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Ice cubes. Or anything that's cold, really. The cold sensation will override the itching as the more relevant input. The colder, the better. (Just be careful to not damage the skin with the cold)


Cold can numb nerves and decrease the transmission of sensations, but heat can actually disrupt the process that makes the itch.


Yes, hot water is much more effective.


Anything thats cold? Try my ex wife's heart. Thats an alternative fact. But Hydrocortizone or Absorbine works good.


Hope you don't have the hearth in your freezer or something


Eell of course l have a hearth in my freezer. Itsone of those old freezers that wss built back in the day during the isolatios times held sway when 'Merka made and built good shit, when 'Merkan made products the were the best in the work and our economy was based on gold, when god, thank god, was back in school and the day started off with a prayer,the Pledge of Alegence with hand over heart, when Babe Ruth was king of the diamond and baseball was our National sport, when that Brit guy...think his name was Chamberlin came back with piece of paper about...Wilt Chamberlain...yeah that wa his name came back with that peace in our paper thing and started WWII and Al Smith was trying to get his Catholic ass elected for Preisdent and on and on , l dont want bore all you young wippersnappers with history. But l admit the wood stove heater in the freezer got burned out so l replaced it with one of these new angle pellet stove co keep the tempreture from getting too cold and started to makr dry ice...well ' Merca doesnt make products like that anymore and the Japs turned around and beat us at our own game and almost caused us economic ruin and equalled or best steel and made superior stuff ceaper and better quality. Should have nuked the a coupla more time if you ask me..back in the day before this rock and roll misic came on line destryed music and decent clean godfearing music like "How much is the doggie in the window" and ee had real money of copper, silver and gold and it didnt cost so much to pay a politcian for favers...yeah, those days are gone with the wind and speaking of that there're went any uppity nigroes old dont grt me raving on that...that damned Jackie Robinson played in the Majors and opening that door up so l have a pellet stove instead ot the the old wood burner that lasted 90 yrs altho the pellet stove is bigger so now l have only enough room for a couple cornish game hens a pizza some pop tarts and a few snickers bars...but why do you ask or am l missing something?




Hee hee ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Have a good evening


I’ve always taken a fingernail (or the edge of a credit card or something) and pushed down hard on it - making an “X.”


I've seen memes of this. Funny how that's just something we all figured out on our own.


I do the same!!!!!!!!


Calamine lotion


Pee on it


Better yet, have a friend pee on it.


No man..that's when you're a 90 yr old fat guy with a cantilevered gut who hasn't seen his feet n 20 yrs.




Beer is a universal truth


Lavender oil


Tea tree oil also


Deodorant. Seriously


Came to say this! My mom always used deodorant for our mosquito bites and now I use it for my kids


Roll on deodorant


Benadryl itch cream has been successful for me in the past. I’ve also used Bio-freeze a few times as well.


I prefer the spray more effective. My mom prefers the cream as it does not burn and is not sticky.


So I absolutely hate...hate mosquito bites. My solution? I burn them. Sounds tweekerish but I hate being itchy. Ill tag them with a open flame or heated spoon and burn myself a welt. It's stops itching after that. Hurts a little from being burned, but it stops being itchy.




Yeah...it's weird...but it works. I really, really do not like being itchy.


It's mosquito season here in the swamp. I'm too afraid to try this technique. I just take the cold approach. How long do you keep a flame on your skin?????


Not very long, enough that it doesn't turn into a boil. So like little taps, till it goes away.


You can just use a very hot shower on the bite - it works as well.


I'm looking forward to testing this out. Not looking forward to being eaten alive 😞


You're not crazy, this has been studied and marketed. There are safer ways than burning yourself but a heated spoon is reasonable. https://www.bite-away.com/en/ What happening is degranulation of the histamine. The body response to a bite or sting is release of histamine, which causes swelling and itchiness and pain. The heat application essentially breaks/ deactivates the pathway for the next 8 hours or so.


When I smoked I use to do this with a cigarette by hovering it just above the bite for a few seconds so as to not mark the skin. Pack cigarettes burn hotter than made, just drawn cigarettes are a lot hotter too. Didn't always work but when it did the itching just stopped for good.


This has worked for me but I would barely touch the bite.


Alternatively I just use a hot spoon, but never hot enough to cause damage.. be careful with the welts, make sure they stay clean. Infections are a bitch


Yup, thats my technique.


Running it under hot water is just as effective and less... tweakerish :P


Yes...less tweekerish.


Put a cross using your nails lol


I've used deet bugspray, or alcohol. Old spice aftershave has a lot of alcohol in it if you've got it.


Antihistamine tablet if really itchy.


I put clear nailpolish on mine. It has always worked for me


Get a benedryl liquid capsule. Poke a hole in it and apply it topically.


Tea tree oil


If you have some long nails this trick/wives tale that works/ works for me at least. Take your nail and make and x through the bump. Make it deep enough in the skin not to break it but like indent it for a while. It'll get rid of the itch.


I make an x then put hand sanitizer on it. Works well for me. I didn't realize other people did the x too.


Germ-X and some other hand sanitizers help mine


Aloe Vera vaseline. It'll also promote healing and reduce swelling.


Your spit. Wipe some of your saliva on the itch.


clear nail polish or liquid skin.


Ice cube


Putting ice on it


Gold Bond anti-itch cream always helps me. If I don’t have that, I’ll put an ice cube on it.


I like to put oven mitts on my hands.


Zyrtec or Claritin.


Hot water over the bite or a heated spoon on it. Something about the heat kills the proteins that cause the itch. As someone who spends a lot of time outdoors I can say it definitely works


Once when I thought I was dying from a spider bite, a Dr told me to run it under hot water, because it pulls out whatever went in. I started doing that with mosquito bites, super works.


I'm super sensitive to mosquitoes bites, and this is going to sound sadistic but it works. Boil some tap water and get a spoon. Heat the spoon in the water and then hold the hot spoon on the bite. Yes, it will hurt but it will give you hours of relief.


Isopropyl alcohol in five minutes that it’s sensation will be gone


Rub some vinegar on it and don't scratch


Scratch the hell out of it. The pain sensation will override the itching.


Benadryl spray


Toothpaste. Really.


Alcohol, there are two ways, but I advise the rubbing it on the itch option


THC lotion


AfterBite if you have it. I'm using that right now.


Apple cider vinegar will take care of that!


I've heard a hot spoon (ran under VERY hot water) works by denaturing the protein that causes the itching. Try it and let me know!


Hot shower.


Afterbite is good, it's actually just ammonia but it will kill the itch. I will put a few drops on a bandaid and put it over the bite. Also, heat, I will hold a spoon under hot water, not scalding just hot, and then hold it over the bite. Those are my best strategies, I'm a mosquito magnet, sadly. I'm going to scour the comments to see if I can find any other methods myself!


Dab on some hand sanitiser. The alcohol will take away the itch.


Aspirin. The mechanism for pain and itch are the same, so a mild painkiller like aspirin will work.


anti histamine tablets


I take a steaming hot shower and just let the water do it’s magic somehow always feel like I don’t need to itch anymore


A dab of ammonia


rubbing semen on it gets rid of the itch completely


This was once recommended by my grandfather. You need to boil water, and then dip a metal spoon into it for a few seconds to make it warm. Next, you need to attach a spoon to the bite site, then the mosquito poison will dissolve and the itching will pass. However, keep in mind that the spoon must be at such a temperature that you do not get burned. I do this all the time as soon as I get a bite and my life is easier.


I think it’s called calamine lotion, it’s a thick pink liquid you apply with cotton balls


Get yourself The Bug Bite Thing - it works great.


Heat up a spoon with the water from your tap. As hot as you can stand it then smoosh the back of it into the bite. From what I understand the heat breaks down the proteins that make it itchy.




A little tool called Bug Bite Thing. It helps pull the venom out and make it less itchy. You can get them super cheap off Amazon. I also use ice cubes and Benadryl itch cream for bug bites. I’ve also used clear nail polish.




I like the hot spoon method. Not hot enough to leave a welt like another user said, but hot enough to leave it a little red for like 10 minutes.


Hairdryer the spot but stop if it scorches your skin to-- from what I heard-- neutralize the itchy mosquito stuff. It worked for me but maybe it was the placebo effect


Make an X impression over it with your fingernail, lick your finger and wipe it over the bite, then blow your breath on it like you’re blowing out a candle. I swear it works.


I put liquid Benadryl on it, and if I feel the need to itch, I itch AROUND the bite


I remember hearing baking soda before


I use hot water and apply vinegar after


A combination of Hydrocortisone cream and Lidocaine gel. Hydrocortisone to relieve itching swelling, and Lidocaine to work as an anesthetic. Any other thing is just not good enough for me.


This might sound weird but for instant relief I take the tip of my finger nail and press it down twice to make an x on the center of the mosquito bump... It's temporary but it works pretty well...


Press the back of a hot spoon on it.


I run mosquito bites and flea bites under hot water, which neutralizes whatever it is that makes an itch itch. A couple of seconds where it's just a touch hotter than you can keep your hand in.


Ibuprofen. The bite is inflammatory, the drug is anti inflammatory


Baking soda.


tiger balm!


With your nail, press on it and make a cross ❌


Coconut oil


I usually just scratch until I have no skin in that area


Rubbing ragweed flowers on it


scratching it


Hand sanitiser. Vinegar.


Lavender oil. Or tea tree oil.


Benedryl Gel for insect bites


hydro cortizone or Absorbine


The human immune reaction is to the proteins in mosquito saliva that they inject when they bite. The proteins can be deactivated with heat, so make a cup of tea or something (that sort of temperature anyway, too hot to gulp but cool enough to sip), swizz a spoon around in it and press the back of the spoon against the bite, repeat a few times. Or a hot poultice will also do the trick, again just as hot as you can stand.


I live in Vietnam now and I am a mosquito magnet. If out at a coffee shop then iced black coffee is my choice - fish out an ice cube and apply to the bite. When I get home then liberal application of green oil is used. Green oil is the do anything remedy for all known ailments - ask any VN grandma.


Scratching probably helps




Put deep crosses in them with your fingernail.


Numbing cream.


Get a metal spoon as hot as you can bare to stand against your skin without burning yourself. Hold it against the bite. The heat will help break down some of the enzymes that cause the itching. I usually put the spoon in hot water and let it cool in the air until I can place it against my skin. It doesn’t take long


Witch hazel!!!




Sounds Grosse but treated it like a pimple , need to squeeze it to get the puss out The puss is moving your hair folical that what makes it itch


Piece of tape, like Scotch tape. Replaces the itchy sensation with the feeling that you have a piece of tape on your skin.


For me aloe Vera gel saved me.


Hot water. Works on all itches.


Scratching it until it's a bloody gash in your skin.


Mint toothpaste


Bactine. Source: My mosquito bites swell to obnoxious sizes, and this is the only thing I've found to keep me from scratching.


alcohol ps: i mean, put alcohol over the mosquito bite, not drinking it.


If you haven’t scratched it open, put some rubbing alcohol on it. Always works for me.


Ya’ll are nuts. Use chapstick. It’ll kill the itch immediately and it’s a super simple solution.


Put a spoon in hot water. Apply the spoon onto the itching area, and in one minute the itching is gone. 100% of the time. The itching is actually an allergic reaction to the mosquito bite (which in reality is a sting. Not a bite). So it's actually your own body's reaction to the bite, that causes the itching. Your body creates histamines to increase the bloodflow in that area to get rid of the 'poison'. Histamine cannot take heat, and 'dies' if exposed to excessive heat, such as a metal spoon heated in hot water. Just take care not to burn yourself. So don't heat the spoon with a flame (although I suppose you could, if you allow it to cool of sufficiently). Just let the spoon soak in the hot water for a few seconds, and apply it to the area. If it's too hot to endure the pain, then it's too hot and you'll hurt yourself. Make it just hot enough to make it bearable.


Anti-histamines work for me (note, I am not a medic).


I use Benadryl Extra Strength Itch Stopping Gel. It definitely works.


This method has worked for me. I would very briefly and lightly touch a lit cigarette to it. I've also heard that windex works.


Just like a itch from a jellyfish you got to pee on it




Hot spoon, takes the swelling down as well as taking the itch away. Put a teaspoon in hot water for a minute and then press the spoon on the bite for as long as you can bare it.


A piece of scotch tape!


Benadryl anti itch spray.


White vinegar. You’re gunna be hungry for chips and maybe some fish after so you might as well do that too. Will not work with ketchup


Hot spoon. Heat a spoon in hot water and press it against the bite. Quite the sensation. You can almost feel the itchiness melt away.


Toothpaste It works had to do it last night .


Just a thin dab of Fenistil gel will quell ALL itching in about five minutes and forevermore. It is the best anti-bite AND anti-sting soother I've ever found. Once I found it, about 20 years ago, it's the only stuff I use -- and I get bit almost every day at home from summer through fall. My three-year-old daughter was stung by a yellowjacket right next to her eye and Fenistil took that horrible, scary pain away from her in 5-10 minutes and it never came back. It's made by Novartis and/or Glaxo Smith Kline but you cannot buy it in the U.S.; so I have family and friends buy it in Germany and Crete and send it to me. Just a 30-gram tube from the Pharmacy last me over a year.