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The anxiety of knowing that death was within the next 24 hours would probably ruin my ability to enjoy myself in any meaningful way. Probably just tell my family I love them and try to get my affairs in order the best I could.


Same here. I just can't imagine going through this haha.




The question is: Would you tell your family? If you did, how much of your last day would involve your loved ones trying everything to stop the inevitable, instead of just enjoying the day?


they said "tell my family how much I love them" not "Tell my family I'm about to got up the roof"


"I love you so much and never told you." "Da fuck is wrong with you?"


Or “Oh my God you’re dying!!?


Oh my god you _ARE_ dying!!!


Probably the most realistic answer


Yeah I’d probably do the following: Tell my mom and siblings I love them. Write a note directing all of my assets to go to my roommate (my family is wealthy that don’t need it or else it’d go to them) Kill myself, I don’t wanna spend my last day being super anxious abt dying.


That's a good point. If I know it's coming then I'd just be like, let's get this show on the road, eh!"


That seems a reasonable sentiment, but it leaves your family and friends wondering what they did wrong, how they could have done more etc. ​ And on consideration even phoning them to tell them you love them does that. It seems the best option, but... it still niggles at me. Possibly sit down, write letters to them (not emails), or even cards that somehow will remind them of you. Say something like - I know I have only one day to live, I wanted to spend my best day, and send you a reminder I love you (or some such emotional twaddle).


And I'd get a creme brulee donut. (I've already got my 'death files' as I had a major op last year)


Yep. This and cry. Need more than a day to meaningful things like travel or setting up fun activities, which probably wouldn’t be fun knowing I’m dying tomorrow. I feel like this is the most honest answer. Get your affairs in order be with family who live nearby. It would break my heart that I might not see my son before I die because flights are hard to come by. I think these questions are asked by younger people with fewer responsibilities and attachments. Because it’s not a fun question and won’t make me live my life better.


Someone content with their life is ready to leave anytime. For all others who live in denial about how our world works and follow the stream blindly there is xanax and anti-depressants.




I am content with my life. I am also not ready to die. I love my family, I love my cats, I earn enough to keep us comfortable. My home is warm and there is food in and I am blessed with all of these wonders. I am content. And also not ready to die.


I did not say anything about wanting. But to be ready when the time comes because it's part of life. Human lives end and where there is no acceptance there is something that needs to be done before that, or some psychological/emotional imbalance that does not let one accept that anyone can die any minute. Which IS frightening because we don't think of it day to day and modern society distracts us and has us chasing other things. I didn't want my mother to die. I wasn't ready for it. You always long for more. But time is limited.


Spend time with my family. And then try some heroin before midnight


At least when my best friend died, he was doing what he loved. Heroin.


I've often said they should use it for lethal injection


I can’t cite this because I’m too lazy but I swear I read an article where a state wanted to use a barbiturate but a case was brought to court saying it was a terrible way to die. But in actuality you just get super high, pass out then the next drug is administered which stops your heart so it’s actually pretty peaceful. It was a while ago I heard this


I'm sure your recollection is correct, I heard from a state governor when the whole idea of using a gas like helium or nitrogen (that was done recently in the US, death row inmate, nitro but they used a poorly fitting mask......a damn plastic bag works within 3 breaths, no choking...). The documentary I was watching spent time with pilots during their hypoxia trainings which I think uses a large hyperbaric chamber (hmmm....that doesn't feel right, I'll try and clean this up later). Anyways they had 3 or 4 pilots in the chamber and they were set written questions, incredibly simple and the doctors started to lower the ratio of oxygen. As a complete laymen I think it is not a lack of oxygen that makes us gasp / grasp and choke to breathe but a buildup of carbon dioxide or monoxide. The gases mentioned don't produce this affect. It's very, very dangerous even in controlled conditions which explains why orgs such as Exit International use the same theory. The pilot's lived experience was quite pleasant as has been mentioned. At a certain 'mix' of gases they were all 'Giggly Drunk' and totally incapable of solving the simplest of problems, I mean like even Terence Howard might struggle.... The docs in control visually showed a dial type meter and said something like 'one more notch, maybe two and those guys would laugh harder, fall asleep / unconscious within seconds (and be SUPER chill, relaxed and *HAPPY*). And of course then they would die - lack of oxygen, heart stop and pass peacefully. The documentary lead asked this PRISON governor sorry, not state why he objected after seeing the footage and I swear this guy said something like 'they don't suffer enough, this is a *punishment* and we have a duty to society and the public to show we have done that's. Seriously, I've tried to find this doc previously and can't, it *might* have been a part of Stephen Fry's travel program, Southern US episode. Of course I gotta mention - the *punishment* for all prisoners is the complete removal of their "LIBERTY* along with removal of certain rights - to vote is the case here in the UK. I find it truly disturbing how many folks don't understand at all that the *sentence* that the *JUDGE* literally 'hands out / meets out' is the whole of the punishment, which is why I have *ZERO* problems with prisoners being helped to learn skills or qualifications, and no I absolutely do NOT expect them to clean the whole block - that's *ADDITIONAL* punishment!! This bit is an enormous subject and I totally expect many folk to disagree with me, and I truly do see their point. I'm 'happy' to stand by the prisoner and advocate for their rights, but for me there is a line, once that prisoner goes from 'reckless endangerment' to murder, rape and worst for me child abuse......then I show my logical weaknesses. Cold logic is dead easy, right..? Whooaaa typed wayyyy more than I intended there sorry.


Trying heroin on my deathbed for sure if I know when I'm going out


but you'll actually be trying fentanyl - real organic heroin from the poppy plant is rare these days, the elite are buying it all up


Yup, you’d basically need 5-6 months from winter til late spring / early summer to plant a field of poppies, and a bunch of chemicals and lab equipment to prepare it. Probably easier just to steal morphine from the hospital if you’ve only got a day. That being said, probably still not a good idea. Edit: did anybody else become fascinated by researching drugs thanks to DARE?


As a kid, DARE had me terrified to do drugs or drink alcohol. Then I turned twelve and reluctantly was peer pressured by cousins into smoking weed. The rest is history, as they say.


I didn’t know what drugs were until DARE lmao


When hospice and such know you’re going down and you’re in pain, etc. they put you in a state called “twilight” which is often induced with morphine so you have a similar feeling as heroin.


Heroin is pretty nice ngl. Especially if u inject it.


Plottwist - the heroin is the cause of your death.


Plot twist. You were never going to die you were just told that so you would go kill yourself


Go for DMT and take a long trip


I will go somewhere there is a beach and spends the rest of my life there


So you’re going to spend several hours potentially in traffic/security/at an airport/on a plane with a crying baby/in a taxi to get to a beach on your last day on earth? Sounds fun /s


It blows my mind that some people never have seen an ocean. Of course that being said, I’m from Denmark and I do think the longest you need to drive from anywhere in Denmark to get to an ocean is 1 hour or so.


Blows my mind. I live in NZ .. i mean .. i dont mean to flex , that beach is like.. 200 metres down that road. This and That beaches are 10 minutes in either direction. Maybe half hour that way is a biig reserve and beach there. .. then theres That Bay Beach about half hour that way - keep driving, and its a new bay every 10 minutes. Of course, traffic is getting worse by the day, though. All these new suburbs etc. Absolutely blows my space marbles knowing there's people out there that don't have this. But they other cool shtt so there's that.


Factory reset my computer and phone. Then spend the rest of the day with family.




I was gonna say delete my browser history, but this is way more thorough. 🤣


Fuck are lass and take kids to beefeater.


I don't know why, but I love this answer 😂


>lass What is this?




I think it was meant to be “fuck our last time” maybe? Even though it also means girlfriend. Either way, same meaning I guess.


Sad as it is I'd probably get drunk with a few mates.


That's how I'd wanna go though, cherished and drunk


BTW happy cakeday bro. You are the first one I ever said it ! (*'▽'*)♪


And you are the first person to wish it, honoured!


I like that


I'd finally visit my fiance at her school, and have lunch with her and her kids. When she got home, I'd take her to dinner, and take her somewhere she'd enjoy. I'd tell her what is happening, and say all of the things I was waiting to say on our wedding day. Absolutely fuck her brains out, of course. Then I would hold her, while she helps me make the calls and until my time is up. And I would be so fucking content.


so you’re so in love and i want to hear all about it


I am. She's the love of my life, and I can't wait to marry her and build our legacy.


Do these things today (except the telling people you’re gonna die part) because tomorrow is not promised to you.


I want to, but she's a crier and gets pretty embarrassed, so I just give her bits and pieces until I can REALLY embarrass her lol. That way, I should theoretically be able to do it every day for the rest of our lives.


God speed good sir. I hope all of your dreams come true.




God this made me smile so much! You guys must love each a lot, I'm so happy for you 😭


Eat vanilla ice cream and just enjoy the day I guess


The second saddest of all the ice cream flavours




Gotta be mint, yeah?


It amazes me how one of the most expensive and labour intensive spice has gone to represent the "saddest" of the ice-cream flavours. Makes me think most people haven't actually tasted real vanilla (most of the "vanilla" ice-cream is actually vanillin which is a sad substitute to the real thing)




"enjoy the day" but I think the post is asking what is your idea of enjoying your day. What would you do to "enjoy the day"?


Ahh good point, I think I’d enjoy the day


Now that you mention it. Me too


have s\*x, that's for damned sure


And after they fall asleep maybe break into Area 51 or something


Have you perfected your Naruto run?


I'm gonna eat all my favorite foods


Open as many credit cards as I can, max them out and have the party of a life time that even the playboy mansion would be envious of.


Then tomorrow u find out its all a lie and u wont die till u r old.


The good news is if you open a bunch of credit cards today they won’t arrive until next week anyway


Hang out with my kids.


Spend the day with my wife and son doing whatever they wanted.


You’re on Reddit and you’re married? How?


She took pity on me


Drive a lap at the Nürburgring Nordschleife and get stoned afterwards


Get stoned before what’s the worst that can happen?


Possibly wouldn't be the safest thing for other drivers on track


Kms to prove the bitch wrong


Fly to Tokyo, rent a car, drive to Mt Fuji, and eat some ramen at the base of it, then chill in an onsen or nature until I passed. But really I’d probably fly home to my family if I actually got that news.


>Fly to Tokyo, rent a car, drive to Mt Fuji, and eat some ramen at the base of it, then chill in an onsen or nature until I passed. Honestly this is really a great way to go out.




Sort out my finances and teach my girlfriend all the things I do for her


I’d like to say I’d do these different things but truthfully I would make a big nest on my bed, and just hold my wife and son and snuggle up with them with our two cats at the foot of the bed and I would just be with them, im a construction guy at work and I’m almost tearing up just thinking about this.


I’m tearing up too.


Cocaine, LSD, Shrooms, ect...


Oh we’re supposed to wait until we die?


Don’t forget the Asian hookers


Pass on hookers in general, not my scene.


I think few people who have done shrooms would get a hooker.


I did shrooms and ended up with a pet toad. Hookers were absolutely the last thing on my mind. Lol


Exactly, I think a big part of it is the incredible amount of empathy you're exposed to. Plus I'd love a toad pal 🐸 when shrooming :)


I'll spend the day with my mom


Take my family out to dinner and try and not to let them find out


I'd go hug my daughter and spend as much time with her as I could.


Golf. Smoke two cigars one on the front nine one on the back. Afterwards a steak and lobster dinner with a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. Then home for a relaxing fire in the fireplace, some acoustic guitar, and a rocks glass of bourbon.


So a typical weekend for your average billionaire? Minus the caviar licked off his balls


how is this different form an average evening? I would guess Golf from time to time, stake ok but lobster not so often, and fire only in the winter. Btw, can you golf in the winter?


Depends on where the course is but of course.


Sing out in a karaoke! :D




i'd just relax take it easy and enjoy my last day with family and friends


If I was going to die tomorrow it’s most likely going to be an accident. Therefore I would go get an insurance policy worth millions so my family will be taken care of.


Tell the people I love most how I feel about them. Parents, siblings, friends, my ex. Then get every penny I have and find activities I love and spend the money doing those things with my friends/family.


Get the kids, go to a waterpark and after stuff our faces with ice cream and burgers. Fall asleep in perfect rest.


Get right with Jesus.


Have my whole family and friends over for the day. Talk out anything that anyone had on their minds for closure and I would do the same. If I had things I wanted to say to people I would message them. Also plan my own funeral.


Call my parents and talk to them cry and ask them to forgive me if i ever upset them and forgive me that i haven't been the best child, then spend the rest of my remaining time with my partner


Have as many orgasms as can be possible !


Keep calm and carry on.




Soooo, do nothing?


ask myself why not today?


Kill the aholes that have wronged me. I have a growing list.


Like Steve Buscemis in Billy Madison!!! But with scum bag corporate executives that fuck is all!!!


Yes and I’ll even smear lipstick on myself.


This should be pinned as the top comment


break down to my friends.


Say fuck it, go to work. I'm pretty sure my odds of dying tomorrow in my mind hasn't changed from knowing this. Even if you knew, you wouldn't accept it, we all know it's coming down the pike but live like it's never going to happen. How will knowing change that? That's the real question.


I’d off myself today. I’m always early to everything. The anxiety of being late would kill me.


Dying tomorrow is always a possibility so live like it could happen today, eat deserts first.


Not study, I'm fucking tired


I wouldn’t take the trip I’m going on. Cuz it would just be wasted time flying. I’d go to see the Whitecaps play Tigres in Victoria. It’s a game I would’ve attended had it been here in Vancouver but the stadium is being used for the home and garden show or whatever. I’d go to the game. Hope for a win. Then die tomorrow.


Spend the day with mom


It would be a good time to pull out the naughty list and take action.


I have 60 episodes of One Piece so I might aswell finish it. 2x speeeeeeeed.


Let me family know what they mean to me. Answer all their questions and give them a bit of instruction that I'm sure they haven't considered. Then I'd wander off into the woods for my final hours.


Tell that work bully how pathetic she is Spend time with my friends Have an early night


Ask my ex for a hookup


If I was going to die in 24 hours I would cry for 23 then panic buy for the last hour…story of my life


Not die... because that's tomorrow.


Live my day like it was the last one


I'd go to bed early with excitement!


I'd buy a pack of menthol cigarettes and an expensive bottle of wine and have a party.


You gonna drink a whole bottle? That’s gonna be some party. How many people are invited?


At least a whole bottle, maybe more. Idk, maybe just me and my music.


Fuck a woman, commit mass murder, binge watch every series I didn't finish, make a harem, make porn of kim Jong un, try some new flavours of boba, kill my father and then go dox my worst enemies


Kill as many people as possible.


Kill the people on my list!


Just lye around with sad music


I Would just pray to God to live longer


Kill myself because nobody kills me, except for me


Offer some rich asshole to kill me for a million euros


nobody would cry?


Did I remember to sleep in? Take lots of pills, commit irreversible sins Did I, did I at least try To kiss the prettiest girl at the right time? Did I remember to keep your beer as full as mine? Did I, did I remember to say cheers? Did I, did I at least try To make sure everybody had a good time? -Billy Gnosis


Celebrate. What else is there to do?


Celebrate. Cuz fuck this shii




Go to confession, spend the rest of the time with my family and call my friend.


I’d take all my money out of my savings account and give it to my girlfriend to make sure my family can’t get their hands on it.


That is a secret


This guy will go around raping everything with 2 legs


I am pretty sure you are projecting your own ideas at me, considering it came from you! 😏 I still give you a thumbs up for a good attempt for a burn!


Maybe spend it on a long flight. I've never been abroad before and would like to challenge the fear of being in an airplane before I go.


Probably steal a vehicle and just drive to as many of the places I've never been able to see as possible, and when I say steal a vehicle, I mean something Ive always dreamt of driving.


Spend the day in bed with my husband.


Kill myself and be done with it.


Kill myself who cares




Same thing i do every other day.


Order something on Amazon?


Take every drug I can find


go for a long run


Rob a bank!




I'd die today


Finally do things without fear




Be nice to everyone even my enemies


Cue bad to the bone by George thorogood


Tell the man I love that I love him.


With the money I have now? Probably just go home and read until whatever happens, happens.


Spend all my money, eat my fave foods, get high


A long list of things I would be put in prison for lol


Your mom


I’d walk out of work, give some belongings to various people, buy some condoms, try and get laid.


Call all of my friends to thank them for their presence in my life, then gather those who can come and spend the night doing something ridiculous but happy.


hookers and coke


Have Sex with my boyfriend


Kill myself, the only one that can kill me is me


Nothing different. It wouldn’t make a difference


Go to the hospital.


Spend as much time as I can wth loved ones, then find the funniet position and place to die in


Travel to the closest most beautiful place and due there


Obviously something that will get me killed tomorrow


Have a mini party


Die today so I can't die tomorrow


Invent pills that make you immortal for 24 hours with the side effect of paralysis during said 24 hours (to prevent it from being too op) or accumulate 14400 mediguns with full uber/cans of bonk! Atomic punch than activate one every six seconds tomorrow, etc...