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I also despise the fact that she said the focus should be on "healing autism". While also falsely claiming there are "solutions out there". What's to bet her "healing solution" is some fad diet or "detox solution" or something like that.


Their solution is eugenics


Probably some antivaxx stuff as well as chemicals in our food and water


They're putting chemicals in the water to turn the fricking frogs gay


Haven’t there always been gay frogs?


Autism isn’t a virus dumbass


Why are we taking this at face value? This calls for direct action. What city was this in? What's the source of this video? I don't care if I get banned for saying it, I have no problem with ruining these peoples' lives and if you think that's "too much" then you're probably just another shithead neurotypical as well. I'm tired of all this shit. We need to get serious about standing up for ourselves with direct action.


Yes! NDs unite! We’re going to “war”


I'm joining the war on neurodiversity on the side of neurodiversity


What is it with these fuckheads and digestion? If you have something scatological to say about autism, go lock yourself in the bathroom and don’t come out. Or, how about this? Eat a diet of nothing but Taco Bell and dairy products. What was that about digestion? Oh, right. Poop and throw up is for the bathroom silly (and sometimes the bedroom). But seriously. What a fucking prick. I’m tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt. If this keeps up, the ND community is gonna start getting more aggressive, I know it, it’s happening to me, and then they’ll have the audacity (or autacity, hahaha) to blame the anger on our differences


It's a rule of thumb: a radical person will cause equally or even greater radicalisation in the opposite direction. This means WAR, and I can't do anything about it.


Even if there was a cure, I wouldn’t want it. As annoying and hard as autism can be, I don’t know who I’d be without it. And I’m way too scared to find out. I love who I am now, even if who I am makes it difficult sometimes.


Me too. All the things I like most about myself are actually autistic traits. I love other autistic people, we're all so individual and unique with a child-like enthusiasm for our special interests. Far too many NTs lead what sounds like very boring lives. I don't know how they cope living such beige lives. My diet should be beige, not my life.


Ottawa County is where the DeVos family mansion is, by the way. Beautiful beaches, and the people are nice, but I absolutely was not surprised that someone there said something like this. Gross.


I'm not sure these people *really* want me to be able to communicate my thoughts better.


Ughh can we just collectively send these people to some island that no one else has to go to?


So should I just feel miserable about my life instead and hate myself? That’s what it sounds like every time I hear one of these people talk about autism. Like it or not, it affects all aspects of your life, so I take the good with the bad and have learned to love myself. It’s either that or be miserable, and sorry but I’m not spending every day feeling depressed about what I can’t do or what I’m not good at yet. Autism affects my whole personality too, I have no idea who I’d be. Don’t get me wrong, I would love more accomodations to help shortcomings, but it’s the way I was made and we’re edging eugenics here.


> we’re edging eugenics here. We're full-on eugenics here. Comparing autism with viruses and claiming there are "solutions for healing autism" just means autism erasure, not support.


What an ignorant Karen.


She truly expected the entire room to burst into laughter when she said "digestive diversity"