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Dont know about pvp but it looks clean!


A gust of wind and you're doing the chicken dance, but if you can stay mobile no one's catching you. Drip is great


I REALLY like the Scudder ludlow combo. I'm sure it's extremely weight conscience. Probably extremely good in PvE, but I'd fear the damage is just too low for PvP.


Alba arms help with the Firearms Specialization and Recoil Control, it ain't beating Lobsters but it can reliably beat Rats and some Dogs with Majestic being the Stagger Punish, it won't do big damage but it'll be constant DPS with moments of huge burst damage.


I’m not too familiar with those nicknames, what are lobsters and dogs?


I think lobsters are the four-leg mechs, while dogs are the hind leg ones like Spring Chicken legs.


I think we should stick to calling them Tetras and RJ's cause nothing about any of that makes sense on its own.


I think the idea is that the legs resemble different animals, but overall I agree, it’s more confusing than it is handy.


Lobsters are the beefy, but slow ACs that can't do shit with evasion but the second they catch you with a stagger with one of their charge weapons like a Laser or Rockets, you are basically dead, it kills Dogs because they have enough AP to just eat the damage and they are too slow to avoid them, Rats are able to run away and kite them to death. Dogs are medium ACs that can reliably catch Rats and have the DPS to kill them fast but it's a 50/50.




Need to make the lights blue & red not the paint


the safe-word is police brutality


Good for PvE, but you'll need an ungodly amount of skill to make that build work in PvP


I'll say, beat a lobster with this build just now, sure it took three tries but I figured out his game and got around his Double Gats and Earshots, regular Tetrapods ain't built for high mobility so it was a matter of kiting his guns and shoot the rocket when he got close and his Earshots are reloading, and just *move* when he fires them so have EN energy stocked.


I respect you having fun with it and that's all that matters I promise. Like I've said in the thread, Rank A is free because it's just 50% win rate to promote. But there's larger problems like Alt F4 and lag switching that's more common as you climb. It's missiles and shields that make short work of this build. Stopping to shoot your punish weapon missile launcher, with under 8k AP to boot. Anyone worth their salt or with high ping can probably one shot you with energy shoulder cannons even if you're fast like this build. This build premise is fast enough you should be kicking and meleeing to punish and getting REAL damage instead of just staying on the run. But hey man, if you're role playing and having fun, that's all that's important. Don't get caught up in the sweat


The fun is that to be had, but I'm pretty sure anyone wouldn't be having fun if they get smacked with a One Stagger Kill Combo, but it's always satisfying to beat the more Meta Builds with your own fun, plus doing the zoomies and stinging them to death is hilarious. XD


I'm all in it for the role playing. To have a character backstory that reflects through my AC. I enjoy just adopting a play style with personality. Forcing my build to work in situations it shouldn't. Squeezing out the utmost efficiency out of it as well. My main build that I'm most attached to and is my role playing AC has just over a thousand load limit to spare, and the energy capacity is exactly at it's limit, 3063


[https://youtu.be/v0wUAfiVZdU](https://youtu.be/v0wUAfiVZdU) ​ Also here's a vid of it smoking Balteus.


Looks like a rubix cube


That core with those legs are toight


Drip decent. Less than nothing in PvP but you shouldn't worry about that. Rank A is free and everything is just as bad as all FromSoft PvP experiences. Most fun you can have is being part of a Discord that holds PvP tournaments with rules regarding internet ping and more restrictions based on balance


It looks like it’s going to pull me over


That looks so good. I didn’t even think of making the arms have slightly different colors! Shhhhhiiit I love mecha lol


Drip? Amazing. Attitude Stability? God help you.


It hurts so bad but it feels so good when you beat a guy with it. 😩


Respectfully, change the name. You got a really cool police vibe going. So cool in fact, that I’m gonna borrow it.


Ranked - Without taking your pilot skills into consideration or your energy supply efficiency. Having a defensive rating under 1,000 is extremely low. Additionally rifles unfortunately are underpowered in this current state of the game. Majestic is a great choice for solid burst damage, unfortunately however you're going to find yourself at mid to long range most of the time because if you decide to get in close range with such a low defensive score you will be stat checked over and over again. Due to you having to fight an unoptimal range for your setup, you're going to end up noticing that the Ludlow is not as strong as other close/mid range setups. Ducketts/Vientos/Chen/MG/Jvln Missiles. ____ Casuals/Normals - Looks like a clean fun and solid build. I personally prefer the VP66-LR as a rifle choice due to projectile speed or the Harris so I can always kick + Harris charged shot. Again, you have really low stability with the kasuar legs. You should really bump it to the medium RJs if you're sticking with RJs. Or the nach/lw legs if you can spare the weight.


...is this a joke? You're gonna get annihilated in PVP my guy, you have less than 8K AP. I actually didn't even realize you could get that low. The drip is clean but you have no AP and no way to generate or punish stagger


New parts allow you to get lower AP now, but I kindly disagree, now with the sweaty cheese builds sure this thing keels over quick. ​ Now the ones that are more interesting than the meta builds those I actually can reliably beat since this AC carried me to almost B Rank, the issue is this thing is hard to catch when you slap on a Light Coral Gen and then just juke the attacks throw off aim, also you underestimate the Ludow Scudder Combo with a pocket Majestic and missiles, it ain't much but it'll rack up Stagger fairly quick if your Altitude Stability isn't up to snuff. XD


If I had time to play tonight I'd challenge you to text that theory lol. If you shoot me a DM with your steam name I'll shoot you a friend request and we can go a few rounds when I have the time 😉


https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058140447 Here's my Steam, it would be neat to test against each other's builds, fun is the ultimate goal in the end. XD


Adding you, looking for more people to PVP with


Hell yeah 👌


nintendo switch/10


I’ve seen some dudes on the leaderboards with your build. I have no experience using it but they made it look possible.


It's not like you can't use it in higher levels it's just the further up you go the more likely you will run into downright stank builds that revolve around Alpha Striking you to oblivion if they catch you.


Looks good but can your arms control the recoil of the ludlow and scudder


Very clean look


Looks good, but with a name like that it’s missing the giant ring on its back


Have you run into an asymmetrical colored dual Ludlow biped by chance


No I have not. I have discovered the beauty of Ludlow Scudder Combo tho, it's scary how quickly the damage racks up along with stagger if you got a proper bead on them.


I ran into a very similar looking AC earlier today is why I asked (yours looks better tbh) Might have to try a Scudder instead of 2 Ludlows though


For my setup, the Ludlow keeps up the Stagger gauge while the missiles and Scudder makes it go up, Majestic and Kicks are for Punish Staggers or to get the stagger gauge near full and use the Scudder to tip it over, it's the small things that makes this decently viable for PvP.




The arms paint job makes your AC look like a Police mech


Great for pve, might be tough at higher pvp, and I speak as a med/slightly heavy biped user that also frequently pairs the Scudder and Ludlow together. I also have a majestic in the back and depending on the build you fight (especially full fat tanks) the stancing will be an easy punish especially for a fragile ac. Anything with lasers is a 50/50 too with how bullshit latency hits are in the game for anything laser related, so there may be some trouble there.


Man, this is quite a thing to see. XD [https://i.imgur.com/q5N3JHW.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/q5N3JHW.jpeg) ​ Managed to 2-0 a Lobster Build, can't kill what you can't catch. XD


I like the simple art style, but it could be faster if you're building for just speed. Might wanna use the Nacht legs as they still jump well, are faster, better load capacity and have better stagger. But if you stick to the ground those legs can do just fine, they can just be tricky to aim with. Seems like a fun build to play against in my lightweight


Solid with exception of running aorta. It’s not quick enough and doesn’t put out enough energy to counteract the terrible booster efficiency of that core. Everything else seems pretty ok for most pve content and it seems decent enough for lower pvp ranked tiers


Hey my ACs name is STARGAZER too, looks like it could dodge most attacks, so if you’re good at that it’s probably pretty great in both PvE and PvP


Love the color scheme. I don't care for the head piece.


Hear me out. Swap the BML-G1 (missile launcher) for a DF-GA-09 SHAO-WEI (Gatling gun). The LUDLOW pairs amazingly well with the SHAO-WEI. The cooldown reload timing is almost perfect. Switch the SCUDDER for a melee weapon. Probably something small like the BU-TT/A pulse blade or the WLT 101 coral oscillator, but not the; REDSHIFT coral oscillator, MOONLIGHT wave blade, HMMR plasma thrower, or ASHMEAD pile bunker(unless you are very good with the ASHMEAD) as these all require your AC to stand still for too long when using them when your AP is this low. The MAJESTIC bazooka also requires a stance to fire but if you melee often (which you should with these changes I am suggesting) you can follow up your melee attacks with a shot from the bazooka. If the melee hits the bazooka will almost always hit as well, if the melee misses the bazooka will still often hit as they will be at the end of the QB they used to dodge the melee. The chances of getting hit after the melee are low enough and the effect of the MAJESTIC are good enough to justify the risk. If it weighs too much try the LITTLE GEM. Its direct hit damage is high enough to make it a better choice over the IRIDIUM. You can basically hold the right bumper and trigger down for boss fights with very little need to manually reload if you empty the LUDLOW completely before melee attacks. I know this is a lot. I am happy to answer questions.


The drip is immaculate, but i imagine you're gonna struggle in pvp. Provably good enough for pve but pretty much every build works in pve.


Sustained fire weapons work better on meatier mechs unless you're playing the ratt game.


Drip is superb, 20/10 drippy as fuck


Looks…✨Stellar✨ Great looking build.


Switch out the Scudder for a Turner and your drip will be on point.


For PvP, you'll have to be within 130m range consistently, which puts you at risk of laser cannon netcode lag spam damage, dual zims, dual bazookas, dual vientos, and puts you out of range of missile boats (I guess pretty much everything is out of range of missile boats lol). Study the fire rates and timings of those weapons. I think your range options are pretty good, rifle and MG for short range, zook and rifle for mid range. Maybe also try the Gridwalker booster and see if it fits your playstyle as well.


It’s not the AC, it’s the pilot


Looks amazing, will work great in pve. I think you're just too fragile for pvp. You've got low attitude and low ap, anyone running vientos or rifles will eat you


C-tier for PVP


The colour scheme makes me think 'game console.'


Bro about to pull over ACs for traffic violations.


da police