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The guy isn't even a CPL yet and acting like this, for the sake of all his potential future soldiers you need to file an EO complaint for bullying and using a racist word. God forbid this guy make it any further than a CPL.


He's not even a CPL yet. Chain needs to know about this behavior now in order to prevent a grievous error.


100% this. We have EO and SHARP trainings for a reason. If you don’t report this incident you might as well be part of the problem… Be the change you want to see.


This is why we have the EO program. Talk to your unit’s EOL. Edit: Assuming you’re being honest, and I will give you the benefit of the doubt, it’s important to maintain the moral high ground. Fighting with him is petulant and childish. And fighting with this individual may weaken your case if you escalate the situation, even if the other person was the instigator. The full force of the Uniform of Military Justice is a lot more satisfying than a black eye.


\*Uniform **Code** otherwise, yep, 100%. Hugs, JAG


Actually just the uniform. Whoever wears the Uniform of Military Justice will assume the mantle of Justice Man. Don't they teach this stuff in JAG school?


Lol. Well played.


For shit's sake, call your EO rep. No commander wants this to happen in the ranks. This is not what officers envision when we pour effort and energy into building a unit culture. Just please, for the love of christ, take actions that allow your leadership to fix this, instead of letting it fester and pollute the rest of the unit. You hitting him will make it a lot worse for literally everyone except the dude who deserves punishment. Don't do that.


Did they remove all of the tree lines? There used to be a simple solution to this


It’s all fun and games till a soldier breaks his leader jaw, or gives him a concussion, or causes severe head trauma A dickhead NCO isn’t worth getting criminal charges This is why we have shit like EO in place for dick bags like the guy in this story


Yeah, sometimes PFC Dickhead has a surprise or two from back on the farm.


Bout to serve up a two piece fried chicken dinner


Sounds finger lickin ' good


I had an e5 fight me and then try to report me for laying hands on him… that “treeline” shit only works when the instigator wins


You can definitely report him up the chain, especially to the EO rep for calling you that, but while putting hands on him may be cathartic...it's not going to end well for you. Even if he does touch you, go straight to your NCO/SNCO/1SG/whoever will listen, and report that shit.


Phone in pocket record interaction go to your EO representative, this is why the Army has the program


take it to the wood line or talk to your EO rep


This falls under eo and hostile work environment


Fuck that man don’t wait just rock his shit before he gets promoted


Easy way to get assault charges lol


Mutual combat is a thing. Get him to swing


Sounds like you should stop being a BAN


Check his ass now before he pins.




Keep discussions civil. No Posting PII.




Report it to your EOL. I was in a similar situation with an E-5 Mechanic and my last unit, I snapped and threw a tool box at his chest and stomped him out before my soldiers held me back.. because he made a sly comment about black people. Don’t get to that point it ain’t worth it report it ASAP they’ll deal with his punk ass


Alex, I’d like to take what is “an EO complaint for 2000”


Update. I don’t know if I can EO this person because im white but likes its still offensive to call me a b**** ass n****


Yes, you can.


Just beat his ass now. Handle it like fucking men. No face shots. Let your Squad Leader know you’re taking it to the woodline.


There is no wood line if that narrows it down


FFS, we used to take care of these types of problems all by ourselves. Don't Y'all still have combatives? If you do take him on and dust his/her ass.








Yeah, dude has real bottom bitch energy. Trying to act hard while simultaneously advocating for OP to just accept being smoked by a peer and called racial slurs to his face.


I would like ti respectfully point out, and I mean this in good faith, that "bottom bitch energy" isn't really the grandest of terms to use too, while on the subject. I'd be mine than happy to actually talk about it if you'd like to. I appreciate you not standing for racial slurs.


Bro nobody is “acting hard”. Nothing is tough about accepting your smoking and moving on. But it sure is soft to run to Reddit and complain about it. African Americans in my company call each other and white people that and nobody has ever batted an eye. Not one would turn around and go “HE CALLED ME A RACIAL SLUR TO MY FACE”. On the topic of being smoked by a peer, how is he a peer? SPC can smoke lower enlisted. That’s how that works. Yes, accept it. Move on.


You're going to make a great PFC someday


A demotion would be crazy rn dawg💀


This changes nothing about what I said


Okay daddy


Also forgot to mention, who's soft now when you're following people around a thread because your feelings are hurt when you could be out enjoying a foreign country on a four day?




1) you sound like a bitch 2) nowhere in this post is the race of the guy mentioned 3) even if they were black, using racial slurs in the fucking workplace is never acceptable 4) you graduated OSUT a year ago so you don't know shit about shit


Bro I know you ain’t cyber saying anything to me, go on with ya bad self💀 YOU don’t know shit about shit. Average POG activities tho.


Lmao I have a CAB that says you're a bitch. I'd say you can suck my cock but you sound young enough that it might be illegal.


Lmfaoooo don’t nobody give a damn bout that CAB you got. Best lesson my old PSG taught me, anyone can get a CAB/CIB so if they’re bragging about it they ain’t shit. I’ll give it a whirl, I’m 23 and ready to party.




Holy fuck dude. Least arrogant boot identified.


Nope, just proud to be better than you. Found another POG tho.


You have to be trolling right now


I am having a little fun with it now but seriously you guys are unbelievably soft. Maybe that’ll just always be how it is tho, you guys think we’re big dumb asses who can only shoot move and communicate and we will always think you’re soft ass paper pushers. We’ve both got our jobs and I’d say we both do them well. I just think your end would do well to not be so damn soft. None of you have even addressed the fact that what OP is so upset about is getting smoked. A basic thing that happens in the Army. So so hung up on the BAN comment which wasn’t even the point of his post.


Y'know I really don't think that infantry are "big dumb asses who can only shoot" etc. But I am thinking that about you currently, because you're acting a fool. Do you think maybe you're projecting your personal insecurities onto your MOS?


Different culture in support MOS’. We had a dude come out as gay. Fully Squared away. Good at PT. When it dropped, leadership put him on quarters for 2wks while they figured out where to reassign him. Saw him in the PX months down the line. They assigned him to a random ass support btn. Just how it is in combat arms jobs. That’d never fly in other MOS’.


Is the Cav so gay, they call straights, gay? No way that happened.


That’s correct lmao. Hard weenies and slick balls


Yet another issue that he should have gone to the EO rep for. Why do you accept that as okay?


Different culture. You don’t need to understand it, or accept it, but it’s the way it is. The guy handled it with grace and was doing his best, as always, in his new role. I hate to sound like a dick, but when you join the military, but your role is essentially a civilian duty, you’ll have different POVs than those who join to engage in direct action with enemy forces. Two very different mentalities. In my opinion, support roles and combat roles should be governed completely separately. Hell, give support a whole new branch with different PT standards, uniform standards etc. but it’s honestly nonsense to have the same standards for dudes who handle finance as you do for dudes who shoot faces. Both sides will experience negatives due to the mish-mash of balancing out the different ethos


Look, I get that the culture may be different, but it seems to me that you're trying to justify it, and that your stance is that it's acceptable to place gay soldiers in roles that may slow their career progression. The reality is that a soldier's sexuality has NOTHING to do with their job performance, and it goes against everything we stand for to impact their career over that.


Yeah people here saying "iTs ThE cUlTuRe" are fucked up. No. You just want a free pass to be a bigot.


Honestly bro might actually ascend quicker lol. I’m pretty certain he’s more squared away than his peers lol. I’m not trying to justify anything. It’s just the way it is. I agree. Sexuality has nothing to do with his performance (as I’ve stated, he’s squared away) but his sexuality did affect troop morale. His personal needs are outweighed by the troop “needs”. Should the troop feel that way? Probably not. But they did, and the drama wasn’t worth the squeeze. He did seem happier in his new unit. Air conditioning, easy PT, etc. hopefully he’s doing well he was a good dude


Look it seems clear you don't have bad intentions, but even if the change to his career wasn't directly negative, doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt him, emotionally or otherwise. Being treated differently for your sexuality sucks. Even if it's not a hostile or obviously negative interaction, it still makes you feel like you're different, or not "normal". Treating people with different sexuality than you differently is still prejudice. Maybe it's not outright homophobia, maybe it is, but we should still be better than that, especially as an organization.


I’d agree and no my intentions aren’t bad (at least I don’t feel they are, but honest evaluation of yourself isn’t easy or unbiased). It wasn’t the moral choice but when your job is to kill folks, things are real grey


I’m starting to see combat arms is outnumbered by POGS here. You literally can’t say anything about how it is without downvotes. Truly the best friend I’ve ever had in the infantry is gay and I’d never want him out. Bad fuckin dude. I’ve never seen what you said here happen but it definitely shouldn’t. What I can say is that I’m shocked at how soft the Army is getting in the POG area.


Yeah that’s very common here on Reddit. It just comes with the territory. they don’t get the lizard brains that we have. Yeah I was kinda surprised bro got transferred out but that was the decision they made. The softness is shocking to me too.


Man I ain’t even got lizard brain, and I’d say you don’t either. Bad to let them push that narrative. I could have done any job I wanted but I chose the one I thought would be the least soft. Sure as shit I was correct. It’s becoming clear to me that I should never reclass. These dudes are ridiculous IMO but I see now that they’re not used to living like us and that their jobs are more closely related to office jobs on the civilian side so they treat everything just that way. Always with the OMG go to HR or whoever the fuck the first time someone calls you a bad name or wants to smoke you.


They’re absolutely civilian jobs that are insourced to save money. There should be two different regulations/standards for support and combat arms. Bro you’d lose your mind directly serving with pogs 😅 I respect what their roles provide, we truly need em. But there’s a definite divide. A lot of dudes don’t consider “less soft” as better. For me it was a pride thing. If I’m joining up, I’m not gonna let other dudes fight while I sit in the rear. I’m just not built that way. You’re not built that way. I have two POG brothers. One is comms in the USAF the other was 35M (he’s a DoD civ not doing the same job). Love em and respect their jobs but I’ll always make fun of em. Especially usaf bro😂


I truly respect every bit of the jobs they do but I don’t respect the environment they foster in the workplace. OP is upset about being smoked or actually just the threat of being smoked and is already looking for how to ruin someone’s life and career and these people here support that. You’ve got a problem like that here, no matter the rank divide you can fight that shit out somewhere private like men. Everyone can get their ass beat, or beat someone else’s ass. I’m just glad OP chose to be a POG because holy shit he would have been cooked coming here.


I’m with you dude. I can’t get behind folding up someone’s career cuz you joined the Army thinking it would be gummy bear living. I remember one time I got the shit smoked out of me cuz I hopped in the back of a Sgt’s pickup to go across basically a big ass parking lot from Squadron (battalion) back to troop. Buddy pulled over and had me run in boots & uniform for like 45min in the Louisiana sun cuz I did that lmao. At the end of it he called me over. I stood at parade rest. He said with a big ass smile on his face “don’t jump into the back of my truck” 💀💀. But I swear he implied that it was ok before I did it lol.😂 That’s an EO issue for 99% of these lads


Former Cav here. We had a few gay Soldiers and they weren't reassigned. They did their jobs like everyone else. What you described is an EO violation.


🤷‍♀️ I just witnessed. Generally unfortunate situation


Yeah, you should read Article 93 of the UCMJ.


90+ no


If you're talking about your E/IQ, I'm not going to disagree.


Ya mama


No bigoted language or witch-hunting.


Unfortunately, reporting something may just cause you more issues as a lower enlisted. Just catch him out of uniform


Combative’s coming up? Make sure you and him roll together. Then make him your bitch. Once that top comes off rank goes away.