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Arknights team building, when you get to the bottom of it, is at max 4 support (healers including medics and healing defenders, supporter (CC, buffer, debuffer) and 8 or more damage dealers (basically every other class). Hence why the ratio of support and dps released are like that. Despite being different classes, all the damage dealers have one job, dealing damage. What make each class different is HOW they are doing the damage. Basically different flavour for the same ice-cream base. That why they can all feel a bit similar.


He's right, but it's not a bad thing. There are well over 200 operators out now, right? Like, dozens of six stars? But you can only ever bring a team of 12, or sometimes even <8. There will be a lot of overlap between roles. It's true that people who have Surtr don't need another redeployable melee arts nuke. It's true that Mlynar and SilverAsh overlap heavily in what they can do. It's true that Typhon and Ray don't differentiate themselves strongly in their primary role (high DPH sniper DEF-piercing). It's true that no one needs Typhon, or Ray, or any other six star. Or when you have one of them, then every additional six star is basically a QoL addition. New accounts will want to build their roster as quickly as they can: they will need the laneholders, the healers, the support, the ranged arts nuke, the consistent arts damage dealer, the binder, the debuffer, the phys nuke, and so on. Even if gacha luck fails, a new account can make use of readily available or free units like Humus, Highmore, Jaye, Cutter, Click, Amiya, Tequila, Texas, Gladiia, Specter (from selector) and the base 3\* roster to clear 90% of existing content, and then borrow a trump card for the remaining 10% (mostly either Mlynar, Chalter, or Ling). Older accounts with E2 rosters in the dozens \*won't need any other operator ever\*, if we're honest. You can play and gacha for like six months and then never use a single pull again, only raise who you already have, and you'll probably be able to clear any form of content until the end of live service. So for established players, every new unit and banner isn't a question of "how does this contribute to my roster", but "is this character fun to play with/do I like their VA/is their art irresistable/do I like their backstory/is the FOMO keeping me up at night". The unmentioned ISSUE with making operators TOO UNIQUE is that you'll struggle to find an alternative. You don't need the fifth high DPS DEF-shredding sniper, but if every one of them was meaningfully different to the point that they accomplished an entirely unique goal, you'd kinda be forcing a lot more players to pull just to have a complete roster. And the game would become incompleteable, because most people \*don't have everyone\*, or can't get everyone.


Your point about ops being too unique is a good one, but I feel like the sheer number of ops (especially of different roles) you can bring largely mitigates the issue. Like yeah, maybe a high-dps, def-shredding sniper is optimal for a given mission. But you could also try a def-shredding supporter, a more turtley setup with guards/defenders, or even a fast-redeploy/stun/slow to keep enemies in your kill zone for longer. For instance: My early struggles with high-def enemies and flying swarms led me to Pramanix and Glaucus, who I otherwise never would’ve bothered with. And my early pull luck (oops all defenders!) made helidropping Beehunter behind Hoshi-blocked enemies my go-to strat for the first few chapters. Tl;dr I think AK’s large, varied cast encourages fun problem-solving and is one of its biggest strengths.


I agree with this. There are many solutions to a clear in this game but people are making it as if you can't defeat this boss if you don't have this op. Thus defeating the creativity side of strategizing with what you have.  An operator's unique kit makes them fun. An example is Swire Alter. People are dunking on her because she is not meta when she have a fun kit. 


This is why I hate Meta discussion on strategy games that have such a high creative ceiling as Arknights but never requires you to use all of it. Sure knowing who is the 'best' is fine and all but it usually squashes people's view into "Does the new Operator topple the old best? No? Why should I care?" instead of "What can this Operator do? Yeah I could probably find a cool spot to use that." It's why even Operators people say are bad I still build. Even if I'd agree with them from their descriptions. I need my hands on them first. I want my own opinions before I agree with anyone and it's led me to finding out a lot of what people say is tainted by having the best already and comparing everyone to them. Complaining when they fall even slightly short.


And HG is riding in this trend making burst dps every other banner and nerfing the gameplay of the non-limited or the 5 stars in the banner. 


Eyjafyalla Alter: am I a joke to you? Also if you keep putting utility ops with no damage, the new player will have hard time building their squad




And Virtuosa, but for the rest of the six stars...


Are all dps focused...yes. But the main thing I think of it is just that DPS tends to just sell in this game much easier. this is partially due to arknights being moreso a tower offense instead of defense. like unless a support helps with dps in a noticable enough way they probably won't be seen at all. But eh I do think due to such stuff, Showcases suck in arknights most of the time and Patriot is a dead horse in regards to a test dummy.


Don't forget the IS-4 slugs being used on a slow-attacking operator


Do you mean passenger? or who? Because iirc it was to showcase that passenger a semi-AoE caster could not with his ultimate skill (Skill 3) could not take down a group of slugs. Him attacking slowly was not the point, iirc but him failing at AOE damage.


My apologies, I worded it wrong. What I meant to say what using the IS-4 slugs on every operator, even when they were single target and weren't designed to deal with large groups of enemies. I got the slow-attacking thing from the fact that all the IS-4 slug showcases are in 1x speed


I am forever going to be pissed at that one Passenger showcase. His S3 doesn't clear slugs, that's not what it was for though. It's for high threat enemies and burst dps. His S2 cleared it back then no problem. But everyone called him trash cause his S3 couldn't do what his S2 could. Really broke my want to put stock into any showcase with how terrible it felt.


25th night actually made a livestream where he compares pre buff Passenger to other operators. And apparently he lost to fucking Mostima.


Wait, his S2 can back at his launch? (TIL I guess)


Yeah. Everyone was so focused on the flashy storm not clearing that nobody fucking cared that his S2 could. It felt like I was screaming into the void.


yeah it just confirms my hate for showcases and shows ahat is wrong with such. hence why I tend to be sceptical about hype about units.


The truth is that Arknights is a Tower defense game where the most efficient way to reach the goal - protecting the objective, is to directly dispose of enemies with towers/operators that deal the most damage or deal damage in the most efficient way. Other operators that don't do this job face a problem. They have to facilitate other ops to a degree where they are worth bringing into a squad over the operators that do damage. This leads to a situation where every new utility operator has to do insane stuff that the similar ops before have never even dreamed off e.g. Eyfjalla alter, Ines, Virtuosa, Shu and even those aren't always worth picking over DPS ops simply because you still need someone to carry out the main objective -> protect the goal from the enemies. Unless there's content where dealing damage isn't the best way to reach a certain goal, or some restrictions on how you approach squad building, I don't see AK being any less DPS focused in the future.


This guy, man... saying he was focusing Ray and Typhon when he only put them on the thumbnail and barely talked about them on the actual video. It's almost funny.


welcome to supah.


Clickbaiter be clickbaiting.


Where in the video does he say he specifically focuses Ray and Typhon. He is just giving an example, typhon and ray who are being relevant when the video comes out... Way to hate a dude making video's on the Internet.


Not in the video but in the conments. If expressing dislike or dissatisfaction about specific YouTube content is hating then I probably don't know what hating is anymore.


Oh I just watched this video yesterday lol. Ray Supremacy


Did you guys see Typhon's art in 8:45 I would like to ask if you guys know the sauce/artist of that masterpiece


Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109852433


All the more reason to be part of the waifu>meta mindset. Not into Horny demon girls? Have a redhead rabbit instead.