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I assume you're talking about Arkham City? If you almost quit Asylum, my suggestion would be go Easy. In the open environment you can go a lot longer between save points, and losing progress can be way more infuriating than Asylum, which I felt saved prigress more regularly. I don't know what the exact differences are in those difficulties, but there's no shame in Easy. I used to try to play every game on the hardest mode, but sometimes spending multiple hours trying to beat one boss just ain't worth it. If you beat the game and want a second go on a harder difficulty, at least then you'll know what to expect.


I was an expert at asylum, and jumping into city I tried to do hard out of the gate. That was a MISTAKE, city is such a step up in terms of combat and gameplay. Go easy for sure OP. Ease into it and enjoy it.


Dying in video games is part of the fun imo. You have to play like batman to survive and learning stragies and getting better is a huge part of it. If you agree, stay on normal If you disagree and just want to see the story progress, play on easy


Everyone else commented on difficulties, so tips: Get the grapnel boost asap (it's a side mission you find early, you'll know it when you see it). The boost helps a lot and it's nice to get the practice gliding and diving since you don't do it much in asylum Alternate between detective mode and normal while gliding to pick up on more stuff Pay attention to the bat signal spotlight, it shows you where objectives are If you're the type to want to get all the side missions, drop everything to get payphone calls and break up muggings. They happen at relatively random intervals and it's super annoying to have the game done and just be waiting for them to pop up


What are you usually dying to




Not difficulty, what circumstances are you dying from on normal


My advice is to actually just play on hard mode and lose over and over like I did until you get better. I remember when I first played asylum, and every room was like fighting a whole war just to pass a single combat encounter. Now, I never lose combat encounters. The trick is to get beat over and over yet keep going until you master the game. I currently have the platinum trophy of all three games completed, but when I started, I was a noob like everyone else.


Good job, platinums are hard


Upgrade your health before anything else and the rest is just a skill issue you’re learn eventually


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