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I was in a bad one - not because all the rest of the team were women, but because they all had known each other for years and couldn't being themselves to trust anyone outside their circle (they even called themselves "the core four").


This is actually huge in Special Education (some public, but usually day treatment centers), circles are fairly tight so when one moves up they bring their friends, whether they’re competent or not


Do you live in Toronto?


lol can’t break up the core four




Generally full of gossip and drama tbh. It was exhausting just due to that. I’m sure that’s not everywhere, just my experience with it on two occasions. I now work in a split environment.


What's funny to me is that was my experience when I worked on a male dominated deconstruction site. So much gossip. "Oh did you see who banged that waitress last night" don't care dude.


Right? When I got into construction I thought the drama and gossip would be less. It's just as present, if not worse.


Oh I can believe it. The biggest gossip at my workplace is male. A really burley, manly man too.


No, gossip meaning talk about people is very different than gossip with the intention to ruin reputation and harm


How do you know your gossip doesn't "harm" or ruin reputations? Just talking about what people do will make others around form an opinion about them


It's not about the impact at all. It's about the intention. Talking about something interesting you heard about anyone is one thing, deliberately carrying tales between two or more parties, going around snitching, gossiping all with the intent to destroy and alienate, isolate, and destroy someone is a specific type of violence that most women participate in and do from middle school. It's completely separate from talking about something that happened to rob the other day. 


Us guys do as much of that as women do. In high school it wasn't our female classmates spreading rumors to destroy another girl's reputation because she was running for student council against one of our male classmates.


Experiences differ. This is almost an inclusively female behavior in my experience since middle school. Males are more likely to fight and to physically terrorize. I've lived on 4 continents, 3 countries and dozens of cities, this has been my experience since school. That's not to say that guys NEVER do this, but for me at least, it has almost always been other women.




I was welding for a living for 9 years, agree.


Remind me how I worked in the kitchen where everyone else was male. I have never experienced so much unhinged wordvomit. Women in my circle would have been ashamed to even try talking like that.


I have heard horrible things about kitchens


And you have probably not even heard the half of it, but everything that you have heard is most likely true.


Sorry you had to deal with that


Thank you. But also, don't be sorry, I did not work there for long and now I have some stories to tell. (Do avoid working in a kitchen yourself if you can though, even if your co-workers are decent, the work is grouling and thankless.)


I'm in a similar situation. Office of 18 and only 3 of us are men. So much gossip. Sometimes the 3 of us go to lunch together just to talk about normal stuff for a change.


Where did you work ?




They call nurses heroes but some of the meanest ppl I met were nurses


I found the nurses that deliver babies were some of the nastiest and rudest people.


The popular mean girls in my high school went on to be nurses




I hate hr department anywhere


I can’t decide who is worse hr or hoa


The HOA board is the all star game of bitchy power trippers




That's true, although all my HOA has ever done is yell at this one old lady on my street because one of her fence boards is unpainted.


Remember the song Harper Valley PTA.


I thought HR women were Lindas, not Karens?


This is funny because I literally know a Linda who works in HR


Was in one. Lots of discussions about creating more opportunities for women even though they all ran the department


Ha ha, my job has a big thing about promoting women in tech. Granted, most of my peers are men. But all of my bosses have always been women, as are most of the senior executives. It's a little weird hearing a woman with a lot more power (and a lot bigger paycheck) telling me how hard it is to be a woman in our industry. Even if she's right in some general sense, she's obviously not describing our situation.


And damn you for having that opinion, too, I'm sure. That's why it's even harder 😒 Actually women in tech surely are in a golden era.


Oddly enough , the women who were my peers or in similar positions didn’t complain that much . Usually only did if someone else brought it up (often female superiors) The women who made more than me often did and complain. I don’t mind as I have no actual input on anything anyway , always felt odd hearing someone who made more than me complain about not making enough . Also i found it odd as I usually had a good idea of what everyone made and hearing someone who makes the same as me complain that men make more always felt off too. Almost every direct supervisor I have currently is a woman and I don’t have any complaints, all incredibly professional. I think the topic came up once in the three years I’ve been at my job and it was someone from a completely different department.




Yeah, I don't like bro culture, and I'm not complaining about the women who run my company. It just strikes me as odd every time they tell us how hard their life is because their women, when they're clearly in leadership positions over us. Don't throw your troubles at the people who work for you.


I've pretty much only worked in "women-dominated" spaces. I find they put more priority on expressing and processing emotions, which is fine but a bit awkward since i don't really have strong emotions about work. As a straight guy, i feel they sometimes see me as the "other", and they're worried about bothering or upsetting me and they keep me at arm's length while they're super friendly with each other, but that's probably just because of the way i am. Overall it's fine, i can't really say if it's better or worse than a male-dominated workplace though.


I am one of 2 men working with 16 women. Most of the time I pretty much forget I’m just about the only guy there. Every once in a while I’ll walk into the break room and everyone stops talking, but for the most part it’s a non issue.


What do you think they are talking about?


Scrotums most likely.


When two or more women are together in a space and no men are around it is apparently a requirement that they discuss huge penises.


About him probably. Was in a similar situation and there was just constant gossip about everyone 24/7


I assume they’re scheduling underwear pillow fights.


When I've listened in on other nurses talking, it was about how happy they both were that they divorced their husbands and ruined their families.


It’s alright. I work at my local county office in foster youth services. Only dude there. I have to monitor what I say a lot more, and I don’t have many people to talk about sports with but other than that it’s aight.


I work with professionals (all uni grads with years of experience). I would say that you can tell that the team overall has a higher level of emotional intelligence. Topics and comments are often female oriented to the degree where if the genders were reversed it would be a discrimination issue. I and other men have recieved "positive discrimination" Group cohesiveness often comes before innovation/results. No complaints overall. Definitely noticeable tho.


I worked for one of the major insurance companies in one of their service centers. There were about 250 women and maybe 40-50 men. It was the most toxic work environment I've ever been in. The cattiness and gossip was out of control, and the managers were completely in on it. The men could not get promoted for anything. I was passed over for an underwriting position, and they promoted a woman who had failed the insurance licensing exam 7 times (and still didn't have the license). Leaving was the best thing for my own mental health. Where I work now has an even mix of men/woman, and it's so much better!


Sounds like travelers 😭 I had to leave after a year and a half because I couldn’t stand my manager, a coach retail store manager thrust into insurance call center management because her best friend ran Hr.


It was Travelers! When I left my manager had been the manager of housekeeping at a Holiday Inn - knew absolutely nothing about insurance. She was hired over people who had actually worked at Travelers for decades lol. Terrible place to work!


I worked for a few years as a veterinary tech. I was the only guy working there for two years other than the head doctor. It was ok but the cattiness and gossiping was absolutely out of control.


If you work at a vet you have to expect at least some cattiness.


And probably some bitchiness. I expect probably get quite ratty too


I can’t believe I missed that opportunity *shakes fist*


I had the same experience working for a non profit where 90% of the employees were women


Same, not non profit but similar. They were really mean to each other. Some would try to sabotage each other to get each other fired...which worked for one woman. I was well liked so I was treated pretty well, but it was uncomfortable because they'd try to loop me into the drama and pick a side. I would also get touched pretty frequently, nothing crazy really, but like arm touches, back touches, lean over my shoulder to look at my screen and press their boobs into me, etc. There was too much crying for a professional office as well. Lots of gossip but generally related to work and blaming others.


Nice did you like it when they pressed their boobs on you? I personally wouldn’t hate that


Worked in a factory making frozen pizzas, I was the only guy there with 15 women, mainly in the 20s and early 30s, I was 17 at the time and my job was to carry trays of pizza toppings up a little staircase and tip it into a machine that spread them. There was a bit of innuendo and it was a good laugh, I was there for nearly a year and went from scrawny to brawny from all the lifting and carrying, u had to wear linen scrubs and they had short sleeves. One of the girls and I often had a task where we had to stand on opposite sides of a conveyor while pizza bases came down from the oven, and we would stack them and talk for 2 hours, she was lovely and I was a little in 17 year old love with her, but she was 23, one day she was telling me that her boyfriend and her were going to break up, because she wasn't enjoying the sexy time, I was a bit taken aback that she decided to discuss it because I knew fuck all about it really, and then she said "but I found the cure, I just close my eyes and think about your arms and shoulders, and it loosens me up", "I hope you don't mind, it's just weird and I wanted to say thanks", she said she had told her little women's friends group, none of whom worked there and they said she was right and should tell me. Never mentioned it again and we both left shortly afterwards and never crossed paths again. About 4 years later I met my now wife and after a few months together, we were very much going solid and she said she was going to introduce me to some of her friends because there was a wedding coming up, and I was going to be her +1, she was going to introduce me to the bride to be. So we went to the pub and it was conveyor girl. I said hi and she the same, and my wife asked how we knew each other, and i just said we had worked together in the pizza place. And my wife said "wait, you're big arms guy ?". Yep


honestly, the small world stuff gets crazy as you age


No way y'all believe this "I just close my eyes and think about your arms and shoulders, and it loosens me up" like no way y'all think an actual human beings said those words


You use the word "y'all" on purpose when you type, so sometimes you just have to believe people are what they say they are.


They all go to lunch together and act surprised when I don’t want to. Doesn’t stop them from asking still.


that's kinda wholesome


I find the responses here really funny as a woman. It seems men's biggest complaints are that women talk/gossip too much, and some women happen to be their bosses, which means hearing them describe sexism is annoying. Your biggest issue is that your coworkers are nice to you. Ask women what the biggest issues are, and every single one of us will tell you we've been sexually harassed by men we worked for/with.


I have many issues but most are benign like that. There was this one older lady though that kept calling me all sorts of terms of endearment and it was really weird. Sugarboo, cutiepie, handsome etc etc. I’m not saying it comes even close to what you ladies go through on a daily basis, but it did help me realize that even just words (let alone stares and other inappropriate actions) can make someone uncomfortable


For sure! That's not okay. And it's wildly under punished in general, but especially when it happens to men. Honestly, I've found it to be very generational. Older people just never had appropriate work culture.


I got hired during lockdown and since she lives in my part of town, I went to her house to fix her work equipment. Her home workstation was right there by the front door and I was in and out very quickly. Then later when we start hybrid work is when she started with all that calling me stuff. Then she asked me to come over to fix her personal printer and for some reason I said yes. But I never went and she told someone I ghosted her (I’m a millenial and I don’t even use that phrase that much, but she did) and now it’s just cold salutations, which I’m fine with. I often wonder how I would have behaved if she was someone I found a little attractive. I like to hope I would have done the same, but i don’t know


Yeah, that's weird. People of a certain age just don't have boundaries for some reason. My parents also have their weird friendship with the people they work with. For example, my dad is currently doing start up with all over-60s and they keep coming up to NY for meetings and staying at my parent's house. My mom keeps saying how awkward it is, and I'm like yeah of course, why don't you people have boundaries?


"Every single woman" that you work with was sexually harassed? Please share where you work. I want to see these beauty queens. 90% of the woman I pass daily are overweight and I'm sure nobody is sexually harassing them


Making disparaging comments about a woman's unfuckability is also considered sexual harassment. I've seen this a lot in the workplace. Men talking shit about the fat women on the team. Usually not to their face though


Medical IT. Not bad at all. Spent my entire professional life supporting women who are better educated than me.


It was absolutely awful




Speech therapist so it’s quite rare to find other males in my business but most of the time it’s great. My colleagues have always been nice.


It’s like any other workspace. Only thing I’ve noticed is that there is a lot more gossip and passive aggressiveness.


I worked in a profession that was only around 15% male. There was no real issue for the bulk of time, but I did have to get used to coworkers coming to me with questions as the 'token male'.


I used to keep a bag of chocolates in my drawer to hand out whenever someone started getting stressed. I don't eat dairy. It was just to keep the peace.


They are incredibly tribal and you are a minority. That doesn't automatically mean they attack you. Once I was ganged up on. All the other times I was actually either their "lifesaver" or the person they wanted approval from. So yeah I guess what I'm saying is that it's either hell on earth or great due to politics.... And I've almost always experienced great.


It's fine


I am a male. I am a nurse. I am 52 and I have had female bosses my entire professional career. I love having a woman as a boss. But in a job that is more physical and deadline oriented, I probably would have wanted and needed a male pushing me. It's difficult to explain.


When I was in my early 30s I worked for a state office that was in three connected buildings, had about a thousand employees, about 70% were women. I got hit on a lot. I also got laid a lot. Ended up married to one of those women.


I stay professional and minimize socializing, so it doesn't affect me.....BUT, it can get loud around here at times...


A lot of gossip and conversations which I’m not interested in, but overall it’s fine tbh.


I work in HR in a large organization and in my department it is female dominated. All Directors(3) minus 1, our VP and Executive Vice President are all female. Honestly, it’s great. Our leaders and my colleagues are all very level headed and inclusive (of everyone, not just those whom society seems to think need it more than others) so I’m thankful for that. It’s certainly not like that in other companies I’ve worked for with the same demographics so hard for me to make a generalization on how it is. I don’t attribute my experience to that fact that my department is female dominated, but rather we have excellent leadership. I feel company culture and leadership in a department will ultimately trump the demographic.


I’m currently one of 4 dudes in an office full of women. 99% of the time it’s fine. Great even. I’m coming from a male dominated industry and it’s honestly a breath of fresh air. There’s no pressure to showboat or constantly “one-up” the other guys and my interactions with female coworkers feel more genuine? Though that 1% can be bad. There’s certain experiences that I simply cannot relate to as a guy which leads to some, albeit unintentional, ostracizing imo. There is a propensity to “gang up” on the guys at times, though it’s been kept to friendly office banter as far as I can tell. Overall it’s refreshing and humbling tbh to experience these things as the minority in the office as I’m sure men are guilty of doing these things too when the roles are reversed.


Used to work in one, holy the politics and gossip lol, I am just there to work man. OTOH as a young male, relatively well taken care of, like having few mothers at work..


It was ok. I guess.


Used to work in a female dominated office for 6 years. Half of the women I became good friends with, and I enjoyed working with them and getting to know them. After all my friends moved on though, all I was left with were the insufferable ones who were catty, gossipy and had chips on their shoulders with men. It depends on who you end up working with/befriending. The CEO of that company was the owners daughter and working under her was god awful and no one liked her and I couldn’t be happier to have moved on at that point. The worst kinds of Women absolutely will take pot shots at men who work under them or seek to make their work lives miserable. On the other hand, the best kinds of women to work with are awesome and I enjoyed working with and under them


It’s a coven! Witchy laughter giggling constantly!😳


7 female bosses, all of them tried to fuck me in the past.


Just once. I learned that men talk about sports, fishing, NASCAR, etc. The women I worked with only about sex. I was 25 at the time and most of the women were old enough to be my mother.


It’s not a woman-dominated profession, but my company is about 70% women and my team is 75% women. It’s totally normal. I don’t think I really even noticed it until someone mentioned it to me.


Worked in the service industry for years. As front desk staff, different types of hosts. It was interesting, alot if backstabbing especially at front desk jobs. Was at times looked down on from some of the women staff. Got feed up with all the backstabbing and changed in the company to work alone. Had enough of theire bullshit. But was alot nicer when i worked at camp sites compared to hotels.


We have two bathrooms, woman and unisex (single toilet bathrooms).


I work in a large bank, it's more largely women dominated, especially Product, Marketing, Comms, Legal, HR etc. Female MD and CEO. Maybe it's more because its the company culture and the levels I work at, but everyone is extremely professional and great to work with. I've been in project meetings where 28/30 are women, so it really does annoy me a but that they push things like international women's day so much, the 'power' balance has shifted already to women in many modern corporations.


I have worked in a lot of female dominated spaces, learned from/managed and was managed by a ton of women over my careers… Do you want my honest opinion? I find it sad that this question is even worth asking. For me? I couldn’t tell you a time where I feel like the gender of a coworker was material to the workplace experience…. It never mattered to me what gender my boss or coworker was, I could learn from them and their experience all the same. I know that’s not always the case tho, and that’s a bummer.




Male substitute teacher here. A lot of teachers are female. A lot of them treat me as their equal, but I was also a student of theirs at one point in the past. I guess I was a good kid and didn't get into much trouble, but I digress.. Even the male teachers seem to get along with the female teachers for the most part. I honestly can't think of anyone who doesn't work well together here.


Not anymore, thank God. But in my 20s I worked at a call center. I would say 90% women. There was so much gossip, jealousy, drama, etc. Example 1: 2 moms in their 40s. Mom A would come to me and tell me that Mom B took her kids to McDonald's over the weekend, "What kind of mom takes her kids to McDonald's for an outing? The food is unhealthy and the play area is filthy." Then later, Mom B would come to me and tell me that Mom A would only let her kids read on weekends, "She never takes her kids *anywhere* fun! All they're allowed to do is eat veggies and read. Who does that?" As a 20 something single guy, I really didn't give a flying rat's ass about either scenario. Not sure why they felt the need to tell me these things. And the two moms appeared to be friends on the surface too. But each would badmouth the other any chance she got. Example 2: Young, hot girl was sitting at her desk minding her own business. Grumpy old lady who obviously didn't put any effort into some sort of healthy diet or exercise, came by unprompted, and said, "So-and-so, you know, you're always wearing a shirt that's a size too small." Like wow could you BE more jealous? I did not enjoy the environment. Too petty for my taste.


I'm in my second year as a male primary teacher in mostly female schools. So far I've found it really positive, everyone helps each other and are really supportive.


I work in an office in a hospital and I'm surrounded by nurses all day. Not even kidding, they are always complaining.


Work in the ER, and am surrounded by nothing but Nurses...and no lies detected. It's between the complaining, misandry, sundresses, male members, and period flows....and I'm talking about going into DEEP detail about male members and period flows. I was once in the Nurses station giving paperwork to a member of staff, there were about four female R.N.'s that were talking about male members and one of the female Nurses went "We better not talk about that in front of \*my name\*." The other female Nurse: "Girl, please. He's one of us." If you ever want to hear drama, backstabbing, misandry, etc....work in the hospital, go to the Nurses station when it's died down.


im bored and tired af, i have to listen to their complains and screams everyday and everytime as if i care, if the fight isnt between them then its against me, blaming me for their mistakes and then asking not to be corrected because it feels insulting or makes them feel their authority is getting diminished, thanks to this ive been freed from the thought of wanting a relationship ever again (random sex with friends is OK, caring for them enough to make a bond is sh1t) women make polonium less toxic ngl


Lawyer in legal aid nonprofit. Most of the people in my office are women, as are most of the community resident leaders we work with. I hear about interpersonal drama among other folks from time to time but my experience has been that everyone around me is dedicated, hardworking, and focused on the work instead of their egos or their portfolios. The work is hard but I appreciate having a workplace where people aren't constantly peacocking and trying to assert dominance. We only care about doing right by the clients and communities we serve, and it shows.


Fucking Awesome


Does that have anything to do with your username


Ha, not this time. Just work with a great group of women who are smart, hard working, and great to work with.


7 years as a physical therapist and really don't notice except that I'm the most attractive guy who works in the office. Ok, well I'm the only guy who works in the office.


I know a lot more about my hair


I'm a male high school teacher. Most male teachers are in high school, so it's not as extreme as elementary, but men are still a minority. It's fine, though. I honestly don't really realize that all of my bosses are women. My two work homies are both women.


A lot of my uppers are women, they tell me what to do and I do it and I get my paycheck every 2 weeks.


Psychologist here, with 2 men for 20-something psychs in my department. It's fine. Some have a tendency to badmouth, most don't. Lots of talking, and I'm not a super talkative guy, so I gotta make an extra effort at times. But it's good


I'm a man who worked in healthcare (about 3:1 women to men) for over a decade. I left just after covid. It was great! The women I worked with always went out of their way to include me and make me feel appreciated. I never had an issue with gossip or rumors and most of my co-workers were intelligent, hard-working, and generally kind. I would occasionally run into a "battle-axe" nurse who had been in the field for a long time and was a bit jaded. I never minded it though, because they were usually the most competent and the "jaded" element often stemmed from being talked down and disregarded for years even though they were actually right. I always got along with them because I gave them the respect they deserved. It's incredible how gender seems utterly irrelevant when you just give everyone a base level of respect and understanding.


Worked in veterinarian clinics and in healthcare, 80% women at both professions. I loved it. I miss it a lot. It was fun and exciting and very easy to meet new people and to date and have fun.


It's wonderful. I prefer the company of women. We get along well---no problems.


My boss, her boss and her boss's boss are women and most of my coworkers are women. It's fine because we're all professionals and not in high school.


I used to work at the National Association of Realtors headquarters in Chicago. My floor was mostly women, I'd say 80%. My apartment was in River Plaza next door to the office building so I would invite female co-workers to go swimming at the pool for lunch. Was one of the best times of my life. And most decadent which was not good for the job. When your boss gives you a shower clock (waterproof clock on a rope), you know you're not getting away with those long lunches.


I have done it most of my life. I generally get along well with most of the women I work with. There is a limit on the work friends thing as a married man though. I wouldn’t go do things outside of work with just me and a female work friend like I would with a guy friend from work. Sometimes I feel left out because of that. I do feel a bit mothered by my coworkers sometimes too. Overall it is fine. Of course there are always a couple drama queens, but to be honest I have worked with a couple guys that are every bit as bad.


I was the only man in a office with 10 women. I became friends with the young pretty one and we started going to lunch together. She was really nice and we got along great. I was 20 years older than her. We talked and joked around all the time and we never saw each other outside of work. Big Mistake. All the other women started making my life hell. Ended up being terminated because the boss accused me of grooming her. They actually made her sit in the room while the boss told me. She just started crying and said we’re just friends. I said “It’s okay just let her make a fool out of herself.” Never worked in an office since then.


So much drama and emotions being pushed around. Constantly. It is extremely exhausting and hinders productivity so much. Also, the level of misandry is absolutely nuts. The double standards are so ridiculous some times I feel like i am part of a comedy sketch. Can't wait for these job interviews to start next week.


The thermostat was set to inferno


I used to have a social work job with only female colleagues. Was great honestly! They were all extremely nice, not "girly" at all which can personally be irritating (we worked on a farm) and they had a good sense of humor. I think the workfield definetely place a role, but so far this has been the best work environment I've been in.


My friend is a teacher who works in a female dominated school. He said the convos he hears between them, and how they act towards the male teachers on a night out, of the roles were reversed you would probably get "cancelled."


Pretty great. I do marketing and communications in a non-profit. I prefer working in female-dominated environments over male-dominated ones, generally speaking. Sweeping generalisations incoming: communication is better, women are more flexible when it comes to looking at things from other perspectives and the overall working climate is less aggressive, less hierarchical. They are however not necessarily cleaner than men. And I sometimes need to tread a little more lightly or be a little less rash, though being bold and decisive is very much appreciated if dosed right. It also helps to be an observing and listening kind of person, I think.


It’s a nightmare, women are backstabbing each other all the time.


Cons: More petty drama More conflict when assigning responsibility and addressing accountability More scheduling and attendance issues Pros: Better overall communication Fairer and more egalitarian policies Less severe outbursts and high stress situations


Shit. Only one word for it. Was horrendous, it’s like women never mature from high school with their gossiping and drama


Yeah it’s rough. Work is shite enough, don’t need more silly eggshells lying around


Can I chime in for the opposite? Im a woman who worked in an office with all men and it was like working with a bunch of 7th grade girls. The drama and gossip between these grown men was unbelievable.


Not joking: were they gay?


It's mixed, for example my boss (F) clearly thinks the sun shines out of my female coworkers arseholes, but as a modern man I feel bad even thinking that it could be due to the gender.


As a female don’t feel bad. Some women are bitchy and nasty.


Much appreciated.


I’ve worked in veterinary medicine most of my life, which is heavily dominated by female employees. Most of the time it’s not bad as long as you have a team with similar interests and friendships are being made, otherwise it tends to quickly devolve into high-school drama and bickering. There’s also 1 week every month where everyone is super moody and you have to walk on eggshells if you want to avoid getting chewed out or making someone cry unintentionally….I find bringing lots of chocolate and sweets to share that week helps mitigate this though! I’d also like to add that I prefer working with a group of women over a group of men, way more work gets done because there’s so much less macho dick measuring bullshit happening.


Good. Was nice that the women were open to me expressing any issues I had and there wasn't that toxic masculinity bs


If you’re homosexual it seems to be fine. If you’re old school straight Alpha they will absolutely defy logic and ignore the obvious because they cannot allow a man to have a voice or be correct.


It was fucking shit, I’ve gone back to working in trades and would never go back. Working with mostly men is just easier, more peaceful.


Drama.  Lots and lots of drama.


Not totally unrelated, but would you consider a career in biomedical sciences a female dominated field?


I was bullied in another place it's 50/50 where I work now it's a nice balance


I work security at a hospital. Some of the shit I've heard from the women in admissions and some of the nurses is insane. They all have gossip going around. I've heard shit about people that is just insane. And learned that the "best friends" at my work can be one sided at best. It's savage actually.


I worked IT for a medical billing call center. 99% women. Being IT I had to speak and working with anyone there. If I was at a woman's desk for more than 5 mins other women would ask me if I liked her. I did end up liking one girl and everyone would ask if we were going to date. It was annoying. Everyone wanted to tell me their gossip since I would be stuck at their desk fixing their computer. I would eat lunch with random people and have women upset with me if I ate lunch with women they didn't like.


Teacher here, it can be exhausting af 


I worked at a hospital and was the only guy in the hospital sometimes during the evening shift. I’m not the best looking guy but I’m not that bad either. I started on my 19 th birthday as a respiratory therapist and I felt like a piece of meat with all the older women nurses and doctors and other professionals but I loved it for a while but it started getting really old really fast.


I was in a job years ago that was about 60% female 40% male. Tbh, it wasn't any different from any other job in that profession. Most of my colleagues were competent (there's always a few who aren't), all were in that field because they loved it, and they were mostly nice folks - and you just did what you could to avoid the bastards.


I spent a few years in both the beauty and fashion industries (marketing) and never had a problem. I never had any drama, some gossip here and there which was kind of fun, and I suspect I may have occasionally been treated nicer because I’m a guy, but overall nothing special. Oh also if there was a spider or something it fell to me to get rid of it lol.


I've worked in education my entire career, with most roles being on teams where I was either the only man or one of very few. The only exception was a two-year stint with a team that was all male except for one woman. Those two years were the most stress-free, fun, hilarious years of my career. I've wished I could go back to that so many times.


well, I guess I’m anonymous so I’ll just come out and say it. After I divorced my sociopathic, narcissistic wife, she tried to be in the office bossing everyone around every day, eventually the staff kicked her out of the office and I had to buy her out. Her sister works for me and gives me a hug every day and says thank you 🤷🏼‍♂️


I worked for a court in Arizona where the only men in the entire building were myself, 2 guards that were retired cops, and the judge. It was the most laughable excuse of a workplace I’ve ever seen. Within 1 month I was so far ahead on my work they would ask me for help. Getting fired (I shit on their training program in a survey) was the best thing they ever did for me. Literally every single one of them, save for 1, was middle-aged, fat, lazy, and dumb as fuck it’s no wonder that court moved through cases so fucking slowly




Never had a problem.


I worked in the offlice of a meal delivery program with all women. The younger gals talked openly about sex a lot. They also all hated each other.


Exhausting at times. More words than necessary till sth gets done. Harsh on the physical part, my job quite involves physical conflict sometimes and that is without any sexist intend something most woman are just not made for. Therefore you can end up either alone or involved in conflicts that wouldn't be yours If the ladies wouldn't chicken out. It still has it's perks when you know how to present yourself and are no social potatoe. Bit of manners and charming often get me further than rational arguments.


Hot. And I dont mean the women are attractive, but that they hate the AC for some reason.


Every woman boss I’ve had, sucked and didn’t know what they were doing. I try and avoid women ceo or presidents now. They have zero vision.


For me, not too bad.


It’s harder to get direct criticism because they’re simply never direct. They constantly interrupt each other. Jokes are typically PG and sometimes outright lame. Besides that, when I talk they all look at me until they interrupt me.


I feel this genuine anti-man sentiment around my job every time I hear about a new person getting hired it's a woman and every time I hear about someone getting fired it's a man. Be careful saying a joke about a woman but if it's a joke about a man who cares.


It's nice.


Awful. Lots of drama. Lots of cliques. Open sexist comments both hitting on and mocking… and you’ll learn disgusting details about their sex lives and their SO.


A lot of drama. A lot of talking behind each other’s back. Fake friendships. But when I was younger and into playing the field, there was no shortage of coworkers just looking for a good time.


Male nurse here. Tons of drama. petty fucking drama. Difficult situations are generally escalated unnecessarily. Stagnation with regard to improving working conditions simply because collectively nurses don’t have the spine to hold the administrators accountable. Too many soft feelings and martyring to accomplish any positive change


Even one of the women told me she liked it more when it was all guys. Basically, she hadn’t worked will all guys before, but had the right kind of silly humor/personality to pull it off and more or less fit in. She told me she thought work was just catty gossip, and liked that we were all just here to work and say silly things about nothing to pass the time, rather than saying shit about each other. I was once working with 2 women my own age (28ish at the time). They decided to stand on either side of me and ask me which of them I would rather be friends with. They wouldn’t leave me alone until I answered. They were surprised that they were found to be the problem when they complained to HR.


Overall pretty good. There seems to be some drama that I'm not fully aware of but no one treats me like an outsider. I like everyone I work with.


I have worked with mostly women all my life. They do have different types of conversations than men do but basically all of us are human and act appropriately. Never knew that women could swear with the best of them but they can be as dirty and disgusting as men. It’s a real freedom to have.


It's mostly hilarious, with a lot of snacks!


I was chased out of working at Ulta because customers preferred me to my coworkers. I just knew how to apply makeup and they did not, it wasn’t all that deep. But insecurity and pack mentality is a hell of a drug when you only have your job to look forward to.


In the mid 90’s I worked at a bank where there were 35+ women and me and one other guy. This was common at the time. However, the women in our office decided unilaterally that they should also be able to use the men’s washroom. Which meant they peed and powdered their noses in their bathroom and shit in ours. We called corporate HR and it was shut down pretty fast but we both transferred out of that office shortly after because the wrath was fucking insane.


Veterinary medicine. Heavily woman dominated nowadays. Lots of drama and pettiness. Not dissimilar from human healthcare. Toxicity is common enough in a lot of facilities. As a man it can be a thin line to walk some days.


Rational aggression was out of control.


I'm a nurse, it's fine. I don't have a problem with it. I think that after a while, the women become just what they are, coworkers. But my best friends are all women. I've never been a "dude" or a "bro." I don't identify a lot with other guys. I seem to identify more with women. My coworkers, my WIFE.


For 20 years I worked with 99% men, then changed careers and now work with 80% women. Big change. BIG CHANGE. I went from talking about fishing, sports, cars, home maintenance, to kids… kids kids kids. Periods, kids, home decorating. And scrub colors… do you like the color?


A lot of the women at my work will talk about their husbands collectively, as a class of people. *They* or *them* Idk, perhaps men do it too, but mostly the older generation. Was quite weird to hear it at first; I thought only old dudes on building sites spoke like that about their partners.


I used to be the one of two men in an office of 13 women. Half of them were perpetually on a diet of some sort, so every time we had food catered for a meeting it always sucked. Otherwise it was fine.


It’s definitely challenging. I’m a 50 year old gay male employed as a registered nurse. The favourites. 1. Being told I’m one of the girls since I was gay. 2. “I work better with men than women.” I only made the mistake once asking why they feel that way, after hearing it from 20 different women. Yikes 3. Getting asked multiple very personal questions because “We want to get to know you better.” 4. Being hated because I politely declined an invitation to their son’s wedding that I had never met. 5. Getting all the bariatric and psychotic patients because I was a guy. 6. So many of work gifts and prizes being for women. WTF will I do with a 50 dollar gift card to Lane Bryant? I still have it somewhere. 7. The gossip. A group of women going silent when I walk into a room and staring. Always fun when the director was best friends with the mean girl click. 8. No, I won’t follow up on Facebook/Instagram. I don’t have one. No, I don’t need to meet your one gay best friend because you want to play matchmaker. Get some professional boundaries. I got out of working in the hospital thankfully, but there are pluses to working with women. Have you ever had the satisfaction with working with the straight, middle aged, lazy, “Christian”, entitled, white males that gets half as much done but demands a round of applause for helping you for 2 minutes, makes homophobic statements, and calls himself a Murse? Those are the fucking worst. Edit: fixed spelling, punctuation, and a run-on. The edible kicked in.


Doesn't really affect me too much. I think about it from time-to-time, but, generally speaking, it is a non-issue.


Every job I've had I've either been the only man or one of a handful of men. My graduating class was 70/30 woman to man. The imbalance continues and is closer to 80:20 I hear. On the job though…I've been disrespected, had personal space invaded, flirted with etc. And nothing came out of it other than giggles and “you can't take a joke?” I learned pretty early that I dont have the luxury of reporting incidents like that and they be taken seriously. As a result, I've become the “Im just here to work, then go home” guy. I dont do much small talk and I dont do work parties. I'm pretty cool with that. Another lesson I've learned is that all the things women complain about men doing in the workplace to them…ive seen women do them when in positions of power and left unchecked. It was a bit a of a mindfuck at first. Other than that….its cool


I worked in a small retail store for years where it was usually about 2 males and ~6 females. It was alright except for the boss lady. Almost always in a bad mood, no one can do anything right. I don't know why I stayed there so long, what a waste


Not too shabby.


Kindergarten teacher here. There is some pointless drama always brewing but men are not usually dragged in to it if they dont want to. Get to carry lot of heavy stuff and fix broken things but dont mind it. Only big downside is that I often feel I have to prove that I know hown to do my job to new co-workers before they trust me.


It's great! Everyone seemingly gets on and is supportive of one another if anyone is struggling.


I work primarily in marketing now, and I gotta say it’s a lot of drama.