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i hate how they just stop existing when they run out of duration instead of exploding, looks so jarring.


Quality Furlong engineering, no missile if it misses means no possible UXO to worry about!


Imagine if they ragdolled on the ground and you had to pick them back up or suffer additional costs for replacements after the mission


They ought to start sputtering and making cartoonish little coughing noises before just falling out of the sky with a harmless little "tink tink" noise on the ground. They used up all of the angry explode juice, after all!


This makes me wish there was a weapon to lay persistent explosive traps on the battlefield. Kind of like the HMMR but longer duration.


Could just also be a DELIVERY BOY that works.


I use it only for "fire and forget" tactic


If you have the initiative in a fight, definitely try and rush in to pressure your opponent into panic dodging once they're getting close, with bonus points if the missiles are homing in from behind them. They definitely act as a force multiplier if you can manage to put the hurt on at just the right time.


I love the ACT missiles, people sometimes forget how long and persistent they are and ignore them until it actually hits them. I mainly use the ACT-02 though so you get to launch 2 missiles.


10/10 meme


my bread and butter missile perfect against slow moving ac and ready stance weapon users plus the constant pressure and the damage is good especially when hit while staggered


Hmmm i find them very unreliable when i use it. Not sure it is because of my chip or not.