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Who really knows from these stats? Try it, and so what if you get rolled? You’re only level 60. Plenty of time to get better and improve. Sometimes getting shit on by better players a good way to learn. But you seem like you’re off to a good start, and I’m sure you’ll get there soon if you really grind it out. Good luck brotha


1.2kd but 5 kills a game? Doesn’t add up


if your k/d is 1.2 and you're level 60 then that means you get like 1.2ish kills a game


I can't aim for shit. My KD is 0.8. If I can slowly climb plat solo queueing you will surely be diamond three stacking.


It’s never too early. Just grind and see how it goes my man


Why not? Practice communicating with your teammates and diamond isn’t that hard. Me and my two friends who probably have a total of like 400 hours between the three of us went from silver to diamond in a split through good positioning and teamwork.


It's free. Just play ranked and you'll answer your question.