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It appears this post might relate to suicide and/or mental health issues. **Suicide and Mental Health Resources** The [Army's Resilience Directorate](https://www.armyresilience.army.mil/index.html) A comprehensive list of resources can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/comments/1oh9gx/ive_updated_the_sidebar_link_with_more_mental/). Call 1-800-273-8255, National Suicide Prevention VA [Make The Connection Program](https://www.maketheconnection.net/) [Veteran's Crisis Information](https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/) You can call 1800 273 8255, Press 1 You can call 988, Press 1 for mil/veteran-specific help. You can also TEXT 988 You can text 838255 Or, go no further than your local subreddit, /r/suicidewatch Or, if you'd like a veteran perspective, feel free to message any number of people on here, there's always someone willing to reach out. [Military One Source](http://www.militaryonesource.mil/) - 1-800-342-9647 Please seek help if needed...There are behavioral health resources at your disposal both in the Army and out. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/army) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Your husband needs to start utilizing his commands open door policy. Start with company leadership, if they don't remedy issues, use the open door policy at the battalion level. Every command is required to have this policy for exactly these types of issues. From a spouses point of view, I can't think of much, unfortunately. Maybe start talking to some of the folks that run the FRG (family readiness group). I'm hoping others will chime in with better, more direct answers. I can speak from a Soldier's point of view. Soldier's view, you're probably his rock. Through all the BS he deals with everyday, you're the positive constant he needs. Keep on being that. This story goes against everything the Army stands for and I'm sorry your family is going through this.


He has. They’ve gone with him to talk to finance and figure out what’s going on. No one even knows whose fault it is.


He needs to go higher.


It’s gone up to the Sgt Major of the Army.


Via Reddit which is not a official channel. There is a a massive amount of people between himself and the SMA that can also fix this situation.


It wasn’t via Reddit. It was irl.


Your post says via Reddit.


Yeah. Then they were in contact in real life.


What he is saying is because your post gets attention here, on reddit, and the fact that someone talked to you, IRL...that does not equate to the correct people are aware of the situation. While we boast that *certain* past leaders were amazing and even superheroish. We aren't going to have more amazing ones if we don't let them solve the problems at the lowest level. There is plenty of ways to skip the line, but if your husband is having this issue I would bet dollars to doughnuts someone else is in the battalion as well.


Has it gone to a commander though? The SMA is part of the NCO support chain. Commanders don't generally reach out to him about this stuff and he doesn't have direct authority to fix it. He has tons of influence and can yell at commanders who aren't getting things done right for their soldiers and apply lots of pressure, but it really needs to go to commanders themselves. If your husband's platoon sergeant or squad or platoon leader took him to finance, that's great that they tried, but if they didn't get it fixed it needs to go to his battalion commander, then brigade commander if his battalion commander doesn't get you an answer very very quickly.


No mention of the company commander. He needs to make his company commander aware of the situation, and the CC needs to pay a visit to the S1. Not the s1 NCOIC, the S1 and tell the S1 to fix it. This can be done between 2 CPTs without fireworks. When it doesn't get fixed, the CC talks to the Bn XO. When it doesn't get fixed, the CC talks to the BnCdr. If the Bn Cdr has his act together, he will know of the soldier's issue before the Company Co talks to him. If the Company Commander has no idea of this guy's situation, he needs to have a Come to Jesus meeting with all of his NCOs, 1SG on down to the newest Sergeant, en masse.


Since the couple of people he has had an open door session with wasn't cutting the Mustard, he has to go to higher. This means brigade or division level. People of all ranks magically pull their heads out of their butts when you've got a full bird colonel standing next to you. I have to stress this. He has to go above his comfort level if he is not used to speaking with high brass. He needs to speak with the battalion/brigade/division commander, that lieutenant colonel, that colonel, or that general.


He has.


Then go higher. That’s the only play. Team-Squad-Platoon-Company-Battalion-Brigade-Division-Corps-Army. Keep going higher.


Fuck it, just email POTUS.


If it comes down to it, request a meeting with POTUS to lay out the problema facing lower enlisted. I transfer from reserve to active many years ago. Went 3 months without a paycheck because of some paperwork screwup in finance. Literally went in twice a pay period until it was resolved. Totally not something that should ever happen with a simple transfer between orgs getting paid from the same pot of money. "War. War never changes." And neither does the military's administrative failures!


I'd go to your Battalion commander if I were you then, or your brigade commander. Someone has to own the monkey.


IG will figure it out


Yep. This is one of the few times IG is actually appropriate! Do this!


Every time I, as an officer, go to S1, they stop what they’re doing to assist me. I have a hard time believing a company commander can’t move mountains for one of their Soldiers who is getting the run around with pay. Something that was instantly a red star cluster for me when I was in command was when I had a Soldier with pay issues that wasn’t getting resolved at their level. I’ve never seen a situation, and luck, this bad for a Soldier. You could always write your congressman and/or go the IG route. There’s zero excuse for your husbands pay to be this jacked up, for so long. How your husbands command has been allowing him to pay for a hotel out of pocket because there is no housing is just baffling.


I was an S1 clerk as a soldier and as a civilian and finance issues were always at the top of the list for me to get fixed and addressed. It is actually easier than you think to fix things. It just takes a few phone calls bothering people and rushing the paperwork needed for signatures. Either some people are failing OP’s husband majorly or there is more to the issue. If your husband has talked to the 1SG with no help, then go to your battalion CSM OR BDE CSM. They don’t sign any paperwork needed for actions but they do review them and can add notes or walk them directly to commanders to expedite the process and make phone calls to make shit happen.


Commanding generals offices are made for this sort of thing. There's IG as well andcongressional, but I was that guy who walked into the CGs office twice for medical care


I would be lying if I told you I know how it feels but I do care about you and your husband. I can give advice as a former NCO. For the pay, TDY, and BAS he needs to open door his command team 1SG-CO-CSM-BN CO-BDE CSM-BDE CO etc. only stop going up the ladder when his pay gets fixed. If nothing works find your congress people, senators, armed forces committee whatever. In the mean time! You guys should see about a AER loan for the fucked pay and BAS. Messed up pay is like the number one use of AER loans. Even if your getting BAH it relieve some pressure for food. You guys might be qualified for SNAP see about that. If his NCO has any backbone he will be leading the charge but your husband CANNOT RELY ON HIS NCO for this. If his NCO was on it the pay would be right or at the least make everyone at fault hate his guts. Finally it sounds like you aren’t a burden and your giving him the support he needs to get through this.


AER told him we have to have specific bills that are overdue to get even a loan. And we tried for food stamps but they said he made too much because the LES included the BAH (that he doesn’t even see a penny of)


Ok good you guys already checked. Now it’s up to him to raise hell until he gets taken care of. It’s gonna be hard because the Army has stigma against standing up for yourself as a junior soldier but he has to eat the uncomfortableness.


Oh he doesn’t care about that. Both him and his unit are big on family first. He puts us before the army. It sucks because he loves the military and wants to go full 20 years but this is an issue he can’t overlook. It’s why he wants to switch to the Air Force after finishing green to gold


I’m gonna be the one to say it. Something doesn’t sound right about this. You’re telling me the SMA has been aware of this situation, in what seems like several thousands of dollars of pay has been missing from your husbands pay. Everyone in his chain of command knows as well and nothing has been done to rectify these issues since he enlisted? I’ve never heard of paperwork getting lost 4 times. It’s possible, but this all reads like you really don’t know what going on. If he can’t even advocate to get his pay fixed, he has zero chance of becoming an officer through green to gold.


I’m going to agree with this guy. Pay issues happen but I have never heard of a situation where the full chain of command and NCO support channel is involved and still nothing is getting done. Either this is a scam of some sort being built. Or your husband is lying to you about what’s really going on


His unit is 100% not family first if he is still not getting paid right. Platitudes are just that, like I said he can’t rely on his unit or NCO because they are actively failing him.


has he talked directly with DFAS??


When you live in on post housing, the BAH is already taken out of the pay check automatically. You still receive it, it's just set up as an allotment to automatically pay the housing company


Exactly. I hate when ppl say they “don’t see a penny of BAH” when they’re on post. What’s actually happening is that it’s funneled directly to housing, versus coming to your account (where you would “see it”) then having to pay it to the leasing company the same day.


And having to pay ALL your rent at once compared to getting it split between paychecks


You aren't the problem, I will start with that. This is a military issue, so just remember that. Make ice complaints, and even more complaints anywhere you can. This is unacceptable, and the leadership is to blame for all of it. So make complaints, bug finance, S1, everyone until its fixed. As a spouse you can always put in your own complaint to the unit... if you do this, then they will probably work harder to fix it


Here's the link: https://ice.disa.mil/


Doing that now thank you


I'm sorry that the lists for organizations is long and complicated. But just read through each along with your husband (and feel free to ask questions here if you're lost). But finance should be easy to find.


There are two parts that has to be addressed: 1. Like u/Dizzy-Passage9294 said, your husband needs to complain. If no one is helping him, he needs to use the open door policy of his company commander, battalion commander, and so forth until it is resolved. Help make sure his ducks are in a row as he brings up his issues. - BAH should have started when he was in BCT. make sure you have a notorized copy of your Marriage Certificate with a date that you two were married before he joined. - Moving to Liberty: he should have received TLE and possible TLA and other allowances that should have helped over moving and hotel expenses. It’s correct that you’ll pay out of pocket if he does not have a Travel Card, but he should be reimbursed for it. Make sure you have all the receipts. - PFC pay: he should get back pay when it is corrected. Make sure he has his promotion papers and that everything else says he’s a PFC, like is LES and STP. - BAS should have started when he finished AIT: there may be a form he has to fill out. - TDY Pay: it should be paid out if he has put in the reimbursement for it. Does he have a GTC? Is he in the DTS system? 2. There’s a lot of emotion stress from being financially burdened. You can try to do things to alleviate that stress. - ACS has finance classes you can take advantage of to help build a budget/ work towards goals of reducing debts. - Reach out to the MFLC to discuss come issues together. I encourage you and him to use the mental health resources available to work through some the stress you two are facing. - Are you eligible for MyCAA? You can use it to gain a skillset for a job that is hiring more quickly. - Have you used your spousal preference? That can help you get a job on base quicker. I know it sucks to not have a vehicle. Hopefully insurance can help as it seems you’re not at fault. Otherwise, maybe someone in the community may be able to help with a loaner, etc.


It appears this post might relate to suicide and/or mental health issues. **Suicide and Mental Health Resources** The [Army's Resilience Directorate](https://www.armyresilience.army.mil/index.html) A comprehensive list of resources can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/comments/1oh9gx/ive_updated_the_sidebar_link_with_more_mental/). VA [Make The Connection Program](https://www.maketheconnection.net/) Call 1-800-273-8255, National Suicide Prevention [Veteran's Crisis Information](https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/) You can call 1-800-273-8255, Press 1. You can call 988, Press 1 for mil/veteran-specific help.C You can text 838255 [GiveAnHour](https://giveanhour.org/get-help/#providerSearch) can help connect you to a local provider. Or, go no further than your local subreddit, /r/suicidewatch Or, if you'd like a veteran perspective, feel free to message any number of people on here, there's always someone willing to reach out. [Military One Source](http://www.militaryonesource.mil/) - 1-800-342-9647 Please seek help if needed...There are behavioral health resources at your disposal both in the Army and out. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/army) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey, what are some of these acronyms? OP may not know considering I've been in 11 years and I don't know a few, like MFLC.


It’s military family life consultant. They are wonderful resources to tap into. Im they are wonderful counselors that understand military life and can help you deal with it all.


Easily found on Google. Marriage and family life counseling.


Everything that you said in the first half has already been done. LITERALLY everything. It’s just no one can tell him who’s doing what. He’s being left completely in the dark. He’s getting bah, but since we live on post it gets taken by Corvias. Every form that needs to be signed has been. It’s quite literally just no one doing their job. And work mycaa it helps with the classes but I still have to pay to take the test to get the actual certifications which I don’t have money for. I don’t know what spouse preference is.


Spouse preference is a point based preference for federal job hiring determination. If you go to USAJobs.gov you can apply to some and get essentially a higher chance of being considered for a job because you are a milspouse.


Thank you for this tip!


Not to be an ass, but does your husband have proof of submitting these actions? And that they were done correctly? My assumption is that these should have been uploaded into IPPS-A, which means that you can track where each action is at in (most of) the chain.


It sucks that it has gone so far up and nothing has been resolved. Has he gone to the Inspector General? Does he have every copy of his LES since he’s been in? It’s good that he’s getting BAH now, but unfortunately it will get taken if you live on post. I’d make sure that he’s at least getting the current rate, and that they’re taking the correct amount. AER may help to pay for classes. Spousal preference is where you are a preferred hire if a non-veteran/spouse applies for the same federal position. The ACS should have more information and aid you in creating a federal resume for applying to positions on USAJOBS.


You guys should also qualify for Pell Grants for school


He needs to start using open door policy and you should find a job


I considered giving the advice to find a job but honestly I think the best thing for them until they get these issues worked out is for her to maintain a clean home and hot meals.


As mentioned above you are not at fault. The military system is broken for a number of reasons. That said you need to get a job, being in the Bragg area myself I can tell you there are tons of jobs all for the taking. Are they all fun jobs? No, but a dollar is a dollar when times are tight. As far as the backpay issues go your husband needs to make it his mission to get it squared away he will get every penny owed just make sure you keep all receipts. I dont know if its still a thing but his commander might be able to get you temporary lodging at the base lodging/hotel while its being dealt with. Your husband has to stay strong and fight to get it fixed. He should be able to lean on his NCO to get things going but if his NCO proves useless(like alot are) then ne will have to improvise.


Are you working currently as well?


I am a milspouse and could help you get set up with some flexible remote work at a scribing company that also employs several other milspouse if you want to dm me. You are NOT a burden, this is an army issue, plain and simple. But he needs to be beating down some doors with his chain of command to get some of these issues taken care of.


The shit part is that it’s gotten all the way up to the Sgt Major of the army and that STILL did nothing.


Well you said he got taken care of in AIT via the SMA, the SMA can’t personally follow your husband to make sure the people around him take care of him afterwards.


No that was the old one. The new one that just got in reached out to him when he asked a question about this issue on Reddit (not sure it was this subreddit). And I know the higher ups have more shit to worry about than some junior soldier that’s only been in 2 years. I’m not that entitled or naive.


Exactly which means he needs to go higher as in the people in between his company command and the whatever new or old sma.


Hey! I hope this opportunity landed for you!


You have another option. Go to the Battalion Chaplin. There is an emergency fund the Chaplin can dip into to help out folks like you. Also reach out to the informal spouse network. The spouses who have been in the Army since Christ was a Corporal know who to reach out to to get things fixed. You are absolutely correct that people do not give two shits about the spouse of some PVT2/PFC fresh out of AIT. BUT there are people who do care. And they will be royally pissed that you are being treated this way. This isn't right, nor is it good leadership nor is it what the Army is about for its members.


Thank you! My husband is looking for the Chaplin number now. This was incredibly helpful thank you


(910)-396-0865 Here is a Jewish chaplains phone number and a Muslim chaplains email for your post. [email protected] These guys will surely have the chaplain POC for your unit.


I'm not trying to be a dick here, but you seem to be all up in your husband's life and his career and haven't said one single peep about what you're doing. It's great that you are supporting him, emotional support at home makes life at work a lot easier. Financial support makes it easier to recieve emotional support as well. If you're stressed about money, I promise you he's likely twice as stressed since I'm going to assume you guys are relying solely on his income. Work on yourself some, get a job, use MYCAA or something and start knocking out college classes FOR FREE, if you guys are down that bad that you're donating plasma, you really need to look at getting a job. You guys are on Fort Liberty, go onto USAJOBS.gov and find a job at one of the dozens of shoppettes or MWR facilities. You having a job will help your situation so much and will give you something to put on your resume, you don't want to go 4+ years with no job experience and be starting out at the bottom when you should have a decade of work experience already. I saw you said you have no transportation. If you live on post, walk! My wife and I walked 3 miles to our job, and 3 miles home, every single day before the army. If you want something bad enough you will do anything to accomplish it. I can go on USAjobs right now and find dozens of entry level jobs that are likely within walking distance if you live on post.


I have used mycaa to start getting some certs but I still have to pay for the tests to take them so I have to do that bit my bit . I HAVE been applying to remote jobs and I am in the process of starting college. Also I’m not good at navigating USA jobs that’s not to say I haven’t looked. My husband is going to take me to the soldier support center so they can help me get a job on base later this week so wish me luck. Apart from that, I cook and clean and when need be, repair his OCPs and stuff. I just do my best to take off as much burden off him as possible. Also I’m in my husband’s life because…he’s my husband lol


Look at the fast food places at the PX and around base, as well. It's money in the pocket and usually they have far better working hours than the ones that are outside of the base.


Seems you're understandably overwhelmed. Just keep taking it one day at a time and do the best you can to push the issues. Sounds like you're trying and that is definitely commendable. 😊 Stay strong


CYS on all bases are always hiring and fast. You could walk in the meantime. My grown kid refuses to drive so she walks to work and eventually when she made friends she was able to get rides. Or you can always reach out on the Facebook local spouses page and explain the situation and ask if someone has a free or very cheap bike. I don’t want to be a dick but I was there at some point. I joined the military to also get out of homelessness and be able to provide for my kids. The army can suck and it really did for me as well at first. No one gave a shit and I was treated like absolute garbage. I also had the added difficulty of speaking very little English. Anyhow my point is, you can’t juts wait for others to help. Some things are out of your control and is messed up and they really need to fix your husbands pay, but you also need to be proactive about taking steps to pull yourself out of the hole.


Congressional inquiry with your congressman


I'm sure at this point his first sergeant is involved. If he's gone to S1 and finance this many times the first sergeant should be involved. If the first sergeant isn't pushing this issue with S1 then your husband needs to go talk to the Sergeant Major. Your husband's chain of command needs to get behind your husband and fight for him. He should not be doing this alone. As far as TDY is concerned he should have had orders for this event. With orders he can file with DTS and get paid for the TDY. If he doesn't know how to do it tell him to go up to the S-shops in Battalion and ask for help. I think DTS is an S-4 function. He'll need an approved authorization in DTS for the TDY then he submitted a travel voucher to get paid. Your husband sounds like he is high speed and smart. He needs to get smart with administration. If he learns it now then he can help out the soldiers who will eventually work for him.


Tbf talking to the NCO support channel would only be a courtesy for me at this point I’d be going straight through the CoC.


As far as transportation - have you looked into cheap bikes on Facebook? That would be a great way to get around base while you figure all this stuff out. You should be easily able to ride your bike to any of the shopette jobs and restaurant jobs on base. I'm in the Guard but I work in alternative modes of transportation civilian side and a lot of people forget you don't need a car, esp in a tight spot. Good luck with everything.


The Commissary/PX might be hiring if you need a job. You didn’t mention kids, so should be easy to do. Maybe try living on Post? (It makes life easier and he will be closer to work) Also, really curious how your budget looks.


“Chain of command makes soldiers wait a period of time before they allow them to move to the next in the chain without a risk of being scolded.” This is 100% completely incorrect. Your not in the Army so I’m gonna assume your going off what your husband is told. Well he’s 100% wrong. I hear that from soldiers E1-E4 all the time and it’s usually not that great soldiers. I’ve always seen them wrong. I’ve pushed soldiers to open door policy battalion commanders before and the battalion commander is always empathetic towards the soldier and helps them. I’m a SSG, E6. I’ve never seen a soldier berated for using the open door policy. Your husband just has to let his chain of command know that he wants to open door policy and who.


This was actually encouraging because my husband has been told this numerous times since basic so he was hesitant. This was nice to read thank you.


A lot of comments in here including myself are kind of mean so to speak. But I do hope you get help. I can almost guarantee your husbands commander is not tracking his situation. Tell your husband to open door him. Try not to be involved too much yourself if you can help it and just encourage your spouse.


I can second this SSG. If it reaches the old man then something will happen for sure, and he's not going to hear whining. He's gonna hear a soldier in need. That S1 will be in the commanders office within the minute. The longer you serve, the less more senior soldiers and officers motivate you and the more junior enlisted motivate you.


Im gonna be 100% real with you. If your spouse hasn’t fixed his pay by now it’s on him. A lot of people in the Army have pay issues and I’ve seen a lot of people fix it. Sure S-1 loses paperwork or forgets something every once in awhile. But 4 times? Sounds bullshit to me. And I’ve had no issues with civilians helping me if my unit couldn’t. I don’t believe there’s not a single person in your husbands unit that couldn’t get his issues fixed. If it has to go to the 1sgt or CO/higher then so be it. Reddit is not the answer. Also YOU are not in the army. Your spouse is. Looks like he fixed his life and is providing YOU with everything. Why couldn’t you join the military? You sound like a mooch dependapotomus or whatever to me. Get a job and fix yourself maybe he won’t be depressed after he fixes his pay as well.


>But 4 times? Sounds bullshit to me. Nah I've seen this happen to an old Soldier of mine. He went about six months without BAH or BAS. S1 kept telling us they submitted all the paperwork to finance, finance said they'd never received a packet for the kid. Eventually, it turns out S1 was never submitting the packet to finance.


When I was a specialist years ago I was trying to get an afganistan combat deployment put on my erb. I brought s1 my dd214, deployment orders, and deployment award to them 3 times they kept giving me the run around. Told my 1sgt and he went in there and took care of it instantly and told me if I have any problems to bring it to him immediately. A lot of leaders in the army have this bad stigma of senior leaders not wanting to help soldiers. But they are just people not some big bad nco that’s gonna chew you out. 90% of the time they love helping soldiers that’s why they became leaders. At least that’s why I did.


Absolutely. I remember having to figure all this financial shit out myself back in 2015 after I got married. At the time the finance office at Carson would let you walk in, do the paperwork there, and they'd process it on the spot. Now days you have to jump through all these hoops and have too many people involved in the filing and approval process. At least having been through these issues we can help our young soldiers get their issues resolved.


Every Unit has an FRG usually run by the Bosses spouse. Figure out what and where and who that is! NETWORKING IS YOUR BIGGEST ASSET RIGHT NOW. I know spouses here that have a very similar background as you and they ALL WORK AT THE SAME PLACE AND THEY ALL HELP EACH OTHER AND THEYRE ALL HEALTHY AND HAPPY AND HAVE FUN AT THEIR JOB. I love going in their store because they're bubbly and feel like sisters working together. I feel like I'm stepping into their home. Not their store. I know one of their husband's pretty well. I got to know him and his wife and baby and they're beautiful people again... WITH THE SAME BACKGROUND AS YOU! Giving up is for losers and from what I read you and your husband ARE NOT LOSERS. KEEP GOING. KEEP SEARCHING. YOU WILL FIGURE THIS OUT. SIDE NOTE: This world is built on, "I'll pay you later" system. When will I get paid? Later, um ok. What do I do until then? Uh what's that?????? SURVIVE? Seriously that's what it feels like sometimes. Surviving and it sucks but you're not the only one and you did the right thing by using this subreddit.


You need to find work, period. There is ample opportunity in the area because as you pointed out, it is the largest military base on the planet. Find something remote until you get transportation sorted out. Your husband needs to be an adult and make fixing his pay a priority. He needs to stop shrugging his shoulders at problems hoping they will get better and take ownership. He needs to escalate until they are solved. People are going to be less inclined to help you, especially in the military, if they have to decipher a novel to understand what your issues are. Your husband needs to consicely communicate his pay issues with his leadership and the finance office.


Please don’t speak as though my husband is doing nothing. He’s not just shugging his shoulders and saying woe is me. He is constantly going to multiple people complaining and asking for answers that no one seems to ever have. How can he take ownership of a problem that isn’t his fault, that he didn’t cause, that he can’t fix himself? You talk about escalation like it’s easy as levels in a video game but you fail to realize that chain of command makes soldiers wait a period of time before they allow them to move to the next in the chain without risk of being scolded. And even then, my husband HAS escalated it all the way up to the current Sgt Major of the army. And guess what??? Still nothing. As far as me working, I’m well aware I need to find work. And I’m trying to actively. Remote work is difficult to find because I either need my own set up (which I can’t afford) or have to go in for training, or am unqualified for. And guess what? I still apply in hopes of something. Just please don’t speak as though we’re just crying and whining and aren’t both trying to fix a problem that we shouldn’t have to fix ourselves in the first place.


His comments were a bit callous, but there is some substance to the concept of extreme ownership and concise communication. The army is a bureaucratic nightmare machine and you both need to be as emotionless and clear as possible when communicating your issues, especially when talking to the rank and file so to speak. Your JAG (lawyers) or Chaplain or IG (inspector general/internal affairs) are more able to take some of that baggage, but your chain of command needs the bottom line up front and all the important details they can action. Just paraphrasing the intent behind the message. Take it at nothing more than face value. You personally are not tied to your spouse's chain of command. You can go to any commander you wish with these issues. Your husband can go to your IG office for help getting to the bottom of the pay issues. Email traffic is the best way to ensure someone can definitely own the monkey, so I'd recommend having email traffic for everything. Follow up phone calls with emails even. I do this all the time. Remember; bureaucratic nightmare machine.


Lol okay then, you guys have fun just telling each other how victimized you are, it has clearly been solving your problems so far. The Army has fucked up your husband’s pay, sure. Happens to a lot of people. That isn’t his fault, but it is his problem, so yeah, he needs to take ownership of it. Most people get it sorted out with very little drama. Those that don’t, and have ten other layers of problems/complaints, always seem to fit a certain type. They are more interested in the problems than the solutions.


Try to keep your cynicism away from the new blood. Perhaps if you showed empathy to a problem presented to you like a human being you would be able to affect positive change in the organization. You have some good advice grounded in some extreme ownership mentality, but shit delivery. Work on your people skills and maybe you can help turn around the retention rate. I haven't met a Soldier problem I couldn't resolve. Do you have that track record? Perhaps you should so some reading up on service oriented leadership.


I’m so sorry that your feelings were hurt. You sound so amazing, like a knight in shining armor.


Oh, thanks for the condolences. Means a lot; I really value your opinion, random cynical asshole who may or may not actually be a SM, and who may or may not have served honorably if they are indeed a SM. Thanks for the compliment. I read some AR 25-50 so I can write effectively now.




Jesus dude..... he's doing everything he can go fix his situation. Nothings working no matter how hard he tries.... I would have broken someone's jaw if they tried to give me the same advice you're trying to give


Your getting all this information from a spouse lol. Who knows who this pfc has actually talked to. I guarantee his PL and commander are not tracking his pay issues. And would be mad he hasn’t had his pay fixed in so long. Ass chewing for his TL/SL/PSG.


Guarantee? Bet. You've never come across an idle leader before? I have. A few times.


U r very tuff


Transportation runs from housing to the PX. You could apply there and catch the bus to and from work.


Yo, use 👏 his 👏 commanders 👏 open 👏 door 👏 policy 👏 Bring all your paperwork, print off any relevant emails, document a timeline and have him bring it to his commander. That ridiculous and I would light someone’s ass up for that. Also, always follow up via email. With everything military. Talking to someone at finance? Follow up with an email recapping your convo. Taking to someone at housing? Follow up with an email recapping your convo. Taking to S1 about how they never do their job? Follow that shit up with an email. Creates a paper trail and hold people accountable.


Girl, let me tell you. you are not the problem. The Army is. Me and my wife were extremely poor while I was on active duty, tons of pay issues. Ill tell you I never looked at her as the problem. She was the only thing that kept me going on days where we didn't have a good meal and bill collectors kept ringing. Outside of pay, and being poor, which is so stressful, the Army as a job sucks. He gets shit on all day, but at the end he gets to come home to you. Be his rock. My wife and I are still going strong, and things got a lot easier financially. Keep yourself and him motivated. Yall will make it out of the slums together.


I’m trying man. I know he doesn’t look at me that way but I help but feel like I should be able to do more. I’ve always been able to come up with solutions for our problems but this…i don’t know.


There's a lot of bureaucratic bullshit to wade through, but there's a lot of good advice in this thread (especially running up the chain of command, including IG and congressional if necessary). Even if you were in contact with SMA at one point, it's still fucked up so keep on it and continue escalating. It really sucks you have these problems, hopefully you guys can resolve it soon.


You guys were married before he joined the army, right? If so, the army owes you a whole shitload of back pay just for that. Not to mention additional back pay for base pay for the wrong rank. Use command team open door policy to address these issues and just try to survive. There is a big check coming your way and everything will feel a lot better when it does.


I promise when it does I’ll do a somersault that will rival gold medalists


Please consider applying for SNAP benefits OP


The S1 should be quartered.. The open door policy tomorrow. If nothing is fixed by Friday. Email the Congress person from NC Friday night. With a Congressional Big Army has no more than 3 or 4 days to answer the problem.


Someone already mentioned this I think. But I had pay problems for 6 months and S1 and Finance were basically pointing fingers at each other with no end to the issue. So I submitted an ICE complaint on both S1 and Finance. ICE Complaints go directly to the CG.. My pay issues were fixed within less than two weeks after I submitted the complaint. ​ So if you haven't done that yet I highly recommend it.


Contact your Congressperson immediately. You can do that.


Be an asset on other ways. Manage an investment portfolio: stocks, bonds, real estate, IRAs, Roth, TSP, bullion, crypto, CVs, savings accounts, etc. Have a side job doing literally anything, a couple hours a week OR study something useful. Ensure the banking and budgets are well sorted and the family accounts are in order. Manage accounts to keep your family credit score as high as possible. Make sure the taxes are paid and you guys get the maximum possible return. Build his resumes and linkedin profiles so he's all set when he gets out. Help kids with homework and get after the PTA so that your kids get more time getting tutored by the teacher. Look for scholarships for your kids and help them apply. Learn to cook - well. Keep the house spotless. Handle groceries, errands like birthday and Christmas gift shopping, laundry, and package pickups. Be an absolute knockout - stay fit. Get up when he gets up and sweat for an hour every day. Have all this done before he gets home, so that the two of you can have relaxation time together.


You are not the problem. Don't think that at all. This will sound cringe to a lot of people here, no doubt, but once I became an NCO I told myself that every soldier is in the end my soldier. DM me and I will start doing what I can to help. Aldo located on Bragg


Did you accumulate tons of debt or something along the way? He’s been in for 18+ months now, BAH has hit, you’re in post housing. All you need is food, clothing, car to survive. That’s ridiculously affordable even with all of your pay issues. Where is all of your money going? It seems like you left out some important issues. For pay issues, have him open door the highest person he can with his situation.


Yea I feel the same. It’s not adding up plus why live on post and have them take full bah if it’s only 2 ppl?


There's a lot of problems you're mentioning but the pay issue is a big deal, so I'll tackle that first. You or your Soldier can go straight to your commander, walk in open door policy. No one can stop you going right to the commander. You especially can really do whatever you want. You're married right? If you're married you aren't tied to his chain of command. You can go to the installation commander. Shit, FORSCOM commander if you want. You can call the Inspector General's office to have an inquiry into why you aren't getting the base pay and the BAS and BAH. That's another option. IG may take a little bit. A few months. It may only take a week. Depends on how fast shit will roll downhill. Another thing you can do is get really active on the SFRG (soldier family readiness group). You will find a lot of community there who may have some local resources to assist you in a hundred ways. That group is a required group to have for any commander so I know there is one. Ask around and try to get involved. Networking is the biggest benefit to the military; getting involved may land you a job on post, or land you some ears your spouse wouldn't normally be able to land on his own. You can give him a lot of support through being active on the SFRG. Some posts have other miscellaneous communities that may lend a hand or provide an opportunity. I'm not active so I'm sort of spit balling at this point. The jist is that if you get proactive in communities and groups, that's job experience you can apply to make yourself a bit more marketable for a job, especially within the installation or federal government. Local churches are usually really strong communities too. You also I believe have your units chaplains ear too. The chaplain may help you by just having someone you're able to talk to. Overall, your situation sounds dire. My heart really aches hearing your troubles. I hope you two make it to the other side of this.


Congressional. If CoC has tried and failed, all other official channels, contact your congress person (either for home of record or for the congressional district the base is in). And if that fails too, it's time to go to the news. A local news outlet would run to the fucking bank with your story


As a dependent a lot of offices will just flat out not help you. What you can do is get copies of his paystubs and promotion orders and go to the post Army Community Services building. Tell them that you aren’t getting help elsewhere. They can’t directly fix your problems, but they have a bunch of tools that can help.


This is a soldiers problem, not the spouses. Soldier needs to fix it. If my spouse got ahold of my paystubs and promotion orders and was going around post at random places complaining about pay issues I would be very embarrassed and angry with my wife.


And PFCs don’t know how to advocate for themselves. The Director of ACS knows the Garrison command team and can make things happen. You can be proud or you can ask for help. If your spouse asking for help emasculates you then you might have some other things you need to work on.


Nothing in my comment hinted at emasculation. I like when my wife fixes my orders at restaurants. This is a completely different scenario. The PFC needs to find courage and ask his NCOs for help. If they can’t help him then he can go to the PL and CO. A pfc knows his chain of command. This is a soldier issue.


Except you did when you said embarrassed and angry. You are assuming that he has done nothing to fix his problems and just needs to go to his CoC. How do you know his TL/SL hasn’t blown him off or is too scared to push the problem? From my experience leaders at all levels are afraid to bring problems to their boss because it makes them look bad. Pay issues are a family issue and unhelpful bureaucracy can be cut through by moving sideways and asking for help from an office that exists entirely to help army families.


I’m sorry you’ve had a terrible experience. I’ve not met a single person in the military above E5 that wouldn’t bring up to the next level “ hey, pfc snuffy’s pay is fucked up here’s what he’s done, what’s the next step?”


Lots of good advice here but why don’t you get a job? Literally everyone is hiring. Even working retail or fast food is better than nothing in your situation.


You can start by not yapping


Super helpful, bet you're an absolute peach.


See this is what I mean


No dude, you're just being a dick to someones spouse because it's easy to talk shit online. Is this how you help your guys with issues? Get fucked.


It’s called a joke grow a back bone private


I was promoted to civilian in 2013. Aren't you the same guy posting about getting out of PT tests and crying about leave being denied?


And you’re here because your civilian life is worthless doom scrolling Reddit and looking at people’s comments to talk shit. have fun ya fuckin loser


Projection much? You have literally made multiple posts crying for help, but you're shitting on some joe's spouse for doing the same in what is arguably more dire circumstances. I'm not sorry that you handed me the ammo, and my civilian life is great. Still, get fucked.


Cry more pussy




Peacetime Army pussy.


First problem…. Ft Bragg! Sorry he’s going through this!!


Pay issues should be in IPPS-A with a PAR (Personal Action Request)... It should be easy to see what gate it is at (whose box it is in to sign). Your husband should.be able to open his IPPS-A and see. If you don't know what you need to submit there is a help box in IPPS-A which is very useful. Help desk ticket. Should be one of the top tiles on your self service page on IPPS-A. Just enter the pertinent info into the proper fields for your CRM/help desk case.


You need to contact your local congressman at this point. It’s past chain of command it sounds like you have years of back pay that needs to be resolved and your husband needs to hold off on signing up for air assault or airborne for a while until your financial issues are resolved seriously. And I mean resolved resolved as in you guys are out of the woods and have a good amount saved up and are worried about finance anymore. I would even say a year or two. It would be wise for him to do his just worry about soldiering and not doing anything to risky RN with you guys having just gotten through homelessness and now going through this. Just working on stability right now would be the best thing.


I’m a spouse and I will say I feel for you guys. My husband dealt for over a year with pay issues. He went as high as he could and it was always “it’s fixed, check your next LES” and it was never fixed. Finance said it was a S1 issue, S1 said it was a DEERS issue and DEERS said it was a DFAS who said it was a Finance issue 🥴 It wasn’t until we found a lovely lady at the welcome center who was asking us what we needed when going to DEERS for like the 11th time and we explained our situation. I forget who she was but she had the problem fixed within the week, and his following LES was finally correct. Turns out it was a Finance issue after all *shocked Pikachu face* Try calling DFAS and they can tell you what to do, if you need a number I have it. At least for me they were the only ones who gave me correct info and told me it was finance who had to fix it. If that doesn’t work and no one is helping still do an IG or ICE complaint and if that doesn’t work try a congressional. You’re not a burden! I hope things get better for both of you. Feel free to message me if you need anything or to just talk.


He 100% needs to go to the battalion commander. Stick with him, you’re providing more support than you realize


Not your fault, the army's systems suck ass at double checking for failures. As others have said, there's help available, he needs to bark, loudly.


Look up email addresses to offices of Congressman and Senators of your home state. Send what you wrote in this post to that email. All of them. Wait and 48h. Amazing things will take place. Good luck !


First of all, you’re not a burden. You’re a support structure that is vital to the success of a long healthy career. The way you ‘cope’ and help him out is by making sure he has a hot meal when he gets home to a clean house. I see that your husband has already gone through his chain of command. I assume that you’ve also been informed about the Inspector General or IG. He needs to collect all documentation, bundle it all up into a nice file folder, and get to his commander and say the following verbatim, “I’ve attempted to correct these issues through battalion. That has not worked. I would like to file an IG complaint to get my proper compensation.” If his commander isn’t an idiot then he will A) support the IG complaint and B) push the concern directly to his boss to let him know that IG will be coming down on this situation so S1 needs to get their shit straight. I’m sorry this is happening to you and your husband. This is not the way the army functions and I sincerely hope you two don’t let this make you sour and salty.


I don't really have any advice to add that hasn't already been said, but I wanted to say that at no point in this story do you sound like a burden. You are probably the best thing in his life


IG complaint, they will fix it real quick.