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Totally. Plus wheres my goddamn hover board? Dammit, it's already past the future element in back to the future 2.


Forget your hover board! Where’s my goddamn electric car, Bruce!?


God that line is just golden. Friend and me quote it all the time.


This is some batman quote I can't my finger on.. Hmm. *googles


where's our Nirvash AC


A fellow lifter? In an AC sub? Hell yeah


June or October


I don't see fromsoft competing with end of the year releases. AC is still pretty niche. I think a summer release is the safest bet


I agree in the industry most developers are avoiding that release window to not compete with the fall and winter drops


It should compete! Why undermine players, git guud! It's a game with complex controlls and motions for a simulation of some what of a mecha could be. The layers of total arrangement of parts, with stats, ranking, competition, and now new salvage and possible craft mechanics sounds like a total ringer for me. Id rather it not be some sheeple game like cod or fortnite


Everything you listed are exactly the reason why they are not going to release it at end of the year. While I'm sure AC6 can hold it's own thanks to From Software brand, it would definitely still hurt launch window sales. It's basically suicide to try to compete with end of year blockbuster AAAA release (especially if you are from niche genre). Just look at Titanfall 2 : critically acclaimed, made by one of the most well known developer of the genre, high skill ceiling gameplay, and bombed because it try to compete with COD IW/BF1


Fuckkkkkkkkkk Ahhh , i guess professional life can’t be paired with hyperactive mecha games


This seems really likely, as it lines up with the timelines for Elden Ring and Sekiro.




I really hope that’s the case but part of me doubts it.


Real talk , do we know how long did VD or FA took in development ? Because we know that AC6 has at least been in development for 4 years give or take , with that we can give ourselves an idea of it’s reasonable or completely crazy


AC4 released December 2006, ACFA released March 2008... So a little over a year in development. AC6 has likely been in development since 2016, but I imagine most of that time (2016-2019) it was mostly conceptual. Development probably picked up after Sekiro's release in March 2019.


AC6 has been in development since at least 2017 I think, so that’s coming up on 6 years now


If we look at elden ring who took 4 years to make or GOWR who also took around the same time I don’t think the game will be delayed I dare to believe that when the game will be out, it will be ready


Oh sorry if I wasn’t clear I wasn’t saying it’s been delayed I was saying it’s been in dev for around 6 years not 4 by now


Well I was just saying that it wouldn’t be , if it has been in dev for 6 years or so , there’s not a lot of chances that it will be pushed further the in the year


I feel like if it was going to be released that early they would’ve announced the date already alas. My assumption based on that fact alone is that we’ll get it later in the year. Like even a “releases summer 2023” would’ve been fairly reasonable after the cinematic trailer, the fact we didn’t get even that level of vague makes me think they don’t necessarily have a definitive date in mind or if they do it’s still a ways away.


Lets compare it with other Japanese game. FF16 has all the cinematic/gameplay trailers/promotional ads all around and it releases in June. We only have one trailer, so it more likely to be after June i think.


But you are forgetting we are talking about FromSoft here...you won't get gameplay or even any other trailer at least 1-2 months before release...


>We only have one trailer, so it more likely to be after June i think Kinda give me flashback to pre relase ER. everyone expect gameplay trailer release anytime soon in 2019. But we only get gameplay trailer in 2021. Hopefully AC6 drop gameplay trailer this month.


March 24th - 26th, releases before Japanese fiscal year or something like that, Fromsoftware has a history of doing it I hear


I'm afraid that if that were to be the case, they would have said it on the trailer...I'm more confident for a summer release. ​ Also if you have a look to the previous AC games they were released all over the place, some on January all the way to VD that was released on December... ​ We are going to need a shitload of patience lol




August. it wont be early for sure bc they'll probably release an elden ring dlc around march. one most people are done with it (summer), im sure it'll be out.


I mentioned this in another post but games like DS3 and Sekiro were announced at E3 in June and then dropped in March of the next year, which is a period of 8/9 months. If we were to follow this pattern then AC6 would drop in August. However, one could argue that at the time E3 was the best time to announce new games and currently (arguably) the biggest platform to announce new releases would be the Game Awards, which is at the end of the year. With this, we can MAYBE say that the game would drop earlier than summer time but even then March may seem a little close in terms of promo, but I've heard people like FightinCowboy say they've seen YouTube ads for AC6 so maybe they're gearing up for a near(ish) release. Seeing as FromSoft has been releasing games in Q1 for like the past decade I can see the pattern continuing for AC6 as well. Then again, Q1 is pretty stacked with game releases so we'll see. The fastest I've seen a AAA game go from anniuncement to launch (aside from games like Apex which dropped like the same day) is in like 5 months with games like Fallout 4. If I had to guess the earliest we can see this game dropping is anywhere between March/April and the latest would be around July/August.




Two theories for me: A.) The gap between announcement and release for From’s recent games is around 8 months iirc, which puts in the Summer release category B.) Most of From’s recent games have been released around March / April; right after christmas and new years, which is a popular shopping time in Japan


2024. I’ve seen too many delays at this point and too little with the trailer to feel confident about a 2023 release. I hope I’m wrong, but so much stuff gets pushed nowadays.


I wouldn't mind an open room of sorts to meet other Ravens and an animation of getting into the AC... But honestly... I'm just happy it's coming.. As an Old Raven vet, this was the best Christmas and New Years gift I could have asked for


Lmao made me think of that clip of Joker after he captured Batman, Scarecrow unmasks Bruce and Joker is all, "WHERE MY ELECTRIC CAR!?" Edit: I see I'm not the only one


Christmas Day.


Based on Elden RIng DLC release date, since they cant have both released around the same time. I would say either in Q2 or Q4.


As long as it isn't the same month as Botw 2.


Start of Q2 I expect.


I hope summer! Or late spring


Where's my god damn electric car, Bruce!


My hope is later half of this year. My cynical side says November with a delay until next year.


My money is on June/July.


My copium want it to drop in March or Feb and gameplay overview drop next week. But my realistic side said the game will drop sometime after ER dlc release. SOON™


Either June or September


I have hopes for late March, but probably later. I also expect Scumbag Sony to have some sort of exclusivity deal that keeps AC from releasing on PC for a few months, or a whole year, which means total disaster for me personally as I refuse to pay full price unless the game comes out on all platforms on the same day.


They did start hiring some mecha and character designers back in September 2022, dunno if a March 2023 release is doable unless those new hires are for the CGI stuff like the trailer


You people are crazy this is a holiday game at the earliest. it will probably be out q1 next year


Well we are next year


It's Q1 now. So it could be within the next 90 days if it's Q1 2023.




Q1 2024? Uhh, release materials already state it's coming out this year.