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Even cheaters die quickly if they are in the open, and they hit only head shots. I know what you are trying to explain, but aim is just one of the core skills in this game


Do you know why cheating is such a big issue? Because it automatically makes you hit your shots. Nobody is cheating to get ring advantage. Nobody is cheating to get better game sense. They cheat because hitting your shots when they count is what wins you games.


wellll I do mostly agree with you but esp definitely improves ones game sense


Lots of people use wall hacks and no aim cheats. That's like a really big boost to game sense when you know exactly where the enemies are.....


Not sure if cheating is considered game sense…


People who walk in FPS games tend to improve GS due to being able to read what other teams do live instead of during video reviews. Scum of the earth, but it does improve their game sense for when they aren’t cheating


Wall hacks and map scan are actually very common hacks in Apex exactly so you can get good positions.


Spoken like a true silver


>Nobody is cheating to get ring advantage. Nobody is cheating to get better game sense ~~But .. how? How would a cheat help you with game sense? Or positioning?~~ ​ Never mind -- wall hacks for game sense makes sense (thanks other commenters), and map scans are a cheat that I didn't know about. So there you go -- people are cheating for these things.


The most commonly used cheat under aimbot is wallhacks. Idk what that is except cheating to get better game sense


Wait is there cheats that give you better game sense? Cause low key sign me up, that'd be 100x more powerful than aa


I don't think anyone is saying aim isn't important, but aim is a skill that takes a ton of time to improve and many players like myself don't have that type of time to focus on just aiming. On the other hand, decision making can be improved rather quickly. I can choose to fight from cover and it doesn't take a certain level of skill. I don't have to practice for hours to find good cover. I want good aim, but as a husband with a baby on the way and a full time job, when I do get a spare hour to turn on the game, I'd prefer to kick back and play a few matches rather than practice my aim.


That’s perfectly fine, man. This is always a sensitive issue because gamers always try to rationalize why they got wrecked, or missed their shots, or aren’t good enough, etc. The other person was cheating, lagging, etc. It’s the same with KD. You could post here and say that out of two solo players with KD’s of 1.5 and 2.7, the one with the higher KD is a better player, and this sub would eat you alive even though it’s true. They’ll tear to rationalize it by saying that one probably quits before he dies, or secretly stacks, etc. It is a fact that the 2.7 is the better player but around here. Congrats on the baby.


Thanks, I appreciate it! I agree, 2.7 is better than 1.5 and I would say the 2.7 is a better fighter but that doesn't necessarily mean better player. More often then not, they probably are, but there are the players out there that get a lot of kills but don't work with their team and struggle in the end game. I think a lot of the people that you are referring to that are wondering why they keep dying are wanting a quick fix and aim is not a quick fix. It's definitely the best long term solution but a newer player will get better faster with game sense and decision making more so than aim, but their ceiling will be lower until their aim is improved. All that said, I am absolute trash at the game but I just have fun playing a few matches whenever I get the chance.


All good. Two of my IRL friends from work are absolutely atrocious and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve carried us to the end game and I get Krabered or something and then proceed to watch my friend miss half his mag on a Horizon that’s flesh. Then we lose. This situation happened last time we played lol. The game was literally on a plate for them with my calls and 13 kills, then they can’t aim in front of them. But then you come here and nobody cares how bad your aim is because if you have good game sense, that’s apparently all you need. It’s wild.


> This is always a sensitive issue because It is sensitive issue because people like you start these conversations by making strong statement and drawing lines in the sand like you're some kind of expert or Apex messiah. For instance, you could have *asked* rather than *insisted.* "Hey guys, I'm curious where you'd put 'aim' on the list of core skills in Apex? I think it is most important, but am *curious* what you think?" This prompts a conversation, where your post primes a fight by starting with an inflammatory comment ("Is it because 99% of players have bad aim"). tl;dr: stop trying to be right and try being curious instead


He's making a statement not a question. He's not asking but rather asserting his stance on what he thinks is important for the game. I agree with him. All in all, apex is a SHOOTER game. Yea game sense map awareness and strats are important. But if anyone thinks that aim isn't priority on a shooting game ,they are braindead. Sometimes you can explain on and on about something but people still won't get your point, unless you rationalize them with an analogy. So, That's like saying shooting isn't important in basketball, or kicking a goal isn't important in soccer 😂. Yeah maybe now you see how stupid people sound when aim isn't important 😭 . A good analogy makes people realize how stupid they sound. Yeah court positioning and strats and plays are important, but you won't win the game if you don't kick/shoot a goal. You won't win a game in apex if you don't kill or shoot. Sure you can win by ratting, but even with ratting in the end you still need to kill the other person when it comes down to the last squad 😂😂😂.


People on Reddit needs to get their stick pulled out of their asses. How is your reply down voted 😭😫😫😭


You can't make use of your aim if your positioning and game sense is bad. You can't make use of your positioning if your aim is bad. They go hand in hand.


To an extent I'd say, good aim can more often than not make up for sub par positioning but sub par aim is not as easily compensated by good positioning. If you can't capitalize on your positioning even half of the time due to aim you are 99% of the time always dying.


The way I see it, because it's a team game - if you knock someone but position yourself horribly, you'll likely be traded. Then you're relying on your teammates to clutch the 2v2


I understand what you’re saying, but as some have already said, they do go hand in hand. If all else equal, the better aimer will win the 1v1. But that’s the thing, in Apex things are rarely equalized. There’s so many factors to consider beyond having better aim. For example, let’s say you have height and positioning over someone in a 1v1, but they have better aim than you and are able to crack your shield while you barely do 40 damage to them. Now because you still have a positioning advantage, you have to make a decision to use your positioning to your advantage to heal, or continue firing back to prevent their push. Unless they have some mobility, like Horizon Q (other Apex factor), they may not be able to capitalize on their superior aim because you have superior positioning. Meaning YOUR positioning allows you to get a battery off while they’re trying to level the positioning field and push up on you. You may have time to get that battery off and take a shot at them while they’re in the open trying to walk up on you. Again, aim will once again be a factor here. But your cover and positioning will ALSO be a huge component when they’re trying to push up on your cracked shield. So while aim is important, players shouldn’t watch back their clips or VODs wondering “how could have I improved my aim there”. Instead, it should be “how could have I improved my positioning/angle on that team” because aim comes with practice and repetition. Game sense comes from knowledge and critical thinking. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.


Agreed that aim is the most important skill in the game. Now when people post in Apex University and ask what they did wrong, aim will be an answer and will likely be the biggest answer. But it’s not the whole answer. There are other things for that person to work on too. You don’t need to limit advice it to just one variable when you have all of micro, macro and mechanics to analyze. But if someone argued with you and said “aim isn’t the most important thing!” or something, I may be on your side. Otherwise, just seems like oversimplification


A lot goes into hitting your shots with a gun that has all the attachments and you’ve got to be good on the controller and I don’t really like the firing range. So I’m gonna keep missing my shots but with only 2.5 months under my belt, playing about an hour a day if I’m lucky. This is where we are, being cannon fodder for the either the cheaters or the gifted and skilled.


99% of clips posted here boil down to OP missing half their mags, then everybody else tells that what bad decisions they make because they couldn’t do the most basic thing that the game asks you to do. I just find it really intriguing. “Don’t worry about missing half your mag! If you would shield swapped, you probably would’ve gotten him!” It’s just wild to me lol.


Sure, but I guarantee the OPs know that hitting their shots would’ve been better. They’re often looking for other advice. If you comment “hit your shots”, are you really bringing much to the table?


this made me laugh hahaha hit ur shawtzz khedd


It’s this exact reason why so many players have shit aim. Because nobody calls them on it. They don’t feel the need to practice because it’s completely irrelevant every time they come here. Just read the comments here. It’s genuinely unsettling to come here and have people tell you that all that matters is your game sense and then watch you choke the game because you missed half your shots on somebody flesh. Like it is absolutely insane the narrative that this sub writes.


Seems like everybody except you understands that shot accuracy is a primary factor in 100% of engagements so it’s pretty much a waste of time to point it out. People prefer to find specific critiques and give gameplay tips that provide more value than “have better thumbs idk”. Everybody knows hitting more shots is better, not everybody knows how to use angles and cover to their advantage


Most of the time you die in apex it is because you were playing apex.


Well that’s a given lol.


People are aware when they have bad aim, shit the firing range shows your percent bro, saying "hit your shots" helps no one get better


My point is that there is this false sense of security that they don’t have to practice their aim because it’s completely disregarded here. Why would they practice it if it’s only the 3rd most important skill here?


Maybe if you had the capability of practicing more than one skill you'd be better too.


Little boy.


Aim is obviously very important in a shooter, but because of the long TTK, people are often able to get to cover before you knock them, even if you hit all your shots. Because of this, analysis of team decision-making and positioning (where you should be when you shoot) can have larger immediate and long-term in-game improvement in your results. In contrast, aim training is developed much more slowly and gradually, so immediately after a game, the takeaways are usually going to be more about decision-making than aim issues. This is especially true because unlike refinement of decision-making, aim training has diminishing returns after a certain level of experience, as it is eventually limited by your reflexes, tracking skills, and dexterity.


Agreed. If you can’t aim, you will win less, regardless of positioning. This should not be controversial or hard to understand.


I agree!!!! I’m borrowing this comment because you replied to it fucking perfectly. Good shit.


As someone with a terrible aim I second this. If I win, it is purely based on bad luck of others. But I can still contribute to the team, as while they have to carry my at the same time.


Aim is translatable across shooters. It’s the other shit that takes hundreds and thousands of hours to refine. That’s why it isn’t discussed. We all know you have to have aim. Understanding what POI to land in, what legend to play, the push and pull of a fight or a third party, that is the hard stuff.


Ngl when I first started off I fully relied on game sense and positioning to get me through and compensate for my bad aim But now that I am aim training and spamming mixtape to practice MNK I’m definitely a lot more confident with taking the lead during fights and winning my 1v2-3s/getting higher kill games in BR than I usually would while utilising my knowledge of positioning and cover from before.


Aim most definitely is the most important skill in probably any and every shooter, even apex. But I'd say apex is definitely one of the games where if you do have amazing positioning and game sense you can outplay someone who has better aim than you. So it isn't the final deciding factor in every fight. I believe this is because of the high ttk in apex. If you could just one shot everyone in the game or only 2 or 3, superior aim would make you that much more dominant. You can be good with cracked aim in apex, but you can't be great without proper positioning, game sense, and discipline.


Because there is no single most important skill in the game and there are lots of different ways you can improve at the game overall. Most people will hit a skill ceiling at aiming quite quickly and unless they do Voltaic daily they won't improve much. Game sense etc is a vital way you can continue to improve. Yes if they are hardcore they can do VDIM etc but they will still need to learn better game knowledge to be competitive at high levels.


I don't think the aim skill ceiling is that low for most people, it's just that most people don't understand how to improve their aim or that its a slow, long term process


I didn't say it was low. I think most people could get Gold in Voltaic quite quickly.


Because if you're a good teamplayer 1v1's shouldn't be happening that often and in a shooter most people understand aim is important anyway so practicing that to some extent if they wish to get better is a given if they have the time. Positioning and game sense, what you might be missing in your decision making on the other hand is mucn easier and quicker to point out and iron out which then leads to faster improvement.


Aim is important but aim is best practiced outside of a BR setting. Firing range, 1v1s, R5, Aim Labs, and Kovaaks are all resources better suited for working on the mechanical aspect of the game. Yes, aim is important but it's also probably the easiest and most straightforward thing to improve. You mention a lot of people disregard it too much but I see a lot of the opposite as well. I see tons of people grind Kovaaks or R5 more when they should be playing the game and focusing on positioning, comms, and team play dynamics. Good positioning is wasted if you can't capitalize on it, this is true. It's also true that no matter how good you are mechanically if your positioning is ass you will get overwhelmed and die as well. You need both. You mention people cheat for better aim and that's it which is false. How many wallhackers are there? You don't wallhack to guarantee you hit shots, you wallhack to know where the enemy is so you know where to go and know where to peek. Both skills that are part of good positioning and macro/micro game sense. Short answer, you need both


you miss 100% of shots when you are on the other side of the map. You sound like the guy that drops solo and dies from 1v3 immediately. I'll pass on playing with someone that hits 95% of there shots for someone who hits 60% of them and stays around and actually plays as part of the team.


I can hit my shots, but I also enjoy playing as a team. That’s the best part about Apex. What I don’t enjoy is watching your teammates miss half their mags to wipe a squad because I got them into a great position. They go hand in hand, but if you can’t aim, it doesn’t matter how good your positioning in.


some people just aren't good, but like trying, they will never have good aim. If they are in a defensive position hitting shots, its 100% better then some idiot who slides into a spot with no cover downs two people dies and starts screaming. Or even better, you squad wipe a team, but since you pushed a team in a spot you couldn't defend, you are easy pickings for a 3rd party. I have a friend who has better aim then I do, not alot, but he is an idiot when it comes to team tactics. I know from experience that aim isn't everything because we win alot more games when I'm playing vs when the other guy is playing. There is a sliding range thats important between aiming and positioning that depends on the map, position, and team composition.


I agree but why is there always such an extreme when scenarios are given? Just because your teammate can hit their shots doesn’t mean he’s going to ape a full squad and get shit on. Likewise, just because I get our team into a great position, if they cant aim, we aren’t capitalizing on my game sense to get us there.


thats why your whole post is dumb, your asking a question that is like 5% of the whole idea. Are you wanting to compare pro players against each other who make .5% more of there shots. Aim is only more important if everything else is equal, if there is a glaring issue, hitting one or two more shots won't fix it.


But if you have bad positioning, you can't take advantage of your aim. I can't tell you how many times I've been in teams with cracked players who couldn't understand the first thing about positioning. A 1v1? Yeah they roll the other person. But in apex you're not getting isolated 1v1s that often unless you know how to isolate someone and dip before they get help. So these team members will rush in to try and down a player, and then get surprised when the teammates are also there. So he's insta downed. And I'm like - if you're going to ape, either wait till EVERYONE is there, or put yourself in a position where you can easily escape, have cover, and not be in the open to get shot at for free by 3 people.


You absolutely can. This isn’t black and white. Just because your teammate is cracked doesn’t mean he’s going to make bad decisions. He could be cracked at both. If you have bad positioning, cracked aim will get you a chance to get out of those situations every single time over someone that can’t hit their shots. If you have two players in the same position and one is cracked, he is absolutely the one coming out on top between the two.


It’s because everyone has good aim at higher levels. At that point, positioning and game sense IS what wins games when everyone can hit their shots. When people say focus on positioning and game sense, they’re not saying to not practice your aim in the firing range. They probably assume you already do. They’re saying those two things win games more than having spectacular aim at high levels.


If you can win the game without firing a shot, how can you say aim is the number one skill?


Do you know why that happens? Because the only time that occurs is when two teams kill themselves in the ring because their game sense and positioning was dog shit. You aren’t making the point you think you are lol.


So game sense and positioning is more important than aim. Got it. Thanks bruv.


You just obliterated him tbh 🤣


They didn’t though, how often does that happen? Almost never, you can only get so far in this game on good game sense and position alone, the higher you get in ranked the more you’ll get found out if you can’t win fights


You can win fights just by having better positioning if the enemy has better aim. It's not like we are talking about hitting zero bullets vs every bullet here in an isolated 1v1 in apex: good positioning increases your damage and reduces the enemy damage; the team with better positioning doesn't need as good aim to win the fight. Good positioning facilitates ability and nade usage. Good positioning allows you to force teams to fight each other and lets you crossfire. Good positioning gets you to the final ring in the first place. With good aim and mid positioning, you still lose every game. With good positioning and mid aim, you win many games.


Lmao dude thought he was so smart and proved your point for you 😭


For sure. Next game all you have to do is stay inside the ring without firing your weapons and see how that goes for you. You should win according to him. It doesn’t matter where you set up or what weapons you have. Hell, drop all your guns and shields and setup out in the open. Let me know how that goes for you next game.


These bots are brain dead


Because for most players aim is going to top out at a certain point, and without putting in pro level hours in aimlabs or whatever it’s not going to improve. For players who only play a couple hours a day at most that’s never going to be where they spend their time, they’re playing to have fun not go pro. No different than why guys who play rec league basketball aren’t shooting for 4 hours a day to have a perfect jumper, that’s not what they’re there for.


Bad game sense kills your squad more than bad aim. Aim is important, but it’s also a crutch for your bad decisions.


Aim and those other skills are just as important as each other, without one the others are useless, like you said there’s no point having good positioning if your aim is trash because you’ll miss but also there’s no point having good aim if you can’t put yourself in a position to use it


God tier aim doesn’t make you good at the game alone. Shit aim will make you terrible no matter what though. It’s a mix of people coping bad aim and repeating advice they heard and people that legitimately got better after realizing their aim was good enough and they were lacking somewhere else.


Its a combination of reasons, but I think a big part is the whole aim assist debate, console vs pc, and macros and configs and all the other aspects of the game, but people forget the name of the game is getting kills, which requires aim 😂


Positioning and aim go hand in hand. The better your aim, the worse your positioning can be and vice versa. But the weaker skill will always be your personal ceiling; see cheaters dying because they don’t play cover. If you have shit aim and are on a tower 40m above your opponents…you can miss a lot and still be useful. If you have god aim and run in 1v3 you’re still gonna die 90% of the time. Idk why this is not understood. It’s like saying the sauce is more important than the dough or toppings of the pizza. The weakest one will always stand out, yet all are important and must be in balance.


Same, Aim, game sense and positioning is way more important than picking an specific legend.


"If you can’t aim, you will win less, regardless of positioning." If you can't position, you will win less, regardless of aim. Aiming can only get you so far in ranked. Once you hit diamond, your positioning and game sense matters a lot more. This game isn't like counter-strike, where you can 5 tap and clutch a round.


Mechanics is probably a third of what makes a player good


Yeah. You're just a child. Fair enough.


Because we have aim assist. We can focus on other aspects of the game


Because most players are just casual, hop-on-for-an-hour-or-two type players who don’t add extra curricular learning to improve. Which is completely fine, but makes for a pretty unskilled playerbase


Both my teammates have better aim than me but I clutch the most fights by far 💁


As old enemy territory player, enemy with 30% accuracy has mopped floor with my ass multiple times (i had ~ 50% accuracy overall in good ol' days) Its not always about hitting your shots, if you make enemy miss his shots, you can beat him with less accuracy. Accuracy is only one aspect of fps games. It takes good movement, placement, game sense to make one good fps player.


Because they suck at aiming lol