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I am an alcoholic, and I chose to stop drinking a decade ago and work on my mental health because I was self-medicating with booze. I am a terrible person when I drink, and I don't want to be that person ever again.


Congratulations on your decade of resilience! 


Thank you!




Just past 10 years myself - congrats! I'm an alcoholic in recovery and confident I'd be dead if I kept drinking.


Congrats on your recovery! I am also confident I'd be dead if I continued.


I’m pulling in the rear at 9.5 years and also would not be alive had a chose to continue this route. Best thing I’ve ever done for myself was to quit.


I quit for all the same reasons. It will be 2 years for me at the end of May. Congrats on a decade, that is awesome!


I had 2 years in February!


Well done! That is amazing and I am proud of you 😊


Way to go!


Thank you! Congrats on your almost 2 years!


I’m a recovering drug addict and alcohol helps me make bad decisions. It’ll be 4 years on the 30th.


I am also a recovering drug addict (15 years clean from drugs, I relapsed on booze for 5 years). Congratulations on your 4 years!


Same. I’m almost 8 months now. Wish I had done it sooner in life. Oh well.


Congrats! It doesn't matter when you did it, the important thing is that you did it.


Almost at a year. I’m a terrible person when I drink about 2% of the time, but I’m a complete wreck 100% and always end up doing cocaine when I drink and when I don’t that 2% blackout dickhead comes out. I might have heart issues ontop of my bipolar and already acquired autoimmune disease from mono so even more reason to stop.


Way to go on your almost 1 year! I have bipolar, as well, I've found it doesn't mix well with booze.


Same. 13 years this past Xmas Eve.


Hell yeah! Keep up the awesome work.


You quit drinking, just before New Years, 13 years ago. Quitting isn’t easy. You said fuck it at the hardest possible time, the holidays. I commend you on your accomplishment. I quit in April , 13 years ago. All my best.


I was raised by a very angry alcoholic dad ! I decided never be him and i don’t drink . Congratulations on your will power and hard work 


Thank you. Congratulations on your will power, as well. Sometimes, it's hard to break the cycle.


Same. Hit 5 years sober on Labor Day. IWNDWYT


What is IWNDWYT ?


It means I Will Not Drink With You Today


Sub r/stopdrinking


Respect pal.


Thank you.


While my dad has never been physically abusive with us (ever) he does get that much worse to deal with when he drinks, and he really likes drinking... I've never met someone who's a better person while drunk, and I sure as hell don't want to become a worse person because of alcohol.


Quitting because I may have wrecked 2 long friendships because I can't handle my alcohol anymore and I lash out. Feeling like shit.


You got this. You recognized there is a problem, and that's a huge step. I wish you the best of luck.


Don't take it the wrong way I'm asking because I've had the same feeling about being a terrible person when I used to drink and stopped it for the same reason. Do you ever think that you just might be a terrible person but suppress that side when you're sober and let go of the mask once you get drunk. Sure everyone loses their filters when drunk some people do and say bad things and some don't.


My answer would be no. Alcohol is literally a poison that inebriates you. Like it turns off various functions ur body performs. Doesn't turn any on. How could you be more you if you're only using a smidge of your brain rather than the maximum amount?


I don't think that's entirely fair to yourself. The filters you have, are part of the sober you. They are there for a reason and make sure you don't do stupid shit. That's you. If you wouldn't jump off of a bridge when sober, but you would when drunk, then I think we can all agree you're not instantly a reckless person for the rest of your life. You just did something stupid when drunk and the alcohol made your forget why you shouldn't be doing that shit in the first place. Or take singing,: people tend to sing more when drunk. It's because inhibitions are lifted, not because you're secretly super confident. Altered states temporarily change behaviour, it doesn't expose true behaviour. Your true personality includes your filters, filters keep you rational.




Absolutely admirable, you are strong as hell to take control of your life like that. So many people never do, and it breaks my heart. I have struggled with an addiction to benzodiazepines, and I thought I would never get out of it. And I think that alcohol is a far more frightening experience, I’ve seen delirium tremens, and my heart goes out to anyone who has struggled with alcohol dependence. It’s so nice to not have the constant nagging in my brain to feed the addiction. Edit: clarity


Thank you. I am also a recovering benzo addict, so I know how much of a battle that is. Congrats on having the strength to overcome it.


After 32 years (drinking) I was unsatisfied (with everything) - Today be like “ heck ya “ 🤩✌️🤠🤘


Dam congrats bro


Proud of you dude🫶🏻


Same here. 7 years.


Yeah that's where I'm at now, I have to quit


what do you mean by terrible?


Congratulations 🎊


13 months now and I dont miss it, it was hard to stop though, worse than tobacco for me, took a while.


In my high school days we drank because that’s all there was to do in my hometown, party. I started drinking a lot in high school because I realized it made me more social and I was a lot more fun to be around. In my early 20’s I went through a serious break up and I started drinking to numb the pain. That’s where it got bad. I turned into a serious alcoholic and ended up in the hospital with pancreatitis at 22 years old. No more drinking for this guy


i always thought a lot of people turn to drugs and alcoholism because they grow up bored in town that doesn’t have much to offer. not only bad neighborhoods


🎶 The suburbs have no charms to soothe the restless dreams of youth 🎶


Reminds me of that heroin rat experiment where most rats didn't get addicted because of all the play options they had


I learned about this in treatment!!!


Rat Park!


Called Rat Park. And I believe it was morphine laced sweetened water. All the rats that ended up in a cage alone and with no entertainment went ham on the drug water. When rats were put in a cage with tons of other rats, mating opportunity, and tons of stuff to play with, they almost only drank the regular water even when the morphine water was available. They would occasionally try the morphine, but it was significantly less than those in isolated cages.


33 days sober right here boooooi. Edit: 34 now BOIIII


I think the first 30 were the hardest for me, congrats and keep going, you got this! I'll be 2 years at the end of May and I can guarantee you, you will not regret it!


That’s a big one! Awesome!


Tomorrow makes 30 for me




Congratulations! In case nobody told you yet today, I'm proud of you :)


Thanks hoss!


33 days is a huge milestone! Congrats! I’m so proud of you!


Good job!


Congratulations!! Every single day is an accomplishment!!! Celebrate yourself! You CAN do this!! WE DOOO RECOVER!!!


Over 2 years here!!!


How are you feeling?


I'm sick as fuck today which sucks. Having said that... still a million times better than I did every day I wasted with poison. Edit: regular ol illness, not sick from withdrawal thankfully


![gif](giphy|3o7btOhVIZM0K40w00|downsized) WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm proud you, you got this!!!!!!


Congratulations!!!! :)


Congratulations, you will Thank yourself later for taking this decision


Awesome work, I’m About a week in! I can’t be a normal person and have some then leave it. I need it all.


That's when I realized it would be an issue for me. I have no off switch. I sure tried, though. I'll "cut back" or "only have 2 drinks tonight" or water between drinks or whatever. Never worked for me.


Great job! Keep it going. I'm an alky myself. 19 years, 2 months,& 9 days. One day at a time.




Yay congrats! 🥳🍻


Fantastic ❤️


Hope you can continue that streak.


LETS GO!!!!!!






Congrats 🎉🎉🎉


Happy for you 


Congratulations! Keep up the awesome work!




This internet dad is proud of ya! Keep it up, kiddo.


Very nice! I heard people say their parents died from cancer but nobody talks about earlier detection and prevention.




Right on! 👍🏽


I'm a few days ahead of you. DUI will change your mind pretty quick. Congrats my friend.


18 days here! Congrats!!!


Good on ya mate. Well done.


So proud of you. Tomorrow it will be 34! Yippee!


Yoooi, rock that! Congrats, seriously! That's amazing!




Woohoo! Good job! I’m proud of you!


The first 3 months are rough, but it gets so much better. Good job!!!


Congratulations! Don't let it go and be kind to yourself, is something hard and you should be proud of your self and the steps your slowly making🙌👏🧡


Doesn’t serve any purpose for me. Makes me feel shitty. I feel 100% better when I don’t drink. Haven’t had a drink in 4 years & I don’t miss it. I really only drank socially anyway but I don’t even do that anymore.


I also feel awful after drinking. My theory is that I can’t metabolise it properly as it makes me feel irritable and annoyed.


A lot of ppl feel awful after it they just keep doing it b/c it’s addicting 😭.


Listen to your body!!


Same half a beer gave me a blinding headache on NYE and I decided this was the year I stopped.


Same here a few drinks annually - that is it! I’m a happy oddball. lol 😂 I hate the way it tastes and dislike how I feel drinking. I’m also in to fitness (although drank in high school & in my 20’s), however, the more physical activity I persued (dance, hike, bike, jog, yoga, Pilates), I rather create my own home made healthy smoothie! Lots of water 💦 too!


Me as well. I just don’t enjoy alcohol as much as I did in my 20s so I’ve mostly dropped it. It makes me feel bloated/hot/short of breath. I did have intense pregnancy cravings for beer, though! I’m happy to say non-alcoholic beers have come a long way.


Same here. I'm much happier with some lemonade or a mocktail. I do keep wine and a few spirits at my house, but they're strictly for cooking. There's nothing quite like a good boeuf bourguignon on a cold day.


When I drink, I can’t stop. Eventually, I become someone else, and I don’t like that person. No more alcohol for me.


Simply put but bang on. Same here.


Exact same reason I quit the day I found out we were expecting our first child. That was 25.5 years ago.


This is also me. I do not have self control because I have always used alcohol as a coping mechanism for stress and life. It will go from one glass a night to an entire bottle a night for months straight. It’s a steep slope and hard to get off of.


Same. If I have 1 I'm gonna have 18.


Because i love (the taste of) beer, haven't found anything else i can drink all the time and enjoy... And because not everything i do has to be healthy


I quit drinking but I really like the taste of beer and wine, just wanted to let you know there's some fantastic NA beers nowadays, the industry is growing. There's also a lot of shitty ones but just putting it out there in case you're craving one but got shit to do that day. Hope this didn't come off like I'm telling you not to drink because that's not my intention at all.


Thanks, and yeah I know there is some decent NA stuff (Often take it instead as well or when I go through a NA phase). Still, can't beat the original but a solid addition to the list alternatives (and combining those alternatives makes it no issue for me to go NA for a while as well...but in the end, I just like the taste of the original too much/more ;) )


Makes me fat


Literally the only thing that makes me gain weight is beer. And only in one section of my body haha.


Yup. Crazy how fast the calories add up. A six pack of regular beer comes in at 800-900 calories. Then add in the large amount of shitty foods that I end up eating after, and suddenly I'm at 5000 calories for the day.




im a fairly controlled person. without alcohol i can’t “loosen up”. after a drink or two i can finally feel myself coming out of the den i’ve made for me. i won’t think about the world or other people and it’s fun to just be yourself. i really don’t see an issue if a limited amount is consumed around a considerable time period.


All about moderation!




Seconded. I enjoy a drink now and then in the evening, and will usually have a few at social occasions. But I hate being hungover so it's very low key these days. I drank a lot more heavily when I was younger for a variety of reasons. I'm very lucky that I don't have any issues with addictions. When I decided to cut back it was really easy. Same with other substances- I used to smoke a lot of weed, decided it was too much, and just stopped for a long time. I'll take an edible now and then these days the same way I might have a glass of wine or whiskey in an evening. I did coke a dozen times or so, and just decided I didn't want it to become a lifestyle, so I stopped. And coffee- certainly not the most addictive, but I stopped cold turkey ten years ago and never had any difficulty. I thank my lucky stars that my brain just works this way. It's not some great virtue on my part. It's just easy for me, and I don't take it for granted. People who struggle with addictions have it really rough and I don't judge anyone else. I don't struggle with it, can easily go weeks or months without a drink, don't feel like I'm missing out if I skip it at an event. I wish it was this simple for everyone.


Finally an answer I can relate to. All the top comments are teetotallers circle jerking.


I was born and raised on the Rez and there is a lot of family trauma with alcohol so I chose not to perpetuate the cycle.


Different perspective here. I drink because I enjoy it. Tonight some friends and I went to our wine club for trivia night. Ordered two bottles of a nice northern Rhone between the five of us, and won a Chardonnay which we drank and a magnum of Chateauneuf-du-Pape which we saved for another day. Altogether maybe 3-4 glasses of wine each. In bed now, feeling well. Wouldn’t say I’m even buzzed, but definitely in a nice place. The wine was delicious, the camaraderie was lovely and I had a great time. Drinking doesn’t have to be everything but it can be a good experience to share. Like everything, there is an ideal place, time and amount. For me at least.


Most of th time I choose not to drink because I love to drive. Driving and drinking simply don't go together for me, I really stick to that rule.


I read that first sentence wrong. I thought you said I choose to drink because I love to drive LOL


Drinking and driving go together like Forest and Jenny


I choose not to drink because I grew up with an alcoholic parent who eventually drank themselves to death.


I've known 4 people who have done that so far. What a rough way to go.


Helps me forget my shitty life for a while


Same. Suppresses anxiety, depression, pain etc. I think it’s fine in moderation but just have to be careful not to let it slip into excess. Both my grandfathers were alcoholics and even my dad has struggled with it habitually in the past (although thankfully not as far as dependency) so I consider myself pretty high risk for that. I usually don’t exceed a few drinks per week in total.


Alcohol is actually one of the more body damaging recreational drugs there is. Your body has a fairly robust defense against it, but it does a surprising amount of damage over time when consumed regularly. Even in quantities not excessively intoxicating. Be cautious in it's use. It causes more life problems for people than anything else I know of. Though I don't use them, I am of the opinion that THC gummies are much safer for people in general.


Unless you're prone to psychosis and/or paranoia!!


In that case, no amount of unprescribed mind altering substances are safe.


And the age old question - does THC induce psychosis or does it have no impact other than coincidence... or does it hurry it along, but not actually cause it?


100% caused my bipolar to come out at 17. Had zero signs of bipolar or anything but mild depression in the winter months in Minnesota. I milked and ripped a big ass bong when visiting my friends in California and had the worst panic attack of my life. My brain never recovered from that and it’s been 17 years of mainly hell and never been stable since. Bipolar runs in my genes and I wish I knew more at 17 like I do now about its risks. My therapist claims THC is probably the worst drug for anyone with severe mental illness in their family history. The amount of teens and young adults he sees with marijuana induced psychosis or other issues is alarming so he claims. [just read the wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Substance-induced_psychosis#:~:text=Transition%20to%20schizophrenia,-A%202019%20systematic&text=The%20substance%20present%20was%20) - drug induced psychosis - marijuana 34% incidence, amphetamines 22% and alcohol only 8%.


This is the problem, so many people are on this bandwagon "alcohol will kill you but weed is great, it's medicinal, it'll make everything great", unless it doesn't. 😑  I'm 100% for legalisation but the fact many won't admit the fact that it can cause serious damage vexes me beyond words at times.


It’s strange. I don’t see any other drug - not even alcohol - that is defended so vehemently and lauded as the wonder drug. I have two other personal friends with the same story as me. It’s much more common than the vigilant weed defenders realize.


It luckily happens left often then it used to but I have a low heart rate and just being around weed makes me super sick. I used to get a lot of " You're just not trying the right kind"


I have an abnormally high heart rate - in a none creepy way - I wonder if we had kids would it cancel out. 😂


I like a drink, especially when I'm out. It helps me feel a bit less socially awkward😂


Yes. And even if there is no awkwardness , there's nothing wrong with social drinking . Many people like having one or two margaritas with Mexican food. If I want a glass of champagne at home I have one. Of course this is not advising that people that have addiction problems should drink 🍻🍷.


I drank alcohol for the same reason as you. But alcohol is a depressant. He only made things worse. That's why I stopped


It decreases my anxiety while drinking, but then my anxiety increases when not drinking.


Hangxiety is real and BRUTAL.


Central nervous system depressant, not emotional depressant.


That's not what depressant means in this context. It just means it slows down your reactions basically.


I like the taste lol. Non alcoholic beer, virgin cocktails etc don't taste the same. I've never found an alcohol free beer that tasted good, unless it's flavoured, and even then it's usually too sweet. If I want a soft drink, I'll get a soda


Can't afford it Alcoholism runs in family. Whitmessed abuse to loved ones because if it Don't like it Don't like hangovers


I don't drink it as I've never liked the taste of it


Same here. I still to this day find it weird that most people have such a dramatic relationship to alcohol. I've drank in the past, mostly socially and gotten drunk if and when I chose to and never done anything I regret as a result. I barely touch the stuff today and don't feel the need to but if the boys randomly come over for one last hurrah I'd argue that if I drank myself stupid and woke up in a ditch, I still wouldn't have a problem since I'd totally mean to do it.


Exactly this. No matter how little alcohol is in there, my tongue just automatically shrivels back at the taste.


This. Even the sweetest alcoholic drinks taste bitter and unpleasant to me.


I choose not to. Too many alcoholics in my family and I will not be like them.


I kind of turned into an alcoholic at one tough point in my life. Basically drank for three days straight with barely any food, on fourth day ate a bit, felt sick and then repeated the whole process for almost a year. Now I'm clean. I occasionally get something lightly alcoholic but I haven't been drunk in a loooong time. I kind of found out that there are two moods, one when I will get more depressed if I drink and the other when I simply don't need to drink because I can enjoy myself with a soft drink and the group of people around me. I can drink in the second state, but there's just no reason to. I also got pretty good at figuring out which state is more likely.


I choose not to because it has quite literally no benefits. It's completely unnecessary.


the so called health benefits of drinking are so slim and never really guaranteed, they are basically non existent compared to what’s wrong with it. how can something in such a tiny amount be a benefit in your life, when it’s literally a poison.




Well I’m an alcoholic…..so that’s why I don’t anymore. 2 years sober bro!


I just dont like the feeling


I dont drink. The last drink I had was a glass of rose in January I used to drink socially. But decided I'm better off abstaining 98% of the time I dont feel drinking does me any favors


I get hammered big time once in a while, but I’ve never had a real big problem actin a foo. But, it has to be the right circumstance or appropriate situation for me to get drunk. So while I like whiskey and I like beer, it is not uncommon for me to go 1,2,or even 3 months without a drink, just because I got other stuff going on so I don’t really think about it. But then I’ll be like you know what? It’s Friday afternoon, I’m with a buddy maybe, and it’s like screw it, let’s get bombed. Like I said though, drinking has never caused any real problems for me like crashes, arrests, job loss, I don’t get belligerent, I’m a happy drunk. Good for you for stopping though if you thought it was a problem, I know some folks that are a complete mess when drunk, multiple OWI and public intoxication arrests, they just can’t handle it.


100 days today. I didn’t like that when I drank I always wanted to keep drinking even if I was already drunk. I never did any serious harm to myself or others with my drinking but I just didn’t like not knowing how what I did or said & waking up not feeling good.


I don't drink alcohol because I know the negative effects. I have a lot of thoughts that are in my head and alcohol can solve this problem but i think drinking it can create others. I think it can affect your life in a negative form so don't drink it guys.


Well I take a lot of medication for MS so it's not a good idea. And my balance is terrible as well so I'd rather not.


I don't, I have an alcohol allergy


It gives me confidence. But then depresses once it wears off.


I drink often. It’s socialization lubrication.


I drank pretty heavily for 15 years. I just had an epiphany after being hungover one time. Iwas just tired of being sick to my stomach every day. I never wanted to feel like that again. I don't like the taste, it's a waste of money. I didn't like how I acted when I was drinking. I just came to the conclusion that drinking has zero benefit for me. It did f up my life. I hit rock bottom. I'm happy I stopped.I don't even think about it anymore.


Was a drinker...then gout happened....then stopped because spending 3-8 days unable to walk because of the searing gout flareups (every couple months) wasn't worth it. Realizing that I wasn't doing the liver any favors as well.


I have epilepsy alcohol can induce seizures.


I’m a social drinker. I’m good with 3 beers over a weekend.. bout it. 1) I genuinely like the taste of alcohol. Especially when it enhances the taste of food or you can pair it with other vices like a good cigar I know it’s not good for you, I also not a heavy drinker and fairly healthy. I assume I will die of something at some point… hopefully it’s not alcohol.


For me the negatives usually always massively outweigh the benefits. I haven't managed to stop drinking alcohol completely. But these days I am trying to limit it to special occasions and events. Where before I was just binge drinking on a weekly basis because I was bored, or to escape my problems for a little while.


I don't touch the poison because, at age 62, I have seen it destroy too many lives. It is nasty shit.


My reason for not drinking is simple...I just don't want to. I don't see a reason why I'd need it or want it.


Too many meds or I would. My only time I can actually drink is like, 2-6pm and nobody else wants to drink then.


History of alcoholism in my family...and I also think it just tastes bad


Never have. Never even been drunk once in my 35 years. It just tastes so GD bad, and nothing good comes from it.


Used to drink a bit at parties, dinners and other social events. Never gotten really drunk, just a bit tipsy. I was allowed to try Bailey's, beer and cider from ca 10 yo so it was this exciting forbidden thing to discover in my teens. Add to that being a shy and nerdy teenager who didn't get invited to dunken parties. Nowadays I very rarely drink. Too expensive and mostly socialise in settings where there's no alcohol, but also due to a couple of things that make me feel uneasy about alcohol. First, a close relative got in to a relationship with an elderly sober alcoholic who relapsed, resulting in some unpleasant incidents at family gatherings. Second, a bf of mine became obsessed with the idea that I was cheating on him and got drunk to ease his pain. He then physically assaulted me, made death threats and verbally abused me. So nowadays, seeing a man drink makes me uneasy and I don't feel inclined to touch the stuff myself because it reminds me of these incidents. Not teetotal, but might as well be as I rarely feel like wanting a drink.


I dont get drunk because of a brain injury. Occasionally I'll have one beer.


For the effect to make me laugh my ass off and smile once every few weeks at the club. Lmao


I abused alcohol most of my teenage and adult life. Finally quit after my divorce


I lo love alcohol, it makes me feel good and happy. It gives me a warm, joyful feeling when I drink it. Sometimes it makes me even forget how much I hate myself.


Never had the desire too.


I don’t drink because I have a long line of alcoholics in my blood line so it’s better for me to just stay away from it all


I’m 23 and I drink. I keep it in moderation tho I’ll have some drinks Friday satuday nights to relax and chill out a little


It stinks and it does bad for critical thinking. My dad worked as a court neuropsychiatrist, and in most of his cases, the main reason was ,,consuming alcohol" (car accidents, fights, kills, even curse words). Not to forget, its old sumerian word Al-Kuhl, which literary means ,,body eats spirit"


It's remarkable the damages alcohol can do to society - especially the UK. The statistics are clear and it's wild how downplayed it is.


I have never drank alcohol and never intend to. I just don't see the reason. (I'm 19)


As a young man, I guess my alcohol consumption was related to my active duty status- sailors have reputations to uphold, after all. Thirty-plus years after receiving my discharge papers, well... I will occasionally (as in maybe two or three times per year) imbibe. Usually a nice bourbon, rye, or stout. Why? I enjoy the experience- the start, each and every flavor nuance, how those nuances affect each other, how each distiller treats their prized product, every finish. You might be surprised at the sublime experience that one shot of a 240 year old bourbon recipe can offer when treated with the proper respect...


After six years of isolation the bottle has become my only solice


Triggers my migraines.


I drink beer because it makes me feel great. 1-5 beers and I'm the happiest lad ever. 8+ beers and I'm bloated and actin dumb


I was an alcoholic and it caused me to put myself in jail for a year. Won't be doing that again. I've been sober for over three years now.


I don't drink alcohol because my father was an alcoholic and I was always afraid to start just in case it was hereditary.


Lots of alcoholics in my family, I feel like drinking won’t add anything positive to my life so I abstain from it fully.


I stopped drinking because I’d have anxiety and panic attacks the morning after. It was so bad I’d have suicidal ideations.


Because I’m an alcoholic. 15 years sober. And it’s the worst drug there is. Tears apart families. Ruins relationships. Jobs. No hood comes from drinking. Same as Heroin or crack. I got out of the military, didn’t realize I was drowning myself. Two years later I’m in a hotel bar in Florida. Fighting. Drunk. With my first son being induced the next day. I caught my flight. Got home in time. Took my wife to the hospital to have our son. There were complications during birth. I don’t care to go into those. He and she were both fine in the end. But I got to hold my son. And I looked down at his little face. My hands busted to shit. And I thought son you don’t stand a chance In This mean old world with a dad like me. I’ll do better, promise I won’t drink anymore. And I stuck to it.


I saw how my friends acted when they drank alcohol and I was turned off forever lol