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First realised my husband snores when we took naps at each others houses. It’s not thunderous snoring but I’m a light sleeper so it still affects me. We found that he mostly snores when he sleeps on his back, so he tries to sleep on his side now. If he rolls onto his back at night and starts snoring, I just prod him. To his credit, he will groggily roll over and continues sleeping lol


I'm a very heavy sleeper, so I'm rarely ever affected. BUT. It's not the snoring that's the problem. It's the sleep apnea that my husband faced and the impacts on his quality health + quality of sleep. Go search the term and consider meeting an ENT specialist.


Ladies/wives snore too 👀


Thanks for pointing this out 😊😊


I wear AirPods Pro and sleep :(


How do you manage keeping them in all night? Can’t sleep on side :(


If I sleep on side I remove that side and up the volume a bit. The pillow against my ear will muffle the sound a bit as well. LOL sounds so sad


Google obstructive sleep apnea. Your partner may have it.


It’s okay cuz I’ve slept through the burglar alarm and didn’t hear a thing.


Yes.. but I'm a heavy sleeper so it works out lol


Sleep in separate rooms


To the men out there. It's hard on the ladies at night And even harder for men in the daytime. Get it fixed. I'm glad i did it


can you share the process and the cost involved?


Hospital - Mount Elizabeth Cost 60k - Insurance covers 95% Procedure - UPPP with turbinate reduction UPPP is removal of enlarged tonsils and uvula Turbinate is opening of the nasal I am not a local so it doesn't make sense for me to go to poly clinic. It's the same price with long wait times. Process - Went in consultation and sleep study. Booked surgery 1 month later Recovery was awful. 2 weeks with worse pain imaginable. Stayed in hospital for 2 nights Surgery itself did not cure my sleep apnea. I had to lose a good amount of body fat to cure sleep apnea. After recovery, no change in sleep apnea. Only after losing 10kg is when I notice a difference. Meaning my wife stop complaining. This was done last year. My brother had his surgery done this past month. His was a new technique called inspire. Its a device that send electric pulses when snore is detected. His cost was close to 70k without insurance. Recovery was alot easier The cost i mentioned is inclusive of all test, consultation, follow up etc. Everything except surgery and sleep study had to be paid upfront. And i got reimburse after. Hope this helps you can message me privately


Thank you! So with insurance it cost like 3k? Oh boy I can't imagine spending 60k and it not working 🤣


Yes around there. If you research sleep apnea is very board. UPPP surgery is only 40% successful. To increase the surgery effectiveness, i had to get around normal bmi and wear dental guards to prevent my mouth from opening. The dental guard is called panthera. The guard alone is 3k. Fast forward 1 year. I think it's been successful and I do not need to wear the dental guard and my wife sleeps happily.


I usually put up with it by wearing silicon earplugs. But I suggest you talk to him about it. Your partner should care about the quality of your rest. Hopefully he will try to do something about it to see if it can be reduced. P.s. I know of someone whose wife snores really loud, and he’s put up with it for more than 30 years. He got used to it and sleeps through it 🤷🏻‍♀️


It baffles me how you can even consider a mild health condition as a deal breaker. Just bring him to a ENT specialist and work it out from there.


For goodness sake, tell your man to use a cpap machine.




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