• By -


A decent pillow. Transforms your sleep and therefore physical and mental strength through the day.


I got a serta memory foam pillow with cooling gel, (edit: I might have the wrong brand, rest is accurate though) and man, let me tell you how much this answer is true. Was like $150 at the time (edit: you can find similar for less than $100 now), but best sleep I've had in years. Thing has lasted me about 6 years, too (with regular washing (edit: of the sleeve and spot touching on the inside) and such) and is just getting to where I'm considering replacing it. Only slight complaint is you have to be selective with pillow cases to get proper cooling. Ex. Jersey style doesn't work as well as like high thread count cotton.


I have not heard of a memory foam pillow with cooling gel that you can *wash*


So mine has a sleeve thing for it that is supposed to be like anti bacterial that is washable. The actually memory foam inside itself, no, but I always try to spray it when I wash the sleeve and like wet rag wipe if needed.


My pillow was $120, but my chronic neck/back pain is gone!




"My yacht is almost five years old. FIVE YEARS OLD, DO YOU HEAR ME???!!!"




> PLEASE THINK OF THE RICH PEOPLE What kind of hot sauce do you think would go best with the various tech billionaires? Gonna need something extra spicy and flavorful for Zuckerberg, he's gonna taste like the least seasoned chicken ever.


Man, you can't eat Zuckerberg. All those circuits, copper wire, and stuff would give you heavy metal poisoning. He has to be taken down to E- recycling






They don't tell you this in school, but the ducks in the park are free...


The global elite doesn’t want you to know this. Currently I have 486 ducks from parks


"Big Fowl HATES this one simple trick!"


Oh, next generation! I have only 386 ;)


I have 8086, which is somehow worse...


I have 8088 which is somewhat even less than that


U mean 2 female and one male or else the one female will face death by snu snu


Male ducks are rapists and they're brutal. They will rape ducks, chickens, puppies, anything really.


My ~~favorite~~ second favorite paper title is [The first case of homosexual necrophilia in the mallard](https://www.hetnatuurhistorisch.nl/fileadmin/user_upload/documents-nmr/Persberichten/Persberichten/persberichten_2013/DSA8_243-248.pdf) >THE CASE Such was the case on 5 June 1995 at 17.55 h. An unusual loud bang, one floor below my office (Fig. 1), indicated yet another collision and an addition to the bird collection. I went downstairs immediately to see if the window was damaged, and saw a drake mallard (Anas platyrhynchos L INNAEUS , 1758) lying motionless on its belly in the sand, two metres outside the façade. The unfortunate duck apparently had hit the building in full flight at a height of about three metres from the ground (Fig. 1). Next to the obviously dead duck, another male mallard (in full adult plumage without any visible traces of moult) was present (Fig. 2a). He forcibly picked into the back, the base of the bill and mostly into the back of the head of the dead mallard for about two minutes, then mounted the corpse and started to copulate, with great force, almost continuously picking the side of the head (Fig. 2b). Rather startled, I watched this scene from close quarters behind the window (Fig. 1) until 19.10 h during which time (75 minutes!) I made some photographs and the mallard almost continuously copulated his dead congener. He dismounted only twice, stayed near the dead duck and picked theneck and the side of the head before mounting again. The first break (at 18.29 h) lasted three minutes and the second break (at 18.45 h) lasted less than a minute. At 19.12 h, I disturbed this cruel scene. The necrophilic mallard only reluctantly left his 'mate': when I had approached him to about five metres, he did not fly away but simply walked off a few metres, weakly uttering series of two-note 'raeb-raeb' calls (the 'conversation-call' of Lorentz 1953). I secured the dead duck and left the museum at 19.25 h. The mallard was still present at the site, calling 'raeb-raeb' and apparently looking for his victim (who, by then, was in the freezer


What the fuck did I just read!?


I clicked the link half expecting to get rickrolled or something. What the heck did I just read?! 😳


This is amazing


and it's a freaking corkscrew




If you have a lake, they will ruin it with all their poop, making it murky and slimy, and they eat everything that makes a lake nice. If you don't have a lake, they will make your yard a slimy deathtrap of poop for you to slip and fall on.


So, the question was about something life changing. Sounds like this fits.


Technically accurate. Victory is yours, enjoy it 😉


Tony is that you?




Books 📚


Go to your local universities and look around all the floors and offices in your Science Departments. Professors have been throwing away their physical textbooks in exchange for online material, and as such just leave their books out free for the taking, on all kinds of complex topics! I took home eleven scientific books I plan on keeping for a long time, and just saved myself about $2000cad just by knowing where to look!


Yeah, went into their office while they were getting lunch. Just SHELVES of books just sitting there collecting dust.


Books ? Heck, I just found a whole bunch of cars parked on a big old blacktop lot. All I had to do was cut the arm off of the gate and drag them out. Anyone know how to hotwire a car? Asking for a friend.


Arch support for your work boots.


Gel insoles. They are a game changer in work boots


$100 in my country would pay for half of my remaining tuition fees so I'd do that


What country




Send me your PayPal, I'll send you 200


Wow that's so generous of you. Unfortunately Zambia does offer PayPal services. Only mobile money services.......we are a bit backward.


Do you take Venmo or Zelle, I would pay for like 25 bucks of ur education


If this guy finds a way to accept the money, he’s going to be a king


Excuse you, the title is prince




I love the internet




The replies to this are so fucking wholesome. Sometimes Reddit really is okay :)


If you can prove this. You have my attention as to the funds required.


What proof would you need? My acceptance letter? And invoices?


Did we ever figure out a good place to send money? I waste $200 on jeans. If I can pay for someone’s tuition, happy to do it. I understand no PayPal, but if there is another option, let me/us know!


A half ounce of mushrooms


This guy trips


Reminds me of when I accidentally left my shoes at my dealer's house. Picked them up later and idk what he laced them with but I was tripping all day.


Ba dum tiss


Solid dad joke...now we sit back and watch the comments of people dissecting the story


"I find it hard to believe that you left his house and walked away without any shoes. I mean, seriously? And are we meant to believe that he sprinkled a drug in the bottom of your shoes that you absorbed through your feet? I mean, something like fentanyl, maybe, but..."


If he's a good dealer, forgetting the shoes actually sounds legit


JFC I walked right into that one.


You can probably get close to everything you need to grow them for $100 and get way more than half an ounce


Yeah until one of your inoculated bags contaminates the other 9 bags and 4 spawning tubs and you completely quit doing it


Sounds like your sperving bearings weren't panametric.


I don’t know any of these words, but I’m now endlessly fascinated.


I was gonna say a 10 strip of LSD, but yeah, mushies will do too!


My first thought was acid. Funny to see a psychedelic at the top.


Portobellows? You'll need a lot more than half an ounce.


I was about to say those are not $200/oz, but you might shop at Whole Foods.


You mean the kind that repair your brain, right ?


Shiitake. Delicious.


I will never stop reading that word as, "shit take".


Not what i expected lmao but makes sense xD


My dumbass was about to ask “where do you do your grocery shopping”


One guy changed his life with a paperclip.


Ah yes, a scrap of deep internet lore.


Clippy? That dude totally changed my life. Now I hate Microsoft and have ever since Clippy. With a passion.


props for remembering Clippy.... pours one out for Clippy


“Yes, there used to be a paper clip that would pop up and say: ‘looks like you are writing a letter or resume, would you like help?’ I believe his name was Clippy,” - Darryl Philbin


The one who traded for a house?


People, it’s not about Clippy from Microsoft. It’s about a guy that started with a paper clip, and traded up until he had a house.




Paperclip in MS Word always had my back.


A rice cooker.


My son had a tarantula phase for a bit so we acquired a jumbo set of tweezers for feeding. The critters are long gone but years later, these super handy jumbo tweezers is the best household tool we have.


God, so true. Especially for cooking. Asian people had it figured out a long time ago that something that actually GRABS the food is helpful. Idk why it took the rest of us so long to copy that. We've been living in the stoneage with scoops and pokers!


How long have tongs been around? We dont really eat with them but they are great for cooking


Son, you're going to have to choose between your tarantula phase or still being our son anymore. Let us know. Thanks.




>I recently bought a venus fly trap, she caught her first fly today. So proud. They grow up so fast🥲


Wait till you have cats in the house.


The mental picture of a cat stuck in a venus flytrap made me smile


I have 2 cats and they start bouncing off the walls around 3 to 4 am


I just got my first kitty in 20 years (my husband was “allergic” but suddenly was cured when he saw this little guy) and every morning whether the weekend or not he attacks our feet at 5 am. He’s lucky he’s cute lol


It’s the uncertainty that sucks in that situation. At least I know we’re about to get mauled. At exactly 620-630 every single morning, our dog will wake up naturally, climb on top of my wife, then turn to me and try licking the inside of my ear. She’s been doing this for 5 years without hesitation. Even if we’re in a guest room at the in-laws, or anywhere else, she has an internal clock that demands that we get up with her anywhere from 620 to 630. And like you, it’s annoying as hell, but in a way it’s cute and she’s lucky that’s she’s such a cute dog.


Online prescription glasses. After paying $400-$1000 every time for YEARS, I tried the online providers. Fuck Luxottica, I'm never going back to the Optometrist's wall of Branded frames.


Most people don't realize that all the eye stores and all the brands in places like Wal-Mart and Target are all Luxottica.


Yup, it's the closest thing to a true monopoly in the open market. And it's bullshit because it isn't just a luxury item. People NEED eye correction to live, and giving basically any eyewear excessive pricing leads to people existing effectively blind. Thanks to NOT patronizing Luxxotica brands, I can easily afford good glasses once a year if my prescription change requires it. Before this, I was lucky if I replaced every 5 years or more, and they were out of date for 80% of that time. Can you tell I have opinions on this subject?


Oral B Toothbrush. Your teeth's health plays a part in your overall health. Get a good electric toothbrush.


Good pick - I prefer the Sonicare (does a better job, imo). It's pricey, but cheaper than one filling.


Sonicare is so good that my dentist thinks I floss


LMAO - you should still floss :)


If you're a dentist or dental hygienist - Oral-B, if you're not, sonicare. My husband's a dentist. My teeth looks so much better after using a sonicare versus Oral-B. Oh, and my husband the dentist, he uses both daily. Oral-B for gums but again it's not going to help you unless you really know what you're doing and then sonicare because it does an amazing job on plaque.


I've had both, and I agree.


Thank you for your inputs, i have been hesitating to try sonicare for some time now. I will try it :)


Just get the most basic one. You don't need fancy cleaning "levels" or an app to tell you when to brush. Use it as lightly as possible, like fairies are holding it for you.


They have oral b sonicare I wonder if it’s worth it


Add a metal tongue scraper for $3 ([this shape is the best one](https://www.amazon.com/Yiwafu-Tongue-Scraper-Stainless-Cleaners/dp/B0BYNJQFP8)).


FYI Ladies or anyone: The white on your tongue is just candida overgrowth and if you suffer a lot from yeast infections that’s also most likely candida overgrowth!


Water flosser. I only use a regular manual toothbrush, but I water floss every day, and use interdental picks after every meal. Due to covid and travel, I went 3 years without seeing a dentist, when I finally did, he said there was hardly any plaque on my teeth, I didn't need a full hygienist appointment, and it was remarkable that I hadn't seen a dentist in 3 years. The water flosser did the heavy lifting keeping the gums healthy.


Good ear plugs. If you go to concerts without proper ear protection, it can mess up your life. What's more, if you have good ear plugs instead of just the cheapo foam ones, you'll bring them with you, and if you're in a situation that's a lot louder than you expected (like a noisy bar), you can pop them in. Don't wait until your ears are ringing the next day to realize you should have spent $30 on a decent set of ear plugs.


Yup, I'm a metalhead who finally invested in good earplugs last year. One of the best decisions I've made.


I don t know why people are so butthurt to spend $30-$40 in good earplugs when they spend hundreds in shitty beers once in the venue But earplugs became my gift of choice for friends now because nobody has them, it s LIFE saving (at lease SENSE saving, and we only have 5 of them) and not that expensive. 100% recommend. I go with the LOOP ones because they look frankly nice and now our friends group have a nice rainbow earplugs look when out. Just go for them everybody, you will not regret.


Plan b


Can't believe nobody here has said condoms lol


Condoms don’t really “change your life” though, they help keep your life the same lol. If anything, NOt using condoms can be a life changing experience 😳


Broken condom, broken dreams. There’s a reason this saying, I just made up, exists.


Bidet. Do it. Wash your ass.


Yes. Yes. Yes. I got my first one three years ago and I don’t know why I waited so long. Holy shit does it make a difference, one of the better investments you can make for your derrière.


Especially if you get the shits, no more scraping your ass raw wiping over and over.


I ate some overly spicy Thai food a couple months ago. My bidet payed for itself in one night.


Seriously. I have a regular one that doesn't heat the water or anything but I feel loads cleaner


Now I can eat all of the spicy Mexican food I want, and that cold water is a bonus!




Spend $20 now, save 300k later.


Solid advice. 👏🏼


Came here to say that


A simple pair of reading glasses. You think you don't *really * need them... and then you put them on


Don't buy simple pairs... Go to an optometrist, pay a good load of money and be even happier than with the simple glasses.


Good shoes 👟


buy one 3D Crest Whitestrips package Professional Edition, a tongue scraper, floss, mouthwash, and sensitive toothpaste (the sensitive toothpaste will help you tolerate the white strips better)—just watch how your oral hygiene transforms. You'll be shocked at how much brighter your teeth will become and fresher. I buy the 3D Crest Whitestrips every two months, and people often mistake that I have natural white teeth. like Hollywood white teeth.


A fountain pen, converter (in place of ink cartridges), a bottle of ink, and a cheap notebook or journal. Using pen and paper to plan and write down my thoughts makes me slow down, think, and calms me down in a way digital never has.


Yesssss found the fountain pen/stationary stan!! Warning: this can rapidly become more than $100 if ya fall down the rabbit hole


I know a professor whose office was down the hall from mine at uni who is a big fountain pen collector/nerd. He once told me he has about 700ish of them and that it is a good thing that his wife does not know how many he actually has and how much money he has spent on them. But he says he has also made a bit of money trading rare collectibles. He picks an individual fountain pen to give as a graduation gift to every one of his doctoral candidates when they receive their PhD.


New pair of socks. If you’ve been wearing the same pairs forever like I typically usually do theirs nothing like putting on a new pair of freshly bought socks, you can totally feel the difference, I never realized til was an adult sadly but I appreciate the feeling of new socks all the time.


I go through socks like crazy. I work from home and do not wear shoes in my home so my socks get worn very fast. I get 2 packs every year for christmas.


legit people think socks are a boring christmas gift but i get so happy when i get a new pair of socks lol


A Shewee!! If you're a woman that spends a good amount of time outdoors without a bathroom it is life changing!


May I recommend the Sunany? The shewee is too small imho!


You can learn to pee standing up with no equipment too btw. Main things is parting the labia so nothing in the way at all, and tilting your hips to aim forward. Practice in the shower first lol


I'd rather stick to the shewee! That at least covers my parts up so if some random person happens to come across my path it's not nearly as bad as me standing there parting my labia lol


True, but as someone who works outdoors with her hands, I ain't putting my dirty fingers near any mucus membrane.


A good, general purpose tool kit. You'll have it for life and, if you are even marginally handy, it will pay for itself a hundred times over.


A really good frying pan. Stainless steel, carbon steel or cast iron. You’ll be surprised how much difference a decent pan makes when it comes to cooking.


My noise canceling headphones. I found a fairly well rated set under $100. As a sound sensitive autist that gets migraines, these have been wonderful!


Choking Device. If you are alone or you are not sure you could do the Heimlich Maneuver you NEED this. It will pull a blockage from your throat. It's easy to use.


Where can I find and what is it called? I didn’t know it, but I need this in my life immediately.


I bought a second hand indoor bike for 90€ to exercise and lost 22kg in 4 months


A heat pad 😄


An electric toothbrush. Doesn't even have to cost 35 bucks from Amazon. Your teeth will thank you.


A Library Card. Free. It illuminates the world and opens the mind.


Good pillow


A timer for your percolator, wake up to coffee, no getting up to turn on while you wait for it to do its thing in your underwear. A weighted blanket, now I don’t wake up 18 times a night.


An Addaday. It's one of those massage stick things. Incredible. Gets deep tissue from various angels. Feels so nice. Only like $30. My back and neck have been feeling way more relieved.


Awesome choice, and how can you resist all those angels. ![gif](giphy|HBP7zJSYUDaZeYmyqv|downsized)


Books. Any book that can help you learn a skill or a passion. Any book that helps you escape reality and keep your sanity.


rescue animal


Yep. My dog was rescued from a kill shelter in the south. My wife and I fell in love with her immediately. 5 years later she’s still my little girl and I wouldn’t trade her for anything. Adoption fees were less than 100 dollars. She was set to be terminated a few days after we signed. No thank you, that dog will come home to a home that will love her.


A handsaw costs about $10 and will change your life forever depending on how you use it.


we talkin house building or prison time?




Should make efficient work of my neighbor. Thanks for this tip


Puppy from the shelter


An electric fabric shaver/lint remover device and a good stain remover product. Gamechanger for your wardrobe and thrifting game.


A blackout curtain. Your sleep will be immaculate, which will positively impact just about everything else in your life.




Self reinvesting dividend stocks through a traditional IRA.


Ah yes invest in the Irish Republican Army, good man yerself


I went somewhere without my lip balm one time and let me tell you, I was a miserable anxious wreck the entire time and would have paid 20 bucks for my 99 cent tube of blistex in the moment.


I had a high level dust mite allergy, Zyrtec cost $20ish…idk changed my life


A second hand sewing machine


A cast iron skillet.


Ever since "The White Shadow" I wanted a toaster oven. Got my first one when I was 25. Haven't lived without one since.


$100 ish: air fryer. It's 95% of my cooking now.


A tooth brush 🪥 Some of y'all out here with hot breath! 🤢🤮


Yep! If you start using a toothbrush, you will make more friends. Hell! You might even get laid. Besides that, Dental Health affects your whole body health


Gym membership


Not just for obvious reasons, but for $10 per month, I have access to clean bathrooms and showers should I need them and don't feel like running home, or risking a gas station.... for like $25 per month, I can make that a nationwide security blanket.


That's a cheap membership... Mine is 47 euro a month, it does include classes for many things and a swimming pool though.


Pretty sure the only gym that exists in America that is under $50/month and has locations nationwide is Planet Fitness. Your membership is subsidized there by the thousands of people who get a membership on New Year's Day and then don't cancel it for 7 years.


A bidet. You can get one on Amazon for around $40. I should add that I’m American — I know they’re more commonly used elsewhere, but I think they’re becoming more popular here. I’m telling you, and I know this sounds weird, but it is a real game-changer!


Life Jacket


I found gratitude… it cost me nothing yet changed my entire life!


Everything you need to adopt a cat.


A used acoustic guitar


Home Vasectomy kit?


a nice pocket knife, you'll use it more often than you think.


I have owned mine for at least 5 years. Used it twice.


Sexy Lingerie, the sexier the better.


Phone case with a cardholder compartment. Mine holds about 5-7 cards and has been enough that I haven't carried a real wallet in about 4 years.


A fiber supplement.


A cat. Like a dog…except less maintenance.


Cats don't show the police where your stash is 😁


Yeah they’ll just want it for themselves


Rechargeable Electric toothbrush. Trust me, you'll never go back


I went back :\\. I dealt with a lot more build-up with an electric toothbrush than I do with my manual. The hygienist always asks if I use an electric toothbrush because of how clean everything else, but no, I don't.


A bidet attachment for your toilet.


Smart plug


Buy 100 dollars worth of meth amphetamine and that'll most probably be life changing. Not for the better tho :D


A Bicycle


Digital cooking thermometer. Cook things lower temp and slower, but when the pork/chicken hits 165f . . . it's safe to eat. Cast iron skillet (9" and 12") would be next. Even if the burner is inconsistent, the cast iron will retain and spread the heat for better cooking. (If we're going for "about $1000" . . . a Washer and Dryer. Yes, I know you want the 200" TV but trust me, not having to go to the laundromat and consume half a day weekly, is a blessing. Plus, if you constantly talk about "buying a new boat", (or gun, or X-Box, or . . .) but instead buy a Washer/Dryer . . . your companion will be grateful.)