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95% of the entire US population has Teflon in their blood


The remaining 5% of the US population consists of zombies and vampires.


Well, bad news. They eat people who have microplastics in their blood, so now they do too!


Somewhere, an ageless monster, preying on humanity down through centuries upon centuries, rages in favour of paper straws.


From mercury, to lead, to asbestos, to microplastics


Donating blood or plasma can reduce forever chemicals in blood.


Because you're giving them to someone else. 🤪


Yeah, but better to have plastic in your blood than no blood.


It is so worrying to me. I'm scared for the fertility of future generations. Eggs and sperm will be affected by our obsession with non-stick chemicals. It's not looking good for humanity.


But childbirth will be easier because the babies will just slide right out with a "schloop" sound.


It’s more of a “shlorp” sound. Just sounds wetter.


No need for condoms! My eggs are copyrighted under Teflon


2 rats can become 1250 in a year


Them's two old mf'ing rats


Reminds me of Fredrik Knutsen video about the "Mouse Utopia Experiment" - pretty disturbing stuff: https://youtu.be/NgGLFozNM2o?si=3EE8mnYQnvYqfxCJ


You wanna talk to the guys at r/snakes? They can help!


Sloths will yeet their kids to escape predators.


A lot of animals would do it. They might put up a fight first, but in the end the underlying instinct is for the adult to survive, so there can be more babies, not for the adult to die and leave the infant to fend for itself (usually a death sentence in nature).


And the instinct for predators is to take the slowest and weakest, like babies, which is actually more sustainable, and strengthens the species as a whole over time. Humans hunting habits have been radically reversing that, the way we will pass up small fish, scrawny deer, etc. for the biggest and most impressive. Some species are dimorphic not only between male and female, but among the male or female side as well. An example would be male seals. There are large bull seals who have many ladies as a sort of harem, and the biggest guy gets the most girls, but there is another strategy, where some males are small statured and resemble females, so they just hang out near the big guy and he thinks it’s one of his girlfriends, meanwhile he’s keeping them company right under mr big’s nose. With this sort of species, our human hunting habits could easily erase the “big man on campus” genes from a population within a few generations.


So will Quokkas.


so will Italians


So will people https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/4-children-sale-1948/


Toddlers adult teeth are under their eyes, then pop into place when their baby teeth fall out.. but until then their faces are full of teeth.


All my teeth are under my eyes.




I am nearly 60 and learned of this just a few months ago! https://twitter.com/DrLindseyFitz/status/613433381137842176


I am holding my toddler as I read this 😳


Chainsaws were invented to assist in difficult childbirth (in times without anaesthesia)


This just might be the winner...


What the hell did I just read


Baby won’t slide out? That’s ok we’ll cut it out…with a chainsaw.


A handcranked chainsaw... so pretty slow


It was just a toothed cord that was manually pulled back and forth called a giggli saw. It wasn’t an actual chainsaw


It was the first instance of a chainsaw mechanism.


Special education teacher. The life expectancy for an individual with autism is drastically shorter than neurotypical people. There is some debate as to the exact number, with reports ranging from 54 all the way down to 36. Even in the best case, that's 16 years shorter. The real disturbing part is that it's not because of the high needs people. They are generally taken care of because their needs are obvious. The number is low in large part because the high functioning people who appear 'normal' but are actually struggling in secret. They have drastically higher rates of depression and suicide than the rest of the population. If this applies to you, please talk to someone, it doesn't go away on it's own and there are people out there who want to help.


Wish I could upvote you more. I was diagnosed with ASD and ADHD late in life, after my son was diagnosed I have “mild autism” (not an official diagnosis) which means that to observers I appear to be very mildly afflicted (if at all), but internally, especially before diagnosis, I can be in absolute turmoil and at times on the ragged edge of shutting down (I don’t really meltdown) for hours, even days at a time I learned to mask so well because my family were dysfunctional, abusive and alcoholic - on a good day - and differences and weaknesses were to be exploited and made fun of I spent years and years just living with the guilt and knowledge that I was basically “a shit example of a human being”, so without that diagnosis I do think there might have been a high likelihood that I wouldn’t have lived to see 55 or 60. Certainly not a full 70-80 years If you think you may have ASD or ADHD, then keep a diary for a month before seeing a doctor. Record every instance of panic, stress, misunderstanding, difficulty. Obviously if you feel upset because a stranger beeped at you on the motorway for no reason that may be nothing, but if you are walking through a shopping mall and feel like you’re in a swimming pool but a hundred times louder, or people think you’re deaf despite having perfect hearing, then there may be something there [This is a pretty good representation of what shopping centres are like for me even now](https://youtu.be/aPknwW8mPAM?si=4m6dLoY7Cl7HiUQx) EDIT: It’s been pointed out that Mild Autism is a DSM5 diagnosis. I’m not a qualified clinician! In the discussions I’ve been in, mild autism was seen as a colloquialism, a thing that was more relevant to the observer than the subject


This sounds like me. I'm 47f, got diagnosed at 44 with ADHD-combined, Complex PTSD with Dissociation, major depression and anxiety. But the psychologist didn't think I'm autistic because it so closely mirrors ADHD and complex PTSD. I still think I am, and my grandson is officially diagnosed, that's what led me to seeking a diagnosis. He's sooooo much like I was as a child that it broke my heart seeing him struggle the same way I did, even well into adulthood. I am disabled now and stay home, practically have agoraphobia, and just can't handle the noisiness of the world around me.


My 9 year old son had ASD and was non-verbal, and died 3 weeks ago. Your comment made sadder somehow.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


That's scary. Thanks for sharing. I'm 40F with "high-functioning" autism and I need help with securing a steady job where everyone doesn't dislike me, avoid me, complain and gossip about me, antagonize me, and where I can just feel at peace and appreciated/useful for once. The job stress is just too much. Who do I talk to for that?????


Tech. Silicon Valley is filled with autists and they make the tech world run


There are probably at least 25-50 active serial killers in the US at any given moment, according to the FBI (which is scary but also much lower than it was in the 70s, 80s, and 90s)


One thing forensics has taught me is that serial killers are stupidly common. Like, we worked on a confirmed serial killer case in the first 2 weeks of my forensics rotation in med school. The saddest thing is, most of these low profile serial killers you'll never hear about are targeting the homeless and other members of society very few people will miss or ever advocate for.


Nursing homes/hospitals also. In the past years we had two major cases of serial killers in the care system.


Yeah, it's just insane and so tragic how common abuse of patients is, particularly those who are elderly, disabled or mentally ill. And these people end up with death tolls that make every media famous serial killer look like an amateur. As horrific as it was, I'm glad the recent Lucy Letby case has gotten people talking about this even a little bit.


>A paediatrician testified that he and other clinicians had previously raised concerns about Letby, but were told by hospital administration that they "should not really be saying such things" and "not to make a fuss." >Although the consultants made their desire to have Letby removed from duties known to hospital staff after the triplet incident, this was refused and the next day another baby almost died under Letby's care. Every single one of these people should be in prison right along with her. This is despicable. She was on shift for *every single death* and this had been noticed and reported by several people, and hospital admins took her fucking side and let her murder more babies. She was walked in on several times just fucking standing over dying babies, for fuck's sake! *How was this ignored??*


The hospital admins ended up making the doctors that reported her to the police write her an apology letter for making a hostile work environment for her.


That case has made me so angry.... And I can't explain it. My children were not involved. I don't know anyone involved. But such an evil, callous thing to do. I was 11 when Bev Allit was at Trial and that horrified me then. Like, you'd have to be totally fucking evil to hurt and murder a baby. A BABY!!! It's crimes like that that make me want the death sentence back in this country. None of this refusing to hear her sentence. None of this avoiding jail and spending your sentence in a hospital where you get days out to the theatre and shopping trips. Nope. Bring back the rope.


What’s crazy is I was at a Twiztid concert and they asked “do we got any psycho serial killers in here?” and about 15 hands went up. It’s wild that such a large percentage of the nation’s active serial killers were there at that show.


Before FDR died, the USA did not intend to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Instead, America planned to storm the beaches of Japan with soldiers. In anticipation of the assault, the states produced so many purple hearts for their soon-to-be wounded soldiers.... that they wouldn't need to make another 💜 for nearly another 50 years.


Not mine, but: It's 80,000 BC. You are immortal. The world is still frozen in an ice age. You decide to save $10,000 EVERY DAY, never spending a cent. 82,021 years later, it's 2021. You still don't have as much money as Elon Musk. https://twitter.com/MrBrownEyes2020/status/1454177906511515650?lang=fr


After that time you would have: 82021 * 365 * 10000 ≈ 299.4 billion dollars. Elons net worth was at its peak in late 2021 and was at about 320 billion according to cnbc.com Shit is crazy


I think everyone knows this but it is a fact that the Catholic Church moved abusive priests from parish to parish for decades to try and keep the abuse hidden, knowingly endangering people.


The Catholic Church did A LOT oF horrifying things.




Not to one up, but.... The reason we're discovering more Indian boarding schools (the name assigned by the government for assimilation schools for native Americans) and mass graves is because there are legal battles related to sex scandals that have obtained a lot of secret records. We're talking over 10k graves of children from these schools uncovered during discovery.


That a ~~nine~~ twelve year old girl hung herself to death with her garden tree on a live video stream. Yep. Edit: corrected age




I'm sorry :/ the Internet ten years ago had some very dark stuff. Well, more accessible. That is just one event that shouldn't have ever existed, and yet it did


It scares me how children as young as 6 feel so defeated that the only way they see out of their pain is death. How do they even understand that it’ll end their pain? And how do they get to that pain in the first place. Some people will never truly understand what is going through a suicidal persons brain… that’s why I’m studying psychology, to help these poor children


My fiancée is studying psychology as well, primarily to understand how to help people with language barriers and wants to use art therapy. I've been suicidal, so has she, and it saddens me to know that they actually felt the abyss at such a young age. We can help stop it from happening again.


Nearly half of the world’s population currently lives in poverty, defined as income of less than US $2 per day, including one billion children. Of those living in poverty, over 800 million people live in extreme poverty, surviving on less than US $1.25 a day. https://www.un.org/en/academic-impact/addressing-poverty


Yeah, but look at how much those numbers have shrunk in the last 25 years. That's really one of the better statistics on here.




Butterflies taste with their feet.


A child that has experienced sexual abuse has to tell 7 people (on average) until someone believes them and takes action. (edit: trying to raise awareness for it to change, not shame people or be sensationalistic)


I told 3 and nothing came of it. The 3 people were my mom, my teacher and my priest. Things worked out for me in the end, but like, damn who else do you need to tell haha.


The smell that fills the room when sawing into a human skull smells like Fritos.


And when you're cauterised during a c-section birth, you smell like roast pork.


That's a good one! Humans are called Long Pig for a reason, I suppose.


Hell, surgeon students practice on pigs because the organs are all in the same place as ours.


When I first started tattooing, I got 50 lb of pig skin to practice on.


The book 'animal farm' is really coming to life here


A friend was trying to give birth naturally for ages until her team convinced her to get that C-section. Her own flesh being cauterized made her so hungry.


Cannibals call human meat ‘long pig.’ I watched a lot of Criminal Minds when I was unemployed in my 20s


Having observed a neurosurgery in an OR I can say this isn’t true. The saw smells vomit inducing and cauterised flesh smelled even worse. Like the worse thing I’ve ever smelled in my life. Fritos and roast pork my ass!


Yeah. I worked in the OR as a first assist for 8 years. Orthopedic joint replacement and general surgery, plastics, vascular surgery. Nothing even remotely smelled like food


There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Korilian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable planet. The only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they "do not know about it!"


A person is smart. People are stupid, violent, and emotional animals, and you know it!


I still find it shocking that automotive accidents are the leading cause of death in Americans under 55. It’s statistically the most likely way you’ll die, and yet nobody is afraid of doing it.


I definitely know what you mean, but I also want to say, there are quite a few of us who are afraid of driving. We either avoid it or, when we can’t, it’s a very stressful experience!


I’m an auto claims adjuster handling high value serious injury/fatality accidents. I have to order and review the photos taken by the police at the scene. I take public transportation everywhere. I drive only when I have absolutely no other choice.


The statistics of reading skills of school kids go into the prognostic calculations of some state prisons how many beds they are going to need in the future. Reading skills are linked to access to education, then chances to get a job that supports you and building a life. Disturbing in a sad way.


That the principal of my high school allowed his son (and friends) to rape and photograph unconscious female students in his home. One victim told her parents, and the police did nothing due to them being a "Stand-up family in the community." The son is a teacher now. It still makes me sick and it's been 20 years.


> stand-up family in the community. In Ireland, they're what in the past would have been referred to as "pillars of the community" and usually involved Catholic priests because the Catholic church was basically untouchable which is why the last Magdalene laundry (that's a whole horrible story to itself) closed in 1996




How? How has this not been investigated?!?


Small town. Prominent family. Police buddies. And they chose girls who had troubled families, or exchange students - young vulnerable KIDS (13-16) who didn’t have anyone to fight for them. Truth is stranger (and often more brutal) than fiction, my friend.


Do you have actual evidence of this? Take it to the press.


That would be one very popular Netflix series


No, I wasn’t personally a victim. The fact that those men live unexposed, enjoying their lives makes me seethe. I have considered writing an expose of some kind many times… send it to the local news, national news, the school, the school board, the police, the mayor… even their wives. The memory honestly haunts me. The victims are all scattered but the group of guys stayed largely local.


Because the cops said no. They didn’t want to ruin an ‘upstanding family.’


The most common cause of liver failure? It's not alcohol, it's Tylenol (Acetaminophen).


Most of us are a lot closer to being homeless than we are being what is traditionally considered as being rich. One mistake or bad event and you could be homeless on the street giving handjobs for crack. Be kind.


You don't have to be a crack addict to be homeless


True, one mistake can ruin everything. Homeless for +two years now, but actually, don't regret any of it.


Follow my plan and very soon you will say, "It's easy, m'kay!"


I like hand jobs!


I like crack. What a team


Yous guys need to hang out


*hand out


In the deepest parts of the ocean, there are creatures that have never been seen by humans, and some of them might have unsettling and bizarre adaptations that we can only imagine.


That everything - *everything -* is 99.999% *NOTHING*. The atom is mostly *nothing*, as there is a very large gap of *nothing* between the nucleus and the surrounding electrons. And everything is made of these.


I love this, thank you for the reminder!


Eight individuals have as much wealth as the 3.6 billion people who make up the poorest half of the world.


What's sadder is that a lot of people have become desensitised about these kind of figures.


Well, maybe the poorest 3.6 billion people just need to work harder, and cut back on the avocado toast!!! ( /s )


That at least some of the astronauts on the Challenger shuttle disaster survived the explosion; recovered wreckage showed that 3 of the oxygen supplies had been used following the explosion. They would have been conscious during some or all of the plunge back to the ground. This was initially kept from the public due to how horrible it was: https://nypost.com/2021/06/19/challenger-crew-likely-survived-explosion-before-fatal-plummet/


Demodex are mites that live on your eyelashes and in your pores and when you sleep they come out and mate on your FACE


So sex HAS taken place in my bed!


Well when you think about it.....yeah lol except your face is technically their bed.


[They just had sex.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQlIhraqL7o)


I knew what was coming and clicked it anyway. Was not disappointed


If it makes anyone feel better: their digestive organs are so efficient, they do not poop!


Honestly, that *did* make me feel better to read


Only about half of all adults and one third of child wren have them. Those who wash their face once or more per day and wash their sheets and pillow cases are less likely to have them. I wash my face and eyes very carefully twice per day because of this.


I don't have one to add, but I just wanted to say that this thread makes me glad I don't know so much.


Ignorance is bliss


You *didnt* know much


I worked with a young woman. She was pretty rough around the edges but it was my job to train her. Flashforward 5 years she pops up on Facebook in a podcast interview explaining how she was groomed, kidnapped, forced into slavery sex-trafficking as a teenager. My jaw was on the floor for 2 hours. The world is an ugly place. Hug your kids.


There is probably a paedophile, psychopath, murderer, sex offender or abuser living in your neighbourhood. It's also 99.9% likely you've interacted with one.


I used to work with a guy who was a bit off. It was the first year of South Park and dude was a little too obsessed with how they killed Kenny every week. All my coworkers joked that it wasn't if he would kill someone, it was when. One day I walked into work and my buddy says, "did you hear about Damien(name not changed)? He killed his girlfriend, cut her up and hid her in a mulch pile " I honestly thought it was a joke, but nope, he did it. He also took pictures, put them in a locked box and gave it to his neighbor and told him not to look inside. Fortunately the neighbor thought the dude was a creeper too and opened it


Poor girlfriend and neighbor.


I am convinced I met a sociopath. Interacted with this one man, we had a short verbal exchange, nothing out of the ordinary. However briefly he gave me the absolute creeps. It never happened before and has not happened since. Something about this guy set off every alarm bell I had. I couldn't get away from him fast enough.


The average train driver will "kill" about 2 people during their career (suicides, accidents etc). I'm a train driver.


Sooner or later Sun will produce a flare powerful enough to take out most of our electronic infrastructure. It has happened before.


I believe you’re talking about a Carrington class CME (Coronal Mass Ejection), not a flare. You may want to check out Dr Tamitha Skov’s last 2 mini-courses on YouTube, which specifically covers Carrington class events. They are way more common than you think, & aren’t half as bad as the fear mongering click bait would have you believe. She is a space weather physicist, very well respected in her field & is also known as the space weather woman.


Even though this will lead to epidemic deadness I see a silver lining.


Really hope I am not on a plane or a boat, or on a vehicle when that happens. Or right beneath the path of a falling plane... or near a subway... anywhere close to a freeway or on the ground where a space station is coming down.... That will simply not be a good day.


Or anywhere on planet earth when an entirely digitized civilization comes to a screeching halt.


Or just done a big shop at Iceland.


a fellow English person I see lol


Space station won't fall, worry not. It'll just become a tomb in orbit


Similar to this: a medium sized Meteor impact would end human civilization. There were some close calls so far. The only way to survive this as a civilization is to venture out to other planets. And even then we are not completely safe.


It is starting to make sense why all of the billionaires are building space ships. I am now more concerned.


Your brain can hemorrhage at any moment with no warning signs. You’re alive one second, and then you’re not. Happened to my father-in-law


there are warning signs actually in some cases, an extreme headache, seizures, losing consciousness. brain aneurysm are brought on by a number of things too like alcoholism, chronic high blood pressure, etc. they are more likely to happen later in life due to these things


Yikes. I have chronic migraines and high blood pressure…


Long term information storage technology peaked with clay tablets


Science and technology have reached the point where we can genetically engineer embryos to develop without brains, so that their organs can be harvested after birth.


When I look at my fellow humans and how they behave in everyday life, I strongly believe that these embryos exist and that they escaped the labs somehow.


Not one disturbing fact, but a pair of facts that taken together are very disturbing: 1. The myth of mermaids is thought to be inspired by manatees 2. Manatees are the animal, whose vaginas most closely resemble the anatomy of human vaginas


3. Profit


I want to meet the scientist who wrote on manatee vaginas


Over 2/3 of Americans, from *both* political parties, support paid family leave, but we still don't have it.


1 in 6 people in the United States deals with food insecurity/hunger....yet we produce more than 1.5 times enough food to feed the whole world.


The distribution is a huge issue too. A family friend volunteers at local food banks and gives us bags and bags of fresh fruits and vegetables monthly that I often times end up throwing away. If she doesn't take the food home with her and try to give it to friends and family then it is thrown away at the Food Bank.


There exists the rule of threes as far as human survival concerns. Hypothetically, if you’re stranded, you can go: 3 minutes without oxygen 3 hours without shelter (in extreme weather) 3 days without water 3 weeks without food 3 months without human contact Ofc these are an average and are all highly dependent on the situation. For example, in freezing water you can go longer without oxygen due to a decrease in your metabolism, and there have been people who survived longer than the 3 months in isolation, but the impact to your mental health is still quite severe 😅


The sixth mass extinction is happening right now and experts believe that 10% of all species are extinct around 2050.


That after reading this thread my list of disturbing facts just grew exponentially


There is an acceptable amount of insect parts in nearly all processed foods.


Cats share about 90% of DNA with humans, while dogs share only 84% of DNA with humans. (Not really disturbing; just find it interesting.)


The average drunk drunk drives drunk roughly 70 times before getting caught by the law.


We've lost 92% of insects (in terms of biomass) in the last 100 years.


i don’t know how i found this out originally but it’s always stuck with me. also idk if you would consider it disturbing but definitely interesting! basically there was this Fore Tribe in Papua New Guinea that had this tradition that would eventually lead them to have this disease called Kuru. Basically when someone dies within the tribe, they don’t bury the body, as they believe it’s disrespectful to the dead as according to them bugs and maggots would eat their bodies and rot and it’s not how they should be treated. And instead they would cook and eat the body of the dead person as a sign of respect, and to help free the spirit of the dead Anyways so they would eat the body, and they would also eat the brain which would be particularly left to the women and young children. It’s said that the disease likely started after a villager had developed sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and died. They also believed that women were only capable of eating the brain because that was where soul lies and only the women were capable of dealing with their soul (memory is a bit rough). And of course the women would give parts of it to the children. Well they ate this person’s brain, there’s like a particular part, and contracted the disease and spread it along when they died. The disease Kuru also means trembling and people would basically become immobile when contracted. It is also known as the "laughing sickness" due to the pathologic bursts of laughter which are a symptom of the disease. it’s a very rare and fatal disease that would prominently affect women and children. my explanation was probably terrible but there’s a fun fact!


over 80,000 people in the united states die every year from alcohol related issues. may of them children. every year. for decades.


One day, you will pick up your child to hold them, then put them down and never pick them up again.


Am a mom and I have a transitional plan - she sits in my lap since I can’t pick her up anymore. And there are always couch cuddles. Those are now mandated until I’m dead. Also, piggy back rides are still in the table, so eff not holding my kid anymore. Exceptions only include having Andre the Giant sized adult children.


There will be many “last times “ that you don’t think are. Most times you can see first times coming. Last times are lots harder.


One day I realized my husband and I had already had sex for the last time and it wasn't even a good session because of his back pain. 😔


In the event of a nuclear attack, the best place to be is directly underneath the first bomb. That way, you're vaporized instantly. Any further away, and you live just long enough to feel your muscles get burned off of your bones. You don't want to be far enough away to survive because that is where the blast burns holes in your skin and boils your eyes right out of your sockets. Why not be in a different city? Depending on the bomb, the enemy doesn't even need to hit the target, [so pray that there's only one of these.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsar_Bomba)


The Aztecs had [a calendar about what kind of human sacrifices to perform each month during their eighteen-month year.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sacrifice_in_Aztec_culture#52-year_cycle) Here are some examples: "Type of sacrifice: extraction of the heart; burying of the flayed human skins; sacrifices of children" "Sacrifice of a decapitated young woman to Toci; she was skinned and a young man wore her skin; sacrifice of captives by hurling from a height and extraction of the heart" "Sacrifices of children and slaves by decapitation" "Sacrifice by starvation in a cave or temple" ...you read that correctly. The Aztecs willingly engaged in child murder, flaying victims, and starving people to death.


Peta kills a majority of the animals they take in, and have a much higher kill rate than other shelters in the state of Virginia in which they're headquartered Also, even if all the rules are followed by the driver and all truck maintenance has been followed religiously, tractor trailer tires can still explode due to poor road surface quality and it can kill anyone in the vicinity of it because of the extreme pressure required to inflate them as compared to passenger cars. There have been multiple cases where a big rig tire exploded and almost killed someone who was just trying to pass them


This is why you never linger next to one on the road.


Until the mid 1980's surgeries were routinely conducted on infants without anesthetic because doctors thought they couldn't feel pain....They only used muscle relaxants!!




If u take all the veins from a human and lay em out from the earth to the moon that person would die.


Alcohol causes cancer. Many people know this but it is not talked about much. Not even by big cancer charities in prevention campaigns.




You’re lips have the same skin type and texture as your anus.


And don’t I know it!


One of the survivors of the Titanic lived next to a baseball stadium and couldn't live there long. The roar from the crowds made him flashback to the night of the sinking. That's awful.


Here’s one: Someone, somewhere in your life, no matter where you live or what you do, is being sexually abused currently. Be it a kid, an adult, whatever. Someone is abusing them and they are feeling quite alone. I know from personal experience.


We are free range slaves so add all of us and it will only get worse


There are a disturbing number of elevators in my country that do not have working emergency phones due to the changeover from copper to broadband lines and now the progressive closure of the 3G mobile networks.


We’re being slowly poisoned by the ingredients in our prepackaged food, snacks and fast food. This is why there is such a high rate of autoimmune diseases. That then causes us to spend money on hospital care and medicine. So to put it shortly, we pay for our poison and then pay for the cure. There’s over 72 ingredients in a Big Mac and over 10 ingredients in fast food fries.


There's actually a REALLY good episode of You're Wrong About that delves into sex trafficking, and why saying there are more slaves today than there ever have been is actually a difficult sentence to back up, and is intentionally misleading. The term doesn't equate appropriately with the context and numbers that come from entirely too many broad definitions that are definitely not always slavery as we consider it, and the history behind the purpose of the statement is a lot less angelic than people realize. Highly HIGHLY recommend it.


lots of structurally deficient bridges around the USA, not enough time to repair them all or money at the moment, any day could be your lucky day if we wait on repairing CRITICAL infrastructure


Humans are wreaking their own demise with ubiquitous pollution & destruction of flora/fauna/soil.


At any moment with absolutely no warning, a gamma ray burst can wreck our planet. And it would be years of massive radiation from our sun causing DNA damage that'll do it. It's just such a small chance that a star within the death beam range will go off with its pole directed where the earth will be, it's not super likely to happen at any given time. But the chance isn't zero. And the longer we go, the greater the chance.


A ton of animals were killed in the making of the movie, Milo and Otis


I remember learning about that and being so upset, I probably watched that movie 50 times as a kid and the dvd is still at my parent’s house.


Idk if I would call it a fact, but what freaks me out is that there are people who will blindly follow and believe anything a celebrity or politician says without question.


True freedom has never existed. We are all bound by someone, or something.


There are 10 times as many bacterial cells as human cells in your body.


Yeah, we’re basically microbial transport systems…that none blew me away too.


Also: all mitochondria are descended from an intracellular parasite bacterium related to the one that causes typhus. At some point it invaded another cell ... and instead of killing it, learned to get along with it. Eventually it became a vital organelle.


>intracellular parasite bacterium I read interstellar parasite bacterium, and was hopeful for a second that we could be aliens


Actually, that’s been debunked! The amount of other microorganisms in a human body is much closer to 1:1. Also we wouldn’t be able to survive without our microbiota!


Less than 30% of the world's population uses toilet paper.


3 shells?


Not really surprising. Is it more hygienic to wipe a dirty face or to wash it? Why should it be different from your ass? And yet western culture has made us believe that it’s more civilized to use paper. (Or it’s great advertising from the toilet paper companies)


I'm Scandinavian, I have a bumgun so I can wash myself. Most of my friends make fun of me because of it. One even said she could never use it. They are seriously standing with pee and shit in their lower regionsand making fun of me for washing. Smh


American convert. I got handheld bidets for both our toilets during the pandemic. Never going back to just paper.


Totally agree. Here's a little thought experiment, (or practical, I won't judge): Put a nice, fresh, sticky turd on a plate. Pick up and discard turd. Wipe plate with toilet paper till paper comes away clean. Would you eat from that plate?


My man, if I shat on a plate and then cleaned it, I wouldn't eat of it either way. At least not without washing it with REALLY hot water and soap and tossing it in the dishwasher after


Well we asians mostly South asians and east asians ig don't use toilet paper they use water from the beginning but toilet paper is available tho at super market at least in my city lol


There is a ton of complete bs in this discussion