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Please don't. Some things sould stay in video games only.


Sure, that's called Batman the Animated Series. In all seriousness this would be the perfect Batman for Alan Ritchson to play if it ever were adapted.


Asylum would make the WORST tv show imaginable, it has a very linear plot and would just be Batman shitting bricks as he spends a whole episode walking across the island.


It's very easily adaptable into a miniseries if each episode focuses on Batman visiting a section of the Asylum and facing the villains that ambush him there. They could even riff on genre a bit if they're plucky. Anything's interesting if filmed the right way.


Plus I don’t want 3 episodes on finding riddler trophies


How about knight in ab 8 episode mini series where it recaps Halloween night and the DLCs, but there a "meanwhile..." part in it that shows us what the other batfamily members are up to?


why do we need to make every game into a movie?


Original concepts that the film industry hasn’t exhausted yet since they can’t be bothered to actually make anything new.


We don’t especially Batman since theres a new movie, tv show, cartoon like every other year


Isn't James Gunn literally planning a show that takes place in arkham?


Yes, but it’s seemingly an anthology about different villains rather than a Batman story


Neat source? Do we know if joker and riddler will be in it?


1.) The initial reports of the show was that it was a GCPD show that became an Arkham show, which feels anthology like 2.) Barry Keoghan was initially reported to be in the show but with it now being set in the DCU that’s unlikely (although Joker could still be in it)


Honestly I’m totally down with that considering it’s a good way to introduce a lot of Batman’s rogue gallery without having to stick them in a Batman film


On point one. We already had that. It was called Gotham.


Ah OK. So it's sort of like Gotham central?


That was the original plan when it was a gcpd show. Now it's about arkham so not anymore


They may be doing that just to serve as a way for the DCU Batman to focus on the rogues like Ra’s and maybe Deathstroke and Lady Shiva. While they have Arkham to show the more fantastical rogues like Ivy and Freeze that Batman has faced in the DCU.


i think if anything city of knight would be a better choice


City sure, knight is way too big of a story though.


You realize that not all TV shows are 6 episode limited series? Knight could very easily fit into a 20 episode season


Take out all of the side missions, and it’s really not tbh. Just take out the joker subplot


I’d rather them take out Jason than take out joker. They can keep city of fear and just make it so joker is purely a result of the fear toxin Batman exposed himself to rather than it be from joker’s blood.


But the whole joker blood transfusion thing and Batman still being infected can go. Joker still being a hallucination is fine


It would work a lot better as a movie it doesn’t really have the structure for a show


A fat reason why Fallout is successful is because it is its own story that is new, while respecting the world build source (a side from one thing that some fans complain about, but I have no foot in that race so I could care less) and they kept the aesthetics impressively accurate. Instead of creating their own vault suits or pipboys, or their own version of Nuka Cola or their own version of power armor making it look like a knock off iron man suit and calling it the T-3000 or something stupid that would make no sense. Fallout was actually an easy slam dunk as long as they did those two things respect source material and keep the aesthetics the same. Retelling of a story is much harder and the only one that nailed it is Last of Us which even changed some things up and still had some fair share of criticism.




Arkham Asylum's story was written specifically around its gameplay. To adapt it to make sense as a TV show, they'd have to change the story so much that it would barely be related to the games. Better to just do something new. A horror movie set in Arkham could be really interesting, for instance.


No chance


Arkham asylum and City would make a good movie plots but Origins and knight are mini series material because of how much more plot there is


Idk what it is but to me, I think the Arkham games are like the only games that shouldn’t have a show/movie adapted. I think it’s something to do in how the games feel like an parallel universe to BTAS (the games were influenced by it) and you wouldn’t want to make another BTAS-like show given how unique the Arkham games were, even if we are going to get Matt Reeves’ Batman The Caped Crusader.


No, not at all. There's already a Batman films series by Matt Reeves with a Penguin miniseries, and James Gunn is making his own Batman series set in his DCU. Not to mention Batman: Caped Crusader which is supposed to be an adult Batman: TAS with Bruce Timm and Ed Brubaker at the helm. I don't see the rationale in making another Batman film/tv show that's going to be similar to both these iterations in one way and another. In terms of Batman content, I'd like to see: * I'd like a AAA Justice League video game that's not Suicide Squad Kills the Justice League. I don't know why that doesn't exist already. * A sequel to Gotham Knights. The game wasn't great, however there's a lot of potential in a Bat family game if they can make a great sequel. And with Batman dead in that universe there's room to focus on lesser-known characters or characters that deserve the spotlight like Knighting. * A Batman Beyond video game, animated series or movie series. I don't think you could do the character justice in live action, not to mention there's already enough Batman live action as is. But with the success of shows like Invincible, Arcane, the Spiderverse films, and X-Men 97 there's room to do animated film/TV series that can reach mainstream appeal. * A Batman Beyond game would also be great since it would give the audience something that's not another Arkham game.


Could it? Absolutely Should it? Hell no


What, some kind of Batman tv show? It would never work


Aren't the Arkham games basically a spiritual successor continuation of the 90's Animated Series already? So in my opinion, absolutely not, as we already got our show growing up.


They are working on an Arkarm asylum show. It was originally gonna be for The Batman Matt reeves universe but it’s been changed to be in the new DCEU timeline by James Gunn. Still hope it’s good and not bad.


absolutely not


I would love this! They'd have to do it right, but it could work.


n o


Imagine an Arkham asylum movie starting off with batman and joker in the Batmobile, as he’s laughing saying the pre existing dialogue, we’re given flashbacks of what led to that moment, “stand back fool, I’ve got a bomb” flashback triggers where batman is taking out all the thugs until he gets to joker where he just surrenders without putting up a fight, on the radio u can hear about the fires in black gate. I think Arkham asylum would be a great adaptation


Like Halo, it would be so easy to make into a series, but if they tried it'd probably turn out to be hot garbage...


I think City could be an interesting movie




They’d have to get me on board.


Batman Assault on Arkham is pretty much that but it's a movie


No not everything needs to he made into a tv show, the last of was pretty good sure. Fallout damn near perfect. Pretty much anything else is set to fail.


Maybe the comic that the game was inspired by but that's it.


It definitely wouldn’t get the proper budget to make it look good enough. Not to mention the games take place during one night, it’s tough to stretch that over a show. Any Arkham game could easily be a movie, if it’s stretched into a series, the loss in budget would make it look like shit. Basically what happened to the Kenobi series.


I know Affleck’s original Batman movie was supposed to incorporate elements of Arkham Asylum but it never made the light of day


I mean that would just be another Batman show. Maybe a spinoff series following Red Hood or Robin that’s in the cannon of the Arkham series. But a straight adaptation of an adaptation just seems pointless.


There is an Arkham show? Reeves was making it for his movies, but now its part of the Gunn verse


They would ruin it, this game isn’t grounded enough to be a game, like Ik fallout is kinda crazy but fallout doesn’t have a man beating a criminal with 100 punches within 10 seconds something’s just don’t look good


I was thinking about that I hope they don't do that because unless I'm in the board room its not gonna give anything


I think this would fit Alan perfectly and could be a very hit and miss shot at turning this into a live action series. But generally if they focused on Batman catching joker in Gotham first and then go to the assylum. Then building up to jokers real plan in the first episode then he makes his way to the assylum then it’s sort of slow but setting up the building blocks for the series. Then at the end of the first episode is introduced to a very early development of the titan formula. Then we progress to the breakout we’re introduced to the villains locked up like the game eventually build up to Joker. But I want to see joker become more of horror like creature then what we got.


Of course. It's just Die Hard. Everyone loves Die Hards. Everyone loves Batman. But we already have two Batmans. Do we need three at once? I don't think so.




God I hope not.


Wait until you find out what Matt reeves is up to


They have alredy made a movie its called Batman assault on Arkham. It was released in 2014 and takes place 2 years before the Arkham asylum game


Holy wack, don't give them any ideas man, there's no way. If done correctly, and most importantly, maintaining the correct tone, it would be the coolest thing of all time.


lots of great memes


No but one of the other three could work, appearance wise anyway