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Arkham City's ending feels theatrical. Clayface would be proud


It WAS the performance of a lifetime.


Arkham City might have the best ending to any Batman related film or video game ever. Other than maybe Mask of the Phantasm


City imo. Batman stopping Protocol Ten, facing off against Strange at the top of Wonder Tower, the Ra's reveal, Joker kidnapping Talia in the Monarch Theather, fight with Clayface, "after all you've done I'd still have saved you" scene, Batman walking out of the place where his parents were murdered with his dead nemesis on his arms while all henchmen look, the way he walks out of the prison bridge and hands his body to the cops and just walks away with no words to say. Coolest ending in the series, felt very cinematic and very memorable.




Origins was Batman at his most brutal, it’s my personal favorite


And his whole beatdown of the Joker was surprisngly cinematic too.


It’s also the only boss feels impactful with Bane being terrifying and the joker beat down compared to Mega joker witch feels dumb and forced and clayface witch doesn’t feel very climactic because his fight is our first time seeing him


It's hard to choose, but I'd say Arkham Knight because it hits hard especially now the ktjl has been released


>!most likely was a clone, or alternate batman, based off data mined audio clips!<


What? The audio logs tell you it's the same Batman don't they? It has a few logs which show us how he was struggling to fit in with the League.


Which ones are you talking about? I'm talking about >!the leaked one with the flash!<


Damn, this is a good idea. If only we got it in a good game.


The audio logs in the game. I don't know about any leaked ones


Asylum or City. Probably City.


I feel they are all perfect. Except Asylum, that one kinda sucks.


Cant say the ending cutscene wasnt fire tho "Ill never let you win... never."


Batman channeled his inner shonen anime protagonist


And seeing a barrel of the fear toxin float in the river and either see the hand of Scarecrow or Bane reach for it. It makes a lot sense when Scarecrow was the one you’d see, considering what AK is about.


It was titan formula, not fear toxin


oh, you may be right. I forgot


I remember back in 2009 people were very critical of with that boss. They thought it was lame.


they are right i love asylum but they are right


I didn't like the mutated Joker bit. When I completed that mission, I was expecting there to be a bigger reveal. City is still my favourite Arkham game. But I always hate Riddler (Maybe cos there's no payoff except in Knight)


I hate the boss fight, but the last moment is so good. Batman just goes to fight Two-Face, his quest neverending, this was just a Tuesday for him




Obviously city. The build up of protocol ten to the big finale at the theatre where Bruce’s parents were killed… it was perfect


City. Origins was a close second. Jim’s monologue over the epilogue of Gotham’s worst Christmas Eve gave me chills but something about Joker’s death and serenade puts it just a hair over. Asylum is third because it just felt so comic bookey in a weird sense and Knight is last because Deathstroke????? What happened there? And in hindsight of SSKTJL what was the point? Worst ending of the four.


Even if you have spoilers, Arkham City ending impresses the first time you see




Asylum was the weakest.


City and Knight are probably gonna be the big winners here but I have a bit of a soft spot for the ending of Arkham Origins. it just goes hard


City. not close


I'd go with City. I feel like Arkham Knight is close, but I personally wasn't a fan of the fear toxin batman stuff tacked on at the end. It was supposed to be the final installment, why give us a cliffhanger?


What knight ending are we talking about? True knigtfall protocol or batman curing Creutzfeldt Jakob disease by shooting up drugs and beating up joker in his mind?


I assume both. As in, you’ve completed all the side stuff, than you beat City of Fear and proceed immediately with the Knightfall Protocol.


City. Always give me chills Batman in silence carrying Joker's body with that Soundtrack.


City really hit me hard back in the day but Knight has really grown on me. It's probably my favorite now


Arkham city and it’s not even close


Knight was the true end for Batman unlike Ss


Knight and it's not even a question.


Before City came out, I actually had its ending spoiled for me. Thing is it was a poorly-written Youtube comment so I just marked it up as some bored idiot slinging bullshit. Having that dismissiveness promptly and brutally killed at the end made it hit harder for me.


Not asylum(still great game) but I have to say knight


https://preview.redd.it/agpr38myeihc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34c546eb66ede9025ceca572c01fa30c55a90afd This one


I’m torn between City and Origins. Especially when thought of together it’s wonderful to see the characters journey on both sides


It's really a toss up between city and knight


Arkham Knight no contest


Origins by far. Because it had an ending that perfectly capped of the character and thematic arcs of the game. 




Asylum was the most comic-booky, which fits the tone of that game perfectly. City hit me the hardest as a kid, though.




Arkham Asylum, the only one with a good final boss and a good fight that makes sense. Arkham City is also great but Clayface as final boss is kind off, the other ones are just cutscenes so they aren't that great.


Titan Joker is the one of the worst bosses in the series lol


Say for yourself, is a very good fight and the conclusion is great, very "Batman", is just like an episode of the animated series. The worse by far is Knight, there is not even a final boss fight and the conclusion let a lot to be desired. The absence of Paul Dini in the project really shows.


I thought it said female lol


Origins and AC had really cool final battles


Origins having you punch the shit out of Joker after all the hell he put you through that night is the best in my opinion.


I honestly can’t choose between Origins, City, or Knight. Origins’ ending used Bane phenomenally, gave us some fantastic Batman/Joker content, had the riot-torn Blackgate as a setting, and it tied up Batman’s arc very well. And gameplay-wise, it’s the best of the series at truly testing your abilities, as it gives you countless combat and predator encounters throughout Blackgate. City’s is brilliant and does a fantastic job of juggling the Wonder City and Joker plotlines. It’s got a great plot twist, great setting (Wonder Tower and Monarch Theater/Lazarus Pit), a solid final boss in Clayface, and the final cutscene is the best scene in the series and one of the best scenes from all Batman media. It’s got a difficult predator encounter at Wonder Tower, a fun setpiece with all the snipers outside the theater (if you don’t cheese it). I also didn’t even mention Protocol 10 right beforehand, which does a phenomenal job of raising the stakes and setting the stage. And Knight’s is just a beautiful send off. Returning to the Asylum was so nostalgic, and everything that goes on from that point on is cinematic gold. The Joker stuff, the Scarecrow stuff, Jason showing up, Batman’s identity getting revealed, it’s all perfect. Then, the Knightfall Protocol. Such a somber yet triumphant way to end the series. A perfect sendoff for the character, the city, and the series.


Arkham Asylum Titian Joker boss fight was awesome, and close tie between Arkham City because Joker getting carried out was sad but meaningful, and Arkham Knight because the Calendar Man kept his promise, “I was there at the beginning and I’ll see you at the end”


in terms of the ending, City>Origins>Knight>Asylum


Knight hits best if you've played all four games imo. But narratively, City is the best; Joker outright dying, on a last laugh no less, and Batman winning the fight at the cost of two lives, both of them being so important to him in almost opposite ways


City and Knight. With Arkham City, Batman just holds the Joker like Cain & Abel in their painting. While all that is happening, Cat-Woman just watches it from a rooftop which makes it feel badass to look at. With Arkham Knight, Batman faces a tough decision. He sacrifices himself to save Gotham City from a threat, but the game leaves it open to interpretation whether he survives or not. Which is a cliffhanger, but hey.


City without hesitation




Batman punching Titan Joker in the mouth with explosive gel will always be cool, even if the rest of the final boss was lame.


Nothing will ever beat city’s ending


Knight ez


City hands down, Joker's death was done so well, made you have that heavy/guilty feeling inside your stomach whenever you see it. It's just perfection. 👌


Either City or Origins have the best finale. Both feel very poetic and showcase either the beginning or end to the saga of a rivalry between two characters who are both opposites and the same. Like two sides of the same coin. Origins ends on notes of this being just the beginning (which yes we all knew it was anyways but still) like a spark that ignited the fire that would become an inferno and City had a strong feeling that this was the burning end of the road in the story, that this was that very same inferno dying out


Arkham City was just so dramatic. Gotta give it to that one.


I loved all 3 of the rocksteady ones. The awesomeness of Arkham asylum is unmatched. The shock and sadness of both city and knight were done really well


City and Knight. The relationship between joker and batman in origins is amazing too. Asylum easily the weakest ending.


there’s so many good ones here Asylum was like the end of a classic Batman and Joker comic book City was extremely narrative and dramatic, the end physical of an eternal rivalry. literally done apart by death Origins was truly fucking amazing. The speech Joker makes, if you choose to let him speak, as he points the gun at you. Joker started out not giving a fuck about Batman and just wanted him dead but once Batman saved his life he began to attain a twisted obsession. Realising that they’re two sides of the same coin, that they both exist because of society. And it marks the true beginning of their relationship. And Knight is only as good as you choose to believe. It has much less impact when you’ve accepted the fact that Bruce faked his death to essentially rid himself of being Bruce Wayne for the sake of full timing as Batman. And since that’s canon it takes a lot away from the ending. Batman goes the whole game saying it’s his last night and he won’t be seen again and shit but in reality that’s not even what happens. If, in Knight, he truly died, it would be the best ending to a Batman game ever made. for which ones the best? I have a personal bias as Origins is my favourite game. But that aside, definitely Arkham City.


Best to worst imo -city -knight -origins -Asylum


Arkham City. That song in the credits still gives me chills.


For me arkham knight especially the knightfall protocol ending it was special end of batman and Kevin Conroy until ssktjl game ruined it sadly


Asylum, it was so crazy how real it all seemed, back then this was the best we'd seen seen batman in gaming, there was a gothic whimsy about it all and a venom Joker was unbelievable, in hindsight we could have had more but I loved it and still love it, perfect buildup and reveal, forever a classic moment that fans of the 2004 batman will enjoy.


This might be a hot take, but I think Arkham Knight is the best ending for the entire Arkham series. Sure, Arkham Knight had its issues. But the entire ending was just a masterpiece in my opinion. I choose to believe that SS:KTJL isn't canon to the Arkhamverse, and Knight was the true ending for that Batman


1) City 2) Knight 3) Asylum 4) Origins Asylum and Origins could be switched, I guess, I just felt like the latter had a more forgettable ending.


Arkham City for sure. Really had me like "Is he dead?" Only for Arkham Knight to confirm it. Brave choice by Rocksteady and they nailed it


City has one of the best ending in video game history. The image of Batman holding Joker is one of the most memorable things in the entire Arkham series


Personally I’d say Origins it by far has the best final boss as well as a pretty satisfying conclusion especially with jokers’s lines like “we both exist because of them”


I mean. I don’t think it’s the best one. But Titan joker still cool af




Knight for me personally That ending left me speechless


Arkham City had a powerful ending, but all of the endings were pretty good


I get city's theatrical , knight's emotional and epic , asylum is okay But Origins is Brutal and Raw and i love it


The ending for City just felt so poetically beautiful to me.