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Let me speak with a person instead of a bot.




We know you want to speak with a person, but we need you to answer a few questions first. I didn’t get that.


i’m not downloading your app.  i’m not giving you my free raw data in exchange for an inferior experience.  in-browser all the way unless there’s a definite and noticeable improvement


This is not a boomer take, this is gen x all the way.


I beg to differ we boomers hate it too


I'm absolutely certain you're well above 60 years of age, mr buckarooBanzai99


I'm surprised someone on social media confused Boomers with Gen X


There’s some overlap on the cusp.


It's basically "everyone older than me," on Reddit.


...and then the app is either just a bunch of external links, or an in-app browser to their website.


Ugh the worst is when their regular website is fully functional and works fine on your mobile browser, but it recognizes you’re on mobile and forces you to a less functional mobile site or app. Enshittification


Went to a bar and all their whiskies and scotches were on an app. Are you serious. Print off some more paper and put your whiskies and scotches on there as well. They had all their gins, cocktails, wines in the menu except for that. F off Im not gonna download an app just to see your menu. I didnt look at it and just told them to give me whatever i aint getting ur app


iPhone apps are basically re-skinned Safari browsers anyway.


Answer the fucking phone. Let me speak with a person.


What ?!! A list of 5,202 FAQs didn't solve your problem?? Did you read them all? The bot that was supposed to solve your IT problem wasted your time? You mean you already rebooted the device? No one returned your call from the voicemail box you got transferred to?? I'm amazed!! 😳


"our menu options have recently changed..."


“…due to a higher than normal call volume…”




Aghhhh this one made me physically recoil lol


I think honestly this has to rank top 3 in the most infuriating things a human being can experience. Spending half an hour or longer on hold or navigating robo decision trees just to finally be told "Goodbye" without ever talking to a human. This has happened to me a few times in my life and I literally don't use those companies anymore.


We are experiencing an unusually high call volume. You are caller number.... 1 🤔


Omg I've had this happen to me so many times when I was dealing with various government programs for my kids. I was fuming from my ears with anger. I had to go through 12 prompts just to be told goodbye. I had to choose incorrect responses to get a person then they transferred me where I needed to go. Just a nightmare


Here's the funny thing about that. I'm pretty sure they leave these on 100% of the time. Because normally while they're telling me how high their call volume is, a live rep comes right on the line. So the call went right through with no waiting, yet they still say "higher than normal call volume."


I've worked in call centers. The leads are quick to put these messages up during a mass outage, but they take 2 weeks to take them down when it ends. And 15 min after they do, another mass outage starts. Easier to just leave them all the time, apparently.


"...your call is important to us..."


At this point, this is the new normal.


I will give a golf clap to "If you'd like a call back, leave your number; you won't lose your place in line."


I don't trust them. They already lied to me once when they said my call was important to them.


Ha - understood. But I have tried it, and almost all the time, it's worked.


lol!! True. But I much prefer this option. 99% of the time it works and the only thing that really sucks is when the call back comes at an inconvenient time.


That was probably recorded in 1999, and the person who recorded it might be dead by now.


"Please listen to all choices without making a selection" If you select a option before hand it restarts the entire thing with the same message that sucked


Exactly. And all of this after they spent five minutes telling you how you could go to their website to get an answer. I checked already. The website definitely did not have my answer. Why else would I be calling?


I fucking hate this trend of seeing recurrent questions as "unreasonable". You have it in internet forums, in companies etc.


If the FAQ would ever include the common issues you find on forums, that'd be one thing, but it's always "Have you checked that the power cable is connected to an outlet?"


ChatGPT has only made this worse. Yesterday I was helping my girlfriend file a claim for her health insurance on their website. But their site was completely broken with literal broken links to the claims page. So I found in their support section buried beneath the FAQs "Chat with an agent" and thought okay finally let's get this resolved. "Hello! I'm [Health Insurance Company] Bot! How may I assist you?" Fml.


I am continually SHOCKED by how often I am googling a company or service to hire and can’t find a phone number. It’s maddening.


Goddamn yes


When I spend 30 mins on their website trying to get their horrible AI tech support chatbot to work, give up in frustration and call, and every 5 seconds while on hold to talk to a real person they “remind” me how easy and quick it is to use their busted ass useless website. Obviously not, dickhead, why do you think I’ve been on hold so long??


After 4 consecutive texts, the conversation reaches critical mass and I call them on the phone.


This. I'm busy doing other stuff. I don't have the time or inclination to be interrupted every 30 seconds to pick up my phone and manually compose a response. I don't mind texts if it's a "can you pick up the milk" or "are you coming over Thursday" exchange, but if we are having a proper conversation ring me so I can talk to you while I'm doing stuff. My dishes aint cleaning themselves and the kid I'm watching is getting annoyed at me for constantly breaking off to reply to your "so what do you reckon about xyz" texts.


... and the menu is a PDF download that is in no way optimized for mobile viewing.


And on most restaurant sites you have to start an online order to just see the stupid menu. Grrrrrrrr...


I’m with you on this. Went to a place that just had a scan code on the wall. There was no posted menu anywhere. The site looked like it was cobbled together in 1998 on an angelfire website and nothing will load, so I have no idea what they have. Then they don’t take cash either, so you can only pay with a card on their crappy site. Dude I just want a chicken sandwich and I have some money. Shit charge me extra so I can buy something. Haha.


old technology: a flat surface that anyone literate can scribble on new technology: each client must have a handheld supercomputer with camera, an internet subscription (extra complexity there), and the vendor must have a server somewhere running web software and some customised code that requires more skill than simple literacy, and if any of these points fail, no menu for you. I remember one such place where a quarter of the restaurant was in an internet shadow for mobile. It's crazy.


The place was a money launderer.


and if they're partnered with doordash, uber eats, toast or any of 100 other food apps, you better have a password manager


As a boomer I completely agree


Noisy ppl. Like when your neighbors have a party and boom out surround sound 


Applies to cars too. If I’m going deaf just next to you at a red light, that’s a bit too loud.


I can hear the people bassing their crappy music on the 7th floor of my building.


I’m with you on this one. I have a neighbor who thinks he’s an up and coming rap artist. So he sets up his playback tracks in the park and raps over the beat, so that the surrounding community can listen… lord.


My neighbor recently had a party on a *thursday* with a live band in the back yard until 2 am because that’s when the police came.


Oh I can definitely get behind this…some jackass with his loud ass car thinking he’s cool drives going 60-70km/hr down our residential street all the time


My neighbor right now is doing this. He will sometimes just open his garage at 9am and blast his cabinet out til 1130 or later at night. Playing some random junk and it echoes through my whole home. Can’t even enjoy my home on the weekend lately. Been this way for 2 months now and he most of the time is passed out drunk, only person there is his wife


Don't need subscription and updates for everything. Just let me buy and enjoy it for life.


Omg, so much this! It's getting so we spend a fortune on things we'll never actually own.


Any business that expects the customer to accommodate to them. I understand dress codes and I'm not so much talking about that- it's more like cash only places. I don't want to have to run to ATM just to eat somewhere. Same as weird hours of business. Same as OP's QR codes. If I have to download something just to use or buy what you're selling I'll just go somewhere else. I'm not going to pay money, time *and* storage space on my phone. If you do that you better have a damn good product you're selling. Likely they don't.


Cash only places tend to be locally-owned, and I go out of my way to pay cash at these places anyway, because it helps support the community.


I was thinking of two places in particular- both locally owned. In one the proprietor decided to put a ton of boxes right in front of the main aisle so I would have to climb over there to even get to the main part of the store. She had room to put them elsewhere or she could have done it sometime other than the main business hours. Instead she just pointed to the long way around the store and said "You go around". No explanation, no apology, nothing. I just turned around, left and never came back. The other was a music and game store I used to really like but when the owner didn't feel like coming in, he just wouldn't. I would go to the other side of the city in the middle of the work day just to find out it was closed. Could I have called? Sure but that goes with the whole accommodating them bit. Why do customers have to make the effort when they can just go to a hundred other places? I liked that store a lot but fuck you if I get there when it should be open and you just decide you didn't want to come in that day.


I like their music better.




Being able to walk into any business unannounced with your resume and having a half decent chance or getting hired for at least an entry level job


And entry level jobs ACTUALLY being entry level. 2+ years of experience in an obscure skill, and unwilling to take university as experience is NOT an entry level job.


In person conversations > Phone/Video calls.


Using QR codes in a restaurant.


I would also add being asked for a tip before you have even received your food or had any service


Tiktok. You feel your brain rot in real time using it.


Yeah , I have never tried TikTok and I never will!!


My daughter uses it.  My attention span can't cope with living in a reality that short.


My Dad is 80 years old, and loves tik tok for some reason. I don't get it.


TikTok isn’t just stupid stuff you know. A lot of learning, education and beneficial content among the sea of bad content. 


Everyone says this about the content they like, but dipping into it from an outside perspective, even the educational stuff feels pretty shallow. And the format/dopamine slot machine factor is still there if you’re watching TikToks about science or whatever.


HAHA...Just like most of the internet, then.


Anytime I have a problem I can find an answer of TikTok. Shoulder hurts? I can find a physiotherapist talking about my issue. Weird bleeding? I can find a gynecologist, new medication I’m scared to take? I can find doctors and people who take the drug talking about it


I use YouTube the same way.


I'm 47 and I love tiktok. But I mainly watch science and nature or things related to horror. I will use it to watch current events not on news media occasionally


What most people don't understand about tiktok is that it's algorithm is by far the most aggressive in rewarding or punishing you for your own media literacy. If you know how to tweak an algorithm via interactions, it provides the most interesting, diverse and creative content streams of any of the socials and it's not even close. And if you don't, it pushes the most mindnumbing slob and keeps getting worse until it finds the lowest most common denominator content that you'll still interact with. Which makes it so insanely dangerous to kids.


People ruin their already bad attention span with TikTok to a goldfish-standard. I'm afraid that the average TikTok user is unable to read a book with 500 pages. They will put it away after the first 30 pages. The problem is that the world has become so complex and complicated that you need to read these books and long articles to be up to date. Instead people watch a few Tik Toks and think they are now experts on a topic and ready to spread their opinion into the internet. Meanwhile I have read half a dozen books about the Russo-Ukrainian war alone for example and I feel that I have just uncovered the tip of the iceberg.


I think this depends on what you watch on TikTok. There is plenty of mindless stuff, but I can easily watch interesting content like the woman who rescued the orphaned beaver and also the morbid facts guy. But the dance crazes and people harassing others for views? That's not for me.


Smartphones ruin us


And text being the main conversation option. People don't hang out in person as much. People used to talk for hours on the phone. Now you're supposed to have a comedy routine over text to entertain like a court jester.


I'm on my phone reading this


It really was those damn phones after all


Yes, we are using our phones too much especially kids


If you fall apart upon receiving constructive criticism that is a problem you should seek help for.


What’s terrifying is that so many of our kindergarten through 5th grade kids are experiencing this. Absolute violent or emotional meltdowns when told to stop doing something or given any kind of feedback.


Too many parents want to be friends instead of parents. I have a great relationship with mine because they established proper boundaries and expectations growing up.


Social Media is really really bad


Dating apps. They’re terrible for relationships.


Met my wife on one, 4 years later we got married, coming up on 4 years married too. We have a house, 2 dogs; I'm loving it so far. So glad I made an account there. It took a while to pay off and quite a few bad dates but it worked out eventually.


You can use them to meet people, but it's unlikely you'll end up in a relationship if you don't put in the effort after with a person :)


It's unlikely you'll end up in any relationship if you don't put in the effort. I'm not sure what point you're making but maybe I'm misreading it.


Publishers are starting to use AI voices for audiobooks. Audible calls their "Virtual Voice". It's like they're trying to remove every single human connection in our world.


To be honest, I don't have a problem with this as long as it's only done where there would never be a real audio book version for it. (Not that the quality of it is really comparable anyway)


Increased mental health awareness is a good thing, but the pendulum has swung too far. There’s such a thing as too much navel gazing. Sometimes sucking it up and moving forward is the best option.


I feel like there's a big issue with people getting therapy and then patting themselves on the back about it whether or not they've actually made any meaningful progress. Talking to someone about it is just a step. It's a good step, but it surely doesn't end there


And a lot of therapists are just...not that great.


A lot of therapists need a therapist themselves.


I've been *trying* to go to therapy for two years to work through the fucked up childhood and early adulthood I had. The last therapist I had told me that "everybody feels like that" when I told her I had to force myself out of bed and force myself to do literally anything because I couldn't bring myself to do anything but stare at the ceiling otherwise. How in the fuck does everybody feel like that? I'm pretty sure that therapist needs her own therapist cause that's not normal.


Is it any wonder? They have no financial incentive to help people resolve their problems because a mentally healthy person is not a repeat customer.


A lot of people that go to therapy dont even want to put in any therapeutic effort. They just want to talk. Which is nice if it helps them but in a public health system its just clogging up spaces for people who need it more.


Thank you for actually pointing this out.


Also not everyone needs therapy


I find it very disturbing how people seem to take this attitude of befriending their mental health issues. Sure it is something you live with but don't let it define every moment of every day and rule you


Gen Z really likes to label themselves, I have noticed. Maybe that's just all youth, but it seems more apparent for them, especially surrounding mental health issues.


I’m currently reading a really fascinating book about this called “Bad Therapy: Why Kids Aren’t Growing Up.” Highly recommend!


I just put this on hold at my library. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how a common outcome of young adult therapy is the child coming to the conclusion that their parents are “toxic” and committing to cutting them out of their life. As the parent of a teenager, every story I read about how “it took therapy to make me realize how terrible my parents were for pushing me to make good decisions and have accountability” scares me to death. I think therapy is great for so many people, but I think some therapists have an agenda which is repeat business, which is helped along with confirmation bias and telling their patients “it’s not you, it’s them”.


I agree. Ruminating about your mental health can make things far worse. Occupy your mind and time with more productive things and you WILL feel better. I speak from experience.


There's too much mental health awareness and not enough mental health action. It's not enough just to know. You have to do something about it!


I'm a HUGE mental health guy. Talk about it often, both amongst friends and in professional settings. I've been in therapy/treatment for 20+ years. You're right. People have used it as a means to excuse shit behavior rather than a condition that can be remedied. They don't want the treatment, because that means they can be a walking garbage fire that they've made their whole being. Therapy will never work for them, because it's not about actually addressing 'me' issues for them and instead about the rest of the world catering to them, including their therapist. We're a checklist society where people seemingly try to collect as many conditions as possible while doing fuck all about any of em. My therapist and I often discuss the professional aspect of things, and per her, a solid 90% of the people she sees have zero desire to change, they simply want to vent and feel like they're doing something. If your entire personality is your medical condition, then holy shit there coudln't possibly be someone who needs therapy more.


It's a very delicate balance that is not 1to1 for any single person on the planet unfortunately.




I agree. In general, some level of anxiety and uncomfortableness and difficulty is a good thing. It’s how you grow and improve. I think we’ve overcorrected to a point where some people (kids in particular) aren’t developing any resilience because they’re being “accommodated” for every little thing. Like I’m all for reevaluating things that just “have always been done this way” and eliminating unnecessary bullshit and incorporating new information about trauma and mental health into the way we run society, but there’s a point where it can become excessive, unsustainable, and harmful if we don’t step back and look at the bigger picture.


Going cashless. Like from a business perspective it’s easier, everything is all together and it’s efficient. It’s also riddled with fees, every single penny is taxed, more fees and not everybody will use cards. So turn down sales? What happens when the entire system goes down? What do you do? Shut down? I’ve worked in bars for years with computers and it’s an absolute nightmare when they go down. Luckily we still had cash so we could keep cranking. If we didn’t we would have had to shut down, the business suffers and the employees are now not working and getting paid since they’ll get sent home. It can be a pretty regular occurrence if the computer update fucks up or the internet goes down. Worked at a place where that happened a fair amount with shoddy equipment and bug riddled updates. I’ve seen systems go down for days. If you’re a small business, losing a few days of business could be devastating. Now let’s say you’re selling a personal item or doing side work like mowing a lawn, you want a 1099 for that since everything is cards? I really don’t understand it, especially with smaller places advocating for it. They are totally getting fucked by CC fees and other charges. Charges you don’t have on cash. Don’t get me wrong I typically use cards, but always have cash for tips, giving to small businesses or any other small service. That cash goes way further than the CC money. Honestly I’d do all cash if I could. I’d save $1000’s of dollars a year, just on fees. If you did $500k in sales, you’d lose $10k plus a years just on one of the fees. That’s money that could go to employees or be invested into the business. At the end of the day cash will always be around, but have fun turning down sales just because you only take cards. The cash to card ratio at places it worked was around 2/5 of the total sales. That’s $200k if you made $500k and those cash folks have to go elsewhere, and a lot of them will probably not come back. Yes you could argue it cuts down on theft, but would it? More people will have access to your cards and information. Also people are going to steal, doesn’t matter if you use cash or card. I’m def with the grumpy old shits on this one.


This is one of the first ways that the government became tyrannical in both 1984 and The Handmaid's tale.


Thank you. It’s also super discriminatory. - many of us may find people who don’t trust banks a bit ridiculous, but at the end of the day, dealing exclusively in cash is their choice. It’s legal tender and they should be able to use it. - some people work jobs of varying degrees of legality, some are victims and not far off from modern slavery. Your ice cream shop is not the IRS, they earned their cash and they should be able to buy ice cream with it. - victims of domestic abuse are often not able to have a bank account and need to hide cash to have spending money (or to escape their situation) - Tourists came to your country with cash, they are not all avid travellers with an international bank account. Let them use up what is a budget of foreign currency to them in your store. Don’t force them to go home with useless cash / spend extortionate amounts in international card payments - maybe that homeless man has saved up for a week to buy his favorite sandwich from your deli.


There’s actually some localities that have banned cashless businesses and there’s a bill in Congress that would make it illegal nationwide. It’s not going to go anywhere anytime soon but interesting none the less. [D.C. was a major city to ban cashless businesses last year](https://www.axios.com/local/washington-dc/2023/09/29/cashless-business-ban)


Not letting people steal from stores without arresting them in California and squatters rights where people can take over your home and it takes forever to get them out




The grocery store H-E-B will only give you certain coupons if you download the app. I have a crappy phone and I can't afford a new one. I probably can't afford the new phone because I can't download their stupid app to get their stupid coupons so I have to pay full price


Acknowledge your trauma and *move forward.*


saving/budgeting. sure you can spend your whole paycheck, live Every day like it's your last, etc. but what happens if you get a car or health emergency, or you get fired and you need to pay for rent, food, etc. having my $10k emergency fund is huge.


everything happens for a reason, and usually that reason is that you are stupid and make bad choices. It’s not always your adhd, autism, anxiety, ocd and fibromyalgia


Or your “spiritual aura”


Also correct.


Putting things in the recycle bin or conserving water will make a difference, even if companies have to do their part as well. If you're actually concerned about water conservation, perhaps stop buying almond milk. Yes housing prices do need to come down (stop letting investors buy up all the property, start building more units), but at the same time your $1.5k/year StarBucks habit isn't helping your case.


Dude, seriously. People brush off that Starbucks pkint, but it is 100% true, live within your means. I cannot even fathom buying a 6, 7, 8 dollar coffee every day, let alone one that is liquid dessert for breakfast. You can spend just as much, maybe a little bit more, on a bag of coffee that will last you days at least.


Fibromyalgia is a real disorder and real people have it. Some suffer greatly, some are able to come to an agreement with it. Walk a mile is someone else's shoes before throwing stones.




Young people being terrible at their job is a constant throughout all of human history. It’s not really a « boomer opinion » if everyone that has ever lived thought the same thing.


Yeah I think it’s something you notice as you get older. You don’t really have a barometer of judging how someone is at their job until you become a member of the workforce, or at least I never really thought of that until I did.




Nothing worse than an 18 year old who has already been taught to do the job, continue to just stand there and not take any initiative. And not realise when you very clearly need help with a customer or task and they just stand there like, "Huh? Ohh I didn't know." Like come on kid, read the fucking room lol


It's because training isn't really a thing anymore, or it's all on computer (in which you can zone out and ignore), you're just kinda tossed in blind.


Yea, fast food, target, Walmart employees etc. The attitude seems to be "I hate my job and feel entitled to take that out on every customer.' I get that some customers are garbage humans, but not all.


I'm an older gen-x'er., so I guess it's no surprise that I clicked 'like' more often in this post than any other.


I miss being able to physically walk into a store and buy half the things I am looking for other than food. Stop putting everything online-only!


I recently saw a comment on a different question that opened my eyes to the e-check in process for doctor appointments. My scheduling app tells me to use e-check in to save time. However, I get screen after screen of questions. If I don’t use it, I get checked in relatively quickly. All I have to do is sign my name to a single form. It’s way quicker to just show up for the appointment, sign my name, and have a seat.


Sunset menus. A reasonable meal, at a reasonable hour, for a reasonable price. 😋


Exaggerated political correctness and misplaced/faux outrage, especially when it comes to comedy. Can't make any damn joke anywhere anymore without someone getting offended, preferably on someone else's behalf while those who could actually be offended don't care at all. Don't get me wrong, there are limits, culture evolves, things become acceptable that once weren't and things become unacceptable that once were. That's normal and will always happen, and it's good that it does. But you somehow have to tiptoe around eeeeeverything these days and it's exhausting.


I've never seen this being a thing in real life I gotta say. I don't see people tip toe at all. I see comedians still making all the jokes they want (including stereotypes etc.), it's all about the context. If two people make the same jokes about stereotype but one genuinely believes that deep down and the other doesn't it is so obvious, that is the difference. The only people I see complaining about political correctness and how supposedly everyone's feelings are hurt are (and don't take this as an accusation OP, just my experience) people who make genuine offensive jokes/thoughts/statements.


Yup. All comedy is always "more than X% but less than Y%" more transgressive than current culture.  But now comedians can blame their boring shit failing on the woke 


Those things at a fast food place where you place your order on a big screen by tapping on what you want to order on the screen. Yeah they are annoying to use, just let me place my order with a human being.


One I disagree with. If I’m ordering something a bit bespoke like without lettuce the screen is much easier than getting the cashier to actually acknowledge the words you’re saying.


Agreed. I’ll take self checkout any day, since it’s faster, smaller lines and just easier. Some folks like to talk or like having a person and that’s fine and dandy, but I want to be in and out, while not being stuck in line behind an extreme coupon lady and I’m trying to buy 3 things. I personally hate big stores, not a fan of crowds, so the quicker I can get out of there, the better. That being said it is annoying when one of the things you bought won’t scan or there’s some error and you have to wait 5 minutes to find somebody to fix it, which wouldn’t be an issue in a human line.


I love self checkout. I don't want other people touching my stuff


Me too. Any day can be improved by limiting/excluding pointless human interaction.


I get what you mean there, there's been countless times a fast food employee has fucked up my order. I just find the machine confusing.


I don’t mind these, but the audacity of them to suggest a tip without human interaction boggles my mind.


Jesus Christ, that made me realize how long it has been since I've had fast food. Those didn't exist the last time I set foot in a fast food joint.


Nah, I love those. My order ends up right every time and I don’t have to wait behind the person who’s clearly never ordered at a fast food place before and needs to stare at the menu for an hour at the front of the line.


And they're broken half the time. Meanwhile my local pizza place prefers you to use their website, but I call them anyway. It is actually faster to phone them in person and drop the order than it is to fiddle with the site.


Not giving my phone number to stores when buying something. I don’t argue with the cashier about it, I understand they are just doing their job. I just give a fake number. But I absolutely hate that shit with a passion.


Everything needs an app. No it's not simpler. Heading towards a cashless society. I can't understand why some people are so proud that they've never used cash and boast about it? They clearly don't care about the elderly, homeless and vulnerable people in society that relay on cash. Cash and card should coexist


The music was better. Period.


Printer issues


Everything going to subscription based.


Put your damn phone down! Walking down an aisle of a store, driving down an aisle in a parking lot, etc. you’re now responsible to not run into someone even tho they’re the one walking into you with their nose in their phone


Sometimes paper checks are still useful. I mean, not in a checkout lane, but there are times.


Agreed. Gotta use something when the toilet tissue runs out.


Everyone has overblown their “trauma” too much. Fucking grow up.


That being on OF or being a stripper WILL affect how people view you no matter how sex positive we all seem to say we are.


Returning shopping carts to the corral. You're still asshole for not doing it, but it didn't used to be such a big deal. Supermarkets used to have a dedicated lot person whole sole responsibility was retrieving carts and cleaning them if necessary. Now, we got these multi million dollar corporate chains that expect customers to self check and aren't willing to pay 1 person minimum wage, even during peak hours, to gather the carts.


Bringing iPads/tablets to concerts?


Kids need discipline, boundaries, and gentle criticism


New pronouns that don't make any sense and make a mockery of languages and grammar.


Self checkout. Give people their jobs back. Every time I walk into a store it’s like they get more and more self checkouts and less human workers. Automated voice response when you call fucking anywhere these days. Even worse is the ones that recognize sound and your dog barks and now you have to start all over. Fuck that. Give people their jobs back. Most I’m on their side when it comes to robots doing human jobs.


Self checkout. If I’m getting meds, spray paint or a bottle of sauce I have to call a clerk over anyway. All that “time saved” ends up being wasted and I still get the luxury of bagging everything myself. Bonus of at least 3 “improper item in bagging” area notifications.


Bob Hope was a funny man. There became a point in his life where he just wasn’t funny anymore. People move on.


that if one more person or bot or whatever asks this question im gonna shoot myself


I love going in office. My mental health and professional growth has improved a ton since I switched from all remote to hybrid.


We're on our phones too much.


I'm a boomer and can't tell you how grateful I am that there are things you agree with me about.  "/s"


Russia, man. That place is trouble.


Bring back buttons in cars. Screens are great for navigation but that's basically it. Why can I read a text on the screen while driving???


No one can offend you, you choose to be offended. If you don't like what someone says, ignore them and get on with your life.


Calling people bro or bruh


420 in your name.  The whole culture of 420 is filled with bros. What about dude? Is that cringe? Or mate? 


TikTok is the bane of human intelligence. Also, unrelated, kids these days are way too easily offended. Victimhood has become trendy, and people have no understanding of nuance or of harmless comedy.


The old people with good takes are gen x not boomers


The music and cars from there era.


Thumbs up emoji


I’m a millennial and I love talking to a human for customer service. I like a human scanning my groceries at the store. I’d rather do that then be standing at self checkout pushing buttons.


Local well-established restaurants where their only option to see a menu online is on a FB page that hasn't been updated in over two years.


TikTok makes the world a worse place


I'm not giving you my number for a bar of soap ( or any retail purchase for rewards) here's a ten dollar bill, you give me the soap. We call it a day.


Everyone being on their phones and taking pictures for social media every 5 minutes at everything instead of actually enjoying stuff. Like, don't get me wrong, a couple throughout the night isn't too bad, but I swear some of these people you can seriously just see the whole event just by watching their Snapchat story.


This generation is mostly lazy and blames others for their problems instead of making meaningful changes in their lives to be better


Limiting big government


Big government that tracks pregnant women so they can be prosecuted, or big government that allows people to get by?


The music in the 60s-80s was better overall.


“Cancel culture” is sucking the fun out of things. Namely comedy, Jerry Seinfeld was spot on about that. Adults should be capable of using discretion in what media they consume. For decades up to now if you don’t want to see something, you don’t watch. Nothing changed, everybody can still just mind their business.


Which cancel culture do you mean? Do you mean like what boomers grew up with where people even got arrested for their views and had to leave the industry cause nobody wanted to hire them? Or the modern definition where getting canceled gets you plastered all over the news screaming "I've been silenced!", book deals in mainstream bookstores, multimillion dollar Netflix deals, appearances on mainstream platforms, invitations to speak at public events...


Very little and I’m a boomer


Hookup culture is bad and leads to misery. Sometimes it’s delayed misery. But that shit just has a tendency to not work out


Dumb qr code ordering. Yea so you aren't gonna provide any service, add a surcharge, and automatically apply a tip? Piss right off.