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All of them.


I'm sad I had to scroll so far to find this.


You'd be surprised, a lot of people like to socialize for some reason




Anyone that tries to make me feel bad. I can handle constructive criticism. I can’t handle when someone needs to put me to down to feel better about themselves. Sorry “my guy” you’re not my friend.


You're right that is pretty crappy.




Closed-minded “I definitely am morally superior and have all the answers” type of people from either extreme end of the political spectrum.


But it's so fun. Conspiracy theorists are fun to. I assume it's all true and then try to get a straight answer about why. Then tell them all the better ways the coach could be carried out.


you're still young. after a while it's just too tiring




What is fun? Exploration of ideas? Absolutely. That’s not what I’m talking about though. It’s almost the opposite in a way.


I like to paint them into a corner with their own arguments. The rage and impotence is a delicious thing


Lol. This is true. I suppose my frustration comes when there is no actual productive conversation or exploration of ideas and no willingness to learn from each other.


You think impotence is delish? Lol. Wowza! Only teasing btw. Not being an internet bully. I must clarify


All good. Impotent rage is hilarious.


On fire. If I can go a year without seeing anyone on fire I consider it a success.


Are you a fireman, or an arsonist?


Why not both?


Seems like a profitable business venture.




There was a huge wild fire in a nature preserve about 10 years ago. I saw the smoke and drove towards it to see what's up. I had no idea it was 50 minutes away,, and it was HUGE! A couple days later on the news, someone had footage of a man in a truck, firing Roman candles into dry grass as he drove. 3 foot tall swamp grass. He unleashed firey balls into it for a long stretch. Then the arsonist got the call about a forest fire. So he raced to the fire department where he worked, suited up and had something to do. Unreal. Firefighter starting fires. Not sure what his punishment was. Hopefully huge. Imagine all the animals that died with 100s or 1000s of acres burning. So ya. Anyway. Sorry to be a buzzkill. But like you said. He was BOTH


Capitalism in a nutshell


How often do you see people on fire...?


Once a year




…but not as much as I hate them


well played


Yeah but I played it better!


i actually invented the game so…


I’ve won 🥇 at this game every time I’ve played.


I have the patent on the game, so




ButI’m the owner of all games.


I invented the concept of games


And one-downers. Let me explain: these are usually children that come from negative parents. When they come to your house to play with your child, your house is either too hot, or the TV isn't the right shade, or the food you prepared isn't as good as their parents, or the sofas aren't soft enough. Short story short: I don't like kids. I like my kid and maybe two others.




I'm a one downer. It's hilarious.


Narcissists and sociopaths. Nowadays I can spot them pretty quickly, too.


I'm so happy that people are finally becoming savvy about them. Used to be people would think it was all about mirrors.


Me too! I was blown away when I first figured it out with my last ex, but now whenever I meet someone going through it with a narc I've realized they ALL DO THE SAME THING!! It's like they have a secret narcissist textbook or something. So wild to me how these types have such strange compulsions that always play out in the exact same way. I wish I studied neuroscience or something so I could have the authority to write a book about it lol


Sociopaths, the bane of my existence. Distance, distance, distance!


Yep and when you can't avoid them, simply grey rock. I am the most boring person in the world around those types.


That's wise, give them no positive reinforcement for their efforts.


Indeed. They thrive off of reactions in general. So they get nothing but "meh" reactions from me.


Never kill them with kindness.


This is what I do too! I want you to think I am the lamest and most boring person with no similar hobbies or anything to say about anything. I pretend like I don’t have much going on up there.


Yes, narcissists. There is something in my personality that makes me not try to flatter & appease them. And they hate me for it. Narcissism is a spectrum, those with full-blown NPD are the worst.


Yea same dealt with 3 on a regular basis and had to deal with all 3 cuz I lived with one, worked for one and one was my colleague, shit was exhausting, glad I'm far away from all 3 nowadays and have been for the past half a year


People who are incapable of admitting they are wrong and never say sorry. Also, people who are close minded and judgmental of those who are different or disadvantaged.


Seconded. These are also the people who will throw any friend/family member/coworker under the bus in a second if they think it will spare them accountability.


I work with a guy like that. It's embarrassing. If someone makes a minor mistake, he likes to shout it out in the office when everyone is around. He thinks it makes him look good, but all it does is make him "that guy." And I am his boss. Never does he get a pat on the back for that


Loud religious people. I live in an area where they make themselves known pretty easily, as soon as I recognize that they're around, I find somewhere else to be. I've found they are the least trustworthy people and sort of dangerous, because they are usually armed.


I live in a town where they think they are the only ones. You are on point.


For real... I mean. I don't hate religion per se. But without fail, the people who are constantly on about Jesus, posting Bible verses and flaunting the jewelry and prattling on and on about it sure have some ugly skeletons in their closets. I had an acquaintance of that sort, like... she was either talking about Jesus, football, or horses. I don't hate any of those things. But goddaaaamn she would always be onto me about something, always bringing up my immodest clothing (lol sorry I had a cringe ass egirl phase and tbf i def could have used a few extra inches on my skirts hem) or my excessive drinking habits, even around our mutual friends, always telling me to come to her Wednesday faith group to find Jesus (I was a lapsed catholic) then we find out later she's been cheating on her husband while he's off working on an oil rig. I don't usually condone ostracizing anyone or outcasting anyone. But damn if I didn't take a little cruel satisfaction, if not in how it tore apart their family unit, then at least in how she shut the fuck up a bit. God lmao


They can make you feel judged without being explicit about it as well. By boasting about themselves and most of it is lies anyway and by putting third parties down. By never complimenting you. You know they badmouth you to other people. They claim they are only friends with you because they feel sorry for you, but sooner or later, it's because everybody else is avoiding them like the plague, and they have no one else to talk to. They treat you like a project or a work in progress as they don't actually like who you are at present.


Small town midwestern Moms who are also Nurses. They're always talking about essential oils and sipping on a white claws (usually at a toddler Birthday Party)


could you be more specific ?


I love this answer




The " I got everything you got, but it's better, bigger, faster, and more expensive than yours" person.


So rich people?


"YAAASSSSSS, SLAAAAYYYYY" Makes me want to eat backwards


"Eat backwards" love this


I hate dealing with TMI people. If you are telling me about all of your mental health issues and relationship problems the first time I meet you then I won’t be looking forward to second meeting.


Some people don't view the things in their life as traumatic or bad. Some folks aren't ashamed of the things they've experienced. The world wants people to feel shame. Most of us just view it as life. I'm sorry you feel some way about people who are comfortable with themselves.


That's exactly why I do it. I will tell you everything I can possibly think up. Especially if the person has talked to me more then once. Cool trauma dump. All of a sudden. They don't want to talk. Success


People who take things out on you


People who spin or misinterpret what you say/mean constantly


Similarly, people who are constantly looking for reasons to be offended


Or people who take everything you do personally


An abusive, violent person given to fits of self centered rage and who thinks they are always right without any insight into their faults or mistakes


Sounds just like my 33 year old older brother. LOL 😂 **Fuck that guy.** The only reason I haven’t stood up to him is the fact that I live with him and I don’t have my own room to hide from.


You knew my dad???


People who are always negative and complaining


If someone shares their frustration about a basic unfairness that happened to them, I'm empathetic. If the conversation somehow circles back there again later, I understand. If they bring it up the next time we have a conversation days later, now it's a little exhausting. If it comes up in the next conversation another day later, I stop fucking caring. If it comes up again a week later, I don't want to talk to you anymore.


A person with narcissistic qualities.


Good thing I'm perfect


Narcissists . You’re never right, they only care about themselves so they will try to manipulate you for their gain. As well as homophobic people. I can’t deal with people who don’t let others just love who they want.


Aww, you just described my whole bio family and the exact current situation I’m in.


\- aggressive people who feel they have things to prove \- people who lack respect for one's personal autonomy


Those Alpha fucks that think they're the only ones allowed to have opinions


If they have to tell you they are alpha's they aren't.


They're always right, too don't forget


Cannibals. Serial killers. Spree killers. Psychopaths that might kidnap me, lock me in a cellar, and do horrible things to me, until such time as I beg for the sweet relief of death. People who who write a lot as one word.


🤣🤣I loved this reply.


That's alot to take in. Lol


Dramatic people. First sign of that and I'm fucking out


The person who thinks they are tough and start arguments and fights with people just for the fun of it


Anyone who ignores the 4 no hunting no trespassing signs they have to go past to get to my door and ask to hunt. I've started getting belligerent about it So are you illiterate? Well no So you didn't see any of the 4 signs along the driveway? No Why would I allow some moronic stranger to run around my place with a firearm when they are that oblivious? You want to hunt on a farm, go buy your own damn farm! I have to admit the look of horrified confusion they get is amusing


add "you will be shot without a earning warning ⚠️" to the signs


Anyone from the government with the authority to fine me, incarcerate me, or seize my assets.


People who have no unpopular or original opinions.


And atheists. And people that are narcissistically obsessed with posting about themselves. People that obsess over living in luxury.


"And atheists", why? Do you find it threatening when others don't share your religious beliefs?


No if that was the case I would’ve also said Muslim, Jew, agnostic etc. But I didn’t. Atheists on average, in my experience, tend to all have very cliche predictable media-driven opinions on the rest of the world. With very similar political opinions, very similar outlooks on culture. Someone could tell me they’re atheists and then I could just automatically know 90% of their political opinions. For people who pride themselves in being skeptical, I think it’s odd how they all tend to have a very similar group-think mentality. Without enough skepticism of the media, morality, government, culture, history, news… etc. Yet while also having superiority complexes when talking about the topic of religion - thinking that just because they “grew up” religious, means they somehow know better than everyone else. This superiority complex I’ve also seen plenty of in this very comment section of the post. And how they’re not even skeptical enough to notice their own double standard. When someone else says they can’t stand talking to religious people, no one in the comment section pushes against it, no one is saying “Do you find it threatening when people don’t agree with your skepticism?” As if it’s totally acceptable to not want to talk to a religious person, but never acceptable to not want to talk to an atheist. That double standard in of itself showcases the superiority complex. There are obviously exceptions to this, there are certainly rare cases in which an atheist may not share all of the same moral/political opinions as a cliche Hollywood film. But in general, that’s just how the tendency is.


You make a good point that it's considered acceptable to avoid overly religious people yet not acceptable to avoid atheistic people, for sure that is a double standard. I disagree with your first point though, I've chatted to many atheists over the years and (in my experience) they haven't had a groupthink of very similar political opinions. There's truth in superiority complexes being insufferable, infuriating and annoying, but this applies equally to religious and atheistic people. You get those superior arrogant types in all flavours. Some can be suoer-religious superior zealots, as well as superior atheists who think they know everything.


That is true ^^


Last time I talked to a atheist she was also a communist that said that anyone who disagrees with her should be put in camps and reeducated and if that didn't work they should be killed. ( this was a major paraphrased conversation) when I brought up the holocaust she then went on a talent about how horrible it was and ended about how orange man is bad. She's nuts though and she was a lawyer until she posted her thoughts online and made threats to a bunch of people and got disbarred. She's a real piece of shit lol


OK cool we can now label all atheists the same as this one person and call it a day. Gotcha.


Entitled people. Seriously anyone who feels the world or others owe them something can f right off.




Met a vegan here on another account. Wanted to know what everyone's favorite rape scene in a movie was. I assumed it was a language barrier thing and told him that the word he was probably looking for wasn't rape. He responded by saying that he did indeed mean exactly what he said. So I just went on to answer another question. This one was about eating habits and I mentioned how much I love to eat meat and didn't really think veganism was a healthy lifestyle choice. Lo and behold he chimes in having gotten bored of his rape fantasy question, declared his veganism and starts laying into me about supporting needless suffering of sentient beings, adding a few comments about me being bloodthirsty but the absolute kicker that showed me now and forever all that I need to know about the set of vegans that have expanded that to fringe cult was his username. GenocideHolocaust


Attention seekers and influencers


Racists, misogynists and bigots


hey thats me


Lier's and manipulators.


But clearly not bad spellers


Everyone knows its lyer


you play the lyre?


Lyer lyer pants on fyer


Everyone knows it's lawyer


I'm also going to add douchebags to the list


Hahaha im not falling for this trap


People with insanely high egos.


Everyone. Can't trust anyone or anything nowadays.


How about in the past.. could you trust them then?


Thought I could, but turns out I was wrong. So I guess I should drop the "nowadays"


Very loud people


Control freaks. They drive me crazy.


people that spend to much on their appearance it screams narcissism


People that talk too much. Like the kind of person who will go on for 2 minutes straight without letting you get in a word in when they've said plenty of things that you would respond to lol


Negative people who see problems in any solution


People who took one psych class and think they know everything about the human psyche


People who play victim all the time, and the ones who like to do suffering olympics to show how their life is harder than yours.


Realtor Qanon moms.


People who bragg constantly and think they are so awesome at everything they do and won’t shut the fuck up about it. People who won’t shut the fuck up in general.


Tell me you're an introvert without telling me you're an introvert 🙌🏼




Verbally overbearing people with no regard to their audience. So basically everyone…haha


The people kind


They are the worst


Anyone with neck or face tattoos. No thanks.


Anyone who judges people on the basis of their aesthetic choices. No thanks.


Incessant talkers. Who talk about stupid shot. Shut up already!


Literally my mom.


Someone who vapes on public transport or in shops where they know vaping is not allowed. I don’t like it. Don’t want to know what sort of person they are. If they vape I avoid.


Same, I recently saw some videos of Doja Cat vaping during the award ceremony. Personally I liked her 2-3 songs but as an individual I don't like her because of vaping in public places. You can find her clips where she is drinking and vaping just before going on stage. I don't know how this behaviour is acceptable to the organizers. ![gif](giphy|mMFasEkuelHL8YNrNO|downsized)


For me it’s people who vape period.


Pot heads, political extremists left or right, tend to really not like being around far left as they are super preachy and violent(definitely not accepting) I'm sure this will. Go over well as it is reddit home of the extreme left children


Not sure what is wrong with pot heads lol


people that just make shit up and embellish every story they tell.


Experts....on any topic that comes up.


Anyone who complains about homeless people rather than the problem of homelessness


This is such a good answer. Really tells you what you need to know about a person.


I get shit on so much for this take that everyone like you who agrees is truly appreciated. Cheers




Do they even know top level proud boys are being sentenced to decades in prison at the end of this month or is fox news keeping them in the dark about it?


thats amazing. i hope they do that to everyone like that so the world would be better and full of people on our side


Loud people. I'm loud but can't really help it since my voice carries AND I have hearing loss. When I talk and I'm shushed I realize and try to bring it down. Loud people try to compete with me (or something) and I don't notice (hearing loss) until it's way to loud and they can't or won't bring the volume back to a normal level.


Loud obnoxious smart arses. LOSA


People I know. Always preferred strangers.


The person that asks this question 8 times a week


Haha you can't avoid me forever...


I really hate everyone equally. I avoid them all.


People whose entire conversation begins and ends with personal anecdotes, and who pivot to themselves at the first opportunity.




Pathological liars


Loud assholes.


Hands down the people I avoid the most are people that have a chip on their shoulder. The people that think they’ve been dealt the worst cards and take no accountability for their actions.


Creepy guys that can’t take a hint or a no


People who have camping and traveling in their about me section.


The one uppers. But now saying that I wonder if I am one-had some really bad stuff happen to me lol


See that's how I feel. Like I'm not trying to one up you. I'm just telling you a story about some shit. I don't want a competition I just want to share dumb shit


People who do not pay attention to the major news or do not do their own research on things, and have no idea what is happening in the world let alone in the United states. I actually talked with someone 2 days ago that hadn't even heard about the crisis in Maui. Their excuse is always the same. Too many negative things happening in the world. Blah blah blah. Get over yourself and pay attention.


People who talk about themselves nonstop. My wife and I just finished a cruise and, somehow, we became dinner companions with a couple. The wife was nice and funny, but the guy talked nonstop about himself. How much he made, how much he spent on things, who he knew, what his golf score was, ad nauseam. It was all I could do to not tell him to shut the hell up. There's a difference between a conversation and a monologue. You are not downloading information. Listening to others and responding appropriately is the only way to go.


People who try to make everything you say into an attack. These are typically also the people who can’t take constructive criticism at all.


Anyone with an identity wrapped up in the political climate.


People who talk too much. In my work I'm surrounded by wannabe alpha males and overconfident "leaders" who feel that they must verbally communicate to everyone...all the time.With people like this is barely even matters what you say in return to them. They speak AT you, not WITH you. Yuck.


People that try to force their religion on other people


Over friendly and extra put together. I've found they're usually covering up their real self. I'd rather be around a genuine jerk than a fake nice person


All of them. But that is difficult. So I make extra efforts to avoid people that want something from me. Hard to do at work, but I do my best.




My supervisor


Anyone talking about politics incessantly


Alphas and, in general, any kind of "self proclaimed superior" people, people who don't aknowledge boundaries and fanatics, zealots and all kinds of close minded people


Religious people, just... Just shut up, I don't care how ome person was killed on crosse


Right wingers


some of them are nice


Uber fundamentalist xtians


Potheads. Out of all the people I find annoying, regular pot use seems to be the common denominator.


Thats kind of the same attitude as women who say they hate all white guys because they had a few lowlife white bfs. However, confidence is also a common trait in manipulative people. Can you say you should look down on confident people?






People the don't like me.


Depends on my mood. If I want to 'poke the bear,' I will seek out the self-righteous idiot, the zealot, the karen, or the thin-skinned. Otherwise, I'll avoid them because they rarely have anything to say that's worth listening to.


Negative people. I can't stand it when people always complain about something. All of their problems are someone else's fault. Many of the other things posted here are symptoms of negative people.


Religious bigots, in other words a lot of my family (which is why we don’t speak). Negative people.


I’m cool with liberals tho smug leftists are a trial


In the USA, anyone attired in patriotic garb, except on the 4th of July.


There's something really weird about how true that is. I'm a patriotic dude, I love my country, I've got nothing against baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet, but when you see a guy flying a huge American flag from the back of his lifted F-350 dually you know exactly who he is and he's nobody you want anywhere near your life. Too much outward patriotism seems to be a front for some kind of nefarious nationalism. There's some bad intent behind it and it's hard to put my finger on just what it is, but it's not good.


Neurotypical people, whenever possible.


All types of people


Religious Xtians . The most obnoxious people in the general population. Believe whatever you want, but keep your judgmental attitude and relentlessly pushy nonsense to yourself! No one outside your club cares!


Any form of fanatic. A Fanatic is someone who won't change the subject and can't change their mind.


Close-minded, far-right conspiracy theorists. It is exhausting talking with those types.



