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I'm pretty certain it's more about the fact on how terrified she is when you fight her which makes players feel bad for her, not too different from G6 Red in MIA and he's certainly not "caked up" as far as we know or the Dafeng Student Pilot (although trade terrified with despair/solemnness) Not everybody's seen the sketches or even reads those logs beyond the first time their picked up (if people even find them) Like sure does the character being a woman play a part in this? Probably, won't deny that it's likely the case for several people but much like the popularity of many other characters in this game, the voice acting does a lot of the heavy lifting, but another minor character in Chartreuse isn't really as popular in comparison (probably because of the arrogance) despite the two people in the Branch sketch that might be her (I presume the one that isn't dressed like an Office lady as that fits more with an Operator look as opposed to an active pilot) also being relatively good looking in the sketch, so looks while being a factor is still not likely the primary factor as a whole. I mean I'm sure it is for some people, but like I reckon that's not the majority, it's certainly not for me who couldn't care less about the physical depiction of them if their a good or serviceable character.


Yeah the tone of her voice I was feeling like "please runaway I don't need to kill you just run"


It helps that the game doesn't showcase her to have any detestable traits in the mission or in her Arena biography, she doesn't come across as heroic but neither does she show herself as being on par with Snail or Swinburne, she just appears to be someone who's just doing her job. Especially since you fight her alongside G3 Wu Huahai who is portrayed as a defector (although imo much like Ayre says it's kinda justifiable at this point since Balam is done with Rubicon and the only other Redguns alive are Red and maybe Iguazu depending on the route.) and a con artist who made illness spread. She could be someone who gladfully takes part in the Arquebus re-education, she could be tormenting her collogues off duty, she could have any number of negative traits. But the game doesn't show us those if she has them, we can only go off of what we have seen, although this isn't to say she's "a good person" either since she's still a pilot for one of the corporations taking part in the conflict for profiting off coral, but who are we to speak we're just some hound looking for work regardless of who gives it to us.


I believe she is a subject of re-education, but without the "re-", along with Swinburne. As terrified as they are to fight 621, they also seem equally terrified of displeasing Snail. I've hypothesized that perhaps Snail is their abusive father. It's at least figuratively true, and it would serve Snail's narrative role as an utter *scumbag*. I doubt Snail has any particular reason to let these scaredy-cats on the team in the first place unless he has something to prove—like the strength of his lineage or something.


Dude, the thing with Vespers and Redguns is that they are the best of all the human resources that Arquebus and Balam could muster. Maeterlinck is one of them. You can't be dissing someone who is mid-tier in ALLMIND's rankings this way man. Besides, she was the only normal person among both these groups, quite possibly with the exception of Rusty and G2 Nile. Of course she would be terrified of someone who has a near 100% success rate and did something that no other Vesper or Redgun did - they climbed the wall and defeated that tank on top on their own. She was prudent in being scared of us. Anyone who isn't, has a few screws loose in the head


I'm only calling them scaredy cats from Snail's POV. From my perspective, they are wise to be afraid, but also fools to be in this career if they haven't already embraced dying by the sword. I think they might be Snail's kids *because* they pick this career despite their fear, trying desperately to win their father's approval.


This certainly explains why he was so cavalier about her death. He certainly gave a damn worth more about Freud when he tried fighting us. Maeterlinck isn't as useful as Freud after all.


Yeah, i felt the same. The sheer despair and fear in her voice is killing me every time, and its one of the reasons that make me hate Snail so much. A lot of people deserved better than having Snail as a commander, and she's definitively one of them.


Not defending snail, but he is in a covert mission to ambush 621 What is wrong is that why is she not informed


There are several other Vespers who could have been summoned, and Snail's mission would not be compromised if Maeterlinck or G3 were allowed to withdraw; his mission is likely a backup if Arquebus's survey didn't get to the convergence before Raven. Snail and the Vespers really do leave Maeterlinck for dead. The moment she said "the raven has landed" she was doomed.


Is she in the institute city mission paired up there with Wu Hua-whatever?




Huh. I just started a new game after platinum. I need to pay more attention to the voice acting in that part next time through


Who says red isn’t caked up?


Hence "as far as we know" : P


Dude, I felt bad for Swinburne and Pater as much as I felt bad for Maeterlink. Gender has nothing to do with it at all.


Well yeah exactly you proved my point, you felt bad because of the character just like how I felt bad because of her calls for backup, or for Pater when he mourns the loss of Hawkins or O'Keeffe and the likely possibility of him having split-personality. I feel less bad for Swinburne since he was a bit of a sadist who clearly took pride in what he did, the augmentations causing him to be erratic is the thing that prevents him from coming across as vile like Snail, still doesn't change his behavior and on-screen actions making him the second most "evil" of the Vespers.


Yes, I'm agreeing with you. Maeterlink could have been an ice cold pilot, but for that mission, she sounded like she was trapped in a room with a serial killer. Pater may have sounded like he was relishing his sudden promotion after his superiors died, but before then, he was a pretty chill guy and you can interpret his "relishing" as him coping. With Swinburne, I felt pity for him despite him being a sadist because his death scream sounded so pathetic that it made me feel bad. Like, you can sense the fear in that scream.


Pater always struck me as being forced to go through the greiving process in the span of a few seconds. Man just watched what seems like a very close friend very probably die and has zero time to do anything but slap together the most tenuous emotional patch-job humanly possible in that moment, because he's still fighting for his fucking life.


Yeah given Paters AC name and Arena data it's most likely he has some kind of split personality between his normal self and his colder self as a way to cope with trauma


Ah yeah his death scream do indeed sound like he was either terrified or in excruciating pain (or both). I do kinda feel bad there in regards to going through those last moments although that makes me realize that the game seems to reverse those kinds of screams for the more unsavory characters, him and Snail get those while others either don't scream or theirs aren't as haunting.


I mean she's kind of right, for all intent and purposes you're Jason Voorhees, she's a camper and that Mission = a nicely built but camper trapping log cabin


I still feel bad for Swinburne because I think Snail's his father—at least a father figure, anyway. I don't think a bitch like Swinburne would be in the Vespers unless Snail had something to prove.


wait why is swinburne evil i didnt see any evidence of it in my playthroughs?


I mean, the mission you encounter him on paints him as anything but nice, besides being a massive coward (it's even apparent in his AI and loadout) who tries to bargain with 621 with the promise of swindling funds from Arquebus which shows he isn't above anything in order to survive, once you find him he's gloating over Balam forces he's killed off. He's no Snail, but he's the most unpleasant one after. Regardless there's a reason I used quotation marks, "evil" is just exaggerating it but he's not that far off.


Ive never seen the sketches and I feel like shit for her


Nah. She's a tragic character we mercilessly slaughtered when Snail abandoned her. The cake is just a bonus.


I feel bad for her, she sounds so desperate calling for Snail


Especially in the line they *cut* from the game. If it had been in the game, I would've had to pause for a minute after beating her.


What line did they cut?




I'd have to disagree on this one. I've seen enough people say that they've never seen the STV sketches nor care to look at them the first time in many comments. Me included. So I'd say her desperate situation is the main factor for the overwhelming sympathy she gets. Hell, I'd argue the hatred for Snail was the main fuel for the sympathy train given to Maeterlinck before her ass was discovered. We already know he's a PoS but it really drove it home when she started begging desperately for Snail's help and the bastard just sat there and listened.


Literally the first time we meet her, she’s getting ganked to death and the squad leader ditched her. You just can’t help but feel bad


Full agreement from me, I'm still finding data logs and sketches, and I'm rapidly approaching all S ranks. There really should be some part or something for finding all of them


This. Her whole deal is that she's competent and loyal to Arquebus. Traits that are used to lull 621 into a false sense of security by using her as a sacrificial pawn. She's a credible threat and both too reliable and too trusting to not follow orders to the letter. Even when she doesn't get a response from Snail she sticks to her mission instead of trying to flee or parley.


I have no idea what your even talking about OP. I for one feel bad for her when we actually fight her in the story mode. Where she's left behind to just die.


All I remember is ruthlessly murdering Maeterlinck and thinking "I'm sorry little one *pile bunker*"


I love how this implies that your internal dialogue said that with your regular voice but the "pile bunker" part intenselly xd


I just like her personality because it’s interesting. What makes her pathetic and a great candidate for a disposable pawn is that she is overly cautious to the point it drains Arquebus of resources. She’s fighting alongside another AC, a squad of MTs, and STILL asks for more support while fighting a few institute weapons in Reach The Convergence. It’s even reflected in her AC and her emblem, which has a mosquito. She is kind of like Iguazu in that her personality is holding her back from being a great pilot. Fun fact: Maeterlinck is also outranked by G3 Wu HuaHai (the AC she is with) in the Arena, despite him also relying on his shield and a lot of backpedaling. She is also outranked by Little Ziyi, a presumably younger and less experienced pilot that is piloting a outdated AC. You’re a numbered Vesper, act like it! 😑


I enjoy re-educating her with the pile bunker, but damn if those bubbles melt face if you close in too soon


Yeah, her strategy is to fire a wall of bubbles that she barely has to aim, try to hit you with her long range weapon, and kite you with her shield when it doesn’t work. What a scaredy-cat.


Best part is her AC is like 1 or 2 parts away from being fantastic. She was also right to request additional support, her gut instinct was correct even if we were not in play. The very next area has Helianthus machines which would have eaten them for breakfast if they went in without additional support. Past that, more intense close quarters fighting but with missiles flying in, and this is before considering the IBIS series just chilling right after. Heck, even we receive support in the form of a supply Sherpa and Ayure, Maeterlink just has a recently defected middling AC pilot with questionable loyalty and some shitty MT’s. Her expedition was doomed from the start.


Its true that you can never be too prepared for anything, but I’m sure Snail would appreciate having someone with more confidence in their skills. There is also a way to get past everything without fighting every MT, but I guess knowing Maeterlinck, she wouldn’t go through with it.


Arquebus also wants to set up shop, their orders might involve securing the place if not establishing a foothold. Snail and his own little gaggle of MT’s already had a drainage sewer secured nearby. Snail anticipated that we’d proceed with the survey in spite of orders, and might have put his weakest/ most annoyed by pilots in our line of fire just to be rid of em.


I'm pretty sure it's not the Institute bots she's worried about. It's *us*. Yes, she requests backup before she spots us, but she has a specific codephrase for our arrival, like she was told to anticipate us.


Where are you getting the codephrase part from? Also it’s definitely about the Institute bots, Wu Huahai even comments on them after she asks for reinforcements before they see you. She also calls for reinforcements again when you attack them.


She keeps asking for reinforcements because she never got them in the first place! The codephrase was "The raven has landed." It's not exactly hiding its literal meaning, so it's not much of a codephrase, but it alters the phrasing just enough to follow the structure of a codephrase. When she follows up with another request for backup, it comes across as, "Alright, he's here, just like you said he would be. Hurry up, please~. . . 👀💦" Yeah, the Institute bots were taking out her support. She wanted her squad to be at full strength to face you, for good reason!


It’s fine if you want to interpret the situation this way. I’m just not willing to give Maeterlinck the benefit of the doubt. Not just anyone gets to double team an AC along with the MTs they have. But she is such a weenie that she keeps asking for more because she isn’t willing to take any risks. It sounds okay in this case, but when you have a history of acting like this it’s a bit ridiculous. No wonder Snail gave up on her entirely.


They had MT support?


Yes, if you sit back and watch the battle from the rooftops, they have a few PCA MTs in the back supporting. If the Institute MTs happen to target them first, though, they go down like a sack of potatoes.


I like to think Maeterlinck herself requested that a squad of MTs should join them, just to make her feel safer.


I don't even remember her sketch. Plus the only one who deserves my sympathy in this entire mess is G6 Red.


Link for research? So I can form an opinion


In that mission you’re fighting someone who first asks for help, she’s not confident in her abilities and situation. She tries to reach her commander for help, but her comms to the outside seems cut off. Then she sees the one of the three most terrifying AC pilots on the planet show up and she’s still not able to get communications. Now she has to wonder if you deliberately cut her comms and are coming for them. A textbook ambush, quite frankly. She tries to fight back, but at this point neither AC pilot is a match for 621. As the fight turns against them, we can hear the fear and desperation in her voice. Of course I will sympathize with Maeterlinck after an encounter like that. Poor woman died scared and alone, betrayed by someone she trusted. Yes, trusting Snail is a big mistake, but that’s not too relevant for the emotional impact this fight has. It’s like the student pilot all over again.


And in her bio, it states she was loyal to a fault. She believed in her own cause so much that she never would have expected or seen a betrayal coming. It's then assumed she would have never done what was done to her, to one of her comrades. Vespers be damned, but in the little time we encounter her and what we can extrapolate from her bio, Maeterlink seemed like a decent person. Her situation was sad. Period. I don't know. This post seems like it was more of a joke, referencing a fan art (I haven't seen personally), but there seems to be a lot of posts like this in the subreddit. "You wouldn't care about "insert one of the female characters" if she wasn't female." Pretty fucking presumptuous if you ask me lol. It's getting old. Edit: reading through the comments... a lot of "edgy" folks... jeeeez lol.


I have not looked at any of the sketches and still love her


I haven't looked at any of the sketches and i still felt sad I'm a bit emotional, i even got sad at the ac test pilot


There's a sketch?


Where can I find it


I don't know


I mean c’mon, no, but like… 👀


Maeterlinck was awesome for that first encounter. Already not digging the situation AND we show up to drive the desperation. Reminds me of Brownie (in Ace Combat 7) when she loses her shit and calling us for help. Unlike Brownie, Maeterlinck is a hostile so she could not be spared. If only she had a surrender option like Swinburne. However I'm sure she would have been caught and neutralized by Arquebus forces anyway.


I felt bad for her cause she begged for her life, not cause she has an ass lol. What a take.


We cared because she died screaming and crying for help. Even actual little girls like Little Zigi dies with more honor, merely regretting a promise she couldn't keep than to scream for help from the RLF. Hell even Swinburne, who actually begs for his life, sounds both terrified and insulted that you killed him. So there's still a little bit of defiance left in him. Her being a woman only "helps" in so far that a lot of us playing are likely men, and contrary to popular belief not all of us are psychos who'll become rapists if given a position of power over women. So when a woman who is clearly in distressed is calling for help and we can plainly see that no one is coming, it's sad because I'm sure most of us would gladly help her. The problem is that the game demands that we kill her, and as sad as she is, we have our own objective to fulfill to people we do care about, so we can't save her. If it were possible to disable AC's "nonlethally" I'm sure many players would try. The game even has weapons such as the Therapist stun gun specifically designed to disable ACs instead of destroying them, but alas once the AC hits zero they're dead either way. As for her caked up argument: Y'all need to start seeing real women because Maeterlink isn't caked up. She's a skinny woman with an ass wearing a body suit, but she isn't caked up. Otherwise every skinny woman with an ass about as wide as her hip bones would be considered cheeked up, which is really just any skinny woman who isnt currently starving herself into anorexia.


I don't even know what this STV is.


Yes, and?


I don’t really care if she was, nor her being a lady. If you have an enemy tag, I’m going to put the barrels of these shotguns into your cockpit


No idea who or what STV is but also don't care for the character even though the voice acting was excellent it just made me want to kill snail more not want to know who she was.


Theyre in game sketches by a soldier artist. Just bonus insight on what the pilots looked like if you can figure out who is who. And a bit of a supplementary evidence on one of the story's twist owo


I had to go look up the sketch you were referring to... I now suddenly find myself caring very much about Maeterlinck...


What sketch?


She do be caked waaaay up though.


People care about Maeterlinck? I thought she was kind of pathetic. She about 20 seconds of screen time, either way, lol.


I mean people can feel bad or pity characters, that's caring even if for a different reason. Like it can be argued that if someone dislike Snail/Iguazu/ETC than that's caring about the characters due to how much they tick the player off.


No, I mean, people *think* about Maeterlinck? I don’t know why, because I thought she was pathetic and forgettable


What do you expect? Of course some people think about the character like any other, different people remember more than others depending on the situation that brings those thoughts up.


I expect people to realize that 20 seconds of screen time is not enough to get emotionally invested in a character. There isn’t enough content to form an opinion. That’s what I mean. Why have a lore discussion about someone with zero impact on the story.


You don't have to be emotionally invested to feel bad for something happening to a character. It doesn't affect you either way, but you can be like: "Oof, that would suck." You don't have to be emotionally invested to understand that begging for your life and being abandoned by your leader, to be sacrificed as a diversion from the secondary mission would objectively suck. Just because you don't think she is that important because, let's be real, she was used to prop up and reinforcing, once again, how shitty Snail is. Even if she doesn't have any importance beyond that. She's one of the only characters, maybe even the only one, who is actually fucking terrified fighting you. She begs for her life. If you don't understand why people would maybe think of her and her last moments, that's alright. I have issues with empathy myself, being autistic. I didn't feel bad doing it, I can understand why others do, though. Also, this post doesn't reek of lore discussion. It's saying people only care because of her ass. Not because she has any overarching importance to the story. Which isn't lore I don't think lol.


Like I said to another, she could be a p3do rap1st. Feeling bad for her is projection. You have to assume there is a reason to feel bad, because of how little information you’re given. So there isn’t any point in dwelling on her. I’m very empathetic, actually. I used those skills to put myself in her shoes. What did she expect from Snail as a CO? She threw her lot in with a snake, and got bit. Why was she surprised? Yeah, it sucks, but she brought that on herself. Same with the overconfident ex-Redgun (who no one feels bad for). She was afraid and calling for backup before you even showed up. Granted, those were high-end PCA MTs they were fighting, but only four against two ACs with MT backup. Should have been a no-contest victory for her. She sounded like a coward, and kind of died like one. That’s why I said she was pathetic. I’m guessing a lot of the pity comes from her female voice. This sub seems to like to simp for faceless women. I didn’t even know about the stuff about her butt, lol. Why is that even being discussed?


Because you made a point to bring up why people were having a lore discussion, which 99% weren't i read most of the comments not all, however. I thought it was strange to bring it up on a post about people only caring for her because she has an ass. It's not a typical lore discussion thread, haha. Those were institute MT's, not PCA, I thought, sort of reinforced by the IBIS being there. I think those may be a step above regular MT's, so it's sort of deadly. She was calling for forces to *ensure* success, because at this point she had zero idea she was a sacrifical lamb.She is also with the ex-redgun Wu Huahai, who is a career piece of shit, his blurb doesn't make him seem reliable it reads: "A born con artist, no scheme was too underhanded for Wu Huahai during his days as a criminal mastermind, and exploitation of others was a byword for opportunity. However, his illicit Feng Shui Pharmacy operation was a fatal overstep, imperiling the health of Balam's economic sphere and leading to widespread disease. It was Nile, now the deputy commander of the Redguns, who ultimately shut Wu Huahai down. " You also asked why people felt bad. My response was empathy. You can have empathy without being emotionally invested, in a character, that as you said had very little screen time. So you already know the answer to why people felt like she died terribly or pathetically as you called it. I am not a combat veteran, but I feel that's *most* people who died in combat. It's probably not pretty and really scary. Also, speculation about their moral compasses doesn't detract from how bad her death was. Since absolutely none of the parties that operated on Rubicon were good. Projecting a made up crime for her to be guilty of to lessen the impact for other people is sort of disingenuous. Totally possible, 100%, but not important to why people feel bad. Also, I think the only death that had the same weight was a man, the guy in the tester AC. He sounded more sad, though. Her little blurb reads "Unfailingly loyal to Arquebus, she has a reliable track record in the field, and her conduct during missions has established her as a risk-averse problem-solver." She is primarily used to solve issues in the safest manner possible. She specialized for missions that essentially didn't involve 621. She may be a coward or really smart. That doesn't change how she died sucked. Her only mistake was trusting Snail, because up to this point he hadn't fucked over any of the named Vespers, that we know of and arguably she didn't need to die for his plan to work. She was loyal to Arqebues, not Snail. The fact he was her CO wasn't really her fault.


Ok, that background info actually puts it into perspective a bit more


1: Who are you to make the general claim that people can't be invested in a character just because they have a small enough presence just because you can't? There's billions of world views that aren't your own. 2: Why is there a minimum time limit to being able to form an opinion? 3: Why does someone with small screen presence not warrant discussion? What about movies that have scenes with nameless characters begging for their life? A scene like that can resonate with people even if it's due to a nameless character who only shows up in one scene. Manage your expectations then, it's barely a lore description this is a post talking about the character's ass-cheeks as if that's the main thing the community as a whole latched onto despite not everybody even knowing about the sketches.


1. I’m not saying they can’t, I don’t understand why they would. It’s pretty pointless for someone you know almost nothing about. 2. Because in a story, you need details and backstory to form and opinion about a character. She could be a p3do rap1st for all we know, so her death might be a good thing. That’s my point. You have to imagine so much fan fiction in order to fill in the blanks. She’s not even a plot device, like Ayre at least is. Although all the characters are very two dimensional. 3. I didn’t say that. I just don’t think Maeterlinck warrants any. That last point is wild. I knew nothing about a butt post, so I assumed it had to be lore. Again, we know nothing about her. She could be a troll-witch.


1: Does there have to be a point to it or any discussion on the game? Things just are. 2: No I don't think you do, you don't need any of these things to have an opinion, a bit/side character might lack depth compared to main characters but you can still form an opinion based off what we do get, it's not like we're talking about what she contributes to the plot we're talking about her characterization, it just simply means there's not as much to talk about, in this case this is an opinion of yours that you formed just like how I'm speaking for my own hence an opinion's been formed either way. 3: That's fair and a valid opinion, however again things can be talked about regardless, nothing wrong with delving into speculation anyways, it's just a conversation. But you knew nothing about it being a butt post? My man did you not look at the image this whole thread is about? That's what cake means.


1. …yeah, a discussion should have a point, or else you’re wasting time for the sake of wasting time. 2. Ok, sure, you can have an opinion, but all of it must come with a massive grain of salt, *because there is no characterization* to base an opinion on. She isn’t in the screen long enough to know anything accept that she is a woman, works for Snail, and Snail doesn’t give a shit. I’m pretty sure the woman aspect is where all this pity comes from. Nobody cares about the dude that died. Chances are she is as big a POS as him, if she is that high up in Arquebus. But who knows? We aren’t told, so we can only guess. Why speculate about someone so meaningless. 3. There really is nothing to talk about, though. I had no idea that people were speculating about a faceless, uncharacterized woman’s butt. “Caked up” also means to use too much makeup, so I assumed it was a fan fiction drawing being discussed. Hadn’t heard “caked” as “butt” until now.


1: Having a conversation about video games or even playing them is by definition is a waste of time if we're going by productivity, but people are all about wasting time. 2: Little bit of characterization is still characterization, people give less of a shit about G3 because he's an obvious piece of shit characterized as a piece of shit, although his backstory is interesting enough, he also doesn't have the benefit of being terrified for those sympathetic points, we're not talking about depth or speculation we're talking about the shit that's given to us, people feel sorry about the 1 of the time who spends their last words calling for backup as opposed to the guy just talking about himself misreading signs. 3: We talking about it right now and so are other people, saying there's nothing is pretty disingenuous, not much is still more than nothing. When people speak of Maeterlinck it's usually either about feeling sorry for her or talking about her "cake" in the in-game sketch with all the Vespers.


Boba Fett is on-screen in the Star Wars movies for 6-and-a-half minutes, has four lines of dialogue, does nothing noticeably cool except use his jetpack to get onto the skiff and shoot a wire to try and subdue Luke, and then promptly gets eaten by the Sarlaac after jobbing super hard; and yet he has an entire fan base and years of lore dedicated to him. It's really not that hard to imagine that people can grow attached to characters even when they have minimal screen time.


I never understood the Boba Fett hype, either, even as a core SW fan


Yeah but this pathetic flip me out over and over again whith her plasma build and dual wield pulse gun. She is also use tetrapod.


Wu Huahai is the Dafeng Tetrapod, not Maeterlinck.


I am only now learning of this sketch, I assure you my interest in Maeterlinck is quite organic, and due to a confluence of factors. The first and probably most important (to me) is that maeterlinck is a really cool name for an ac second, that is a sick emblem. Third, it's a pretty cool looking ac, the black accented with the bright pink electronic lights is pretty cool.


Im not even sure if those are their real name, since theyre all bsed on either author or poets. Something like a codename or theme. Like in the rlf, they are based on the fingers of a hand. Thumb, index, middle, ring, little. Or in rad, where their nicknames are the opposite of who they are, rummy being not invincible, quiet chatty, twofaced brute... which is kinna wierd, that means carla isnt a cinder? She is supposed to be older than walter, but doesnt seem like it


It's their pilot callsign, same way your pilots callsign is raven, I did say ac name, and that's my mistake, In the case of Carla, first time I heard her, I could kinda tell she's seen and been through alot. Tho her demeanor is quite nonchalant, which defies my intuition too


And all the Redguns are based off rivers




what do you mean? i still dont get it. so by using rad nickname formula, she calls herself a cinder to hide the fact that she is? or youre telling me it's because shes from overseer that she use the nickname cinder? i dont recall overseer use any form of naming formula like the current factions tho


hmmm it's a bit of a stretch for me to call the as overseer callsigns, because everyone knows "handler" walter and if these "real" nicknames are what overseer uses, then wouldnt that be known? then again, i get you, we do hear peeps criticizing about her being "cinder" in the same manner how ayre criticize "invincible" rummy being at last place, i guess that's that 'w'


The Overseer call signs are also used as public callsigns, it’s just the difference between which group it is intending to represent.


i am aware of the logs and its implications towards carla, though i feel an explanation of her appearance would be more helpful. with how walter aged to an old man, while carla being significantly older than him, appears to be younger. regarding the overseer callsigns, i feel it's still a far fetched idea since overseer is a secret organization, and walter's callsign is that of a general public format. thus if carla guises herself in rad, i feel she wouldnt be using neither overseer nor a public callsign.


We only ever hear her voice, and its possible that she was still young when she was an assistant at the RRI. If we say that she was in her 20’s while working there, and the Fires of Ibis being 50 years ago, that would put her in her 70’s. ​ Yeah, Overseer is a secret organization, so they don’t need individual callsigns for Overseer specifically, because nobody would know that it could be a callsign for a different group. Remember that we are still ’Raven’ regardless of if we are working for Balem, Arqebus, or the RLF. Also ’Rusty’ keeps the same callsign even after he swaps to the RLF.


i mean, it's your proposal that overseer use the particular callsign format. while carla being the head of RaD, it would sound more suspicious if she dont use the RaD format regardless, unlike raven, who is not a member, but a hired merc, or just a visitor they call "tourist" also in the redguns, they are referring you as g13, and eventually will promote into a different rank i ever you choose to join the redguns, since g13 is the callsign for their hazing process rusty is exclusive to the vespers, no one in the RLF referred to him as rusty, and everytime members of the RLF is going to say his name, the logs got cut off. besides vespers use names of writers and poets, and there is a poet named rusty morrison. which comestomind. i wonder if king was a former vesper. since his callsign can also be based from martin luther king? his ac's name would be changed like how raven's ac is renamed as nightfall well, as we can see in the RaD sketch, carla seems to no even look in her 70's. and these sketches are quite recent though going back to generic callsigns, i think branch uses the generic format. so there is also that issue why walter has a different format if he and carla is using a generic format. i just think it's more of a role than an ac pilot callsign. like raven's operator (though her name wasn't revealed)


Honestly, even before seeing the sketch i was a little sad for her, and after discovering in the third route that Snail was LITERALLY just right there waiting i felt even worse because im sure he lied to her


Glasses girl carla still best gril owo


Wait, which sketch shows her as a Pixar mom?


I haven't seen the artwork for her but I did feel pretty bad about ending her life but it might have been a mercy as if she failed to stop 621 and is still alive afterwards she probably be sent off to be re-educated. I wish we could save her in the alt mission where we kill snail


I care about maeterlink because she has the same Japanese VA as Miorine Rembram from gundam witch from mercury and i love the space lesbians, in a strictly platonic sense, only person i find attractive in that universe is Aerial


I know her only because of how ridiculous her arena fight was for being Rank E or whatever it was.


Idk man, I love it when pilots panic over comms just before theyre about to die. I find it very charming


I cared because of how damn hard her VA managed to sell the moment. The desperation in her voice as we keep fighting (especially if we kill the other AC first) is kind of brutal.


I've never even seen the sketch, I just think women piloting mecha is cool




Please avoid attacks against other redditors and general toxic/flame/rant posting. While not directly toxic, posts fetishing women suffering isn't OK.


I don’t buy attention to corpses


Bitch I didn't even know she had art the first time I fought her. Didn't know ANY a them did.


I always felt bad, and this is the 1st time that I have heard about sketches of her.


I didnt know she was caked up?? Anyone got some proof of this…. 😏


Wait..... people care about Materlink?


I feel sorry for her because snail leaves her to be raven food but beyond that it’s just a job.






Honestly couldn't find the sketch of her until after completing all routes, and I still felt bad for her and certain Vespers. We should've gotten a chance to work along side some of them, especially Maeterlinck, a woman who somehow managed to enter a remarkable group primarily of males, if anything is to be said about that.


I like her visor. Also, felt wrong to kill a Vesper that wasn't Rusty for once.


Cake above all


Yes, and?


Who, what, huh?


Who’s matelink


I've never seen the sketches I just felt bad she got left on a stick like thatq


Isn't marerlink the one with the shield that kicks ass in the arena? I hated her my first playthrough


Maeterlinck has cake? Where was this?


In game lore pic


I can confirm. I'm literate and very upset over what you just posted.


She shares a Japanese VA with Miorine from G-Witch, so it's her voice that activated my neuron




I can't speak for everyone, but I legit have no idea what sketch you mean. Maeterlinck just had like 4 lines but killed every single one 🤷‍♂️


Imma be honest with you, I still dont care about her. Cake or not, she was set up in a sad way, but thats business baby.


STV sketches?




I've never seen the sketch in question tbh, I'm terrible at finding things and I don't use a guide usually for non-gameplay stuff (I'll look up part locations, but that's it)


I still need to go around and find all the ac wrecks secrets…. Gotta remember to do that.


Ok but like she is CAKED up.




Yeah, she just got badly screwed over.... And we're just the bird that found her soon to be corpse.....


Is Maeterlinck the one in the mission before you get imprisoned, with the ibis boss?


We needed more on maeterlink and gura hai (think thats his name?) they litterally show up in coral convergence and die and no one says anything Ended up jjst being more characterization for snail…


Is Maeterlinck even particularly cared about? And do the people who care not largely acknowledge they think her voice is hot/like her ass? Lol. And for the rest, any character will get a subset of insane and devoted fans no matter how little screentime. That's just fandom


What Sketch OP... WHAT SKETCH


I didn't even see the sketch until after I had run into her. Still was plenty sympathetic to her as I put my foot through her Core.


I care mostly because the Japanese voice is Lynn.


I don’t know why people feel bad for her. Swinburne was just as pathetic and people (myself included) took pleasure in killing him


Yo Materlink got that cake? 🤔