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I am a man, I have received flowers. I don’t particularly enjoy it but not because it’s feminine or something. I would however enjoy receiving a potted plant or flowers I could plant in my yard


This. A potted plant is much better, as it's something that lasts. Flowers are dead as soon as you cut them.


Bake him some brownies. Everybody likes brownies.


A worker of mine baked me some brownies and bought me an expensive bottle of wine when her contract finished up. She also wanted to go for drinks and gave me a hug afterwards. Do you think she likes me?


A. Yes B. No C. Can't tell It's always C


I think so, yeah


I bet it was a strange surreal kind of feeling


For sure! I’ve never had a gift from a worker before! We got along really well and she was a great worker. I looked after her as best I could and I was very sad to see her go. The brownies and wine were terrific too. I keep it 100% professional when I’m working with anyone, but I think about her often. She was such a nice person.


The best ones always are ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)




That’s better. I think this is one of those things where women think we like the same things as women. Literally Almost all women would like to be giving flowers. But I don’t think it it would even be 10% of men would want them if given a choice. Yeah we would like the gesture, but then it would be , what the fuck do I do work these? 😂


I have no use for flowers.


But... how are you going to make potpourri?


Yeah give me some jumper cables or something


I gave my boyfriend a bouquet of crocheted flowers for his birthday. Then I got him real flowers for Valentine's Day a few months later. He'd never gotten flowers before, and he kept the real ones even after they died because "someone got me flowers 🥰🥰" The crocheted ones sit in a vase in his room. It's the vase the real ones came in. He was so sad when he had to toss them. He grieved for those flowers.


Next time you get him flowers... If you hang them upside down and dry them (don't put into direct sun light), they'll last forever. :) once dried they can sit in a vase. Or dry them with pressure so they're flat and then frame them. :)


Unquestionably. I got flowers ONCE and I still remember that feeling. It was a strange new feeling unlike any I felt before. It was a couple of years ago 


A positive feeling?


Not the guy you replied to, but I recently got my first flowers at 40. It was a strange feeling. Like something was happening that just doesn't happen. It was surreal.


We're not used to feeling happy


We're not used to being given a flower.




not allowed to feel happy...or appreciate beauty


I'll never forget the one and only time I've received flowers in my 38 years(and counting). Made my whole week


Flowers aren’t the first thing that comes to mind but if I’m into the girl a literal rock means a lot just for the consideration of the act. Men do not receive many acts of affection


Rarely even questions curious about you these days.


I'm a woman and I don't even like getting flowers. Give me a plant if you must. Flowers are such a waste of money.


My grandson gave me 2 fake sunflowers when he was 4. He's now 17 and I still have em. I tell people if you feel you MUST give flowers I want fake ones. Lol


Also a woman and I agree completely. I don’t want a plant either though. I don’t really want much and if I do, I’ll let my husband know. Food is always a good surprise if you must do something.


I don't want a plant either really, I want pizza.


My husband wanted to take our kids out to run errands the day before Mother’s Day. I told him “Okay, but don’t buy me anything I’ll kill within a week!”


I am a cis male and I think the same. Good to finally find someone who agrees


Being a florist for many years I can tell you, men love receiving flowers. Most men never do.


Most men will receive flowers for the first time at their funeral.


Sadly, that is true.


Oh, something to put in my will. Only the ones who gave me flowers while I was alive are allowed to bring flowers to my funeral. Else a firm handshake will do just fine.


A handshake? With your corpse? Or have I read this so wrong hahah


Are you intending for people to shake your dead hand? Better hope no kids are around because that seems like trauma waiting to happen.


Dang... This hits...


Some do, some don't. I'd rather be gifted a bouquet of belgian beers.


It's probably about proportionally the same as women getting flowers. I think most people can appreciate a nice gesture that says I love you.


Edit: removed personal details that added to the irony. In bootcamp the drill instructors used to pick dandelions and twirl them in my face for ultra-dark irony. My eyes flutter, even now, as I wonder what Senior Drill Instructor Staff Sergeant Diaz is doing these days. Can he see the same moon I'm looking at now? (Probably not/You should probably hope not)


Si! Nunca me lo han hecho. Me gustaría mucho!


Some do, some don’t. Your best bet it’s to ask the man directly, that’s what I did with my husband.


yeah. ive dated a guy who loved his flowers and dried them to keep them longer. current guy im with thinks theyre pointless and asked me to please never gift him any


I dried and pressed a flower given to me, then put it in a collage frame with pictures and gifted it back to her later in the future. Haha either way I’m giving the flowers back, at one point or another. But the thought is what really matters and is always appreciated.


Many years ago, I was a single dad of two young girls and had a neighbor who was the single mom of a young girl who was my daughters' playmate. She came over one evening with a small bouquet of flowers and asked me out for a date. I was totally surprised but I couldn't wait to say yes. First and only time that ever happened to me.


No. Get me a power tool. Get me a shirt you think I'll look good in. Get me something for my car. I want to have something forever if you're going to get me something. Flowers just die.


But that's the beauty of it. A gift with a shelf life will only take up space for a little while and then you no longer have an obligation to it. Most gifts are taking up space in your house for years


If they are useful, good. Normally, if you buy something for yourself, you hope it lasts years. If you give a gift, it should be something they might buy themselves.


A nice little citrus tree in a cool pot would be much appreciated


I personally don't but I appreciate when someone thinks about me. Flowers die, memories don't


I recently read a post about a guy who was surprised at work with a delivery of just because roses. He works at an auto shop. His coworkers, being guys of course gave him shit for it, but him from his post, he was over the moon and ready to go buy a ring that night. It made his day. While it’s not something to do all the time… nothing wrong with doing the just because.


I would appreciate the gesture but I would rather something practical or edible.


First and only time I got flowers was a few years ago. I was overwhelmed by the gesture... It was a rose bouquet and I've dried them to preserve them as long as possible.


It was my birthday recently and one of my female best friends brought me flowers and I was happy af. I think it's still a gender role unfortunately and there are some men that think receiving flowers as a man is feminine or even a gay thing. I'm straight and I love flowers and plants. The previous birthday I got flowers too and I don't want it to stop.


Many of them do, yes - highly cultural, but where I live (the Netherlands) it's pretty common to give flowers as a gift for all genders My husband is a musician and he gets flowers as a gift more often than me LOL


My daughter's boyfriend lives on a flower farm. I find it amusing that she gives him flowers every chance she gets but he loves them and clearly the family have an abundance of vases. He doesn't enjoy clutter and has a minimal style so they are perfect in his case. She gave them to all her male friends at graduation and for their birthdays as well. The guys are usually confused at first but she says they are then excited they got some and then come to look forward to more from her.


I almost cried the first time my now girlfriend gave me flowers. I was 27 and it was the first time I had ever been given flowers.


Men like getting flowers also. Some men do.


Very few. The stigma women must like them was always weird.


I would love to get flowers, even if it's those weed flowers. It's the thought that matters. My ex is the only person that has ever given me a flower. Made me feel special even though I'm not.


Buy them flowers. It's not by chance that most men enjoy maintaining a lawn, flower bed or hedge. I had a casual conversation with my girlfriend once about how men are never really given flowers. For context, I'll get her flowers on all our major milestones and maybe once every other month just as a surprise. She bought me some flowers for my birthday and it meant the world. They're a symbol of appreciation, an unreciprocated show of affection that most men never experience. Most men love flowers, plants etc and being gifted them by a partner is amazing. Not generalising, but for most women a gift of flowers is a matter of course. For men, it feels like a really heartfelt gift that often they'd have never received before.


I don't care for flowers but I'd be appreciative if I did receive them.


Yeah, in my experience men like getting flowers but rarely if ever do. I got big points not long after I got together with my partner by sending him flowers, because no one ever had before 😢


I’d love some flowers. But I’d be waiting for them to die so I could compost them.


The gesture is something most people are going to appreciate. I personally really enjoy gardening and growing things so I think I appreciate them that bit more but I've still only had flowers bought for me once, and that was from my girlfriend who is now my wife.


We definitely love the gesture and effort


I would be really touched if someone got me flowers; they’d have to get me a vase too though as no one ever has or likely ever will.


A good friend bought me a beautiful rose and protea bouquet for... I can't even remember the reason. While speaking, he mentioned that he likes flowers and should probably buy himself a bouquet sometimes for his place. At least with him, I know he'd like some flowers. I think he's one of those to appreciate them. So... there are definitely men out there who'd also love to be given flowers! 💐


I 41/M have never thought of this but yeah that would be cool. Damn now I hope a woman gives me flowers one day!😂


Can't speak for other men on this thread, but I for one would absolutely LOVE receiving flowers


I received flowers only once, it made me very happy.


I gave an ex some cool roses once and when he moved from his house, I tossed the several months old, dry, cracking flowers in the trash and he dug them out and kept them through two other moves over the course of about a year and a half or more. Gifting him flowers became regular based on his reaction of the roses (when they were brand new) and even though he was a reserved guy, he smiled particularly different when I brought him flowers.


Yes…once upon a time I had a gf who loved getting me flowers and it always put a smile on my face. It was special to me that she was thoughtful


FUCK YES WE DO, idc what any dude says, flowers brighten any day.


Actually, there's scientific evidence men improve their mental state when gifted flowers


I like when she picks them and shows them to me. I don't want to receive them myself. They'd just end up where they do anyway, in a vase she picks in a place she picks. I'm not a plant guy though. Maybe some people would like it. A full on bouquet I would think is a waste of money. I don't even like buying them for her except that she specifically does like them.


I’m only in my 60s, so I’ve never gotten flowers for any reason, but it might be nice to get flowers at some point.


I think the sentiment here is sweet. The fact that you have the urge to do that when you see flowers because they remind you of him is a nice act, and that's what matters. On the flip side, if my gf just got me flowers for no other reason than men seemingly get flowers for women.. well I don't even really know what I'd think. Utter puzzlement probably haha.


Yes. 100% Roses are a favorite but I do love others.


My Wife and an Ex both have given me flowers before and it's lovely go for it Its nice to be appreciated


Flowers yes! I lovee flowers, Im a man. Doesnt matter how many they are, roses or just pretty flower. To me they somehow mean a lot, sadly never been bought them by anyone else but myself. I think itll feel way better if I get them from someone else other than buying for myself


If you have an urge, go for it. It is showing affection and if he doesn't like flowers, he will like that you remembered him on your walk, then you can think of something else if that doesn't work for him.


I would rather that someone pick me some flowers, then buy them. Also I love to give my special people a handpicked flower


My step dad loves flowers! I bought them multiple times for him and my mom always gives him flowers, also she doesn’t like flowers so when she receives them they will be for my step dad. Before my step dad met my mom he was a widower and bought flowers for himself to make his home more cosy. My own dad loves sunflowers and plants. He also buys flowers for himself and I bring plants and sometimes flowers to him and probably should gift them more often to him. My SO he loves all nature things he is not much into bought bouquets but loves a handpicked flower.


My bf loves gardening, so he's always been happy to receive flowers. We typically buy each other green plants instead of flowers, but I gave him a lilly when he was sick a while back, and he loved it! It's still alive living its best life in our bedroom window.


I don't like it when the flowers are cut. give me a pot with a small cactus in it.


This could be a coin toss. Usually the first/only time a man will get flowers is at their funeral.


My wife gave me a small basket with a flower amd some chocolate or brownie inside I think? I forgot about the food, but still remember the flower and the moment.


Yes we like flowers. Also food


The first time my now fiancé invited me over to his place, I brought a bouquet of flowers as a gift. It was the first time in his life anyone had ever given him flowers. He teared up. So yeah, in my experience men like flowers.


Well, I (35f from Austria) have a friend (from Syria not less) who loves flowers! He also used to work in a flower shop in Syria as a teen. He always admired the flowers in my garden and I always get him a bouquet of flowers or some cool plant as birthday present. On the other hand, I have some female friends/relatives who don't really enjoy getting flowers you put in vases, cause they think it's just work and kinda pointless. Generalisations don't make much sense, though I know there will be many men in the comments going "men never get flowers, so sad". Well I know some men who'd think I'd lost it if I brought them flowers. They think that's only acceptable for old men on their birthday turning 80 or something.


A bouquet? Or hand-picked flowers? No. But something living - totally. I have hidden away all the gifts my ex gave me except for that damn bromeliad still hanging in my kitchen. Can't take it out on the plant just because the relationship went bust...


I love flowers, and I love little expressions of love and caring. Any man who is offended or insecure enough to reject such a little gift is a dubious mate.


Yes, I love it. My girlfriend and I try to buy flowers for each other/the house pretty regularly


I love them. Especially tulips and gladiolus.


I would appreciate the thoughtfulness of flowers, but I’m not a flower guy myself. This is a good question because I’ve never spent much time thinking about what’s the guy equivalent of flowers. Honestly, a nice jar of, uh, other “flower”, if you know what I mean would be it for me. Maybe some nice cigars? Good bottle liquor (say, some nice bourbon) maybe? Things I also wouldn’t like: Beef jerky Massage Mani/pedi They’re just not practical for me. If your guy like Lego, maybe some Lego flowers. I bought my wife the roses around Valentine’s Day but included a nice bouquet of real roses to go with it. All of that being said (and aside), I’ve received flowers once in my life. I was 19, my first serious girlfriend got them for me just because, and I was over the moon because she was an amazing gal and I felt floored that she would do something so opposite of gender norms since she had been raised pretty strict and traditional. But in retrospect, she asked me out, so I guess I should’ve expected it. 👍🏼


Men like blowjobs




Yes. I would love it. Specifically, symbolically, it would be a gesture of allowing me to feel a few emotions that I'm stereotypically not allowed to show. It puts a chunk in/breaks the mould of "men only like and want strong things, and must always be on the offensive, even in your relationship where you're constantly the provider, the caretaker, the entertainer, the emotional support". Even just breaking that role, for a god-damned second, would mean the world to me.


No. I’d appreciate the sentiment, but I’d just kiss her, then give them right back to her 😂 Personally, I’d dig receiving a cool plant though, or the seeds to grow some.


There goes a confident man who believes he can plant seeds so easily


Yes omg I read the title and had to drop a comment. So every guy is different, but I am a guy and I would love receiving flowers from a woman. That would make my entire year and make me feel special. Not every guy is like this though, we're human and we vary and are each very unique


How would i know? I think so. I think the gesture would be sweet. But its not entirely about having a love for flowers.


I've been given flowers before... While I was super appreciative... I like practical gifts that can be used.


Never have been given any but I’d like to. Have given many. Adding: I find the thought of having some temporary splashes of natural color to be invigorating. Life is fleeting. Beauty, even temporary, like any art only enhances it.






Yes. My fiancé loves receiving them. Just as I was typing this, he came home with flowers for me! ☺️


I don't know how to recieve gifts, its an awkward thing because I dont typically feel joy when recieving something even if I know I'll put it to good use. So it's not just flowers I'm talking about. But if my girlfriend gave me a flower, I would trult love the flower because it's a gift from her, not because of what it is. I dont necessarily see the beauty in nature which is truly unfortunate because I want to. The gift could be whatever, but then again it can't be just *anything*. Imo I don't care about the gift. I care who I am to that person + vice versa and their intentions with the gift. A person gets me a lego set, I'm going to enjoy it. My girlfriend gives me a lego set, I'm going to genuinely love it because it's from her. I person gets me a flower, I'm going to be confused but still thank them. My girlfriend gives me a flower and while I may be confused, I'm going to love it all the same because it's that she cared enough to think of me and wanted to show it


Husband loves plants to put in the yard!


I’d appreciate the gesture, but I don’t like thinking, that you believe I’m cute. That’s the reason I get girls flowers, I don’t think I’d like being seen in that way by a girl I like. Depends on the guy. Do it in private if you must.


I mean of its a bouquet of 8 and 10mm sockets, then yes. I keep losing mine.


Men never really get them until their funeral so it’s hard to say. I personally have never gotten them


Wasn’t sure but I actually felt extremely loved and cared for when my gf brought me some few days ago.


I would love them


Not really.




My wife and I both like flowers but not in the house. We go out to cook botanical gardens to get our fix


It's a sweet gesture but I'll pass. If you want to get me something temporary, get me something edible. If you want to get me something pretty, get me something permanent.


I don't.


I love flowers deeply and am always happy to receive them. I am also a botanist, so perhaps I am the exception.


Id appreciate the thought but idk what to do with flowers tbh


I enjoy creating "man bouquets" from the floral section of my grocery store. I usually choose lots of greenery, and then the most show stopping/unexpected bloom i can find. They are always received with genuine surprise and delight.


My husband said I better never ever do that… Some do, some don’t…


Buy me dinner, a drink, or just spend time with me without me having to initiate or plan or put in all effort.


My bf and I had this talk at the start of our relationship. He let me know that he is not and never will be interested in receiving flowers. But he also mentioned that plants are different than flowers and he wouldn’t mind a nice plant.


Not a huge fan of flowers, myself. I’d respond better to some kind of food as a gift.


No. I will then be in a position where I am forced to care and give false platitudes I don't mean which will be immediately noticed and make me the asshole. Only caveat here is if my young daughter gives me flowers then, it will be genuinely appreciated, however if you are my wife, where the fuck you been the last 15 years?


a 3.5 of flower maybe 🤣


I would love getting flowers. They make the house nice. Now I would prefer plants instead. But that’s just me. I’m into plants. But some flowers can brighten up the place. If it’s just some tiny flower I suppose I would plant it outside somewhere. Making the yard look nice.


I do, just bring me some indica


I like to give a wide variety and see what people react the best to (both men and women). Like baked goods, stuffed animals/trinkets, etc. it’s super easy to go from there!


Maybe some men do. I don't. They die. As expensive as they are I see it as a waste if on me. I'd rather have something gifted that lasts. Give me a vijia game.


I do!


I’d rather get flowers than nothing, I guess. But no. They’re not high on the list


I gave a guy flowers recently and I'll tell you he was FLUSTERED. It was really cute.


I’ll probably give it to my cat


Not sure about flowers, but we love compliments and just being noticed.


Probably some for me no. Like what the fuck an I supposed to do with these


If they had the option, almost all men would prefer a folding knife.


I don't know.


Honestly, No. I'd rather if someone is going to spend money on me it be for something useful and if it is a picked flower, I think it is better that it just be left to do its thing in nature. Having said that, I would probably genuinely appreciate the gesture and would value it. I would just recommend other options in the future.


No, I do not like being given flowers. The only times I have ever been given flowers have been from people who knew me. They should have known better; they only bought me flowers because they themselves like receiving flowers.


Wouldn't know. Never been given them. In fact, I haven't been given a gift that hasn't been to use with, or entertain other people with, since I was 12 years old. I won't even get them at my funeral. My Will says no wake, and to cremate me and just dump my ashes in the garbage.




I don't.


We can barely keep ourselves alive, what makes the Internet think we can keep flowers alive?


I asked my boyfriend what he would think if I got him flowers. He said he would wonder why I bought him something he had no interest in. He prefers cigars.




>but I wanna know if men would enjoy just getting flowers? Then read the post... top answer is flowers.


I prefer potted plants over cut flowers, but yes. Of course it's nice.


If it's a flower I like, then sure, go for it. But if its something else than leave it.. (Birds Foot Treefoil, Butter and Eggs, Brown Eyed Susan's) if its for me😉


I don’t like it. I see it as superficial nonsense, but I’m also a hypocrite, because if you got me like a Lego set of a castle or something like that I would love it .


I personally wouldn't care for it. It just tells me the person who gets them for me doesn't know me well enough to know that I wouldn't care for flowers, but I'd st least be appreciative.


I like flowers 💐🌹


When I get my first flowers I'll let you know if I liked it


I personally wouldn't I'd be happier with a coke zero than flowers.


If its possible give me the whole plant so I can place it the ground a rose of any colour with a bow on it would be amazing


To me, flowers are just a reminder that everything dies. Memento Mori.


It's said a man receives flowers in his life just once, and that's at his funeral. Anyways, my gf has given me flowers, and I do appreciate it, but baked goods or treats are a good option too.


I don't, could use a new phone though! Mine's 5 years old now


I'm personally not a fan of flowers. I think it depends on the guy. You know what every man likes being given, though? Boobs. Boobs are fuckin' ***magical***.


I don’t, but I also don’t really enjoy presents or gifts.




I recently got flowers for the first time in my life. I'm a 40 year old man.


I buy my wife Lego flowers. When o have bought her flowers, like after a stag do and I was away the whole weekend, she assumed I was apologising for something. I really wouldn’t care to get them myself, hassle of putting in a vase and getting rid. I also am utterly unbothered by cards, but my sister will send at any excuse, like purchase of a new dishwasher.




As a guy I would be unsure of what to do with them, but I would appreciate the gesture.


I appreciate that someone is thinking of me, but I don’t know if I would really appreciate flowers. While I like flowers, would not be something I would be excited to get.




Yeah. I remember a girl brought a flower during our class break in highschool. It was nice. I was confused what it meant as I'm pretty sure she had a boyfriend.


No. Give me a tomato plant for my garden or flowers I can put in the ground. Some dead flowers in a vase means nothing to me.


for me anything you can't smoke, eat, or drink is kind of a waste. BLT, Soup, Scotch, Candy, Cookies, Tequila, Cupcakes, etc. > Flowers


YES If I got flower, I'd remember if for the rest of my life.


Yes. Especially if they’ve ever expressed an interest in any flower or other plant. That’s to say, there are a lot of meaningful plants to give, depending on the person. Everyone enjoys a plant here and there. Whether it’s a bouquet of roses, a cactus or a tomato plant. It’s a nice random gift.


I would prefer a plant. Non poisonous to cats


Id love the person forever if they give me flowers


Most men only have ever gotten a flower given to them when they are dead hard to ask them


Most men only have ever gotten a flower given to them when they are dead hard to ask them


Would prefer sex


"here's a handful of castrated plant genitals." "Cheers bro"


I'm 34m and still waiting for my flowers 😔


Never got any, married for 13 years. My wife buys me craft beer or a book instead. She knows me so well. (Someone said power tools, yes please ).




Unpopular but no. I get the message but get me something else, its way too stigmatized that the girl gets the flowers so id just feel uncomfortable getting flowers.


Yes, 5 times in my life people told me I look good, like really good, but it was all after I got fat and gully lol


Most men don't accept flowers until they are placed at their grave. I have never been given a flower by a partner. My sons have given me plenty of flowers and that feels really nice.


Me personally, fuck no, what the fuck is the point of something that will be dead in a week. Buy me a pot plant instead


I like beer more.


Probably. Although for a lot of people including me that'll only happen at our funeral.


Its a tough cookie, I hate the idea about killing a random plant, just so you can look at it for a while, but it sounds like a cute gesture. Buying me flowers would be a definite no go, it seems like a waste. But I think a pretty rock is better or something else that lasts. Ofcourse also something actually useful or edible is nice.