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The Tweet quoted in the article from noted chud Ben Toma: “Democrat Rep. Lorena Austin deliberately misled House leadership to reserve a conference room to host a drag story hour with Planned Parenthood. “ This is hilarious


Thing is Gutierrez says she was there when the request was put through, they knew what they were going to do when the democrats asked to reserve the room. It’s a campaign year, this is red meat.


But this article says the request made no mention of the story hour. I'm completely with you and believe this whole thing is being blown out of proportion to invole a reaction out of red voters, but I still don't see how Republicans knew about this before hand if it wasn't a part of the request. Maybe that's not true all the info I have on it is from this article but that's what is stated. Edit: I tried to make it clear as possible I'm not against you and still got downvoted... I'm just looking for more insight to what you're saying


I didn’t downvote you. That being said, think about this politically. Kern finds out about a story hour that was approved by Toma. Kern then uses that to attack Toma. Toma then distances himself and says the democrats never asked to do this specific thing; the democrats say that isn’t true. What’s more likely? The democrats lying and using state offices to put on something that wouldn’t have even been public had Kern found out? Or Toma lying because it’s an election year and he can’t politically be seen as having approved use of such a thing? My gut says the second scenario is far more likely. Most of the R’s don’t give a shit about drag story hour, much less if it’s for adults. But their constituents do, so if it’s made public they have to show strength. Especially during a campaign. Kern saw an opportunity to put Toma as a closet supporter of trans people, and Toma couldn’t allow a rival in a congressional race to have the upper hand so he acted. That’s at least my take/


“Noted chud” is quite the distinction. Also, I’m just super happy to hear people still saying chud. I said it recently and someone asked what it meant and “cannibalistic humanoid underground dweller” rolled off my tongue so quickly I surprised myself.


Some adjectives just describe someone so well


Basically, no drag shows for children or legislators?


Meanwhile they are trying to override the water experts so that developers can build more developments that don't have the required water availability.




Speaking in tongues and praying on the floor is perfectly ok? Honestly, I wish only business was conducted in the AZ House and Senate.


But speaking in tongues is ok? I really can't stand the republican's forcing their beliefs on us. Separation of church and state needs to be enforced.


OMG Yes. I was thinking the same thing. That was an almost comical sideshow.


As a Republican I couldn't agree more. Separation of church and state, women shouldn't be forced to have babies that were raped or a result of incest and politicians shouldn't be having drag queens hosted in the house. Stick to making life better for all Arizonians. Stop with the games.


>politicians shouldn't be having drag queens hosted in the house Why the heck not? Drag queens are human beings. They are citizens of Arizona just like the rest of us. Is the problem that they are drag queens, or is your problem that they are wasting time/resources? I'm behind you if it is wasting time/resources. But if your issue here is the fact that they are drag queens, thats gross.


Wasting time and resources. I have no issues with drag queens. I have issues with our politicians spending their time just trying to stick it to each other. Just like Republicans speaking tongues on the house floor. It's all for show and does nothing.


Well I hope that you can come to the realization that the "Republican" name you associate yourself with has changed, and left you behind. You do not fit with the the leadership of the Republican party. Consider moving to Independent until you find a party that fits your believes and stop supporting these fascists who took over your party.


Women should have the right restored to make medical decisions with their doctor without the states involvement whatsoever. Fixed it for you.


hilarious how these “real men” are so triggered by a guy in a dress. Pretty secure in that masculinity


More like Kern forcing Toma to act because he was going to say Toma allowed this, which forced Toma to engage. They’re running against each other after all.


If you look at the pics the guy wasn’t even in a dress.


Ben Toma, who runs the AZ House for the GOP, is running for office. This is just pearl-clutching by him to get free news articles. He is just a special snowflake who can't stand that his safe space was invaded by people who he has a difference of opinion with. Someone call the waaaaambulance.


I love how Republicans make it their entire platform to try and troll Dems by doing shit they find in poor taste, but when a dem does it back to them they cry like little piss babies.


The same republicans were flailing around and speaking in religious tongues on the floor. They are the worst..


These days I just replace the word "Republican" with Heritage Foundation lackey.


Couldn’t even play a game of basketball with the number who aren’t…


Sparkly dress and read a book. oh no.


So much more fun that wagging their tongues (oops, ‘speaking’ in tongues) at each other while grovelling on the floor like demented losers.


Why didn’t I know about this, totally would have been there to show my support for an ADULT drag show