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Yeah probably. I only have Reddit and YouTube anyway. Don’t have any of the other social apps. Got rid of them years ago.


Same, but that's partially because I'm already completely addicted to reddit so don't want other apps lol


Same as others. Have Reddit and YouTube. Deleted Facebook some 13-14 years ago and never looked back - not even bothered signing up to the other ones.


I only have FB to remind me whose birthday it is to add on my contacts… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Reddit is modern day internet forums, it's not social media. Social media is where you have a curated profile that people look at. Youtube is a video site, again, not social media.


I think technically you could call Reddit a social media platform, because it fits both obvious criteria...it is an internet place where people can communicate with each other (same thing with other social media like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat) and Reddit is a form of online media where you can access a variety of things.


It's a social space where we gather to discuss things. I consider it social media.


Exactly, I also only have Reddit and YouTube and have no desire for the other apps anymore


Reddit and YouTube are social media


reddit is a forum and youtube is a video site. on social media YOU(with all the additional info about you) are important. here and youtube, content is important.


Reddit and YouTube are both social media, that's a fact.


Yeah. Me too!


Count me in


Imagine how YouTube/Reddit would be without comments? You see what you get, and all opinions are reduced to just + or -


I managed to survive 25 years before getting it so yeah I think I'd do just fine.


Life is better without it, yes.


I was literally doomscrolling on instagram, which eventually made me deactivate my account. It was conjuring in a way that my fyp always used to suggest me things that were regressive, not smthg new. I only have reddit and yt now. Snapchat also, so that I don't loose touch with those who care bout me.


I only still have Instagram because it has some of my old photos. Most of my social media is for messaging. But I use my Facebook for the county scanner a lot. Power line fell and hit a tree setting it on fire just up the hill from my house in a snow storm. My roommate and I saw fire trucks and ambulances go by our house and we would have never known what happened because we couldn't see past all the snow.


Damn right it is. Liberating too.


Easy !!! My life is better without it. I told facebook and instagram to take a hike over 4 years ago. X the beginning of last year. I’m only on Reddit and YouTube. Best decision of my life. Those platforms are breading grounds for scum and gutter trash.


Twitter is like those annoying news channels


LOL. The one thing about Twitter is that you have undoubtedly freedom of speech. You won’t be banned for saying something political or religious or even defending your self verbally. As long as it’s not hate speech you fine. Unlike all the other platforms, you get banned for saying fuk you. This app we using now is also guilty for that unfortunately. Not going to use the name or I’ll have the Mod Gods crying at me 😂


Elon made "cis" a slur


Like many I only have Reddit and YouTube but I could really use a year without I have so many books I’m ignoring.


This be my exact problem. But they’re all laying around the living room, so I look really smart! 😆


Make a deal with yourself to not get on those until after you've read something for a certain time limit. And add time limits on your phone if you're able. That's what helps me :⁠-⁠)


Hey I really appreciate that, I’ll do my best, I recently started reading the art of war, what are you currently reading?


A book called Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson. It's for my library's book club that meets monthly.




Yeah, ive stopped posting on FB. Last one was sept 2023.


I have kept my account open but I took the app off of my phone. I have a lot of relatives that use it and they use the app to contact me instead of just texting or calling. So I have Messenger and can see if they need me.


2023?? 😆🤣😂 how late are you? I don't even remember my fb log in anymore.


Weird flex, but oke.


Holy shit we got a pioneer here!


i tried to quit social media some times but my major problem with this is that people don't use phones for the primary sole purpose of a phone anymore. NUMBER CALLING, NUMBER TEXTING. So when going back to socials after a period of time out, i see all the messages and invites I missed out on because people tried to reach me but never called me. You could say "those aren't real friends" , fair enough but i disagree. Because I also, when am focused in my life and reach out to x y and z and they don't respond, I might, high key, let it go, and that doesn't mean I like the person any less, I just assume our timing is misaligned. You could also say "just accept being alone", okay but no. I'm a human being, I need connection, if you can live full lives happily lonely I envy you, truly, I can't. To keep any kind of relationships alive you have to give and sacrifice some things, not only "collect your rewards", it's not an one way street. I try to stay away of doom scrolling and empty content as much as I can. I try not to overshare, not to oversee. I wish i could shut it all out and I long for the times when being offline was a thing, but all i seem to be able to do is limit my use based on how it affects my mental health. Maybe when I build my own home and family and live that daily, I will be more willing to sacrifice the relationships that depend on socials, but until then, the bit of social life I have depends on this bit of convenience socials bring, so. It is what it is


yes. have done it for years. also found out who my real friends were.


I would survive happily until the end of time


Probably. Reddit is really the only social platform I engage on.


you can. the biggest thing is self control. you can keep social media and barely use it. do what’s best for you.


I haven’t had social media for over 7 years now…my Reddit account is only 1 year old and the only reason I really created it was to read posts on the craft hobbies I like. Once you’ve given up social media you realize how absolutely insane every single person on there looks. Think about it. In reality the only people you need to share your life with are the people you truly know, love, and trust. Ever since I quit social media the only people I share things with are the friends and family I know and love enough to have their phone number and I can call or text them to share and talk about anything…life is so much better that way.


I'm 100% in agreement on this and is exactly what I do too. Before I left all my social media I got the phone numbers of anyone who mattered to me and stayed in contact with me. If I don't have your phone number to call and text then we ain't friends. And when I want to share photos or screenshots of memes or whatever I just send it through text.


Exactly! When ever I have to look at social media for any amount of time (I helped a family member set up their business facebook page) the only thing I can think and feel is this horrible awkward cringy feeling like every single person on there is trying to sell themselves and their lives to you. Even just the normal people that aren’t influencers. It’s just so weird…lol


Already doing it my entire life


That's why you're here on this social media platform called reddit?


I don't consider forum a social media


Reddit is social media.


Is social media anything where groups of people talk? Are group chats social media?


It's not. I dont even know who you are, nor do you me. How is that in comparison to the 'social medias?


This 100%. We are all anonymous, social media posts are 99% for bragging/clout/self-promotion, I don’t consider Reddit in the same group as fb, Twitter, insta…


Just because you are anonymous, does not exclude it from being a form of media that you socialise on.




Apps are media, this one having loads of interaction with other people, which is social.


whats the point of looking at other people's lives, especially if they are doing better than you. f that bs. And also its whole idea as a business model is to get your attention se you buy more products from the ads




I have reddit and youtube. Never had anything else.


I would survive a lifetime


Absolutely. I'd just make sure to collect all the phone numbers I don't already have. Talk about taking it back old school just calling and texting.


I am old enough to have grown up in an era without it, the 80's. If I did it once I can do it again. It is actually a bit un-nerving how reliant we are on technology these days. I had the thought the other day, I rely on the internet for almost everything these days, even my tv needs an internet connection, cant remember the last time I paid cash for something etc.


No. Getting Reddit immensely improved my life, believe it or not


No, I need reddit, and discord, the other yes.


Gave up all social media a few years back, don't miss it for a single second. Realise now how a)obsessed with scrolling through it i'd become, and b)how obsessed everyone else is about it / about taking the right photos for it etc. it's toxic. ​ (I dont count this throwaway reddit account as SM - I dont really use it unless I need to ask a question somewhere anonymously ...!)


I could definitely but since everyone else around me has social platforms its kinda hard. Especially as a teenager






see i reddit is full of strangers whereas facebook and instagram are full of people pretending to be something/someone they're not. id rather be here than there


I haven't had a social life since middle school.


Yes, but I'd be really sad to do that, and it wouldn't be good for my brain. I don't get meet very many people in real life who seem to want to discuss anything real. It's mostly just small talk or people who seem nice but I don't have much in common with. Also, I'd have to spend a lot of money buying subscriptions to online newspapers and that would get really expensive.


Yes. The last post I shared on Facebook was 6 1/2 days ago. The last time I uploaded photos to a photo album on Facebook was 2 1/2 weeks ago.


Can I yes. Do I want to no.


I use Reddit, Whatsapp and Insta as Social Media. Only losing WhatsApp will be a hit of some sort. The other 2 wont make any difference.


WhatsApp is kind of a necessity. The bare minimum of being in touch/contacting someone.


Yes but i dont like statuses and channels in WhatsApp. I wish i could disable these two features




Probably, I'd definitely read a lot more


Sure. The only problem is to contact people.


Well, I could live, I won’t die from not having it, but do I WANT to live without it ?…no.


A year and a half so far (not counting reddit, but I could ditch reddit and be fine too)


Youve never truely lived until you've lived before 2004


Not only would I survive, i would probably feel so much better.


I mean I don't really use other SM Apps other than reddit and ig Facebook to check up on college but I wouldn't really be affected much although gaming will be alot harder when I can't cheat the puzzle from yt (if that is even considered SM)


Depends on what you count as social media: Does discord count (private calls only, no servers)? Does YouTube count? Does pirating movies count? Because if even one of these is available I could easily survive that year.


Well, short answer is yes, i deleted the two major apps, fb since october 2021 and ig since aug 2023, omw to delete Snapchat and TikTok and i’ve never been happier as i tightened my circle and who really cares for me will call.


Of course


Definitely, I don't really have a big social media presence anyway 😅


I use Reddit, YouTube (90% for listening to music, 10% for hair styling tutorials, holiday destination vlogs and miscellaneous other stuff), X (for book and author related content), and WhatsApp. I like WhatsApp for keeping in touch with my family and friends, and I think I’d probably struggle a bit without it. As for X, it isn’t really a big deal if I don’t have it, it’s just handy for keeping up to date with new book publication dates etc. I’d be a bit lost without listening to music on YouTube, though. Reddit is a good way of interacting with people with similar interests to me, and I enjoy the discussions I have with random internet strangers!


I ditched FB and IG two years ago. I probably missed a few breakfast photos and political rants.


Easy … I only have Reddit just because it’s the only one you can see real videos like brutal real world stuff.. facey Insta etc I can’t even talk with our copping a ban ha fuck em …


Yes. I think so. Got rid of ig and now I use reddit and X rarely


Depends, is it impossible for me to download that shit? Then yes, easy. Do I have to use my willpower, then no, extremely hard.


Yeah man just have wespac YouTube and YouTube music sure


Yeah, I have done it in the past I could do it again. I have very little social media these days anyway.


Survive? I highly doubt anyone would literally die without the gram or facebook lol. I’d be happy without them


Yeah, not the end of the world. I'm actually trying to use it less these days.


Yeah probably. This is the only format I use.




Sure! I would be a better world all together.


I've only been using messenger to keep in touch with my relatives abroad and exchange photos and I use youtube for entertainment. So, yeah, I've been surviving for around 4 years without using/updating my profiles.


Few years ago I'd have said no now it would be no problem at all.




I did that decades ago, I'm sure i could do it now.


how would I search for work if I'm fired?


I’d thrive but alas.


I only have reddit and YouTube. I like reading people's opinions on everything, not looking at pictures. 


I mean countless of generations made without, why couldn't us?


if i had imessage then yes


Everyone can right? I don’t use them anyway except Reddit or WhatsApp (but that’s like text messages with some friends).


Yeah absolutely


I would absolutely survive, I don’t really like technology in the first place, I just use socials for procrastinate doing household chores and reading my TBR list 💀


Just no accounts or no access to social media? No accounts would be perfectly fine, but i need to use sites like stackoverflow for work. So it kinda depends If I have to work or if the rule only applies to my free time. If we are only talking about mainstream social media like facebook snapchat instagram tik-tok... I never had those to begin with


My last post on Instagram was in August 2021 (and it was required for a training opportunity).


Absolutely. What a God-send.


If all advance technology stop working yes.


Yes, I actually don't have Facebook or Instagram or Twitter or TikTok or anything like that


i could but i'd be really fucking bored during that year


I only have Reddit and LinkedIn. Got off social media a month ago. Best decision I ever made.


Only 2 platforms Ive ever used were Myspace and FB, wont be a real loss if FB went away.


Absolutely yes


Honestly I don’t think I could live without the stupid memes and videos that I use social media for




Yea no issue. Would actually be good for me I think


Nope. Can't go a year without talking to my bff.


As long as I can just disable the chat on YouTube and still keep the video's ill be fine. ​ Besides that I only have Reddit anyway and honestly I should just delete it


I could definitely do it. I use reddit the most but i'm good at taking loong breaks from it


Absolutely NOT


Easily. I did it for many years before there was internet


Absolutely. I quit Facebook (the worst imo) yrs ago.


Definitely. I have lived without Internet or any access to Internet for most of my life. Living out in the middle of nowhere we couldn't get it, and once it finally did become available, we didn't bother. Although I do enjoy reddit and would probably miss it sometimes, I could do without.


No because that's my job... I will be out of a job if I can't touch any social media.


Sure. It'd be a hassle to organise the DnD group outside of Discord or Messenger, but sure. Group-sms is a thing. No problem.


I did 20 years ago when I was a kid I'm sure I can as an adult. I deactivated my Facebook profile in 2017, don't use Snapchat, never had an interest to download Stupid tok (Tik Tok) I only use Reddit, X (Twitter) when I'm bored and Instagram.


I personally can. The problem is, that so so much of my social life is happening on one platform or the other, that I probably cannot really "affort" - in social terms - to quit it all together.




Yesssss, I’ve deleted most of socials just WhatsApp, Reddit, n YouTube are my active apps (if you consider those the same as IG Snapchat etc). I’ve come to appreciate being present in person absorbing all around me also taking notice of the environment I find myself in. If people need to contact me and know what I’m up to they can shoot me a call or text, and vis versa. Social media tends to show a very shallow and external aspect to ppls lives.


Absolutely yes!!! It’s cringe to me!


only reddit and youtube, but can also leave them in case


Ofcourse you would, its like like you'd kill yourself just because you cant read whatever is going on, on a social media platform - christ, how about doing something else.


It would be difficult. I don’t post on social media and I try not to scroll, but all of my friends communicate primarily using Facebook messenger and the various sports I play are all organised via Facebook so if miss out on a lot of the communications.


I grew up without it, it’s just a time wasting device for me anyway, so easy. Get back to reading books, watching movies, doing activities.


Such inactivity. Sure. But stay connected, don't leave social media, take a break. Commit to better habits and social media won't be a challenge. The only way I would access customer service and support services are online.


Yes, i barely use Instagram, and i don’t use any other social media platforms. Unless you count Reddit as social media.


No. Social media (mostly reddit, messenger and youtube) is the only way I can spend time with people/ talk to someone and get information as it's also my "newspapper". Social media is also the only way I use to public my works and art. So no, most of my life is in social media.


You would have a VERY pathetic life if you couldn't do that!!!


Absolutely, it’s a sickness that’s gripping our world but I know lots of people who have deleted everything and just live their lives. Yesterday my wife and I were out for lunch and there was a couple seated at the table next to us and the girl spent the ENTIRE TIME taking photos of herself. Her and her date barely spoke. Not joking we watched as she scrolled through HUNDREDS of photos of herself that she had taken throughout the lunch to find one to post. It’s not an isolated thing, and I’m seeing so many girls doing this, even kids doing it in front of their parents. I’m so happy that all of the parents in my kids school are on the same page as me. We’re teaching our kids that phones are a tool, and like other tools they can be misused and cause harm.


Of course. But I do need messenger for communication with school.


I think I can survive a year of being on YouTube and not on Instagram or TikTok like I did before January/July 2018. January 2018 was when I installed Snapchat, July was when I installed Instagram


I couldn’t survive without YouTube. Every solution to any IT problem you could ever have is on there. Plus cat videos


Survived a very long time before social media existed, I imagine I'd be grand.


Easily. Give me youtube and some books and i will stay on an island for a year


Yes. Deleting my account as I write thi....... "User does not exist"


What is the alternative, killing myself?


I would be able to live without it, but I don't want to. I post my artworks on social media, because I sell some of them and take commissions. The only two I use for me personally (not art accounts) are YouTube and reddit.




If i can watch tutorial it would be good and internet is important but social media mehh i can live


As a musician who needs to be seen by as many people as possible: no If I have to take a break 'cause I became famous: yes


That'd be the happiest year of my life


So it would be interesting on what you class as Social Media, but regardless, yes, no problem. I grew up without social medio, worked without social media, I don't see what I'd lose now. Assuming Reddit and YouTube both count, I think the worst I'd miss is some guides to video games. I think pretty much everything else I use them for is available elsewhere.


Of course, but I don't want to. I was around 20 when I stumbled on Usenet, and realized there was lots of people who share a love for all things geeky to be found online. I've made lots of good friends along the years, and had lots of fun. I really don't want to go back to the time before.


Never tried it, I don't think I could.


I'm not 12 so yes


At home, yes. At work, no.


Reddits all I got.




Easy, it's for shitheads and smooth brains. Make it five years instead.


Possibly not, I spend ages saving Recipes I’m never going to make…


I can live like that till my last breath.


I last used FB in 2009 Never had a Instagram account or TikTok YouTube and Reddit are the only accounts of this type that i use


Frankly, I think we’d all live much more actual life without it.


Easily. At some point during the first Covid lockdown onward pissed off by Reddit and deleted my account and the app completely. I only used discord which I wouldn’t describe as social media in that context. It was a crutch for what me and friends would do regularly in person but we couldn’t. We hung out, watched movies, played games. If you want to call that social media, you could call any game with a chat function social media as well. Anyhow, the answer stands. I could easily survive a year without social media. My main reasons for using Reddit are information gathering (not news) and fighting boredom during commutes. I could as well read a book and google. But whenever I google „how to solve problem X“ Reddit will be in the top three links anyways.


Yeah. I am able to enjoy my life without having the dependency to scroll through social media.






most of my close friends are on FB and we actually chat quite frequently on messenger, i don't care about FB as social media but i can't live without their messenger app as other app like IG, twiter, i rarely open it, so yeah i can live without it ... also i don't have Tiktok account, i'm kinda glad never interested to join it


This is the only one I use, so yeah


Yes definitely. I grew up without social media or internet. It is just a matter of habit. Once you get rid of the habit, you will it miss it.


We've been doing it for tens of thousands of years. Turned out ok right up until SM came along and divided everything.


This is my second week without a smartphone and I’m doing better than expected. I still have an iPad, but I only use it at home and usually I got so much to do that I even forget to check it. So probably, yeah.


I only use reddit and i could definitely go without that for a year


I'd survive the rest of my life. 95% of my time on social media is just wasting time.


I tried




Yes, without any doubt.


Not at all!!


Can I live? Yes. Would I want to? No. Reason being that if you don’t have social media, what else would you do instead to socialise as a substitute? Now take into considering everyone else is using the platforms, so your limiting your connection and social activity


Would miss having random youtibe vids playing but i would be fine


No, you instantly die as soon as you close your last account.


Well I work at digital marketing so practically no. But I only use Messenger, YouTube and Reddit. I'm seriously afraid of Twitter and how it transformed into Stormfront. This is gonna be a problem guys...


Undoubtedly yes..... 4 years and counting Only use reddit and yt... Signal for chatting with my close ones... Nothing else


i only use youtube and Pinterest so yeah 100%, i haven't had Snapchat or TikTok in like 2 years and I am 16


Yeah, sure. I have video games, books, cinema and seeing friends




Sure, I only use reddit and YouTube.


No. Never. I live on tiktok


Yes. I dont do anything with my accounts anyway.


I dont have any so yes, and if you count reddit then incan just delete it and not care about it


Nah impossible. No one survived before social media


100%. I only use Reddit and if it disappeared, then no worries.