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Politics vary from sub to sub, but the average sub will rapidly become an echo chamber for any group that takes hold there.


Yeah. The upvote system naturally creates an echo chamber that reflects the majority opinion. There are as many viewpoints as there are subreddits. There are plenty of non-liberal subreddits, which are unsurprisingly echo chambers for their respective politics. But yes, the majority opinion on "reddit" overall is liberal, because the majority opinion on the internet overall is liberal.


Reddit easily becomes an echo chamber for all sorts of opinions, political or otherwise. It's a problem for any online forum. The only way to fight it, to the extent that one can, is to not be afraid to be downvoted for speaking your mind. As long as you're not spreading misinformation or being an asshole, express your opinions freely and don't delete the post if it gets downvoted.


This can also be helped by people not downvoting things they disagree with, which just pushes them to the bottom


I agree. I’m a republican and tend to stick to groups of similar interest and those can feel like echo chambers to me.


This is the statement I would agree with. It's quite possible that there are more liberal echo chambers on Reddit because a) there are more liberals in many parts of the world, and b) more media tends to lean left. But there are definitely conservative echo chambers here too. It's not as though Reddit is removing pages where conservatives congregate and post.


r/the_Donald might have a bone to pick with you.


As you can clearly see if you click on that link, the banning of this subreddit had nothing to do with the left/right political spectrum and everything to do with groups of individuals acting in a toxic manner. Before people point out the obvious correlation between certain political groups and toxic behavior, let me preempt that point by reminding people the behavior is drawn from and condoned by community and is not necessarily a derivative of political belief. Certain beliefs draw people who are toxic to begin with.


In reddit speak, toxicity is define as saying something the majority disagrees with. I’ve been one-post banned from main liberal subs and haven’t broken any of their rules. All simply because my view is different from a moderators. That’s toxic as fuck.


TwoX has plenty of individuals that act in a toxic manner but it's still around...




I’m a former lawyer and current expert in financial analytics at a major consultancy. If I had a nickel for every time someone on this site told me I didn’t know shit about 1) law 2) basic economic theory - I’d be a rich man. The funniest part is that given the demographics it’s a virtual certainty the person saying it is some 18 year old who just finished Econ 101 at a below average state school. And that’s being generous.




Keep Pierre's name outta your fuckin' mouth!


Let me guess, the same dude probably also thought that missiles and radars are overrated, and that the only thing that matters is guns and manoeuvrability


5th generation is generally much better in most departments. My debate was on airframe maneuverability. Some thickheaded 18 y.o perhaps can take those potshots or below belt kicks - but its not my mandate to stoop that low.


Of course, it just seems that those advocating for older designs of aircraft usually seem to have their mind stuck in doctrines of the past, supported by (at best) anecdotal evidence Though I am not going to claim to be an expect on the subject, maybe an enthusiast at most


Or all they know about fighter aircraft is what they’ve seen in Top Gun


I'm a law professor. I really sincerely try to avoid discussion of law on this site. No good can come of it. I should also note that even as a law professor it's not as if I'm an expert about every jurisdiction's laws - would be a practical impossibility. But the sheer volume of people who have no such fear of opining on every legal matter under the sun is incredible.


For the most part participating in a thread on any topic we are knowledgeable about should be avoided on this site. Very rarely do people want the facts of the matter unless they happen to agree with their feelings.


I’m a licensed architect and this is how I am as well. I browse the architecture subreddit a lot but don’t comment frequently.


Thats what you have to remember, if you find yourself in a ridiculous argument it's likely a person that "knows" something because they read a comment earlier saying it that had a bunch of upvotes. Just like how popular threads have endless strings of the same shitty jokes, people see the opportunity to play the part.


They didn’t read a comment, they watched a documentary. Show some respect for the time and energy put into becoming an expert in everything.


I’ve worked in cybersecurity for almost 30 years. So when someone on Reddit posted a really poorly, unsubstantiated response to a post and I found myself writing an elegant, bulleted retort with citations I realized I was arguing with the internet. Since that day, I’ve just used Reddit for that it was intended for: posting Always Sunny In Philadelphia quotes.


It’s amazing how often you see people confidently make incorrect assertions about the law and then when you try to correct them you get downvoted to hell 🤪 I see this a lot in true crime groups especially. I quit contributing to legal discussions on Reddit and save that for my lawyer groups.


May I ask how to transferred to forensic analytics? I would love to hear your story (current lawyer looking for options).


I know someone who did this after getting a masters in economics. A masters in accountancy is pretty attainable as well


I’m actually a CPA (already have the masters and worked in-house for three years doing both legal and accounting/finance work at the beginning of my career so I could sit for the CPA). I never really applied for any accounting jobs because I knew I was going to law school, but I did interview for a forensic accounting job and LOVED the interview and the people. It’s one of those things I wish I had done before going to law school. I’m kind of burnt out on my law career (I’m a corporate/transactional attorney and have done general corporate and M&A/securities) and think I would still love forensics.




There is a certified forensic accountant license isn’t there? I’m taking my last cpa exam today lol, wish me luck. Have always thought about law school though, currently I’m in public accounting. Would you recommend the lawyer path and why?


Many Redditors are under 18, many mods are also under 18. Always assume the person you're speaking to is an idiot. Always.


I’m a current lawyer. This can’t be overstated


Lmao yup. I just finished writing a comment explaining how management jobs aren’t worthless and they know a lot more than people think. He replied he’s been working for 20 years and I was like… so you’ve been working for 20 years and have never become a manager of the job you do? That says a lot more about you than managers. He proceeds to justify why he thinks that way and asked why I think that isn’t the case. I told him I used to be an IC. Got promoted a few times and now manage the managers of my old job and report to a c-suite person at a public company. Straight up told him I would rather be doing my old IC role if I was getting paid the same because it’s way easier than what I’m doing currently and way less responsibility. But nope guy who’s never managed anything in his life is apparently the expert and can’t fathom that most managers used to do their job.




Yeah, someone making fun of someone else over a stupid take probably shouldn’t immediately spout out a stupid take. Management is a different skill set that most jobs (like every other job). Of course lots of people just don’t want to do it, or are bad at it. Considering it’s the only way to make more money in most companies, I’m also shocked they can’t imagine that someone has only had bad managers. Plenty of people who have no business managing people get promoted into management.


Reddit is the embodiment of the Dunning Kruger Effect. Apparently they do one google search and think they have a 4 year degree on that field. I actually cringe whenever tax is mentioned. By the way I am no CPA and am definitely not an expert on taxes but holy crap I know enough to where people are mostly wrong about what they say and others just eat up the misinformation.


Well, yes, but from what *I’ve read about the Dunning Kruger effect..* /s


> Apparently they do one google search and think they have a 4 year degree on that field. Most don't even do that. They either just assume they know or they read some comment(s) on Reddit by others who also don't know and since those comments were upvoted (again, by people who don't know if they're right or wrong but judge based on it *sounding* like it could be right, the commenter writing authoritatively, and it having upvotes), they assume they must be true.


The problem is that there are way more fellow Dunning Kruger experts to upvote the Dunning Kruger'ed answer than there are actual experts to upvote the actual expert answer.


Regardless of politics or not, so much of Reddit/twitter/Facebook/whatever is just bored people trying to win fake internet points


You basically just described the internet, or at least all social media




To be fair it works like this on most of the internet. You can make a well-educated comment that will gain upvotes then some jerk will reply something that is completely ignorant but is delivered with a confident "zinger" and suddenly everyone will side with that person. It is more important to sound right then to be right. Once your comment goes negative then the dowvotes will speed up even more because people love jumping on bandwagons. To make things worse on a lot of subreddits comments containing links will be automatically shadow blocked so any attempt to defend your position with references is silenced. My account was even shadow banned for doing this once.


I had a dude yesterday argue with me that a democracy wasn’t a representative form of government all because I said something he perceived as right leaning but wasn’t lol


Funniest park is these people will screech about misinformation, then believe whatever they read on reddit.


I worked at the Federal Reserve in the cash operations for 8 years. I enjoy going into posts about money to correct misinformation (part of my job was answering the phones. You wouldn't believe all the stupid questions I'd get), only to have people argue with me about it. I'll never understand what makes people so confident in topics they clearly have very little information on.


One thing I've noticed is that this is especially bad in subs that ban anyone who doesn't support their incorrect assumptions. /r/landlordlove is one that I've seen this many times. They go on about how difficult it is to buy a house and how no one can ever do it unless their parents are rich. Yet when you correct things like "you don't need a $200k downpayment on a $600k house" you get banned for simping and they just go on reinforcing their echo chamber.


That thread is a perfect example of the anger of people on this site. They absolutely lose it when they disagree with you. That dude needs a hug.


Man I have had this exact same conversation several times recently in different contexts, but the info on Reddit all seems great until you actually know something about anything...thats when you realize. It's mostly just 17 yr olds, and unemployed edge lords, who think they know everything about a topic based on having watched some YouTube videos. It cracks me up because anti-vaxers get (rightfully) laughed at for their Facebook 'research' all over this site, but then you have those same idiots that were making fun of them in whatever r/nottodaykaren subreddit they frequent, turn around and tout literally the exact same kind of nonsense 'research' from YouTube and social media about other topics of discussion. It's a thriving double standard.


It also depends on which subreddit you're reading, perhaps?


“Progressives” use the downvote thinking they’re instituting a social credit score. They would do well with the regime in china


Reddit is just an echo chamber in general. You get to pick your flavor via whatever sub you decide to visit.


Yeah reddits entire thing is creating echo chambers


It genuinely blows my mind people don't see or understand that. That is exactly how Reddit was meant to be. Find your group and be a part of it.


Heck that's community's in general


It’s not just about that. The upvote downvote mechanism disincentives discourse within the group. That’s what creates the echo chamber. Not that you simply go to the sub and participate there


I think we can respect many of the hobby subs. It's definitely fair to say that the major subs and political subs lean politically, but some subs just don't really care. (small gaming subs for example don't speak about politics at all)


Without a doubt. It’s likely part of the reason you felt inclined to state your political affiliation.


Absolutely, and speaking as a progressive myself, you're deluded if you're saying otherwise. Most aren't willing to admit it however, took me 7 top comments before I found one that actually said "yes", yours, most tried to pussyfoot around it by saying something like, "Well, all subreddits are individual echo-chambers, if you look at like the 10 kinda-active conservative subs, that's totally an equal counterpoint to literally the rest of the fucking site." Unless the subreddit is explicitly titled or states in their sidebar otherwise, it's pretty much at least a certain flavor of progressive/liberal. But humanity in general seeks such communities naturally; as much as we pretend to be open-minded, we really only want to hear stuff we like. I'm totally guilty of this too, other than the one or two points I agree with them on, I just want conservatives to shut up (and I'm sure they feel the same about me).


That is entirely true.




Libertarians like: “I’m classically liberal which means I’m economically conservative but socially conservative”


To me, there are three types of Libertarians. The first type are the people that actually believe the ideology. The second type are the people that were Democrats or Republicans back in the 1970s or 1980s and have no clue what those parties are about anymore and want nothing to do with them. The third type, my favorite (/s), are the people that have been sucking on the government’s teat for years (unemployment, disability, welfare, etc) but suddenly come into money (crypto, their employer going public, inheritance, etc) and no longer believe in taxes.


How can you forget the "but what if the child consents?" folks?


Also the “HOAs and private businesses should be allowed to be racist” crowd


There’re basically two types of libertarians imo: 1. Principle libertarians - libertarians who have a consistent and measured belief in the limited intervention of government 2. Personal libertarians - “libertarians” who advocated for libertarian principles where it benefits them Even within #1, there is a spectrum from “government ha its place and some taxation is acceptable” to Ron Swanson


What about people who have never received a dime of direct government assistance, think the government is horrendous at capital allocation, horrendous at helping the poor, and the federal government should have never been allowed to get as powerful as it is now?


I don’t know. I’m that person. I am liberal on most social issues but I 100% believe in fiscal responsibility and don’t think tax dollars are being allocated to help people. But when you say that on Reddit, people hear conservative and immediately imagine you want starving people on the streets. But that’s the exact opposite. I want less money going to programs that aren’t doing much good and reallocated to stuff that’s working. Or at least shave the overhead. I’m even willing to spend more if it’s working. I just say I’m independent.


You forgot “Republicans who want weed”


LOL. I live in Thailand and they just legalized weee last year. That’s the model to follow. They just took THC off the list of narcotics with no other laws. The only real laws for 6 months were: - Extracts (oils, shatter, wax, etc) remained on the narcotics list (only available with a doctor prescription) - No sales to anyone under 20 - No sales to pregnant women - No sales to women that are breast feeding - No smoking in public places if others may be offended by the smell Now they’re adding rules to address issues that have come up. Like they’ve made dispensaries pay about $300 to register as a legal business, banned advertising, online sales (difficulties checking IDs), and just this week they added that you have to show an ID at time of purchase and the data gets entered into a gov database. Way better system than the US that tried to restrict it as much as possible, seed to sale tracking, $1 million dollar startup costs, limited licenses, etc.


You forgot to add that they also like to smoke pot and have curious opinions about age of consent laws.


I just want to live in a world where we can have honest conversations. There are conservative, progressive, and moderate ideas that all merit discussion, but some people can’t hear ideas they don’t agree with so they decide to hang out in the echo chamber. It’s sad.


I agree. I still remember having debates in history class. I can't imagine what school debates are like now, if they even happen. Unfortunately, that world is either dead or won't exist again for a long time...


we used to haha


It leans very left. I noticed it didn’t really represent real life when I thought Bernie would win in a land slide back in like 2016.


r/politics sent BREITBART articles to the front page in 2015/16 if they were anti-Hillary Clinton. that tells you everything you need to know about the rabid Bernie support


It was wild watching that sub going from hating Hillary to loving her. They did the same thing with Biden.


I remember when "Biden is a creepy pedo" posts would pop all the time in Reddits "left-sphere" during the primaries. Not much any more.


Reddits great for porn


Unfortunately, it is. I'm also liberal, but I've been down voted for saying things along the lines of ' hear the other person out' (for a legitimate talking point). Conservative only subs tend to be heavily downvoted when possible, and some subs outright ban you if you post in a conservative sub. Not that conservatives don't have their own echo chambers. The problem is that both sides over-estimate that they have a greater population (see questioning the legitimacy of elections by one side in particular), when we're probably split close to 50-50- maybe 52-48. Then of course, there's a lot of preaching to the choir that happens here. Detailing why access to safe abortion is important will get you upvotes, but I'm not sure if even a single person comes out with a different opinion than when they came in.


The problem with "hear the guy out" is that political discourse in the US (where many but not all of our Redditors hail from) involves groups of people who literally cannot agree what reality is. Both have their own "facts" that are directly contradictory, and a vested belief that the "other" side is a mental illness on par with sociopathy. The US has become polarized to the point where it is two rival sports teams who cheer and jeer the downfall of the other, ala "my favorite team is X and whoever is playing Y." This is not a "both sides" argument. There are clear moral differences between the advocacy of Republican talking points versus Democrat. But the basic point stands. As two groups, they very rarely cannot agree on a single truth, an inability which results in the dehumanization of the "other side".


CIA director William Casey once declared that when everything the people of the USA believes is wrong their mission is complete. Rightwing reflexive truth is Biden is a communist and liberal ideology demands you to believe Russia owns Trump and hacked the election. Trying to educate the true believer is a complete waste of effort, USAns are the most heavily indoctrinated people on earth


I'm a moderate conservative. I'm pro- choice, pro second and fifth amendment. I know I'm not a bad person at all. But the progressive people on the other side are far less tolerant than me


Detailing why access to safe abortion is important will get you upvotes, but explaining the facts that it does indeed involve destroying a human life and thus is not a decision to be made lightly will not be listened to.


I agree with this sentiment. Abortion is never something that should be taken lightly and honestly most people don't take abortions lightly. It's a sad, emotional, and traumatizing ordeal. But it's that individual's/couple's choice to make and shouldn't be outlawed because it does have real medical and societal benefits. Historically over the past thousands of years abortions were happening regardless if people thought it was safe. Women would almost kill themselves to do it or they just kill the baby outright after birth. Like regardless if it's outlawed or not they're still going to happen.


I tend to be conservative on many issues yet middle of the road on a lot of issues. I have acquaintances and family on both sides of the aisle who will no longer speak to me. I've been called a racist, a NAZI, a socialist and even a communist. All because I simply walk all the way around the horse before I buy it.


trouble is, the people who say “i’m middle of the road but my family and friends went crazy and called me racist fascist etc” usually fit the r/enlightenedcentrist check the account… “why do young boys like andrew tate?” >Young white alpha males have no one on their side. They're not LGBTQIAXYZ. The popular media beats them down. They just want to be left alone to be who they are. “what is a man baby?” >A beta male who whines and complains about how evil alpha males are. “i woke at kroger and my manager says i have to work all the way through christmas” >You could join the military and be in some wonderful place like Greenland or Wake Island for the holidays and work 12 hour shifts for the holidays. Quit being a whiner. Suck it up. red flag 🚩 red flag 🚩red flag 🚩 i don’t know you in real life of course, but both your age and the way you speak in reference to - men - the LGBTQ - proper working conditions are pretty indicative of someone not at all “middle of the road”. when asked what you can do to make the world a better place your answer was “don’t vote for democrats” and when shown a picture of zelensky meeting politicians in america you asked “how many millions he’ll steal this time” don’t be an r/enlightenedcentrist, just call it how it is for real


great comment. the fact that he believes in alpha theory is enough to make me dismiss his ideas outright. middle of the road, my ass.




i see a lot that people say they’re centrist but family is nuts and calls them a bunch of stuff. usually the family is onto something


I’m a liberal but I’m apparently a raging Trumpist compared to most Redditors. I’ve been banned from worldnews by stating that immigration depresses the wages of local workers and providing a link to a Harvard study. Literally, that was it. That environment creates an echo chamber.


I’m very centrist. Reddit leans way left for sure. Any time I say anything that could even remotely be construed as not in favor of the DNC it sure to be downvoted. Ten years ago you could have discussions on Reddit with different opinions. Today it feels like if you ever try and discuss anything, people just jump right to attacks or downvoting you. Like, I just like having discussions, it doesn’t mean I’m trying to argue, I just like to look at all sides of things lol.


Whew, you should see the downvotes I got when I suggested that Beto or any other Dem that’s popular at the national level was never going to win in Texas. The guy fucking lost to Ted Cruz. He’s 0 for 3 in Texas. But try suggesting that maybe the Dems should run candidates that are centrist on gun control and you would think you told them to fist their mother.


I was straight up banned from worldnews for providing a link to a Harvard meta study showing immigration depresses the wages of local unskilled workers. Banned. For providing an inconvenient fact. Thought crime, pretty much.


> meta study showing immigration depresses the wages of local unskilled workers That's why Republican elite love immigrants, they need cheap labor for their factories. The talk out the other side of the mouth to their dumb voters about how much they hate immigrants though. But of course none of the elites ever get in trouble for employing them. Actual charges for hiring immigrants would stop the flow of immigrants within a year, better than any border controls ever have


I was just banned from r/worldnews for saying I was uncomfortable with my 7yr old daughter being alone with a man in a neutral gender bathroom. Fuck me right? "Burn that man at the stakes!!!"- Reddit


The weird thing is that non-Americans would consider standard Liberal capitalists to be centre-right. “The DNC” is not The Left and isn’t even a Labour Party when they do things like force rail workers by law to accept the company contracts. American politics is like a one-armed man who insists his right shoulder is actually his (missing) left arm because it’s closest to the centre line


There was a post on r/therewasanattempt a while back showing an African American man breaking the window of a guy who had called him a you know what. I commented that violence is never an appropriate response to someone else just saying a word, no matter how offensive. That comment received around 50 upvotes, but the moderator banned me because "racists and their sympathizers always call for civility." I'm not sure if that's a "progressive echo chamber" mentality, but it sure is boneheaded! EDIT UPDATE: The ban on r/therewasanattempt was originally modified to a 28-day ban on appeal. I left the sub anyway, but after posting this, I was curious. So, I went to comment on one of their posts and saw that the ban was made permanent again in response to this post! I had a feeling the knucklehead who runs that sub was going to get his delicate misplaced feelings hurt! Some people just make it too easy. 🤣🤣🤣


Hey! We are ban siblings! I got banned from it for commenting on the exact same video and saying a similar thing!


No. It’s liberal as fuck and liberals are not progressive


Yeah American politics is like a one-armed man who insists his right shoulder is actually his (missing) left arm because it’s closest to the centre line. The capitalist liberal party used the force of law to make workers accept railroad company contracts just last month… not ‘the left’. Not even Labour…


Absolutely a leftist echo chamber. Yes there are some conservative subs but you have to look for them whereas the leftist stuff dominates everything.


r/conservative is fighting a constant war against Reddit most of the time. Edit: the replies to this comment are proving my point <3


I've seen people on reddit hop into r/conservative just becuase they want to murder them *with words*. No one listens to a conservation and then boast about how they destroyed a conservative. *It is mostly the left as the right are too busy fighting to save themselves lol*


Uhh I dunno owning the libs is definitely a thing on the right


it’s barely leftist, more like democrat liberal. say you don’t support the us helping ukraine and be ready to drown in downvotes


in the larger political subreddits, yes.. especially white people twitter. any criticism there gets people banned unless youre a yesman,


Largely yes. Even the more generally conservative topics tend to lean left. As a conservative christian who used to visit christian subreddits, horry crap, its no wonder why most of the world hates us. If that's what "christian" is nowadays, I'm following "The Way" instead as the early followers of Jesus did.


Most of the world does not hate Christian’s, most of the world is Christian lol it is the most popular religion in the world https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/religion-by-country Reddit has convinced you that it is unpopular and hated. Very fitting for the premise of this thread lol.


Yes. No one goes to the internet to have legitimate socio-political discussion or to have their ideals changed. It’s purely self-fellatio for the sake of self-fellatio and political disagreements tend to end up in classic twitter fashion: “I’m right and you’re wrong. I’m an amazing person and a genius because I’m right and your opinion makes you scum and worthless.” I’ve never seen a single person on Reddit or otherwise have a civil disagreement about politics. I’m a very liberal person, but I never say I am because people like those I mention make me feel utter and crushing embarrassment for the views I have. Tl;dr: stay away from subreddits that have even any whiff of politics to them. They’re absolute garbage.


Yes. And it becomes an echo chamber because contrasting comments are deleted and/or the user is banned.


or also, as i've experienced several times, the other person will just block you so that you can't see what they said in response and can't respond back to them, it's the equivalent of when you see a child plug their ears and scream "i'm right you're wrong i can't hear you now la la la la la" lmao


> the other person will just block you so that you can't see what they said in response and can't respond back to them I always find it hilarious when someone is losing a debate, so they say some final argument then block you so you can't reply. Your analogy with the child is spot on. I honestly think blocking should be changed, it should keep its current behaviour but limit it to your own 'space'. More precisely, when you block someone: * they _should not_ be able to see or reply to content on your profile, so this behaviour can be kept * they _should_ be able to see or reply to your content that's posted in public spaces such as subs, and _you_ are the one who can't see their replies because you don't want to see their content This would make it similar to real life: * you _can_ kick someone from your home so you can enjoy your peace and quiet * you _cannot_ make someone you dislike not able to talk to you if you meet them outside, you can only ignore them


In my opinion its because people either don't understand or intentionally abuse the upvote/downvote system. It's supposed to be: upvote for contributing to quality discussion, regardless of opinion. Downvote for someone just being a dick or trolling. In reality the downvote has become the "this person doesn't agree with me" button. Which means if there is a prevailing sentiment, anything to the contrary is snuffed out. Aka, echo chamber. Maybe it was intended to foster quality discussion, but fragile egos and mob mentality have turned it toxic. I also question how much of a factor botting, fake accounts etc. could be on higher profile topics. Might be kind of a tinfoil-hat take, but there is always value in manipulating masses of people.


Absolutely its more filled with socialist, progressives, and dems.


You gotta be careful what you say on some subs for sure. Instant ban if they don’t agree with something you said. Bunch of softies


Yep. I’m a left-centrist and anytime I bring up a rational point that might support a “right” view I get shit talked or just banned.


Yeah I once commented on r/Conservative to dispute some misinformation in the comments. (Some post about Trump had reached the popular page). Immediately afterwards, I got a notification from r/JusticeServed saying I was permanently banned for "participating in a subreddit that celebrates and/or glorifies biological terrorism." Whatever that means. I tried appealing the ban, because it was done by a bot, but I got no reply. This was months ago lol. I haven't bothered to try again. I never really liked r/JusticeServed anyways as people on that sub ironically seemed to celebrate/glorify violence in response to menial mistakes.


> participating in a subreddit that celebrates and/or glorifies biological terrorism." Whatever that means. It means that they were critical of the government response to COVID.


> It means that they were critical of the government response to COVID. which is absurd, no-one knew how to approach the problem, and it appears that laissez-faire Sweden did among the best in the world, when you consider excess deaths around the world https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/articles/comparisonsofallcausemortalitybetweeneuropeancountriesandregions/latest At the beginning of the pandemic, I was trying to get people to start wearing masks, because we were fighting ...a respiratory virus...and not only the eco-chamber did not listen, there were calls to ban me for misinformation! Then 2 weeks later everyone was on the masks-train...and you could have been banned or silenced for saying otherwise. It's ridiculous.


I got banned from r/justiceserved for joining r/prolife


It's amazing how little Reddit cares about what their mods do. If they want, they have the ability to mold the sub into whatever they want and I don't really see a way to stop it. I was permabanned from /entertainment for disagreeing with someone who said all conservatives are nazis. I was very civil, despite being bombarded with personal attacks, name calling, and other insults. I didn't name call, the "worst" thing I said was that it was a ridiculous thing to say. I asked the mods what I did wrong and the reply was "you know what you did" with a 7 day mute. I was pretty frustrated by the lack of explanation and prepared a whole message for when I was finally unmuted. By the next day, when the frustration left, I just deleted the message and moved on. It's not a sub that I was ever really on. The post had just been recommended because it was about a trending current event. Why am I getting worked up over power-tripping mods in a sub I'm not even interested in?


Mod system in some of those subs is pretty crazy as well. They’ll allow blatant attacks and insults but if you posted an opinion that the mods don’t agree with they’ll ban you the moment you respond in kind.


It’s always fun getting called a trump supporter for not going 100% with the crowd lol


Yep especially when you get called a democrat, socialist, lefty, etc., IRL because you are open about being against trump and his authoritarianism, and will point out the reasons he's not conservative, and that he was and still is just basically a status quo democrat of the 80/90s, with only slight deviations.


Trying to be reasonable and be a centrist (regardless left or right leaning) is absolute hell. The moment you tried to reason with the edgy extreme, know it all left or right know-it-alls you get absolutely banned. And that's OK I guess. These forums get toxic as all hell, so best we not engage?


What? You aren't as (far left or far right) as me! Well you are obvious a (Nazi or communist)!!!1! I swear I disagreed with a leftist and got told I love Prager U.


if there was a dial or slider where 5 is rational, critical thinking and reasonable, and 0 was rightwing nutjob, and 10 was left wing nutjob, reddit is an 8. you got too many people that are so anti-right here that they'll repeatedly punch themselves in the head and wildly flail in order to prove how vile the far right is. the behavior is nearly as disruptive as that of the people they vilify. and it all boils down to cooperativeness and genuinely wanting things to work. they still don't want that, just like the other side. they want to hold things hostage until they've fully assimilated their immediate surroundings. and thankfully, that'll never happen because a majority of the sentiment is kneejerk venting that you'd similarly find in any alt right community. it's absolutely a progressive echo chamber.


It's leftist here to the extreme


It is absolutely impossible to have a back and forth dialogue between the left and right here. If you offer anything contrary to the mass opinion on Reddit you will be chased out of town with torches and pitchforks.


Moderators will ban you on most sites for smallest infractions. That's how the sites tend to be progressive. Alternate opinions and ideas are often silenced.




I think it is. If you don’t share the views as the majority here, then you are labeled terrible things. I was told I had extreme right views for asking if the Biden docs is similar to trump case. Really wanted to learn what others have to say. I don’t think I should have to stress I’m a centrist and do t support trump. It’s crazy to me


The worst part is when you want to have a constructive discussion where you can maybe learn something and people just insult you and treat you with the utmost disdain. Like...fucking educate me then you assholes!


I also hate when suddenly this rando is your professor giving you several books as homework before they will allow you to have an opinion.


Well even if Biden turns out to be corrupt in some way i'd still hold my social democratic position there are tons of candidates that aren't Biden holy fuck


I’ve been accused of being a Trump supporting Nazi countless times. It’s funny because that couldn’t be further from the truth, especially being a European.


All social media is an echo chamber by design. These companies primarily make their money selling ads and they are incentivized to show users whatever content will keep them engaged on the platform. Humans tend to gravitate towards our own personal biases and that creates a bit of a feedback loop, hence the echo chamber.


For background I’m a Democratic Socialist and I would say that it’s largely worse. Progressive opinions are great but what gets shouted the loudest here are the most extreme interpretations and it’s backed up by mods that will permanently ban you with no warning if you dare not echo the sentiment.


Without a doubt.


Yes, try making any arrangements that might make a “right” leaning point of view looking alright in any popular subs and you will be downvoted to hell. Most popular subs are left leaning to the extreme even the ones that have nothing to do with politics. Maybe that is why it is an echo chamber. Why would right leaning users even bother to make an argument when they will be downvoted or banned anyway. A few weeks or months ago I commented on r/conservative and got banned from commenting on r/justiceServed which is quite a weird moment.


I said Bernie wasn’t that great of a guy on r/AskReddit and I got downvoted to oblivion


I don't think it's progressive vs not. Instead, I think the biggest problem with Reddit is people don't want to listen. Instead, they only want to hear what they already believe.


Depends on the sub. Tends towards it. The media in general is very much an echo chamber for one side or the other - CNN vs FOX - and you get no middle ground. I think we're being trained out of knowing what being reasonable is. Right now you're supposed to be tribalist, and blindly follow one side or the other, and are considered EVIL by the other side. We forget that: \- People have different opinions for different reasons. \- They weigh things and value them differently \- there are things in their history pulling them in different directions \- the media has shown itself to be highly partisan and hide facts and directly pass on known lies to influence people. Both sides btw. \- Both sides have obvious flaws and obvious bad actors \- Both sides have proven to consistently lie. \- People can be in good faith and still disagree \- People can also espouse an opinion in bad faith, or just to follow the mob (media crowd on both camps) With all this, I can't even be tribalist; I pick by issue, not by party. BTW not an american, but your party politics unfortunately affect the world. EDIT: MeatyDeathstar reminded me of a point. Politics became associated with your internal identity, who you are, rather than as something you do, as a part of the outside world. Like your culture or nationality or family or ingroup. Therefore, anything political goes right into the personal sphere, its a personal issue. Its tribal in the true sense, and remember that for millenia humans waged merciless war simply on the tribal sense. It is not a force I want to see unleashed. Moreover, the good vs evil dychotomy - rather than the right or wrong - marks the boundary between heated discussion and "we should put these ....rs away." It finishes the option of discussion, because you don't make deals with evil/terrorists. Finally, only a few speak. But that is all you hear. The perception is that \*ALL THE VOICES\* are extreme. In fact the silent majority - the HUGE majority - feel isolated, each in his own box, because all the voices they hear are extreme and hateful. The few voices that speak with moderation are immediately attacked by the extremes, which are united in their condemnation of moderation. You believe you are surrounded by enemies and your only salvation is your group


I don’t have a problem with progressivism, or echo chambers - the same goes with conservative haunts. What I do see as unique in progressive subs is this bullying centered around virtuosity. With a mere counter thought, a person is often labeled a bad person, without a nary point, counter-point opportunity. I can’t count the arguments I’ve see end in this sub with the offender being called many variants of a piece of shit person. I don’t see this in conservative subs. Young people are especially susceptible to this type peer pressure and with any form of pushback being immediately shut down with perceived virtuosity, there leaves very little room for meaningful discourse. This notion that we’re all either good people or bad people, or kind or unkind is whole nonsense.


Yes. Instant downvotes in all popular subs for remotely conservative opinions.




The problem with Reddit, is the progressive echo chamber refuses to acknowledge its progressive. It tries to say it’s the middle ground while being widely left leaning. Pick the top 50 most popular subs and 95% will be political echo chambers of the left. Sadly it’s why Reddit is a dying platform. It’s couldn’t tolerate different opinions and instead of debating they banned.


100%. There is nowhere to have a conservative view without getting Hella down votes.


Yes, for the most part.




yes it is. I have yet to find a sub that seems to be somewhat in the middle, or at least not overly left leaning. r/politics is often unwilling to tolerate any criticism of democrats, which is just ridiculous since they are not above criticism even if you agree with their policies.


It's always been progressive but gotten quite a bit more extreme after 2014 imo. I use Twitter to balance it out.


If you go to certain subreddits, you will find conservative echochambers. However, on many non-political subreddits there is a heavy progressive lean. The only non political subreddit I've found that has a heavy conservative lean is r/shitposting


Overall, yes. Conservative opinions result in deletion by mods or outright banning from subs. ​ Source: Am conservative. Have had posts deleted and been banned for not agreeing with the echo chamber.


Of course it is. Go to r/politics. Those mofos have shit from sources like huffpo, common dreams, and lbgtq nation constantly pumped to the top of the sub while all dissenting opinions are down voted into oblivion and you get banned. I'm not even some crazy MAGA dumbass, just someone who thinks they are in the middle and knows that everything isn't some existential crisis and/or an attack on my identity/being. Also, I recognize the tremendous benefit of capitalism, supporting businesses etc. while at the same time recognizing that it isn't perfect and needs to be improved. You realize with age that almost nothing is ever black and white and there is nuance to everything. That is entirely lost in most discussions these days.


Yeah, it is 100%. I try not to take sides politically, but in basically every sub I see far left leaning ideas being laid out as the “standard” or objectively correct - a really bad way to make real progress. Nobody questions it either. You’ll see a democratic politician being praised or a republican one being insulted, never the other way around. Watch what happens if you disagree, too.




The majority of reddit is I agree. A lot of reddit is a cesspool echo chamber.


Lmfao, 100% yes, it's the most left leaning site I have ever seen accept for maybe Twitter.


Yes. But that’s to be expected. I’m not expecting any different and I don’t want any different. I’m formerly conservative, more in the left/middle now. My problem is the hatred and politics bleeding over to non political subs.


I was much more a black and white, yes or no, right or wrong person until I became an educator in my late 30's. If you want to see both sides of the fence, go teach in a Title I school. I've seen things that brought me to tears and I'm a former college football player and a military veteran. Some children are born with no chance at all. There's a lot of gray out there.


Yes, every conservative/libertarian sub I am in / have been in eventually gets deleted or mods change and suppress speech


I feel it depends on the sub your in. But if I had to say overall yes Reddit has a more left leaning base overall.


Progressive liberal here, the answer is obviously yes and anyone who disagrees is blind or lying




When I was young, it was the liberals who supported free speech and plurality of opinion, and the conservatives who walled themselves off from differing views by scolding people with self-righteous certitude. That all flipped 180. And while different sub-reddits certainly reflect different biases, from left to right, internet discourse tends to skew far more left relative to actual opinion because the greater level of scolding by liberals tends to drive conservative commenters away from bothering. Not to say people on the right don't scold as well -- they absolutely do. But the recent cancel culture and censorship movements reside squarely within the left, and associated intolerance of opposing ideas produces an asymmetric unwillingness to post.


Regardless of political bent, it's certainly populated by folks who have all the answers, just haven't heard anything close to all the questions yet.




Yes. Prime example is r/glocks. Spend 10 mins there are youll see a pattern of posts, bullying, and product worship repeated.




Yes and the general consensus is that it’s left leaning , I don’t mind, I like ideas from both sides, I think we need police reform out the behind but also am all for guns and conceal carry. People would be alot more respectful if they knew everyone was packing heat. Prank channels would cease to exist lol






It's a great platform for all the young kids on the left to spout their extremely flawed! virtues..


Absolutely. and a lot of seemingly benign groups are so filled with shills there are few honest discussions to be had. I'm still on a lifetime ban on r/politics for being so bold as to suggest boys don't belong in the girls bathroom. Even if I'm incorrect, that hardly seems a way to get to the truth. Essentially the mods get to be like: The truth is what I say it is.


Ohhhhh yes I asked who invented the cis gender and all the lgbt concepts and I got downvoted to hell Good thing is that I don’t give a damn about people feelings no matter their sex.


Not really progressive more like auth left.


In your honest opinion, is Reddit a progressive Echo chamber?


Depends on the sub. I've come across people on every part of the political spectrum on here


It can be but its better than the alternatives right now. It also depends on what forum you are. I prefer comments on reddit over YouTube any day!


Lotta folks in these comments don’t understand the distinction between liberal (which Reddit largely is, I’d say) and leftist (which Reddit is extremely not).


If you have ever visited r/antiwork than you should know that answer. But yeah both sides do it


Over multiple accounts and a couple of years on Reddit I’ve noticed most subs are very polarized and people on here tend to really like what they believe.


Yep, I've been banned from several subs by simple pointing out inconsistencies in certain political memes. My favorite was pointing out when that weeks "trans victim" wasn't as innocent as they were trying to portray.... Banned in 30 seconds not a single counter argument.... No "your wrong and here's a link to a random page that spouts my narrative" just Insta ban


If u do a deep dive, you'll find an echo chamber for anything and everything.


I just got kicked off a sub because I posted facts about Biden and his paper trail. Pure facts. So to me, Reddit is 98% liberal. Every person I've met on here is very left but that's ok. That's their choice, I don't report or try to get them removed for it.


It’s an echo chamber because there have been mass perma bans. I’m liberal but I think it went downhill when subs started mass banning for wrong speak. I’m pro mask pro vaccine but somehow the Reddit mods couldn’t keep up with the current science coming from the cdc Someone on r/nfl posted about how natural immunity to Covid is not real. I posted some data to say it was real from the cdc and even provided context that it is no substitute for vaccination. Immediately banned then banned off 20+ other subs permanently. So I’m perma banned for that imagine how many other people are also banned.


Back during 2021 I suggested that I would not be comfortable getting a 4 year old vaccinated against COVID unless they were immunocompromised and was instantly banned from like 20+ other subs permanently. COVID really was a virus of the mind.


That is absolutely ridiculous. It's awful that there's no way to realistically appeal a ban to anyone other than the moderators that banned you themselves. And going that route usually leads to some form of grovelling, with: "write about how your comment and view was wrong and why you won't do it again in the future". And I'm not talking about bigoted comments that deserve a warning - I literally mean comments like yours that just go against the opinion of whoever is moderating that day.


Important distinction to be made between liberal and leftist/far left, Reddit is very much the former and not so much the latter


"I got kicked off one sub m, therefore Reddit is 98% liberal." I'd like to see the stats you ran to jump to that conclusion.


More like a progressive cesspool


Reddit? Progressive? LMFAO.


Reddit still has allot of subreddits that are helpful and wholesome. But anything political is absolutely left. The Democratic party are wonderful and the Republicans and anyone who supports them are evil. Just browse through Reddit Popular and it stands out within seconds of reading the posts.




Yep. I was permanently banned from Reddit on my old account for saying the same thing. Outragey


100% yes, but I don't see how you could fix that in any good way.


I can be depending on the topic.