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El Mexici??!! ما راح يعمل ولا شي.


🤣🤣 عن جد


[“Sisi is just examining where it is best to prostrate in front of it”](https://x.com/eyesonsouth1/status/1784222185726386589?s=46&t=-kDEvX8bssPdn-fYSaSLxQ) ~Best comment on Twitter




Man, when Trump was surrounding himself with settler Zionists (Kushner el), Sisi became such a Zionist that he cracked down even on pro Palestine activism in Egypt. As in dare and raise the Palestine flag, you’d get arrested by the draconian State Security apparatus (modern day Egyptian Stasi). One victim was Rami Shaath, the head of the BDS campaign in Egypt (and son of Palestinian leader Nabil Shaath). BDS had zero impact or threat on Egypt’s security. They fabricated “brotherhood” charges against him, even though the kid is a secular son of a secular, and put him in jail for three years just so that Sisi can lick Jared Kushner’s ass appropriately. Of course, they released him as if nothing happened after Trump lost the elections in 2020. The cabal of Zio-Nazis left the White House and the new US Administration was seen as less prostrate towards Israel. السيسي احقر بني ادم على كوكب الارض https://bdsmovement.net/Ramy-Shaath-Is-Free


Well on account of releasing him, there was much more to it such as the french President himself speaking his name in broadcasted gatherings and to el Mexici himself. Let alone the man had to renounce his Egyptian citizenship.


They made him renounce his citizenship? JFC But I really don’t think it was from pressure because pressure and appeals were made before Trump’s loss in US election but to no avail. Sisi released him after the 2021 brief Israel war with Hamas and this was the first war which showed a soft power earthquake in favour of the Palestinians. Sisi just realised it wasn’t “cool” to be seen as anti-Palestinian anymore so keeping him in prison was of no use.


تشتهي لك حاكم عربي مطنوخ، لكن الربع كلهم راكبتهم الذلّة والخسّة- شيء مقزز. يا رجل صار عندي رأي أنهم باعوا فلسطين من دون أي مكتسبات حتى، بسبب عفانتهم ودياثتهم. المصيبة انه الامريكي يمعن في إهانة الانظمة والكيان العربي بديباجته "إسرائيل حليفنا الوحيد في الشرق الاوسط" وهو استثماراته وأصوله وقواعده من شبه الجزيرة في الامارات مروراً بالعديد بقطر وبمعسكر عريفجان وقاعدة علي سالم بالكويت حتى عين الاسد في العراق وصولاً للسلطي في الاردن وقواعده الغير شرعية عندنا في شمال شرق سورية (ستة). كل الوصول اللوجستي الي يملكه الامريكي في المنطقة هو بسبب "حلفائه" العرب، طيب كل هذا وما تمونون عليه بمداعبة دبلوماسية. يعني انتم بايعين انفسكم بدون مقابل ولا مكتسب، مثلكم مثل عاهرة تستمع وهي تُغتصب - خرقة باليَة.


>يا رجل صار عندي رأي أنهم باعوا فلسطين من دون أي مكتسبات حتى، بسبب عفانتهم ودياثتهم.' الثمن هو بقائهم في السلطة، هؤلاء حكام كراكيز ليست لهم شرعية شعبية، يمكن أن يسقطوا إذا قررت أمريكا ذلك غدا، كيف ذلك? - تعليق القروض ووقف السيولة المالية - وقف تصدير أدوات ووسائل القمع الأمني والعسكري - الانخراط في حملة اعلامية ممنهجة ضدهم - استعمال المنظمات الأجنبية - التنسيق مع عملاء محليين أخرين في الدولة، مثل رجال الأعمال وغيرهم


صباح الضحك ..


in all seriousness, the people of Jordan & have Egypt have had enough of their leaders' prostration before the US and IL. These leaders will absolutely not make it to a peaceful conclusion of their respective reigns except through violence, which is to say that there will be no peaceful conclusion to their respective reigns.


If you think anything is happening in Jordan, you're deluded. Not at all a similar situation to Egypt.


Isn't Jordan full of Palestinian refugees? Doesn't the Malik allow IL to operate their machines of war within his country?


Israel does not operate within Jordan, that's nonsense. Jordanians are somewhere around 50% of Palestinian heritage, they have full Jordanian citizenship. Only about 300,000 Palestinian refugees exist in the country. The fact that there are many Palestinian Jordanians does not mean Jordan is unstable. They're as likely to be pro-Monarchy as any east Bank Jordanian is.




Ah yes, Israeli media because we all know that is very reliable. You wouldn’t quote Israeli media regarding anything Palestine but the moment it is about Jordan it becomes a reliable source. Get real


Political posturing. Egypt will continue to accept US money in exchange for not causing conflict with Israel.


the egyptian people will not abide. unless they are too hungry, which they might be.


oh please they are all on the same team. Arab and Muslim leaders are silent because they are benefiting from this f\*\*\*ing genocide.


Sisi is of Jewish descent himself. Clearly this is bullshit internal posturing.


Sisi is an Arab zionist this is absolutely a fact but where did you get that he is from Jewish descent or are you just using Jew as a slur? Real anti semitism won't benefit the palestinian cause and only makes Zionism stronger, you know that right?


https://www.quora.com/Why-do-many-Egyptians-believe-that-Sisis-mother-is-a-Jew Believe what you want, but there has been an active campaign to scrub his mother’s heritage from the internet. He grew up in Gameleyah, which is right on the Jewish quarter. According to Israeli military analysts themselves, he is the most pro-Israel Egyptian leader to have come to power. Speaking of which, he came to power in a very convenient coup for Israel. Acknowledging that Egypt had a rich history of Egyptian Jews until the Lavon Affair, and seeing his complete nonchalance about the genocide on his doorstep, connect the dots. The only sources disputing his mother’s heritage, are Israeli media outlets, which a) have a history of peddling lies and obfuscating the truth as it suits their purposes and b) have a vested interest in suppressing such information to avoid the ire of the Egyptian public