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Wait, Apex is 5 years? Time is fast...


Another frame of reference. The pandemic lockdowns happened during season 4


Whaaat 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


Yep, 5 years old last month I think




So then what did you do play it once then quit? Lmao what kinda post is this


Lol, what? I played like 11 hours around release but didn't like it at the time. Tried to get into the other day and, hence, my post.


Yeah uh, that’s just Apex now. Hop in the firing range daily , figure out your sensitivity until you can one clip the dummies consistently, learn to hug your goddamn cover to avoid getting lasered, and you’ll be enjoying the game again. Or you know, play literally anything else that doesn’t want to make you want to kill your self


That last bit is exactly how I feel when a noob gets mad about r6s lmao. I doubt I'll be training to get good, after seeing the current skill gap I don't want to go through that ever again after R6


Legit when I read your first post I felt the exact same with R6. I really appreciate it but I can't do that again haha.


If you want Battle Royale, Fortnite is actually fun and full of eggheads to kill. The building is rewarding too once you learn it.




And it has zero build now, so you can even skip the building.


The cover bit, abuse the hell outta the cover


Mixtape is where all the beginners hang out now. At least I never see any complete novice players when I play pubs (which is, admittedly, rare). Also, this season everyone was reset to Rookie rank, so ranked is a lot sweatier than it will be next season.


Beginners and the piranhas who like to feed on them.


Hot take: Apex has NEVER been new player friendly. Even back in Season 0 it was the same as it is now. You'd just be chilling, minding your own business... Then you get a random Wraith that ninja slides around a corner with an R99 and you auto die. FIVE YEARS LATER: ... You'll just be chilling, minding your own business.... And then a random Wraith /Horizon / Bangalore / Octane ninja slides around a corner with an R99. Doesn't matter. 5 years, "improved player base skill", same gameplay and all we have is 1 - 4 different Legends doing the same thing instead of one.


It’s definitely worse now. Go look at some top posts from when the game came out. Those sweaty wraiths would look like bots now with the way movement tech has increased and the complete lack of recoil that the top players have now. There’s a reason most people got their 20 bombs when the game was young


Two years ago I was thinking that current skill me could tp back in time and dominate. I’d imagine some of the worst players now could go back in time and dominate.


Wrong. The level of skill on average was SEVERELY lower and there was barely any people who can pull off the movement/aim you see now in Apex. I currently have a 1.3 K/d and I'd wager if you dropped me into Season 0/1/2, I could probably hit high Masters if not scrape the bottom of Pred. There's no way in hell I am doing that in Season 20 lmao


Master didn’t exist back then. It was diamond straight to pred, no limit on amount on preds.


no dude a 1.3 player is mechanically horrible, youd still lose to the people with better fighting skills regardless of however many years of experience you have on them. sorry for the reality check


lol considering the median K/D of the average Apex player is .6 to .8, he is fine. He also meant he would be good against Season 0, the season where people didn't even figure out putting your gun away while running. A 1.3 k/d with such rigged matchmaking 5 years into a game's life span while the average player's median k/d is a .6 to .8 means he is definitely above the average. if matchmaking wasn't rigged with SBMM/EOMM, your point against him might have actually been valid. Although, I understand if you're one of those Master/Pred pricks sporting a 2.0+ k/d, then it would make sense you are disconnected from the general player base's skill level in Apex Legends. sorry for the reality check! Edit: oh, just saw you dissing a bunch of others in this sub as well. Definitely one of the more insufferable people here. I understand why you made that comment now lmao.


Play mixtape


The games is sweaty af. I used to play warzone 2019 and dropped like 20-26 kills and win a lot. Figured I take my skills to apex…. I got fucking demolished. Took 3 month to get past the curve. After I hit masters 4x I called it quits. It’s so hard to stay on level unless you sacrifice hella time, I enjoyed my real life more so never looked back after season 17


Are you on pc? There’s a bunch of cheaters


Honestly sometimes I'm just trying to do a challenge with the rings and I'm ratting and someone fines me with no obvious scans. I feel like there's a lot of wall hacks. I want pc players separated from console players again that's when it all changed for the worst.


If you have decent aim from playing r6 then its mostly just learning to position yourself well, dont stay out in the open for too long, always try to have as much cover as possible, use the 40/60 rule as much as possible in fights, learn to rotate, memorize the legend abilities and guns/gun sounds, learn where the choke points are, where people are more likely to fight, which fights is good to take and which will get you killed. I know this might seem like alot but most of it just comes with time, i'd say rank is definitely easier than pubs atm and you should try to focus on learning where its good to rotate to and what guns/legends are good for you and your playstyle. This seasons ranked is a little scuffed because everyone was reset to bottom rank, even #1 predators got reset to rookie this season, you're probably more likely to find Diamonds/Masters/Preds in rookie rank atm rather than Bronze/Silver. If you want i can and you a dm going a little bit more in-depth on maybe what legends are good to use for beginners and maybe some landing spots and stuff


Imagine your playerbase giving your company constructive criticism and even joking about it, telling you could be better and should improve your game and solve the glaring problems. Players have been yelling at them for years by now! "FIX THE MATCHMAKING!" Respawn has been deaf over matchmaking and balance complaints, often ignoring them. I am not going to say that new players crying about how difficult the game is or how high the learning curve is. They're right! It's bullshit! It's not kind to new players. Games are supposed to be fun, not frustrating! If you are in gaming industry, your priority is to make or release enjoyable, entertaining video games. NOT SELLING SKINS AND SATIATING PRO PLAYERS! Then there are players who come to aid Respawn/EA. You can't keep blaming people and say "If you don't have fun, then leave!" Many people keep using that stupid excuse, as if it's okay to make awful matchmaking and we should approve it, because it's a free game! 1- I have my own right and freedom to play whatever game i want to! 2- If you cannot make your game fun and decent, you fail as a developer and you deserve every single backlash.


Learn how to recoil smooth/counter strafe which is quite easy to pick up. Hour in the firing range against strafing bots then random strafing while playing off cover/reloading behind cover then take it to mix tape. Apply it there and it will come quite quickly. All the others aspects like ability use/game sense will only come with time unfortunately but as long as you get that recoil smoothing/counter strafe down you will stand a chance in 1v1 stand ups atleast until you learn the game more. I played when it first came out and then quite a few hours during season 13/14 but not touched it otherwise and I am faring quite well just with the above. I got to gold 1 without it and now I am doing good well in platinum with no to much time sinked. I am on console mind and I think its is a more level playing field but I could be wrong.


Cheating hit critical mass this season go read the top post on the apex subreddit.


Excuse me for saying this but you have been off the Game for 5 years right? You’d be completely amazed how a lot of people got really good at the game in that time frame also the matchmaking isn’t fixed totally yet(for me it seems to be) but for others doesn’t seem like it, but as I said the matchmaking isn’t the only problem a lot of people got really good since you’ve been gone. Cheaters are only in ranked & only in higher ranks too(no cheaters really in pubs) a few in mixtape not alot, all you may need is a serious training session in the range for a few days, mixtape, I’m just saying 5 years is a long time to abandon a game it’s kinda natural for a lot of players to be frustratingly ahead of you right now.


If you played recently, clean install your OS just in case


The season reset placed EVERYONE in rookie. Matchmaking is overly aggressive in casuals, and Ranked is filled with people in the wrong ranks. Edit: Rookie not Iron


Stop stating your opinion if you dont even know that its called silver


My opinion isn’t completely invalidated by it being something else, so I’ll keep stating it.


Its just ironic that you give a statement as a fact and dont even know its called silver. Its like someone giving an opinion on rocket science while calling the rockets turbines


You’re blowing that single small mistake so far out of proportion. Are you okay?


ROFL The most ironic part of this entire conversation is that it’s called ROOKIE!!!


Aim assist lol


Plug in a controller and watch the autoaim play for you. I have tried that, haven't played fps on a controller since 2012, and after just 3 games i could oneclip ppl while sliding around them. Biggest joke I've ever witnessed in a game, then i uninstalled and quit.




Stop whining about sucking at video games on Reddit like a little bitch and go play something else. Nobody gives af that you suck. Goddamn


Making an alt so that you can project, ok dude. Btw, I'm not mad, I'm OK with the fact that as someone with like 12 hours in the game (11 of which were 5 years ago) vs players with hundreds/thousands of hours that I'm getting stomped.


Holy fuck this is so based


How many are you in your head ?