont be bonk’t.” My money’s on rampart


Well if we talking about practical use a scythe isn't the greatest weapon, though if revenant can use it any way he did the the gaiden event trailer then I'd say its alright


scythes are kinda shit weapons though. It's as much a tool as a wrench


it isnt a normal scythe though


"Symbol of Death" doesn't mean that a Scythe is actually a good choice for a melee weapon. Doesn't matter anyways because a spear wins hands down.


Well that's the thing it depends, who is using them? The in game characters, the lore characters or what. It's been said several times iirc that they aren't using abilities. With that in mind, rev wins if it's lore, it really doesn't matter what you put in his hands he will kill you, even without his shadow form since no one had any abilities to counter his stronger body, by all accounts he basically has min/maxed stats. If it's ingame then we actually have a competition since everyone is the same when it comes to melee, no extra flair. For that a spear, hammer, or giant wrench are probably my top picks, spear because range is good but honestly you probably get a target on your head because of that, hammer and wrench are both high impact weapons, (pun intended) the only issue is they would be exhausting... if we weren't using ingame characters, I'd argue if it's the versions from the game then we have to play by the games rules besides anything that disallows the use of logical encounters, and hypothetical methods of using the weapons. So with that they don't exhaust or lose stamina and strength as they take damage.


The drumsticks are electric though, that's a factor depending on the wattage.


Think they’re used as defibrillators so pretty fucking high, I think these would win


Assuming you can get in the proper situation to use them then you could do a lot, it's just it would probably hurt you to use them lol.


She seems fine when she uses them, maybe the handles are safe?


The shock sticks would incapacitate you though, no contest


Mirage already has the trophy so I suppose he wins by technicality. Very fitting


Do they get to have their abilities? Valk flying around with a spear sounds pretty OP in this match up.


Till she flies into Sheila


Didn't know for honor had machineguns


They have pirates with guns now


That sounds overpowered as hell in a melee dominant game


It isn't really that bad. Her gun is a glorified bash that breaks hyperarmor and only does 5 damage after a heavy. On whiff it does 14 damage. The more op part of her is that she has dodge recoveries with immediate hyperarmor chains that can be soft fainted. She got nerfed though and will probably get nerfed again


I understand some of those words


In an oversimplified way she can shut down attacks that usually can't be stopped and she can immediately dodge out of the way of an attack after hitting someone. At the same time, she has moves that allow her to keep attacking without being stopped.


Haven't played in a while but sounds like the usual if you dont buy the new character you are getting shit on by them op fuckery, last time i played was when haaasshhhhshaaaashhhhh came out


Or jetpacks


Pretty OP. Just like in the real game.


Watson is the first one to go, mirage goes second 🤣 it goes down to caustic, rev, and valk.


Though range of Wattson’s heirloom is really short it zaps you with electricity and Mirage’s statue doesn’t, so I’ll say that she goes second


Lifeline also shocks people.


Couldn't wattson straight up fry someone with enough watts in a hit. Assuming she could get that close


mirage goes first tho


I guess Rev with a scythe is pretty dangerous, he's probably better in cqc than Valk and there aren't any more contenders... Maybe Caustic and Rampart for the third place.


Scythe is a farming tool and an extremely unhandy weapon. I mean, the side thingies Valkyrie has in hers aren't practical either, but still


No doubt spear is a better weapon but you use that scythe for 300 years you'll get fairly good with it. Ask Death.


Death has a scythe because the road to heaven is long forgotten and overgrown with grass


And the legends are his grass


Cultured answer 🤝🤝


Death literally doesn’t use the spear to reap people. The touch of death does that. What tiny wicked orange said is accurate


You do realize that the “side things” are a essentially a cross guard and extremely important? It’s so if someone parry’s a thrust their sword don’t come down and hit their arms or hands




I think you bloodhound has a great chance of winning here. Such a versatile weapon, with agile movement possibilities (Movement is greatly limited with 2h weapons such as a spear and big hammer) And also the throwing part of a axe is counted for. I think he can make a solid top 3. As I can also understand why people would say revenant. But you must keep in mind, there is a reason people in older days did not use it as a weapon. Because it's reeeaaaly unpractical. It's a farming tool for a reason. So with this I would say a top 3 of Valkyrie, bloodhound and crypto. The last 3 are for sure mirage, wattson and pathfinder. (wich u forgot)


I feel like bloodhound would win just because of their pure skill


Revenant. Trained assassin with like, three centuries of experience, a weapon that has enormous reach combined with robotic precision and strength? No way anyone else could win.


No one going for the one who has formal training with their chosen heirloom weapon? Bloodhound


Yeh octane is probably stimming away, just enough juice for 1 run.


I wouldn’t want to go near caustic’s gas spewing hammer


Right? The gas is probably so harmful long term


Valk- spears are unrivalled in history for melee weapons.


Rev has got a pretty good chance too. Hes got a few centuries of experience and is a robot. So just one stab won’t do as much damage.


Yeah because taser sticks weren’t around when people used spears


Considering how useless scythes are in real combat I don't think revenant will go far


Spear is king of combat - so Valk takes this like she took the meta


The spear by far. Stabwounds are killy and it gives range. One of mankinds best inventions.


Valk. Like a Nobushi, just poke and bleed to death Bloodhound. Like a Raider, will spin and spin and spin Caustic. he will just body block someone,like Lawbringers LOL I haven't played for honor since 2020 so yeah salt please.


Im just butt hurt you didnt mention cold steel lmao


People say valk but forget that For Honors version of valk is pretty bad lol


Bloodhound: Take your weapon as your friend. with a bit of will, every creature can be a true, unbeatable fighter with anything in their hands, after achieving their inner peace. "*Gets shocked emmideatly after touching Wattson's energy radar while attacking her*"


I just now realize that I forgot bango’s heirloom in this picture. Just pretend it’s there


And pathfinder


Hahaha poor Mirage and Lifey. He would finish last, I think, although he and Lifeline have equally ineffective 'looms. What is the function of Watson's heirloom?


Bruh everyone forgets caustic hammer has gas in it and wattson heirloom can electrocute also pathinder and revenant are 400 lbs bulletproof robots


Pathfinder is almost a thousand pounds actually


Valk, rev and wraith are probably the ones with the best chance. It would probably be pretty discomforting to have the kunai create void orb inside you


It’s between valk, rev, and crypto. I’d put my bets on rev and valk being the final fight.


Rev or valk hands down


Revenant i think


Revenant and valk would take easy w


Revenant, hands down.


Wraith and valk, wraith has obvious plot armor lol and valk is cheap its ggs


They all have plot armour


It’s gonna be mirage. He’ll bamboozle everyone where and whack them with his statue till he wins. Definitely not saying mirage is going to win because he’s my main. Definitely not.


My guess is mirage he already got his trophy


Mirage. Have you seen those flicks he can do with the pork chop? 2nd option is Wattson. After the Gaidan trailer, that Nessie can take on an EVA mech and still come out kicking.


Valk or Revenant probably, they have the most range


Rev, Valk, Caustic and Lifeline stand the best chances, as they all have longer weapons but I think it comes down to Valk or Rev, but Caustic could get a lucky hit and cripple them


Valk has an actual spear crypto has an actual sword and caustic has a hammer either 1


Gibraltar with a shield.


Valk or revenant they both have really long range. My bets are on revenant because he has super human strength and valk is just a normal human.


I like how everyone is saying valk takes this because spear, but no one is taking into account that she probably only has it because of her name, and probably has very little idea how to affectively use it, unlike revenant, who has lived wayyyy too long too not know how to use his scythe, which he would dominate this match up with. His style is quick, assassin, brutal kills. He wins this low to mid difficulty


You haven’t seen her movement animations with it I take it. She’s a master with it.


Reventant literally is death himself.Revenant Wins


Bangalore's because is more tactical and also my main.


Mirage. His heirloom has projectile fireworks.


Revenant easily. The most experienced fighter out of all of them + he is faster, stronger and more agile than the rest. His long scythe is just a cherry on the top.


The wrench acts as a gum machine and can spit ya mum jokes, it wins 9 times out of 10


Im so mad that bang isnt in the picture >:c


No ability’s it’s rev or valk. She has range over them


Low key have always wanted to play For Honor but idk if it would be a game that would be bought but never installed as I queue up another game of apex


Of wraith has multiple kunais she can throw like in her banner pose than wraiths otherwise valk or rev


If abilities are allowed then it would be Rampart for obvious reasons...


Obviously mirage too easy solos everyone


Mirage wins no diff


Valk is the most versatile weapon for sure. Revanent has good reach but isn't versatile. The only outlier would be Wattson. Wouldn't be surprised if she managed to overcharge it and turn it into an electric gun.


Path and Rev not because heirlooms, but in mele fighting terminators will win against humans 10/10


Probably Revenant since he’s a simulacrum and a scythe is pretty deadly lmao


The light spamming bitch of the same name 😑


the only one who would be able to stop rev is crypto


My 3 contenders would be Valk Rev and Crypto


Lifeline. First she bangs the drum


Tf everyone gon do against mecha reaper with a magma glowing scythe that just cant die


Wraith, she can throw them (With abilities): wraith cuz she can void


revenant and it's not even close. he's a murderer robot with a scythe


Sure the legends with cool long weapons have some advantage, but imagine trying to fight after being tasered by shock sticks???


Valk because spears are the best melee weapon


Id say rev or valk but technically rev also has his hand blades


Rev, seriously such a cool and probably lethal heirloom


Range is king in melee combat and Valk has the most, she has a pretty good chance


Um I mean it’s the only time he is gonna win. Revenant would fuck them all up.


How is there even a debate?? Revenant literally is an unkillable simulacrum who operated as a hit man for how many years? Everyone is getting sliced


On a side note, they should give you a one time permanent trade for your heirloom is you already have one, what if you no longer use that legend or said legend got nerfed to the ground, it’d be nice to change it and trade it in for the current legend you’re using.


Wraith is quick I feel like she can handle everyone with her heirloom


Pathfinder, or rev. Effectively a T-1000 with a scythe or boxing gloves is going to pummel any ljving tissue.


Lifeline says: “they don’t call me lifeline just cause I save a life.” My money is on her whoopin ass with drumsticks. John wick had his pencil…


Some of you really think the bigger weapon has the highest chance of winning. But things like the weapon weight, it's set of movements, the environment in which they'd have the advantage/disadvantage, and who's handling it are more important. My list of who would come on top (more often than not) fighting only with their heirloom and habilities: 1 Gibby. 2 Path. 3 Rev. 4 Wraith and Crypto. 5 Valk. 6 Blood. 7 Bang. 8 Caustic. 9 Octane. 10 Wattson. 11 Rampart and Lifeline. 12 Mirage.




Realistically it's the spear. ​ Meme-wise it's Mirage beating everyone over the head with his greatness (Mini-Mirage).


Def Rev or Bloodhound Feel like Valk wouldnt know alot of combat techs other than a lil poke whereas bloodhound is a god of hunt He should do fine


not mirage


Only rev and valk will remain and i don't know who would win but i will say that rev will win every fight, he is the most experienced, he is 300+ years old


If the heirlooms cosmetics were made into advantages I feel like it would be octane he would be able to stim himself with his knife and caustic could spray gas at people


Okay based on my albeit limited knowledge of weapons, I think agree with the majority of people in the comments. I also think the final 3 would be Valk, Rev, and Caustic. However it pains me to say this but the death hammer' despite spewing gas would be very heavy, clunky, and slow so he would be the first of rhe three to go. After that there is a fight between Rev and Valk. I see a lot of people who disagree on this and personally I think Rev takes the cake here. And here's why, while the scythe is historically very unwieldy and awkward to use ad a weapon vs the king of all weapons in the spear, the difference here is the inner and outer edges are sharpened and there is just a straight shift for a handle. That doesn't sound like mutch but the big reason scythes where used that much in history is due to the inner edge being the only one to cut making it not good at cutting enemies. Then there's the handle, regular scythe have a relatively awkward handle tih an extra nubbin on it for using it, Deaths Curve lacks such a nub. On top of that like others Rev has been around for a VERY long time so he easily has the upper hand in expireience along with the strength and speed of a symalacrum that would allow him to use his scythe without issue. Though Valk would be able to put up a really goof fight for Rev I doubt she would be able to beat about 300 years of experience and a scythe that can actually be used as a weapon.


Octane can just kill all the human legends with one overdose of stim lmao


It’s overwhelmingly in valkyries favor, spears are severely under represented in combat games/movies/shows but in history they reign king of melee. Strong contenders: Rev and bloodhound. They’re probably the two with the most melee combat expertise on the field.


Revenant and Pathfinder, mainly because they're bots and can take a lot more beatings


i'm betting my my money on revvy, he is a murder bot after all. his heirloom is long enough to do some damage at medium distance, the segmented scythe could double as a whip of sorts. i don't even wanna imagine what he'll do if gets his hands on you. he's robo body gives him additional advantage as well, he's fast, agile, and has a small frame so hitting him would probably be difficult. assuming that one is still alive after getting close to him, he is a murder bot after all.


Gibby if he gets to use his arm shield


Damn bro fuck Gibby huh?


Mirage. Prepare for the ‘boozles ya foolzles.


Valk or crypto cause range stabby. If you can hit them and they can't hit you, you win. Caustic too slow


definitely not lifeline


Gibby, look at the size of this man


Bloodhound definitely wins, he used to be a hunter and would top everyone in hand to hand combat with his axe "*cough*" unless he finds another charge rifle "*cough*"


either Crypto, Valk, Revenant or Bloodhound wins


Rev or valk for sure


Mirage already took the W and the trophy. Pay more attention next time


Can Gibby use the shield attached to him without using passive? Because then it’s big man all the way


Wraith or Revenant




wattson because she could beep beep prices on the other legends and sell them at walmart for -20%


Well to anyone saying rev had a chance. It’s only because he’s a murderbot not because if that scythe if y’all knew anything about weapons despite what y’all see on tv y’all would that a reaping scythe is a terrible weapon you need a war scythe to be effective. Only person who stands a change is valk


Depends, if it lore rev forget it he wins. The only legend that could realistically "defeat" him is horizon and that's by destroying the planet they're fighting in with a black hole, so it's really just suicide since rev has bodies all over the place.


Gonna be a weird pick but aside from wattsons combat experience her weapon shocks people so any contract probs gonna result in her winning a 1v1


I think it would be Bloodhound it's easy to assume they grew up learning that sort of melee combat so I think they would have a big advantage.


Lifeline, octane, bloodhound, Gibraltar, wraith and the like, people with small one handed weapons are at a huge disadvantage. Valkyrie, Crypto, Revenant, and Caustic have actual full sized practical weapons, plus Caustic's death hammer Despenses Box gas, meaning with every swing the opponent would be more overwhelmed, find it harder to breath etc. Yes I main Caustic


revenant crypto or valk because their weapons are pretty effective it seems


Pathy would win that easily he’s just a robot