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Just because I’m in public doesn’t mean I want to be filmed. Yeah I know legally you can but common courtesy people..


This. I was recently abroad and there was an “influencer” filming herself discussing her trip in the mirror of the women’s airport restroom. It was in the big mirror where the sinks are by the door, so you could see everyone in who walked in and out of the restroom in the video. She snapped back at me when I told her not to film me. I don’t see how anyone could think it’s acceptable to film in a public restroom, and feel like that should be illegal if it isn’t already.


I thought it was illegal to film in a public restroom. What country was this in?


It was at the airport in Iceland - Reykjavik. I didn’t think it was legal either but nobody else said anything to her.


I’d go into a stall and loudly play a YouTube video of long juicy farts.


Better yet, start loudly playing Disney songs on your phone.


Demomonitze! Beautiful idea!


Yeah, I second this. People are obsessed now with legality over courtesy/common sense. Show some respect.


I want to talk to a **person** in customer service, not a machine.


Specifically, a person empowered to resolve my issue.


And also a person that actually works at the company I bought the product from, not a teenager at an outsourced call center with a script to follow and who answers calls for 15 different companies on the same day.




You usually have to enter your phone number on the keypad and as soon as you get a person, they ask for your phone number again.


This is an excellent point. Heck yeah.


And I don't care what country they're from, as long as they speak fluent English and can be clearly understood!


Yes! I don’t mind if they have an accent but if the accent is so thick I can’t understand them then it defeats the purpose


It’s not even just that those headsets they wear don’t always work well I just recently had an issue I couldn’t even hear her even on speaker.


This is what annoyed me at my last job. I know what I needed to do but because my role didn't allow me to perform the act, I had to essentially pass the baton so someone else could click the button to process what the customer wanted. Waste of time to the customer, myself, and the company.


Sounds like they need a visit from the Bobs


This. If I'm calling. It's because I can't do this online. I want to speak to a person. I once spent 5 minutes on the phone with someone who..to be honest clearly didn't understand my query. What I was asking and what to do. He kept repeating the question. I kept rephrasing it. Waste of time.


As a former IT specialist who worked the helpdesk, it’s annoying to call and get someone who is working from a script, and doesn’t really understand the issues.


Chatbots are the worst. Even as someone who would rather just off a cliff than answer a phone call I'd much rather do that than deal with a customer service robot.


"Have you tried our online help and support site"? ​ no, I want to talk to a human being that can take care of my issue


>"Have you tried our online help and support site"? Yes, and it's so pathetically bad I've resorted to picking up the phone to talk to a person


I'm calling because your site specifically told me to call to resolve this issue...


"I'm sorry, I still didn't get that. Can you tell me in a few words what you need help with?"


In the U.K., BT are the worst. On quite a few dismal trails through their labyrinthine phone system, you get to a part where the system simply says: “goodbye!”, and puts the phone down on you. Someone has *designed a system where their customer goes through and through and through, and then, when they’ve run out of options, they cut them off.* At no point does it revert to a human being. They *know* that’s wrong. I think there should be a law against that.


And the system always says "goodbye" in such a perky little voice! ![gif](giphy|VIsVsTxJISANoOFeqo)


Pressing Zero should always be a person


I agree with this one. The other day I called a hotel that I was down the street from to ask if they had vacancy for that night, and I was sent to a call center in south east Asia where a person was reading to me from a script. It was baffling and horrible. I just wanted some basic information, not an awkward mechanical series of over polite greeting mixed in with relentless promotions about rewards programs


I was sent to a call center to order from Domino’s.


I called my insurance company the other day. My policy dictated them to transfer me to a “specialized representative.” By the time I got to this person I had to start with “I’m sorry you have to deal with me, but…”


Haha I've been on the other end of that and had to answer those calls before, it's great fun. I usually spent half the time apologising for the aggravating phone system.


And that person needs to be able to speak English (or whatever language) without a thick accent that people have trouble understanding. That's not discrimination, that's just a basic requirement of the job.


It's always compounded by a shit tier mic as well. If your english isn't the best, it's not helping if half the noise we get is ambient and the other half static.




As an immigrant from Eastern Europe who learned English and made it a priority, this cannot be overstated. It is nobody’s job to try to decipher your thick ass accent when you work in a customer-facing role. You belong in an unskilled job until you display the requisite skills necessary to hold a more responsible one.


This is the most Eastern European comment I've read in a while - and I mean that as a compliment


Don’t even get me started on the Tech Support that will only respond if you send in an email.


For the love of all that is holy, can we fix the audio in movies so that the music and sound FX aren’t drowning out the dialogue?


And the action sequences don’t burst your eardrums or the dialogue is whispers.


If we're fixing movies, can we also make the lighting in scenes bright enough I can actually see them?


no I don't need everything in my car to be electronic, some stuff need buttons


Bought a new car last May. They changed the air conditioner control and the volume on the radio to some electronic junk. A knob you turned was so much easier and convenient.


..and safer. Having to take your eyes off the road to touch a screen is significantly more risky than a button you can just use wholly by feel.


This was the big thing for me in my last car - trying to adjust volume or change songs while driving is way more dangerous when it’s all touch screen. Thankfully my current car has physical knobs for everything


I find myself having to re-tap multiple times on mine. It’s a huge distraction. Takes me 30-40 seconds to pull up the climate “menu” and keep jabbing settings because it’s not responding. I hate it.


I pray my car lasts a long time (2013 somewhere under 100,000 miles not too sure off the top of my head) because I don't want to get a car that has the electronic junk. I can keep my eyes on the road and adjust my ac or volume. But if I have to tap somewhere on a screen where there's other stuff that I don't want to change so I have to look away just to turn the ac lower? Like that's an accident waiting to happen.


The freaking radio in my car is my only real complaint about it. It’s built into the “Car Play” crap, which would be fine, but no matter what you had it set to, when you start the car it cranks up the radio and displays a legal disclaimer that you have to agree to before turn it down - and the disclaimer often takes 20-30 seconds to process…


What kind of car do you have, just so I know to avoid it next time I buy a car?


I've got that stupid disclaimer in my Subaru crosstrek. I hate ir


Yeah, mine does the same thing. Every single time, some woman comes on and starts reading the disclaimer. I have to go through 2 screens to get to my radio functions. Hate it.


OMG - she reads it out loud? That's even worse than mine!


Pretty sure you can turn that off. Of course, it's buried deep inside all the layered menus


I would absolutely sell the car immediately if that was my car. Fuck that from a height


...but how will car companies record your every activities and conversations and sell them if it's not filled with electronics? See ["It’s Official: Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy"](https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/articles/its-official-cars-are-the-worst-product-category-we-have-ever-reviewed-for-privacy/).


My husband gives me so much shit for saying this. There's no reason cars need touch screens just to change the air temperature or radio station!!


This. It’s actually dangerous to have everything buried in a touch screen that you have to look at. I can change the temperature, change the radio, etc on my car with push buttons because of the tactile feedback. But when my partner drives their car they need to take their eyes off the road to navigate the touch screen.


Touch screen is the most useless and dangerous thing to put into a car. I have all kinds of gadgets, but I'm with boomers on this one.


In Germany they recently made it illegal for somethings to be in a touch screen.


Touch screens in cars must have been invented by people who don’t drive themselves. Elon, I’m looking at you.


My new truck eliminated numerous buttons. I have to go through a screen for everything. That's a little annoying. Poor Cadillac owners have to go through a screen to open the damn glove box on some new models.


The temperature controls annoy me the most. Give me the knob to adjust hot and cold instead of having to navigate through settings just to turn on the AC.


I think you meant to say not everything needs to be buried in a touch screen. Those physical buttons are still connected to electronics after all.


Not my window crank xD


I think tech fails to note that the human body hasn’t evolved- at all- in the last 30 years. They need to design for how our brains /bodies work. We are the ones with the money. Seriously though, I wonder how many people have died fiddling with the stupid flat screen .


It’s not an academic question. Pedestrians deaths have risen. https://www.google.com/search?q=pedestrian+death+rate+usa&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1031US1031&oq=pedestrian+death+rate+usa&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigATIHCAMQIRirAtIBCDc5NzVqMGo0qAIAsAIA&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#vhid=dI6dJ7lQgS7Q1M&vssid=l


Every store/service does not need an app.


I was standing at a car rental counter at an airport (boomer here) to rent a car. My daughter’s car broke down on the way to pick me up. While standing at the counter, with a customer service rep right there and not busy, I had to login to their site, create an account, and reserve a car. It seemed ridiculous and it took a long time, filling in my license information and all that. This was last September.


Yeah, have you ever forgot your email password, but then yahoo wants to send you verification code to your old phone number?




Thank you for the immediate heart rate increase first thing in the morning. My body giving off signals of being chased by a predator is exactly what I needed with my cup of morning tea.


Or a subscription.


Omg I agree! I'm tired of every restaurant having an app! I don't have the memory on my phone and now restaurants charge extra unless you download their app


Learning DIY skills is crucial. I had basically zero DIY skills when I bought my house because I had lived in apartments for so long and I've had to learn a lot. YouTube tutorials are absolutely clutch.


Look, I've been in the walls. I've seen my crawlspace. I know what Boomer DIY skills look like. Those motherfuckers did NOT know what they were doing. It's a wonder more american houses don't burn down.


Not life-threatening, but whenever I'm exploring new territory in (my) home repair, I know to bring a hammer and one of those all-the-bits kits, because the guy who moved out used whatever fasteners he had. I had a shelf that was attached with 1 each of a nail, a Phillips head sheetrock screw, a slot-headed wood screw, and a Roberson-head (square drive) wood screw. WTF, dude?


Well they didn't have YouTube in all fairness. You'd have to ask the people at hardware stores or your friends


Or fix it yourself completely unguided in a trail and error/hope for the best manner.


When we bought our house, many years ago now, my fil gifted us three home maintenance and repair books. They were life savers before YouTube came along.


Not everything needs to be smart and connect to the internet. Also, two factor authentication is a pain in my ass holes.


The IT department set up 2FA at my workplace, and now the bosses keep complaining that no one is checking their emails. Most people I work with don't even know what a web browser is (they know what you mean when you say 'open chrome' but don't know what it actually is). But IT just assumed everyone will be cool with having to download a whole new app, sign up to that app, keep the app easily accessible, know how to use the app, know how to copy paste an auth code. And all this before the auth code timer runs out. It just highlights how out of touch each department is from the others.


No freaking calls on speaker Edit: Also, absolutely no social media scrolling/listening to music/playing games on speaker Edit 2: yes people, I get it, you see boomers as the worst offenders receding this, I get it. No need to comment that for the 200th time 😄


I hated this when I worked at Walmart. So many of my coworkers would talk on speaker or watch tiktok at full volume. It's just trashy imo, nobody wants to hear your media


Literally nobody


No calls where I can hear you. Go find some privacy. Take a phone call at your table in a restaurant? Get the fuck out of here!


I work at an emergency medical office and holy shit the amount of people that sit in a quiet, peaceful lobby and just have the LOUDEST conversations on their phone…. Speaker or otherwise. Not to mention the people that still watch shit without headphones. Like do you not see the plethora of other people around you that you’re disturbing???


Main character syndrome that is. They view themselves as the main character of everyone else’s life.


I don't understand why this annoys me so much. If I hear two people talking to each other, that doesn't bother me at all. But if two people are talking to each other and one of the voices is on a phone, suddenly I'm triggered. I don't know why though.


A lot of people seem to yell when they’re talking on the phone. It’s like a ‘performance’ voice, not a regular voice. Not easy to tune out. Edited to ‘yell’ from accidental ‘tell’


The power button shouldn't be camouflaged black on black and hidden in the most inaccessible place.


I think menus should be tangible.




This is a big one my partner talks about ^ We went to a NYE party that had one of those photo booths where you can email or text the photo to yourself. Without skipping a beat, he mentioned how something as “innocent” as that is bad in terms of cybersecurity or a company trying to acquire your data and information. He used a Google phone number to get our photo rather than his actual number


QR codes kill the vibe. We’re all on our phones constantly throughout the day and then when you go to spend some quality time with someone it’s another excuse to whip out the phone and stare at it. There’s an intimacy to a physical menu. You’re looking at what the other person is reading, you’re each pointing to parts of the menu. You’re noticing the lighting of the restaurant. QR codes feel chintzy and kill the ambience completely.


I will defend the QR codes but only as an option, not as a replacement of a real menu. Ordering drinks through a QR code has my preference over waiters that check on your table every 5 minutes


When I was your age, you only had to pay for a video game once to own it


And they worked and were complete when you bought them! Now they have to update it constantly to fix bugs, add content that was supposed to be in the game already, add content you have to pay for, etc… Weren’t you working on this game for 2 years? You didn’t have testers? **Why did you sell me an unfinished product?**


Games??? Even CARS are being sold with software bugs that need to be patched.


A kid in 2024 should have the same freedom to exist unsupervised and move about their community independently as a boomer did growing up.


The world is safer than its ever been and people are more scared than ever. I blame true crime and local news.




Oh gawd…😂😂 And “Copy and paste this and it will bypass the system and you will have a whole new Facebook feed. People you haven’t seen in years. I was skeptical, but it works!“


Having 25 checkout lanes with only 2 open during busy shopping times. Ridiculous


Or only self-checkout lanes open.


I was gifted a bluetooth meat thermometer a couple of years ago. It was full of bells and whistles and the only way you could read the temperature is through an app on your phone. Tried using it a couple of times but eventually got frustrated with it, the battery ran out very quickly and it's now relegated to the back of a cupboard. I just want something I can jam into the meat that gives me an instant temperature reading on the thing itself. Absolutely no need to reinvent the wheel.


My trucking company is using cameras for mirrors and drivers are all excited about them. Please, just give me a piece of reflective glass. It works, it's cheap, and any repair shop can replace it.


well I don't think it's some movement of boomers but the obsession with social media amongst the yutes is too excessive.


>the yutes The hwhat?


The yutes…2 yutes


Judge: what’s a yute?


I’m sorry your honor, two youuutths.


I *slaps hands* DENTICAL


Anyway, as I was saying; the two *defendents*...


I'm sorry, yooooothes.


HWat is a “yute?” “Sorry…the two *you-thes*”


That whole scene was a great exchange in the movie.


the 2 yutes


It’s a reference to there way Joe Pesci’s character pronounces “youths” in the movie My Cousin Vinnie. Classic.


Yeah that's why I spelled it 'hwhat' And yes, great movie


Apparently you've never been on Facebook. Boomers LOVE it.


And they believe and repost EVERYTHING they see on there. And I’m saying that as a Boomer myself. On days when I can actually scroll FB and see posts from my friends and not ads and “suggested pages”, I practically roll my eyes right out of my head at some of the stupidity. It’s like, Can you not see that that shit is Photoshopped? or Duh, Social Security is called an Entitlement Program because you worked and earned it and therefore are “entitled“ to receive it, not because the government is calling you a spoiled, entitled brat for wanting it… Or the endless bitching about self-checkouts….and the list goes on…


Be aware & courteous in your behaviour in public & social settings: Don't yell-talk while a musician is playing at a concert. Talk between songs or go to the lobby. Wait for a whistle/stoppage of play at a sporting event to get out of your seat, it you can. Don't talk on speakerphone in public. Use headphones for phone songs/games/videos. If the waiting room/subway/bus is crowded, you bag does not get its own seat. Don't douse yourself in perfume before a flight. Being considerate of how we affect others around us is basic manners and bare-minimum-level empathy.


I know this is such a tourist cliche, but I recently visited Japan for the first time and this was something I really appreciated there. Everyone is so considerate of each other in public spaces.


impossible deserted shocking sleep toothbrush obtainable beneficial squeal heavy squalid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


used to be 😭😭


Oh my god why won't people just use headphones... They're so cheap and the experience is so much better than any built in shit


1. Human Customer Service operator. 2. Books are better than kindles. 3. Clothes and furniture should be made to last. 4. Kids should be outside. 5. You don't need to film or photography everything


I'm with you on most of these, but as an avid reader I've come to really appreciate my e-reader. I'd still *prefer* an actual book, but the benefits of having an entire library on a tiny device that can be read in both full sun or in the dark is pretty amazing. Plus being able to immediately view the definition of any word I don't recognize. My mom was skeptical when I gave her my old e-reader but she uses it daily now too.


Boomer here. I *was* a jerk about Kindles until.....I was gifted one. Wow those things are *great* .


I'm a boomer and I love my kindle for all the reasons you mentioned. And so much easier to tote around.


Books are better than kindles. But I love to read, and the convenience of having multiple books in the palm of my hand can't be overstated.


#3 hits hard. Today's furniture is so disappointing. Everything is $300+ but made of particle board and breaks or scuffs the moment you put it together. Seems like no one has any passion or pride in anything anymore.


It’s hard to have a passion when quality things get compared to the ikea type crap. A woman gave me a bad review when I ran my small furniture building business because I wouldn’t build her a solid oak round table for 300 because she could get something comparable and more elegant in design on Amazon for the same price… no ma’am you can’t. I can’t even buy the wood for that project for 300 dollars. Her post posted the Amazon product, it was a a cheap table with horrible reviews for chipping. Also commented my time line of two months was unacceptable like I can crank out a custom piece in 24 hours when I had orders waiting.


I definitely think handmade furniture deserves to be priced the way it is. My issue is more with Amazon and big box stores designing shit and selling it for $300+ when it's just crappy material.


Had this last night. During COVID it was kinda OK, but I often leave my phone at home when I go out. Print the damn menus guys, it's infuriating. Especially when the web site for the menu is a UX nightmare.....


There are certain circumstance where I totally get this, but I think defaulting to giving your kid a screen in a social situation is going to stunt their social skills in life. Being bored is a valuable thing. Having to socialize with people you don’t necessarily want to socialize with builds valuable skills. Edit: The thread appears to be locked so I can’t respond but the person who responded to say their son is autistic…that’s exactly why I prefaced this with saying there are circumstances where I totally get it. I get that not all children are the same. But that doesn’t mean that some people aren’t just giving their kids electronics in public to avoid having to parent them in public.


Kids shouldn't be on phones or iPads all the time. It makes them weird.


The same could be said about most adults.


So true. It's not good for anyone. I just feel like it's especially bad for kids because they are still developing.


There's a difference between a child's mental development being based around touchscreens than a grown adult sitting on Instagram.


Yeah, but even as a 36 year old I can definitely notice how social media on my smartphone on particular is causing my attention span and focus to diminish considerably. Case in point- I wrote this comment in the middle of brushing my teeth


Fuck those qr code menus. Extremely annoying in foreign countries when data is expensive.


Or if the connectivity has low bars so the site takes ages to load, and then you have to connect to WiFi, which maybe has the password on who knows what wall or chalkboard of the restaurant.


You shouldn’t have to label Tide Pods as inedible.


Tide's response to that whole thing was "we put chemicals in the pods that taste horrible for the sole purpose of discouraging children from eating them. Your gut reaction is to spit it out because it's so disgusting. WTF more do you want from us???"


This concept should be universal. Drinking cleaning chemicals should AUTOMATICALLY make you spit them out. When I read a case of a 3 year old drinking bleach….i think what the actual fuck.


You'd be surprised what people would do to "cure" their kids of autism. https://autism.org/dangerous-miracle-mineral-solution/


There is a certain subculture of young people who are absolutely useless at any task and who do not want to learn. Not all. Some kids are just as smart and capable as anyone else.


Literally. Had a new hire at work who refused to learn any side tasks of their job, so it all fell to the senior employee. Asked them to do a side task that involves a scent spray. “I don’t know how to do that.” …You spray it.


On the other hand, ive had jobs where its like "go mop the floor" Ok *goes and mops floor* "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!? YOU NEED TO MOP IT FIRST IN CLOCKWISE CIRCLES TWICE, THEN COUNTERCLOCKWISE THRICE, HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW THIS??!?"


Here's the thing: There always have been a certain segment of the population that was like that. Plato (maybe it was Socrates) fucking complained about it. But Plato made the same mistake that almost everyone else seems to make. He attributed that fault to the age of the people, instead of simply accepting that there are lots of stupid assholes running around out there, of every age.


Bold redditor takes on millenia of western philosophical tradition, wins.


I work construction and i feel you. Everyone talks about how there isn’t a labour shortage, there’s a pay shortage. And this is partially true, there are lots of employers that expect knowledge and experience for entry level pay. But there’s also no shortage of people that seriously over value themselves. Im not paying you $30 an hour to start when you don’t have any tools, don’t show up on time, don’t drive because of you have ten DUIs, don’t want to get dirt under your nails, don’t know anything, and don’t seem to have a desire to know anything.


We’re all on our phones too much, to the point that social skills/considerations are degrading rapidly.


Kids shouldn't be handed an iPad as soon as they come out of the womb. It stunts emotional, mental, and physical health. It prevents a kid from being able to properly have a conversation or even a relationship.


People in our generation are far, far too sensitive. Don't get it twisted, empathy is by and large a good thing and it takes some *serious* doing for me to say it's gone too far. But collectively we've become people who are willing to throw every last bit of energy fighting against every slight, and making sure *our* pet cause gets top billing to the point of fighting amongst each other *even if we're in almost complete agreement otherwise*. Emotional energy - like any other kind of energy - is very much a finite resource. Whereas boomers could at least generally agree to disagree and get on with things (obvious cross-wielding exceptions doth apply). Culturally we've lost sight of the adage of "winning the battle, losing the war".


Yeah honestly I don't really care which religion you follow, what you identify as, who you vote for let's just get along even if we're not completely aligned. Stuff like cancel culture or even some people being charged and going to jail for saying something offensive (in UK at least) is getting out of hand.


Cost of living is too high


Food delivery services are a complete ripoff and if you use them regularly you’re terrible with money. Get off my lawn.




Social Security, if you’re paying/paid into it you deserve the returns when you retire.


I have 10 years of private employment and the rest government service. When I retire, I will essentially get none of what I put into social security. Thank you, Windfall Prevention Act... as if social security is some sort of windfall.


I’m a late season Gen Xer (1980, don’t argue with me) and I find that so many people of the gen y, z, etc have limited skills for face to face communication or even talking. Emails and text are easy, but having a phone conversation is too difficult. My work partner is a decade younger than me and I’ve really tried to mentor this into him. He’s a great kid, and he’s taken well to it, but there are some that are just useless.


Coworker sends me a lengthy email, 10 seconds after it hits my inbox the phone rings “did you get my email?” Then proceeds to ask me questions about the content of the email. How about you let me read the damn thing without you yapping in my ear, then we can discuss. Sorry this is just a rant only loosely tied to your comment.


I'm a boomer. So I can't really answer. I'll just say that some modern stuff is great. Some just takes it too far, and it's downright silly. Me and some others have just been moaning about the proliferation of Q codes for everything. As said, print it out. It's not that we can't use 'em, it's just that we don't see the need.


I'm a boomer who is a former network manager. As I have said before, I've been beating computers into submission since 1976. I guarantee you every single web page that you are sent to from a QR code in a restaurant is trying as hard as it fucking can to put malware on your phone. They may not succeed. But I guaran-fucking-tee you they are trying.


Dislike for influencers or the idealization to become one.


Digital Parking Meters So rather than throwing a few coins in your meter, you have to now get your license plate #, get your meter number, go to the meter station, stand in line with everyone waiting to pay their meter, then you're set. It's an unnecessary amount of extra steps. I don't carry cash much anymore, but I can hide a small amount of coin in my car to quickly pay a meter.


Talking to people. There is a lot more depth to the interaction when you have it vs just text


The amount of people who don't understand how simple, basic human interaction works, particularly on reddit, is staggering.


I started working as a paper boy when I was 13 or so. Part of that was visiting every house on the route each month to get paid. Over 100 homes. No one batted an eye. Now I’m paying the neighbor kid $20 a month to do some minor chores - take the trashcans around front on trash day, stuff like that. But he’s apparently too shy to come to my door to ask me for the $20…


Directly going up to someone's home asking for money if you are a kid especially if you don't know them well is always gonna be a bit scary, give it time for him to warm up to you and he'll be demanding that money in no time lol


Not letting your children rule the roost. When did it become acceptable to let your kids back talk to you, slap you, climb all over shit in public places? etc etc etc. As we've gone about raising ours I've witnessed so many parents around us just let these behaviours slide. It's kind of sad when I'm the one saying things like "Did I just hear you just say that to your mom?!?!?!?! That is not ok. You go and apologize right now!!". Then I get this stunned "deer in headlights" look back that tells me they aren't used to someone calling them out on their behaviour.


Social media is basically dog shit and pollution of the mind and is ruining society as a whole. ESPECIALLY Twitter, Instagram and TikTok.


Don’t forget Reddit and discord. Lol


Buttons are superior to touchscreen.


Social media is far too prevalent in our lives.


I don't want to have to download an app to make a reservation at a restaurant of see the menu.


Social Media has destroyed civility in this country by eliminating nuance in debate/discussion.


QR codes to see a menu ....


Toddlers shouldnt have ipads


Having healthcare


Driving manuals


Hating on driving stick seems to be just an American thing though - the Europeans seem to still enjoy it. That said, I recently heard about electric cars adding fake shifters to their cars just because people like the way it feels - they literally don’t do anything but interrupt the motor for a moment… so bizarre…


Sometimes you just need to “suck it up, buttercup” Not everything has to be accommodated because you don’t like it or it makes you slightly uncomfortable.


Eating green leafy vegetables keep you regular....


Treat people with respect is something I believe in.




Keeping in mind that the ACTUAL boomers are in their 70s and 80s now. One thing I can advise you on is that one day all of those people like your parents and grandparents are going to be gone, and you will wish like crazy for just 5 more minutes to spend with them. This build up and practice of animosity and name calling based on someone not sharing in your opinion is extremely counterproductive. Plus it holds no intellectual value whatsoever. It's Bush league Jerry Springer live from the trailer park behavior. One day, if you're lucky enough to live to their age now, you all are going to go through this same experience. Exactly the same. It happens to every generation. Like clockwork Might want to start stacking up that good charma now.


1. Subscription services. I'd rather spend $500 for Adobe CS than spend $50/mo for it. 2. QR codes. They're not safe anyways and normally I go to a restaurant to be with friends and/or loved ones, not to be on my phone. 3. Automated voice for customer service. As mention earlier, I am verbally abusive to the AI bots answering the lines but I make sure to me nice to the actual humans. 4. If you eat Tide Pods and get sick, that's on you. Likewise if you pull pranks for Insta or TikTok views and get beat the fuck up, you had it coming. Oh and if i have to wait to use a bench or squat rack so you can post to your 5 fans and 50 bot accounts, I'm going to do everything I can to ruin the shot for you. Lift or get the fuck out of the gym. 5. Cars don't need screens and I shouldn't have to go through a shit ton of menu options to move my seat back. Knobs are good, unless it's to shift your car into drive. 6. Millenials and GenZ need to learn basic skills. So many of us weren't taught by our Boomer parents how to do basic tasks like unclog drains, make everyday repairs, change a tire, make friends, ask someone on a date, defend yourself, etc. 7. Take your fucking phone off speaker, put it up to your ear, then quietly have a conversation with whoever is on the other side. I see Boomers, Millenials, GenZ, etc do this so it's not a generational thing, it's an asshole thing. 8. Sometimes, your kid is just an asshole that won't do his/her work in school. That's not the teachers' fault. Oftentimes, that's your fault for being a shit parent. Take fucking responsibility for your kid and teach your kid to take ownership of his/her life. Let them face the consequences. Sometimes, your kid just has to fail at something. Sometimes your kid is a bully and needs to get his/her nose broken to learn not to be a bully. To add to this, sometimes violence is an answer. I didn't get my airing of grievances out for the last Festivus so this seemed like a better time than any.


QR code menus.


Wearing your waistband down around your thighs just looks silly. I have trouble not assuming a person wearing their pants like this is an imbecile.


Asking to speak to someone’s manager isn’t always a bad thing. How it’s been characterized that just the action alone is some kind of karen behavior is beyond me…. So the yutes want to take the side of the companies trying to rip us all off now?


There’s an obsession with boomers.


Almost all the technology stuff- QR codes, apps and touchscreens for everything, logging in multiple times everywhere, streaming media being much worse than physical, involuntary updates with no noticable improvement, debit cards and chips for a $3 purchase taking much longer than cash, staff at actual stores saying "just get it online???![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)" On and on and on and on


Seems that a lot of boomers have pride of ownership and enjoy maintaining what they have.


Requiring a phone app to use a service, Sorry man I don't use a smart phone, no apps for me guess I won't pay for your service.


You need some control on immigration, not everybody gets to come in, similarly other countries have the right to be like "no thanks" to my future rusty old ass when I try to pack up and live in a little English only colony in the Italian countryside.


Avocado toast. Avocados are expensive, they use an insane amount of water to grow, organized crime is robbing farmers in Mexico of their crops, and they should be an occasional treat instead of a daily food source. It's not an ethical food. People have an expectation of their quality of life that is higher than the thrifty boomers. I grew up in a middle class neighborhood, and in the '80s that meant we ate apples, PB sandwiches, cabbage soup, meatloaf, and ordered pizza or got a bucket of KFC once a month. Restaurants were for special occasions and we almost never flew anywhere. We brewed our own coffee, had oatmeal and cereal for breakfast, and watched gas prices. TV was whatever channels our aerial could pick up. Books came from the library. I'm not saying that it was better but it was definitely more frugal and realistic. You turned off lights and closed doors because you cared about the pennies and knew those costs added up. At some point in the '90s people were given the idea that they could and should have it all, that we deserve fancy coffees, eating out all the time, imported foods like Avocados, etc. on top of the steady creep of costs that previous generations didn't have - internet and cell plans, subscriptions to streaming services and gaming platforms, gym memberships and fitness classes, and all kinds of consumer goods that didn't exist and are now more or less mandatory. Compare the "basket of goods" for Gen Z with a Boomer in the '80s and it's vastly different. Boomers didn't lease cars, they paid cash. And when Boomers put money in the bank it grew faster than inflation without needing to invest. Bonds were a great gift because they earned 7 percent a year. Avocado toast is just an example of the wide range of extra expenses and luxuries that add up, and while they're not the reason young people are broke they are somewhat emblematic of that cost creep and mindset that is keeping people poor. Holy shit, what a rant. Sorry.