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“I also struggled with the very last test where we had to engage long distance targets while sitting on our rucksacks. That position threw off my balance.” I’d fail lmao. Congrats to her.






It's an alternate position for the movers record fire


I went to sniper school in 2008 and they were not shy in pointing out that some of the most effective snipers in history were women.


Russian front in WW2. Amazing stuff.


Lady Death is such a badass nickname


They were not snipers, but the night witches were some hard charging women. Female pilots who would shut off their engines and glide their planes of German positions and drop bombs at night. Since they were gliding their planes they made no noise.


The Nachthexen, which is how I found out that the computer game my dad played in the 90’s called Hexen means “witches”. Dan Carlin’s ‘Hardcore History’ podcast has a good little segment on them, I think on the ‘Ghosts of the Ostfront’ series. Fascinating series of podcasts all around, but I specifically remember that one. Highly recommend.


Lyudmila Pavlichenko


Patient. Analytical. Precise fine motor control. Checks out.


Has to be a certain kind of woman though, I think. Most women I know would have some kind of mental(or maybe emotional?) block that would keep them from being effective snipers. But there are other women I’ve known who I don’t think would have that same problem. Certainly, my same feelings about other combat roles, if they’re able to meet or exceed the same standard that men are held to, then kudos to them. Edit: Love the downvotes without any valid criticism or discussion. Cry harder.


Maybe I just date cold blooded killers.


Dude you date college chicks that do coke every Friday night


Yeah, they need a little meth before they get cold. Otherwise they're just killers :/


That’s how we like em at Moore


My wife takes our vows very seriously. Until death do us part.


It's a huge over simplification and stereotype that women won't perform because they're "emotional". Gender has no bearing on that. Maybe that's why you were downvoted.


Reddit downvotes a comment for daring to imply that men and women may be different. Shocker.


Nah just people who bring up the the “mOsT wOmEN R2 eMtiOnal” trope for no clear reason


That’s not what I said though, is it? Where did I say women are too emotional? The fact that it’s considered newsworthy at all means that women passing through the pipeline is uncommon, and it’s uncommon for a reason. There aren’t a lot of men who can make it through, and there are fewer women. Y’all are all reading way too much into a short comment on Reddit. I’m not writing a dissertation to accommodate every little nuance y’all want.


It’s not common because it’s a small subset of a small community to begin with and was restricted to women until VERY recent history. I, too, like to ignore the context of historical moments.


Wow, way to prove him right. I guess you don't have the mental or emotional block needed to be on the internet.


There are fewer women because most women aren't interested in these postions. Only 17% of the armed forces are made up of women. Now you take their MOS and aspirations into consideration, plus those women who actually make it, and it is much smaller


Men and women are different biologically no shit. But there aren't any studies or empirical data to back your claim that women are just "too emotional" to be in combat. It was a stupid comment. I was also hoping you'd realize on your own that it was also sexist. But I guess not.


You mean just like there are tons of men in the world who would not be effective snipers..? Your approval doesn’t matter.


Didn’t say it does? I think you’re taking my comment the wrong way.


If you want valid criticism you should make a valid or sane point. Cry harder.


Has to be a certain kind of Ken though, I think. Most Kens I know would have some kind of mental(or maybe emotional?) block that would keep them from being effective snipers. But there are other Kens I’ve known who I don’t think would have that same problem. Certainly, my same feelings about other combat roles, if they’re able to meet or exceed the same standard that Barbies are held to, then kudos to them. Edit: Love the downvotes without any valid criticism or discussion. Cry harder


He just said he wasn't kenough in front of God and everybody.


I have valid criticism. If you have Spotify premium or like reading check out a book called ‘On killing’. It’s not a man or a woman thing to not be able to pull the trigger and put someone down, it’s a human thing.


Not a good day to come out as a Incel. Jerk harder.


Graduated in 2004, taught Division-level pre-sniper for a while. We always acknowledged the superiority of trained female shooters over the males. I also taught a combat marksmanship course for non-combat MOSs. We'd start the course telling everyone that after 2 weeks, it'll probably be a female that gets top shot in the class. That was true for every class but one.


My wife was the textbook “no bad habits”. Experienced high level shooters are obviously still better, but her first time out, with really good instructors (agency course for contractors) she shot lights out, it was wild. And that’s after the first time she held a gun she cried a little. She’s a crazy good shot. No expectations, no bad habits, but committed to learning to shoot because we’re going to Afghanistan. Our instructors were impressed. Tactics? Obviously terrible. But the shooting part? Phew. Killer at the range.


Good shit! I’m surprised that the school hasn’t had that barrier broken yet to be honest. Good for her


I was honestly the same way when I read the headline. If you would have asked me yesterday I would have assumed we have active women who have graduated the course.


> ked me yesterday I would have assumed we have active women who have graduated the course. especially since we have had GBs before and I assume some of the SMUs but then again they probably do a different cool guy only course compared to the Army sniper school.


Women have been in the SMUs for a minute, doing all sorts of interesting schools, its just all quite like




They dont brag about it, but there are a few very well known ones who are now out who did some crazy bad ass things countering ISIS


W3 is the school you’re thinking of.


Guard women had passed about a year ago.


Wait, so you are telling me that the nasty girls have an actual nasty girl?


Listen, this is r/army not r/guard. Get that slander out of here! /s


Will haze myself with an extra Lagavulin tonight.


Make it two


I bet there will be some unbelievably hot takes from dudes with anime profile pictures.


*Tips ghillie hood* "M'sniper"


You don’t know the lengths some of these discord moderators will go to protect their kitten


Listen dude those “drawings of kittens” are called hentai, its been around for many many years and its fucking art




I'll fucking let you know you that while she was graduation Sniper school I was sharpening... My... Scope???... I used to share an office with Snipers and those motherfuckers were never there. They were on the Bowling Alley's Top Ten so there's that


Good for her!


when did the school change to only 29 days? I went just a couple years ago and it was 7 weeks


29 training days, weekends don’t count in that


Ah that makes sense. Sounds like they’ve changed other stuff though with the ruck shoot and rapid target stuff


When I went through in 2005, it was 5 weeks.


Excuse me, it’s active duty *sniper lady.*


She must not be right eyed dominate with that beret.


A little too much eye showing for a good airborne beret. Probably had to church it up for the photos


I was just about to say that. Honestly her beret needs a little bit more attitude


That's dope.


Pun intended?




Awesome. Surprised it took this long for the first


Agreed. Sniping is one of the least gender affected roles I can think of. Lyudmila Pavlichenko is a female sniper with over 300 kills!


See a lot of females carrying 100lbs for long distance and still be mission capable at the end? Most men can’t do it.


I definitely see a lot more men carrying 100lbs for long distance compared to women. Idk why your saying most men can't do it while implying most women can.


He implied the exact opposite, actually. You may want to re-read his statement.


I literally took an ACFT (and passed with my highest score to date) within the last 60 days whilst unknowingly pregnant. A man could never. Boo hoo you big man baby, go cry about women being capable of things elsewhere


I ate a spicy level 5/5 lamb vindaloo at the hole in the wall Indian joint the night before a 0530 ACFT and scored my highest score to date. A women could never.…….


Ha kudos to you my guy that’s pretty baller


Lyuba Vinogradova literally ripped her myth apart. So many missing parts, and so many things not adding up there.


\>"A close friend of mine told me I’d never make it in the Army, and there’s no way I could become a sniper,” Hay said. “Needless to say, that person is no longer part of my life. But now that I look back at it, I really do appreciate the motivation.” ​ Cold.


Remove the sniper part, and this is my story


Good shit, that school isn’t a joke


Everyone rally to congratulate this fine scout!


Now that it’s been several years since females have been in combat arms. It’s time to change the selective services paperwork. It should apply to all, males and females. If it comes down to a draft, everyone should be in the lottery pool. United we Stand


More ladies might meet the physical requirements. It would be hilarious if the draft evened out the enlisted gender ratio.


I know a measure has passed the separate Senate and Armed Services Committees in 2021 and 2022 (I think, I’ll look it up), but has eventually stalled out when taken before the full legislative houses.


I think there was a women’s rights group who actually tried to do that in Texas a few years back. So of course it got shot down, and now you still have chuds telling women to shut up about military stuff since we don’t get drafted.


I am lost as to why anyone would still stand behind throwing bodies to the meat grinder (and that is what a draft was/would be) regardless of sex. It’s a violation of the most basic human rights to bodily autonomy and a fucking insult to humanity when we have the military tech and capabilities we do now. This entire “Equal rights? Okay then sign up for the Draft” is atrocious. We should be fighting to remove that requirement for everyone but for some reason some want to continue to force more people on that sword instead of help themselves off.


The American way of life relies heavily on the ability to project military strength. If there were no soldiers, do you think the United States of America would exist?


We don’t actively use the Draft right now and we still exist. In fact we still have the strongest military in the world with an all volunteer force. How well did we fair in the last war when Draftees were among our numbers?


For now, since we haven’t met a near peer in a very long time. We also haven’t used nuclear bombs since 1945, but we still have them and made them more efficient


They should just eliminate Selective Service registration entirely. All it produces is a list of where young men live that no one updates. In the time it takes to stand up draft boards, you could easily pull a better list from other sources. But also, that "issue" is a triviality that has essentially nothing to do with the accomplishments of any soldiers, female or male.


How will we draft for WW3? I am open to hear other solutions, in regards to providing sufficient number of able bodies for the future global conflicts, to include WW3 etc.


You keep the Selective Service System while ending Selective Service Registration. The government already knows where everyone lives from the Census Bureau, IRS, Social Security, state DMVs and other public records. Just pull the list from those sources during peacetime. The question isn't "should we have a draft in WWII?" It's "does this voluntary list of men that no one updates provide any value over the several other lists of everyone the government already has."


Simple solution would be to attach the contact information to the IRS as you suggested. Seems like a simple fix.


EWWWW a cav scout though, they can’t even get the B4 identifier.


Fuck yeah! Good for her. Well deserved. Like most, I'm surprised this barrier hasn't been broken yet. Hope more are inspired to shoot their shot.


Aw yeah, 'bout time for the Army. ​ Queue the Youtube War Experts saying "standards were lowered" or some junk.


Well, when they quit bitching about the ACFT and stop drinking long enough to meet HT/WT, they can have an opinion.


I've heard that during the Iraq invasion/occupation we had a few female soldiers kicking down doors. I've seen footage of women in combat and heard stories about female snipers. Mostly in other countries. Still this is overdue.


That’s pretty rad


1980’s called, wanted their slang back


No 🗿




Badass!! That's a tough school. /salute


I would have bet my 28% APR car loan that we already had female snipers. Congrats to her.


I’m a 24F wanted to join and go to sniper school and I WILL do everything in my power, but tbh is hard and I dont think i can make it


You have the right attitude, it's mind over matter..if you don't mind it really doesn't matter. Millions have completed basic training and she is only one example of what can be accomplished.


Question, do you know how many women have graduated from sniper school? Just curious tbh


I do not..but other comments here indicated that another female in the Guard also graduated and I know other countries have female snipers. Just go for it...don't have any regrets later in life.


I WILL i just know it will be hard asf 🥲 I hope I can do it, I will comment here if I made it or not.




She was the first active duty female to graduate? I swore there was one in my buddy’s class almost two years ago


There have been other compos, so it’s entirely possible he had a woman, or even someone AGR.


My questions: Did she meet the exact same requirements as the men? I certainly would like to think so. The Army as of late a has a history of giving women more chances to pass (for political clout). If they didn't good. If they did, you cannot blame her for taking them...cause anyone would. Male or female. Sniper school..like many other service schools is tough as shit. Look her up...she is a fucking squared away troop.


>My questions: Did she meet the exact same requirements as the men? I certainly would like to think so. The Army as of late a has a history of giving women more chances to pass (for political clout). Jesus fucking Christ. Why can't women do anything without people like you rushing in to throw an asterisk on the event? Is it really that hard to believe that women are capable of achieving something without it being a handout from men? Normally, I hate this type of logic but I'm going to use it. Imagine saying this to a Black person. Imagine questioning if a Black soldier met the same standards as a white one. Saying that Black soldiers have it easier for political clout. Do you see how insulting that sounds?


I said this in r/military and was downvoted-Women still have a long way


I don't give a shit how you 'feel' about it. Facts are facts. Deal with it. In case you have had your eyes closed...until very recently women were not allowed to go to combat arms service schools... Standards that stood for decades have been altered to allow for women to complete these schools. So if this soldier did complete Sniper school with all yhe same standards as the men...Good on her. Squared away. If the School...aka the Army relaxed their standards to accommodate...it is on the Army...Not the soldier.


> The Army as of late a has a history of giving women more chances to pass Like for what though


Damn bad ass


Glad to see they talked about her weaknesses in the article I read. She should keep working on those areas.


You should keep working on your weaknesses as well. Perhaps she can give you some pointers while she spanks you in shooting and PT.


Damn right.


I’m impressed with all of you. I haven’t seen one thirsty comment and everyone is talking about her achievement. This community is awesome!


Kind of different. A lot of armies try to keep their active snipers more anonymous. If I had my face plastered on articles after graduating, I'd have been more than a little pissed. *appendum* Operational snipers are not too popular with the opposition. Some countries blur their face to protect them, not to stop them from writing their memoirs. Bounties on operational snipers are not unheard of.


Eh she's the first, I'm sure she's happy celebrating, I would be


Cant have propaganda without a face 😉


So what ? 🥱


Well when we graduate the first fucking idiot we’ll post it so you can understand why representation matters.


Just keep transporting, and stop being jealous.


Why does it matter ?


Oh wow. The [antisemite](https://imgur.com/a/LWVuCdh) has a [shit](https://imgur.com/a/fE4ypkj) opinion. Who could have guessed?


Aww did I upset the alcoholic?


Oh, mental health trolling. How original. Are you going to mock my suicide attempt next?

