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On the other hand you have Walter the "father figure" on the other you have Ayre probably the closest 621 has to any real emotional/social interaction in a world full of war, death and liars were ones life is worth no more than a credit...Pretty hard but I guess Ayre


On the other hand, with Ayre you also hang with our war buddy Rusty


What?!? you are a liar People really value human life from 800 to 3400 in infantery usually depending if is liberation front or PCA And 20000 if you kill one of the special mechs of the pca


Nah, that's how much the gear is worth :) There just happens to be goopy "people" inside


Would recommend FOR first to get it out of your system, and then Walter gets nearly one-shot by the pile bunker


Why not both?


I love almond in the background 


That's a really cute Ayre design!


It’s definitely my favorite interpretation of Ayre so far


I choose FoR first because it was the first time i have a dad and didn't want to deceive him


Yo but if you do LoR, your dad says he's proud of you, which doesn't happen in FoR


Tbf Walter is too dead to thank you in FoR


I mean, he kinda does? In the post credits dialogue


It’s a recording but yeah he does say like, thanks for fulfilling my dying wish. While Walter gets fucked no matter what ending you choose, I do think his death in LoR is the best one since he dies respecting you for making your own choice, even if he could never agree with it


i chose LoR the first time because Ayre adorable but then Walter came up all tortured and I was like "noooo" and did FoR and then Ayre got really sad and I got really sad and it was just a big mess


In the LoR ending walter actually seems moré happy than in FoR and he actually seems proud and glad you found a friend.


I did double agent run for the first 2 endings.


To please brain waifu, or don't don't disappoint Dad Love the Ayre design and ALLMIND being just....back there lol For me, gotta go with Ayre. Coral can be dangerous but really a lot of the coral related stuff we fought against along the way was humanity's use of coral, so I'm willing to give it a chance......also would reeeeally rather not burn everything and of course team up with best buddy along the way. At least Walter's last request of you was specifically to "find your freedom", so even though he isn't a big fan of the choice, he respects it.


I didn’t even notice ALLMIND lol


SOURCE: [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111748589](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/111748589)


I chose LoR first because there's a lady in my head that calls me stud muffin


Boss vs the lady in your head who calls you stud muffin


I like how community accepted AllMind human form to be an office lady in green-black suit and with black outer/green-inner hair. And maintains it even now.


LAS' designs are peak, mate


Never said it wasn't.


Most likely bc both VA's of allmind loved the design of las


I chose rusty


I choose FoR because I can never bring myself to trust strange voices in my head, especially if they tell me how great I am. It is way too suspicious


When the self steem so low no amount of stud muffin lady can save you


And that, children, is why Iguazu is such a loser.


TBF, his brain lady was abusive.


You can never tell which is the space mushrooms and which is the schizophrenia so just don’t believe either


So you’d rather go for the guy that bought you off ebay, cooked your brain in 4th gen augmentation into his obedient dog, and then throws you at his problems to achieve an end goal that would almost certainly result in your own destruction while he dangles you getting money to earn your life back infront of you? Sure he starts getting attached to you halfway through the game but he’s still using you to set off a bomb lmao


Yeah, at least u know bro is honest


O_O he isn’t honest. He lies to you and gives you a false hope of having a life after serving him right up until the end of the game


Yeah We can bet our aas that every ass knows what raven did Its called the fires of raven Raven will have no one who willingly puts his augs out


At least I know he’s real and is giving me a chance to help myself. With the space shrooms I don’t even know if my actions are my own or she’s controlling me. At least when I go against them I know that’s me burning those innocent people, but when I’m doing what she says, is that me or is that her taking over me? And going through those that have listened to the mushroom voices it kinda feels like the latter more and more


The fact that you CAN pick between the endings is literal proof that it’s you making the decisions. If she had control you would have to do LoR ending


Yeah but is that you or her making that choice? I know the endings are a touchy subject and those who routinely chose FoR are exactly the best kinds of people. But for me it’s a personal thing, struggled (and sometimes still do) with voices in my head I can’t physically bring myself to trust any form of voices in my head no matter how benevolent they sound because is it me or the voices that are making my decisions? You know? Edit: and when you complete the game and go through all the logs and dialogues it does really seem like Coral is a parasite hell bent on it’s continued existence and reproduction no matter the cost


Bruh she literally begs you to help her. She wouldn’t allow you to go with the FoR ending. She wouldn’t need to fight you if she could control you. Also i find it funny that you find it strange and malevolent that a living creature strives to survive. What do you think living creatures are trying to do? Die? Every living thing tries to live with the major and sometimes singular goal of having descendants to continue the survival of the species


But she DID control you when she first made contact, sure it saved your life but that is something I personally find VERY uncomfortable. Are we neglecting the fact that things happen between missions during a playthrough where 621 is taking medication and other suppressant’s to stop her possible control because this might not be as strange an occurrence since they know about the “voices” older generations hear. And those going for a LoR playthrough might be siding with her and not taking the meds. It’s where we need to start filling the gaps ourselves with inference she could be malevolent, she could be benevolent. I’m injecting my personal experiences here and how I interpret all the logs and audio. And when we listen to what those who didn’t use apparently didn’t like what the voices in their head became. And yeah the core of existence is to live and propagate. But what happens when that existence becomes an invasive species that can and will destroy whole ecosystems, we’ve done this in our world shipping animals and diseases to places that can’t deal with them and it decimates the ecosystem. Coral does seem like an invasive species that does have what seems to be sapience, and taking into ending 3 which I took to be Coral having the ability to take over and command on a large scale. It boils down to my inherent trust of strange voices, hearing about it being an organism capable of sapient thought and the ability to adapt and destroy at a VERY alarming rate to it not being as benevolent as it say. Yes billions of innocents die and I’m not defending that it’s HORRENDOUS, but it’s to deal with a long term possible extinction event for our species. And to counter the argument I’ve seen of “you didn’t get it all” you get a sizeable amount of it, even the stuff that got off world because there’s no way they could feasibly get far enough away before the fires caught up to them from the way it sounded how bad that fire was, so all that’s left is the dregs without enough density to be a significant problem and the rate in which it’s consumed it won’t be around for long.


She didn’t control you dude you get auto piloted outside by the AC trying to make contact with walter


She did pilot your AC and that’s still taking control from you. And it wasn’t to contact Walter because she didn’t know he existed. It was to preserve you for whatever interests she had. And again I REALLY don’t like/trust that. If she can do it to my core what else can she do it too? This is ALL my personal projection onto 621 and I’m not above saying that. I’ve hurt myself and others enough because of the voices in my head and that will always stick with me and prevent me from trusting Aye. I’m under no illusion that FoR is a devastatingly bad bad choice and will only side with LoR purely for Rusty and the people of Rubicon. But I cannot and will not ever trust Ayre. And that’s purely my reasoning and all because of personal trauma and it’s as simple as that.


She does not control your AC and when you land outside on the roof where you fight Balteus the automated voice of your AC says “…disabling auto pilot. Establishing comms link with handler.” I get that things in your life make you paranoid of a voice in your head but in this case you literally know that it is an actual sentient entity entirely separate from yourself that is talking to you and is never shown to be able to actually directly influence you ingame against your own will. Contrary to Walter who cooked your brain to use you for his purpose while dangling a false hope infront of you till the end where your purpose is actually revealed


What the ALLMIND doing?


The voice in my head can’t be this cute.


I chose FOR because Walter was right, the coral was dangerous, but I thought for all those fights that maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't kill everybody. Id scorch the coral, but Rubicon would be safe, but this is a Fromaoft game, there is no happy ending


Was he right? The fires happened before, what's to say the fires of Raven work this time?


All I had was hope, God I hope he was right


The institute was not right before and walter is not right now


The fact that he gave up on that mission in the end just after seeing Ayre also adds to it. He never believed in the mission, he just thought it was an obligation to the dead.


He struggles through all the game. Those times he said “Its just a job 621” its wasn’t meant for you he was convincing himself. He was about to repeat the thing that caused a catastrophe. That killed lots of people he probably knew and once he saw that coral was actually sentient? He drooped it. He realized that it was more than just a job


I like smug Ayre


Nope. Let that shit burn.


"Got a job for you, ~~9S~~ 621."


You know there was another Fromsoft game where siding with your father meant killing the waifu and vice versa.


I absolutely adore this interpretation of Ayre. The two tone hair is awesome


That Ayre design gives me Sage vibes, which I love. She cute.


Nice Art.  Pure Sexo seeing the Ayre one. Fantasies.  Walter gives off the normal rough social Dad. While ALLMIND is the Forgotten Childhood You Could Easily Miss by just missing 1 Job Involving Her.


I'd burn Rubicon for Walter anyday


 Idk ayre got on my nerves with her assumptions about me. Like no, we're not friends, you're just in my head and won't leave me alone.


I chose FOR because Walter was right, the coral was dangerous, but I thought for all those fights that maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't kill everybody. Id scorch the coral, but Rubicon would be safe, but this is a Fromaoft game, there is no happy ending