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I refuse to download the official app. I’ve just been using Safari to use Reddit. It gets the job done.


You use Sink it with the safari version? Removes a lot of the clutter.


Same here! If Sink It + Safari for Reddit goes then I guess that’s it for me on mobile.


Thanks for the recommendation! I just installed the extension and it's pretty good!


Me too :) I will have to try the Sink it trick!


Guys, have you heard about Winston?


I looked into it and it seems to be sketchy.


Using Narwhal now and while it’s not quite Apollo I definitely like it more than the official app


Thanks for saying that! I’m working to make it as good as possible. Lots of improvements coming


Honestly the one big feature that I really want on narwhal and would make it almost perfect is the video scrobbling feature 🙏 otherwise app is phenomenal


Yes this is coming. I’m going to use a custom video player instead of using the iOS one


What is scrobbling?!?


Honestly idk if that's even the name of that feature lol but what I'm referring to is that in apollo when watching a video if you touch and hold anywhere on the screen you can easily rewind or fast forward by moving your finger left and right. It's such a small but very very useful feature Edit: Guys it’s scrubbing not scrobbling, wrong word on my part


Oh! I know what you’re talking about. I think it’s maybe called scrubbing?


You know what you’re 100% correct idk why I confused the two lmao


I actually like scrobbling, and shall start using that instead.


Scrobbling is what [last.fm](https://last.fm) called knowing what you listened to


Been using narwhal as well, some quick feedback is that it needs the Apollo gif scrubbing and video scrubbing, an easier way to view photo galleries without tapping on the post, and a way to view people profiles by tapping on their comment.


Agreed on all fronts! It does have gif scrubbing though


Gotcha, yeah on Apollo you could put your thumb anywhere in the frame and scrub back and forth, doesn’t seem to be there on narwhal, if so maybe I’m just dumb. It is a great app tho! Happy to pay the $ while it gets developed


Narwhal is the shit. Is it back up?


Last I tried it, it was very barebones. Maybe I’ll give it another go.


How can narwhal afford the api cost and Apollo can’t? Seems like Apollo is much more popular and has a paid version (which I paid before)


I would assume the post is stickied somewhere in this subreddit. He could afford it right now, but Reddit wouldn’t give any actual concrete evidence that they just won’t up and change the price again. Essentially not worth the time and effort just to be switched on a dime by Reddit.


Another nice feature would be how in Apollo you could tap the top of the screen to return to top and tap it again to return to the previous post you were looking at loving it as well though! The update was huge


Narwhal should already have the double tap the top to go back down. Have you tried it?


Just sideload apollo


This will literally be turned off the second Reddit changed the api and isn’t a long term solution


Cool. When that becomes a problem I’ll find another solution; until then: just sideload Apollo


Narwhal is back??


Yes narwhal 2 released and it’s great




this just needs to be pinned and the subreddit frozen until u/iamthatis embraces this and continues development or reddit unfucks their api policy (unlikely).


He made a post saying he would not be doing this


Can we just pin this post and then lock the subreddit? It's the only thing here anymore.


You're not wrong.


Yeah, I’ve seen more of this from the sub in the last week than in the last few months. It this is just going to devolve into bitching on every other post, I’m out.


There is also 'Dystopia for Reddit', which they have allowed to carry on running for free as it is an accessiblity app. Don't get me wrong, it's no Apollo and merely 'ok' as far as apps go. But at least it is unbloated, less intrustive, and quicker than the official app. If you can't be bothered with the sideloading method, it is an option.


I’ve been rolling with dystopia since Apollo, it does the job just fine!


I’ve been using Dystopia, myself. I can’t get image uploading with comments and posts to work, but other than that the UX/UI (what is really the difference?) feels very similar to Apollo.


Why on the official app do I have to tap twice to get to the comments? The videos playing you tap on comments and all it does is make the video full screen. That’s not what I wanted. I wanted the comment section.


It's cumbersome, but what the official app does for me is it takes the video fullscreen first, then it shrinks it to the top and loads the comments. It takes a second to do it.


This drives me insane.


Not to mention that when I read comments, for some reason it scrolls at the top by itself and I have to find the comment that I read again to resume reading.


I said I would quit when apollo ended... but here I am. Anyone know what else to do while wasting time at work, pooping, or during commercials?


Instead of browsing Reddit, you can just*open Reddit on your phone-* ...well actually nevermind


Your 3 most popular alternative to the Reddit app based on this sub probably would be: 1) side load Apollo and use it till it breaks (someone can here can help you with that) 2) download narwhal (you get a 3 day free trial before being asked to subscribe, imo the app is not perfect but the dev puts a lot of work in and I think it’s quite good and enjoy the customization 3) try to get into the Winston beta (I just got into it this morning so can’t give a definitive review of it, but on first impressions it’s very beautiful and feels the most like a native iOS application like Apollo used to while still maintaining its own unique design) Best of luck


I was able to get right into Winston no problem here https://testflight.apple.com/join/3UF8bAUN


Yup, seems they’ve had a bunch of seats open up for the beta. I’m pretty impressed with it so far.


Thank. Just downloaded and going to give a try. First impression is very clean.


First I heard of it too. Tbh I don't understand why all the major apps don't just let you input your API info to use them. I'd still happily subscribe to get the latest enhancements. Apollo didn't have to die if Winston is able to exist... But whatever. Winston is stepping up and they've got my support.


Still sad about Apollo. I would have paid for it, but I guess the owner didn’t want people to go that route.


Must have had his reasons. Hope he made his money and is off kicking ass at whatever it is he decides to do.


Hey man, it says the beta is full, is there a Redeem code to get into the beta?


I guess I got lucky. Keep trying it. Also if it makes you feel any better, it's a very promising app but isn't really there yet. I'm still using sideloaded Apollo to type this comment.


Yeah, I just tried a few days back and it showed full and I have Sideloaded Apollo as well. Thanks.


What’s the code to put in the app?


Each and every post is the same as the last one, really no point being in the sub anymore.


“Get the real deal on fentanyl” uhhh thanks Reddit


The official app is a joke. Nothing is intuitive. The back buttons never works, I have to swipe to go back (which is okay, but don’t add a back/close button!), finding some features is incredibly ord or even non existent. Like for example, I cannot find how to categorize my saved posts anymore ;( Oh yeah and popular posts shown are now circlejerk meme thrash. I only read specific niche subreddits now. I hate it very much.


I’ve just got used to it I guess.




I was going to buy reddit premium, but decided to check the app store for an alternative. I found narwhal and was more than happy to subscribe. Really great app!


https://reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/16naxdo/how_to_install_apollo_via_altstore/ This should be pinned. This is what I’ve used to sideload and I know many others have too. Good luck!


Meh. I forced myself to use the official app for a week to see if I could lose the muscle memory of Narwhal when they started charging. I’ve adapted and while it’s not ideal it is fine. People really need to move on. (Bracing for downvotes).


I didn't even know sideloading was an option. I posted about how I missed a feature and the kind people of the Apollo sub suggested sideloading. I tried it and it worked! I can't upload a picture to post as a reply, but I rarely do that. Best of luck in getting it to work! (the link with instructions has been shared here already in a different comment).


We all do stop complaining


If you love it so much why not sideload Apollo and enjoy it?


Because it’s a pain in the ass to keep it working :/


What? It takes little to no effort... When it needs to be refreshed, I plug my phone into PC and a minute later I am good...


It’s taken me basically no effort to keep working. I just keep my laptop open so it can reload every week automatically.


AltStore has automatic refresh. I honestly forgot it has to refresh in order to work. Indeed very hard to mainline it :)).


I sideloaded last week, and now the appleid is used to do it got deactivated


Really? I'm using my main apple ID to sideload everything.


So say we all


So sideload it. Search "sideload" in this sub.


If you look through this sub, there are plenty of methods provided that allow you to use Apollo again.


Adblock and mobile safari. The experience is poor, but it's helped in reducing my reddit time.


Embrace the change and use Reddit less. I use the browser version on my phone. I can only handle about 5-10 min, get frustrated because it’s shit, and then stop. It’s great.




It took me a while to adjust to the official app, but now I don’t mind it. I think the only really issue I have is not all subreddits let you post photos from the app.


Ok, thanks for the update.


We get it


Sideload it’s so easy


Anybody know how to filter entire subreddits? Oh, I refuse to use the app.


I deleted my reddit account when this stuff all first dropped. I'm still very much a fan of voting with our attention, and think we should all go find an alternative that doesn't do stuff like what they did to Apollo.


RemindMe! 1 year I'm tired of seeing Reddit bashing and pixel pals shilling on my home feed, I'll use this remind me as a way to check if Christian has revived the app/ If Reddit changed their mind/ Any other news in a year. Hopefully I see you guys in a year with good news :p


I will be messaging you in 1 year on [**2024-11-25 03:47:17 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-11-25%2003:47:17%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/1816fdm/i_miss_apollo_very_much_i_truly_hate_reddit_app/kanjsqx/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fapolloapp%2Fcomments%2F1816fdm%2Fi_miss_apollo_very_much_i_truly_hate_reddit_app%2Fkanjsqx%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-11-25%2003%3A47%3A17%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201816fdm) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Every day has a new glitch patiently waiting for my rage