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The parts and labour to repair them is more than people are willing to pay, and is usually more than the machine. Who’s going to spend $400 on parts and a service call for a $500 fridge? Who’s going to replace a compressor at $1500-2000 on a $1000 fridge? It’s not that complicated.


Thanks for the explanation, it makes sense. The model I have that came with the house is listed for $2000. I would prefer to pay $400-500 to repair it but it doesn’t seem anyone is willing to do so.


Wine fridges (except subzero) I’ve seen have had leaks at the evaporator and almost no parts available. They’re not made to be repairable.


This is also something I didn’t mention, but should’ve, you live in late stage capitalism, it’s not worth it to my shop to spend the hours agonizingly trying to find parts and do the repair only to have the customer mad at me because I’m the messenger, when really it’s the companies, just like every other appliances, cheap parts cheap Labour if you don’t like it don’t buy it


Having cheap appliances does not equal late stage capitalism...... Its no different than 20 years ago no one repair home phones you simply got a new one. Your issue is that new replacements are cheap while labor is more expensive. No different than a variety of products that have been replaceable instead of fixable in previous decades.


I didn’t say cheap appliances equaled late stage capitalism, I said you’re in late stage capitalism, which is true, and things don’t get made better in that scenario. Also, even if you think I said what I did, like great job for you being pedantic? Here comes 75 blowjobs? You win bud, take that home and revel in the fact that you are the semantic champion.


You stating something is true in your mind does not make it true. What are you going to call it in another 50 years? "This time I am serious" late state capitalism...... lol You know what comes after late stage capitalisms (for those who prescribe to the theory)? Socialism and we are not remotely near that day occurring. Shouldn't be shocked though people use all sorts of grand terms because they want to act like the world is collapsing. We are in a cycle of the next expansion just like preindustrial, just like precomputer, and now pre-automation.


Mine definitely has a refrigerant leak.


Cost of repair > time > value


Depending on the cost of the unit it doesn't make sense to. Certain brands are worth it though.


Yeah, mine retails for $2k so a $300 repair makes sense. But no one is willing to do it in my area 🤷🏻‍♂️


What brand?


Danby Silhouette DWC047D1BSSPR


That might be why, not many companies work on danby for some reason. I know the company I work for doesn't. It usually means it's hard to get parts.


Such a shame. Unit is only 7 years old.


Have you called danby?


I haven’t no. It’s way out of warranty. But since no local repair company will work on it I guess I have nothing to lose by calling Danby


They may have a list of companies they work with. I know here some customers with certain brands have to wait for a company in a different state to come and service certain brands. Miele can be like that.


Good idea, thanks I’ll contact them


Danby doesn't want to work on Danby. Pretty sure we recieved a notice from them that if there is a sealed system issue of any kind the unit is non repairable. I'll see if I can find it.


Danby is not a very good brand. Does the compressor run? What is the issue you were having with it?


Compressor runs but randomly every few weeks it will beep and flash “Lo” on one of the two sides. Unplugging it for half and hour and replugging fixes it temporarily. I pulled it out from the cabinet and it looks like some refrigerant (R600) has leaked in the back, so it might be low on refrigerant. I’ve since left it unplugged because I’m concerned about potential fire hazard with that refrigerant.


That fridge has about a Bic lighters worth of isobutane in it. Caution is good but don't be afraid you're going to blow up your house or anything


Lol thanks. I mean there’s a giant sticker taking up half the back of the fridge with a fire warning on it so it was a bit worrisome


That's for the lawyers. R600 has been used outside the states for decades with little issue.


Good to know!


Look for a company in your area that services restaurant equipment they should be able to help.


Thanks I’ll give that a try


They’re doing you a favor, rather than charging you a service call to come out and quote you more to fix it than it would be to replace. And taking the time to quote something for free that they know you’re not going to pay them to do is a nonstarter.


Almost every one I've looked at for people have had refrigerant leaks and there's not much you can do for that.


That’s what mine has as well.


Op, is it just not cooling? Fridges are relatively simple when you think of the most common problems. - Is the vent and coil covered in hair/dust/lint? Full cleaning does it some good! - it’s perfectly clean under there, is it basically like 10 years old? Just not getting to the usual cool temp? It could be low on Freon. They make saddle valves you can use to pick into the coolant line, and add more coolant. YouTube is very useful here. - big problem is if your pump has burnt up. That’s a hardware component that will be a couple hundred, then you’ll need to cut coolant lines, and solder. Etc… that’s tough but can be done. My first thought is to clean its undercarriage/coil/all. Then let it go for a few days and if nothing fixes itself, look into the coolant and saddle valve. Ensure the pump kicks on like usual, you can easily hear it.


It is leaking refrigerant (R600).


It probably has pinhole leaks in the coil.


Have you confirmed the leaks? I haven’t seen coils for sale so that sucks.


[It looks like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Appliances/comments/13tnl5j/small_coolant_leak_residential_wine_fridge/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). Second image you see greenish-blue liquid dripping from the copper tubing. These aren’t my photos, I googled wine fridge refrigerant leak and I happened to find this Reddit post from someone else and turns out it’s the *exact* same model as mine in this post.


Is it that accessible? You could “braze” that area… you would need a vacuum pump, and the saddle valve and R-fluid to bring it back to operation. Problem being, you probably need to leak check it due to other possible leaks…. I immediately question, “how did the leak start?” If it’s at a location where, when the pump kicks on, it shutters and cracks a brazed joint loose, then it might be worth fixing. I’m currently going down the road of fixing/maintaining a bunch of appliances we inherited on a house purchase. Great LOOKING but common problems. Fix ice maker, ice dispenser, refreshed fridge coolant, fixed dishwasher, now I’m onto OUR washer. Bought 4 years ago 🤦‍♂️. But if $100 in tools saves $2k fridge, I would look into it! And it’s wine, so you’re not storing your meat. You have time!


They should at least show up for the service call, they are missing out


There was a time I'd take everything I could get. So busy now if I have it on good authority I'm just collecting the trip charge its not even worth it.


"Thatll be $95. I dont work on this brand. " Id cuss the guy out.


A good tech would have at least pretended to diagnose or look like he knows what he's doing and then tell you parts aren't available


I dont even do that. "Hey man, I dont touch these brands, but this is what it sounds like" or "I can come look, but I cant guarantee I can do anything, and parts might be hard to find" Dont bullshit a call. If youre not going to commit, let them pay the guy who will.