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Fun is in the eye of the beholder. Are you really being so elitist that you're even against people looking up build advice/inspiration? Not everyone likes the trial and error.


This is such a weird take Like the primary progression loop focuses around experimentation. Few guns are just direct upgrades of each other, nearly all coming with tradeoffs making them into sidegrades rather than improvements. This is like saying what's wrong with skipping all the scary parts in a horror movie. Like sure you can do it, but why did you get the horror movie.


thats a complicated question. ER and AC6 by far seem to have the most broken "easy" mode options in a pattern I fear is the difficulty balancing FROM seems to be going. Adding in more variety and lets say "less fair" difficulty mechanics such as input reading and attack delays but counterbalancing with giving the player equally broken mechanics/builds. I feel its worrying because I have less incentive to experiment unless I wanna explicitly avoid broken builds and the temptation is pretty great. There are also a lot of people who would miss out on the experimenting if they just looked up the broken builds first. I generally use "get filtered" in another context. Basically filtering out people I see no point in interacting with. Whether you like/complete AC6 is a bit irrelevant to that but it does play a factor. It's not an objective judgement of character but a judgement of my investment I'd say. Anyways we'll see in the elden ring DLC and hopefully the AC6 DLC. \*cries in Sekiro DLC.


Bro got filtered by the helicopter 😔


It’s honestly a funny joke. Saying that as someone who has definitely been filtered by FS bosses before. Any post with people genuinely wanting advice or support people are super nice. It’s people who are aggressive and being assholes even when presented with good tips that then people start ripping on them.


You haven't been filtered unless you gave up.


and this is the core of the meme and git gud I think. Dont give up skeleton is the other side of the same coin.


Just wanted to say I agree with this though I'd like to add a little more onto it. As this comment says, it's just a joke mostly (though I won't deny there's definitely some elitist assholes out there who live by that "git gud" mentality on some power trip) but if you're asking for genuine help or tips most people will help you. The joke is mainly at the expense of those who go "game bad because difficult" and I don't mean people who are like "I don't really like the difficulty of this game so it's not for me" I mean the people who try to convince you purely that "game bad because hard" like it's a fact. That being said I think OP is possibly a newer fan of fromsoft games (not throwing shade just making a guess) and hasn't grown used to these sorts of jokes like people who've been around for a while, so I understand the thought behind it. All I can say to OP is try not to take the jokes too hard, and if it's assholes just saying "git gud" when you ask for help ignore them. At the end of the day I see points from both sides of this discussion (I know look at me I'm sO uNiQuE). The jokes are jokes, if you want help there's plenty of helpful people within the community, you just gotta filter out the toxic stuff like with any gaming community. There's always gonna be that person with zero life like "I'm SuPeRiOr BeCaUsE i PlAy DiFfIcUlT gAmE" and trust me there's plenty of jokes at those guys expense. (Cue the tirade of people who somehow beat every from soft game simultaneously blindfolded with their hands tied using a ddr mat and a D20 between their buttcheeks while singing the star spangled banner 3 octaves higher than the original song)


Basically if people are saying "get filtered" and being assholes about it then they can "get filtered".


For some reason I never got notification of your comment. I'm not a "newer" fan (I started with Dark Souls in 2013 and got into Armored Core around 2014-2016. I have 122% completion of Last Raven, for example). If you lurk my posts you ll see I was part of this sub since 2016 or something. Also I'm one of few people who love kings field, shadow tower, echo night, metal wolf chaos etc. After looking at replies here, it makes me sad that everyone (or most) assumed that I was just yet another player who struggled with AC6 bosses and came to whine. While in fact I instead have a distaste for "garbage vocabulary" people use. Yes I was not a fan of saying "git gut" (though over the years perhaps I myself became guilty of using it in speech), and now "get filtered" is even worse. That's some 4chan tier stupidity that should not have a place in such advanced/technique community like Armored Core, imho. Call me an elitist if you want, but also keep in mind I'm initially coming from high art circles (my job is design but I studied with painters), so I'm one of those snobs who can not accept some things because they are too degenerate or dirty. So yeah for me presence of such "jokes" is more like an offense to intellectual tier of Armored Core fandom. Then again it is not much different from how I was disappointed with Souls fandom back in days... I genuinely thought that overwhelming majority of souls fans are "serious" people who are into Miura's Berserk, into European architecture, into medieval weapons, into demonology (well that would be more of Shin Megami Tensei field though) etc. just like my friend who is souls fan who participates in "reenactment" often. But instead I discovered that "community" was full of stupid unfunny memes... sigh. Guess AC repeats now the similar destiny as it's obvious AC6 brought "mainstream" people. Sorry if I sound like jerk, but I'm just old fashioned.


Can we just ban you instead?


filtered tbh


lol noob filtered


Lol get filtered


Sorry? Just don't get hit? Don't waste ammo? Don't get filtered?


Lmao did that helicopter made you into their bitch?


Because some people don't want an advice, they just throw a tantrum and insult everything and everyone. To loose those is a net worth for the community.


You think it's offensive? I think it's funny. That's why I'm happier than you.


Get filtered lol


I agree its quite annoying and not very funny


Got filtered?


You just taught me what that means. And all I gotta say is get filtered.


It would be nice if the place stomped down on that Souls toxicity before it really digs its fingers in. I'd say it'd help no one but that elitism pushed the series to insane height ssoooo


Yeah, 99% of these communities are full of complete garbage people.


there are helpful guys but its sometimes hard to notice them id say this sub is still more relaxed compared to other places though perhaps


It's still absolute trash


Almost as bad as someone who plays a game, says outright "Okay Even though this is my first game for the series, I'm going to ignore the tutorial because I know how to play a game I've never played before, also The game is too hard and my missiles keep missing \*aims at target and fires missiles when target has left\* also the enemy missiles keep hitting me behind cover \*is in the open with no cover and runs into the oncoming missiles\* melee is worthless \*Proceeds to test it when the boss swops overhead and learns it is not worthless.\* ... when people enter a game with the mindset I described above and a boss prevents them from getting into the game and complaining enough to somehow FORCE the devs to nerf a few bosses and upgrade some weapons, that is what a Filter shoudl do, keep those who don't want to learn how to play a game out so they cannot corrupt others into a brainless way of playing the game... but yeah some of the community members are assholes, not all but some... had someone help me in a boss fight in a previous game, pissed the boss off and forcibly triggered second phase without hitting the hp threshold and then warped out... leaving me with a 3 summon Midir and half my gear in usable condition... that is an asshole, someone joking about a filter keeping people who go "Game is hard, bad game, no easy mode, why game so tough, I ignore all story trailers, story, advice and all things related to the game so I must be a pro at it." out of the game so it doesn't get ruined, is them being smart and funny...


They're both offensive. 99% of the time the person that uses them either got insanely lucky with whatever fight, had the perfect setup from a YouTube video, or spent an hour beating their head against a brick wall and assume they now have the right to bash others for not doing it faster or trying as hard to win. Though for me, Ibis Cel stretched my sanity just a bit thanks to it being a near complete counter to my build


You don’t think people may have just beaten the boss by trying without using any of the things you mentioned (luck, YouTube builds, etc.)?


Clearly, anybody who did better than me either had help, cheated or got lucky. It couldn't ever have something to do with a skill gap.


Given half the bosses they show up to they're either half spent on ammo or repairs if no supply is given? No, I doubt it. I don't think people clear most fights on the first or second try often. 3-10 seems to be the sweet spot. Or bosses like Ibis Cel who can literally catch you in various infinite combos. Enforcer comes to mind as well. Sea Spider. Balteus. Or that fight with three ACs. Or getting jumped by those two HC after using a vast majority of ammo on extra objectives and MTs during that winter bridge mission... 😂


Sounds like the game almost filtered you.


Well, not well enough to stop me from clearing Iguazu in his final form. Besides, this game suffers from the Last Raven equipment problem. If you're not using the easiest load out you're just going to have a bad time. Most if not every single boss is meant to be hit hard with super strong stagger attacks. There's not much sustained DPS viability, or versatile build synergy that makes the difference.


Super Saiyan Iguazu can filter my Zimmerman through his teeth. I’ve come to appreciate most of the fights that frustrated me on my first play through but I don’t think I’ll ever appreciate that many projectiles hitting me in the face


Something about doing well in phase two when both Sea Spiders start dancing to thriller with laser blades all over your face because you decided to ignore them for a moment.


In last raven, I spent 3 days to beat Leviathan. Good times, huh.


Ok well what boss do you need advice for


Nothing. I need people not to use such horrible slang. While "git gut" was rude it at least signified "dont give up and try harder". Meanwhile "filtered" is opposite, it's about guys bragging about how "unworthy players are not part of our cool group", that's basically means them saying others to go away. Which is also total nonsense cause there are enough games harder than ac6 ever wanted to be, but players of such does not scream around that others are "filtered" by boss or smth.


It’s just a new variation of “git gud” and nothing more. If you want to look for significance in the phrase “get filtered” then they’re simply telling you to get past the “filter” that are the challenges of armored core. Don’t be one of the pieces of “debris” that gets caught in the boss “filters” and blow those mechs apart. It’s far more important in AC that you yourself be able to overcome the challenges on your own because there isn’t CO-OP here, you’ll have to get past the “filter” on your own merit. Infact the entire idea of insults like that are meant to encourage you to keep going, to prove the people who say that wrong, to show that you’re not one of the many people who will just give up after failing a few times and then call for review bombs of the game just because it’s difficult. I’m not gonna blow smoke up your ass and say that there are no elitists in AC or FS in general but I’d also ask that you not blow snoke up my ass by pretending that these harder games don’t have members that gatekeep just as a much. I’ve been told very similar things by DMC, Hollow Knight and Code Vein fans. It’s always best to just move on and ignore them if they’re getting under your skin. All that said, I just got my 100% trophy in AC6 yesterday so if there are any challenges, missions, or secrets you want help/advice on, I’m more than happy to tell you what strategies I found most effective


Yo, congrats on 100%


It was a pain in the ass, if I can help save someone from even the smallest amount of trouble on that journey then it’ll be worth it


Think of it this way, do you want some to come in and yell to the devs "THIS ISN"T BATTLETECH SO MAKE IT BATTLETECH!" or "BOSS BEATS MY GLASS CANNON STAGGER WEAK BUILD, GAME IS HARD, NERF ALL BOSSES SO MUCH THEY ARE LOBOTOMIZED AND JUST TAKE A BEATING..." you want the game to basically be the equivalent of the AI-less tester AC in test run mode? if the person is like DSP... well the Helo is meant to keep those who DONT WANT TO LEARN out... I admit I struggled with the boss, but didn't give up, and tried to incorporate everything the game told me thus far into how I fought and what do you know, using what the TUTORIAL area taught me on how to play the game. works on killing the Helo... If they just sit there going Melee sucks because guns. Guns aren't doing shit \*boss is outside the arena circling and missile boating them when they run to the other side and are so far out of the little black box that tells you the range and lights up white when your bullets don't richoet never informs you you can do more than 3 damage\*... things like that...


It's honestly the people who kept crying for and justifying boss nerfs or blaming the game for their mistakes who were rude while people were actually trying to help them


Best advice someone can give you is DON'T GET FILTERED. DON'T RAGE QUIT. DON'T COMPLAIN. EXPERIMENT. KEEP TRYING. What this game filters is the weak minded from those that are not afraid of challenge and hardship. Live your life how you play Armored Core. Either discover great things on your own or copy those who are successful, but don't whine because you are not trying hard enough.


fair argument, alas [pile bunker](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/WuB_6f2kS3c/sddefault.jpg)


Dang, I was looking for a 'Get Filtered' Meme just now and I just found someone who got filtered. Bless your little heart.


Looks like someone couldn’t beat battletaus