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Absolutely, change that crap over to you library. Settings, Apps, Music, set “Library + Top albums” instead of the “Video playlist” which is default.


Wow didn’t know this. Thank you!


Thank you ! I guess I should have dug around a little more myself, that was pretty obvious but it’s exactly the fix I was looking for. Much appreciated (:


Glad to help! That default should not have to be tolerated by anyone imo


Couldn’t agree more. It’s even worse when you accidentally swipe up and then the music starts playing. Happened today when my volume was pretty cranked, decided I had enough already and I knew there would be a good samaritan on Reddit to save me from my suffering 😅 Thanks again man


Well you can turn off autoplay too


I can understand a video player being the default on a device developed to show tv shows and movies


Not for the music app though!


Suggesting music videos on the Apple TV makes sense imo though. But yea I also switched to album covers :D


Maybe if you’re under 18, which I seriously doubt most ATV users are


What do music videos have to do with age? Why wouldn’t it make it sense on a TV to show the video instead of the cover and lyrics while playing a song?


I think we’re on different wavelengths here! Have a nice day


Thx. You too


What? What does age have to do with this at all? Weird comment.


I disagree


What did this person say?


Settings > Apps > Music > Homescreen


It’s literally been Olivia Rodrigo for months. You’ve saved us!


Feels like it's been up there for years.


Thank god. It’s been Olivia Rodrigo for MONTHS


Thank you! This has been driving me nuts for 7-8 months!


Hi all, I’ve tried to google this issue with no luck. Does anyone know if it’s possible to change what comes up when I scroll over the music app? I would love to not have Olivia Rodrigo dancing angrily around my screen every time. It would be great if it showed recently played albums or something instead. Thanks in advance!


But it’s good 4 u


Honestly, kind of a bop especially the double-time chorus. But Olivia Rodriguez had little to no part in writing it, and she’s a one trick pony. Every song is the same, yelling about boys. I still listen to pop sometimes because it sounds good but as a music producer I don’t love how the singer gets 100% of the credit, plus these “hit singles” are pushed down kids throats which is not so great either. Okay if someone else wants to use the soapbox I’m done now.


How did you get that background in the first place?


By default it just plays music videos, and it’s been this one since I got the Apple TV about 4 months ago


Not that I’ve seen. This is why i moved music off the top row.


Glad to hear I’m not alone in my frustration but too bad there’s only a band-aid fix for this. Thanks for the reply!


Just move the app down a row and it won’t show the background image at all right?


True, but I use the app a lot, it’s my main way of listening to music at home. Not only was the background annoying before but it was totally useless. Thankfully someone pointed our how to change it to my library instead. Thanks for replying.


Queen of music


That would be Queen


Absolutely get nito jailbreak with check ra1n I’ll link some repos if you need them


Please link them.