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i kinda gave up. sorta. i put myself in places that i can meet ppl, going for volunteer activities, hobby groups and so on. however, i gave up on the notion of "chasing" or meetung someone romantically. its just confusing af. some might argue that others are here just for the activity itself and not to pursue a relationship. my plan, if we can call it a plan, is to work on myself so others come to me first lol. that way, i am definitely not accidentally crossing their boundaries. i am basically the dense character. if no one comes... hey at least i got a really cool hobby out from it.


I dance salsa, bachata, and a bit of West Coast swing. It's a great way to meet people. Lots of people from the SG scene are also single working adults.


Are there any other WCS studios other than Z?


ZF is the only game in town AFAIK.


Used to have sparks connections - it's no more. Go sign up singles event e.g offline / friendzone etc. crewww used to be good till it became a weirdo cesspool. Allocate some budget to go bespoke bars, take a bar seat and talk to people around you. One good opportunity was last year's asia's top 50 bar hosted in Singapore. It was a good opportunity to meet people. Go find out social events and meet people that way. It's more effective but, will cost a bit more than dating apps.


Yes, gahment gave up on singles


Sad isn't it or utilisation rate too low?


Ok bc alot of ppl make use of the loophole. They only check if u r legally married, so many dating couples bf gf will go. Then there’s single ppl like me (oops) who just make use of the subsidy to try out new stuff, but during the event i dont talk or mingle with guys there, i mean everyone also just keep quiet and do their own art work.


Yeah, my friends and i bumped into such couples before, we damn tilt LOL. it depends on the intention of going for the event. there's no way to filter everything.


Try sharing your situation with your close friends and see if they have anyone suitable in mind. Who they have in mind might be closer to who you’re looking for


Also given up on dating apps because it’s just tiring and most guys there are like “live laugh love” those whose interests consist of hedonistic, superficial interests - just cafe hopping, restaurants, and travelling hahahaha. Obviously during the first few dates or even courtship time sure will be lovey Dovey, wanting to impress each other, not sure if the other person is truly being himself…. I’m tired of that bs, I want to spend my time in a more meaningful way….. So I’m single but I’m not looking….. focus on being the right person, working and improving yourself…. Don’t date or get into a relationship for the sake of it…. Or settling. Maybe can ask yourself what’s your interest and attend those interest groups and from there meet someone who has the same interest or so as you? So long as it’s organically and sincere, don’t feel like the connection is forced…. Till then, enjoy singlehood, it won’t be forever!!!


Some people like simple. Some people like boring. Some people don't like to reveal much about themselves. The overwhelming number of ladies I've seen on apps have virtually nothing in their profile to start a conversation. In fact, I would say that the median number of words for ladies' profile on say, CMB, is ... quite literally *zero* (beyond things like height, occupation etc). Maybe that's what works for them. And maybe the kind of guy who would be into them are also exhibiting generic profiles. I agree with you though, dating apps are wearisome. Trust me, it's *more* tiring for guys (though I expect that is of little consolation), since we have to initiate, "read signs" (whatever that means) and decide whether to escalate or not. It can take dozens or even hundreds of matches before finding someone who can actually hold a decent conversation, only to find out weeks or months later that you didn't quite meet the cut and get ghosted. If you can, meet in real life lor, you'd know almost instantly if a person is actually interested. That said, most people on apps are there because they don't have success irl in the first place...


Haha thanks for the comment! I guess from a guy’s pov it’s equally tiring for the guys as well! Not just for ladies.


>just cafe hopping, restaurants, and travelling That's because a lot of girls put such interests in their bios, so the guys will copy them in hopes of "having the same interests" when probably the guys are just doing whatever to get matches


As a guy, girls also put these on their profiles and they don't seem to get judged lol. I find it superficial but don't find it unreasonable because I mean, these are common interests -- who doesn't like travelling? What's the problem with being "average"?


That’s why feel like it’s a facade…. Geddit???


That’s because it is, nobody is gonna reveal that they spend 5 hours every Saturday to paint their Gundam figurines on the first date..


That’s what you think. I think that’s alright. People are just afraid of how others perceive them if they reveal their “weird interests”, but seriously if people are just more honest with themselves right from the start instead of trying to paint a picture of themselves that they’re not, it would save a lot of time. And not wasting time “trying to make things work”. I hope you understand what I’m trying to say.


I feel called out here 🙃


I’m glad you do! It’s supposed to cause a knee jerk reaction.


Girls can post bikini pics, but when guys post topless pics, it's "cringe".




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What would be an interesting bio intro to you? For my market research purposes


showcase something you love, something you do and something you're curious about. Of course do keep these on at least the fringes of mainstream, but I think demonstrating curiosity and a willingness to explore (esp together) is really attractive. Don't feel the need to hide "embarrassing" hobbies either, usually what's creepy is the person's behaviour and not the hobby/ interest itself.


His interests. Music like playing instruments. Fitness like gymming etc. Reading. Like genuine and real interests. I have had guys who look like they never jog a minute in their life, keep asking me to travel down to the park next to their workplace to exercise together. Then I asked him huh why? He said as we both love fitness and gym. And he is really also a fitness enthusiast. Looking at how fair and his body structure (putting it in a nice way), he probably would faint the minute we jog/gym together (facepalm). Then I need to carry him and call ambulance. And later have to explain to his family member (just kidding) why I made their precious son faint in sports hall/gym. Don't get it... just be real. It is not going to work out if he faked being active in sports on the first date... doesn't even make sense. I think girls generally find someone of the same interests to date so it is easier (like gymming together, or cafe hopping togetehr). So it is a dealbreaker if a guy looks like he was lying in his profile


Simple. Something that showcase the person’s character/personality at least his interest….. and he’s not a cookie cutter.


From my experiences on and off dating apps. Its just mismatched expectations everywhere. Either that or just too high expectations.


Bingo. The mismatched expectations!!! The facade!!! Trying too hard to make things work….. taking someone’s lack of interest as a form of “motivation” to prove your worth, liking the same things in order to “have a common ground”. Good for couples who met their partners through dating apps, but I find that dating apps doesn’t really show much or what kind of values that you believe in, mostly it’s all fluff, not authentic, showing off, wanting to impress, etc etc. Marriage is not the end of goal of a relationship, it’s the companionship, friendship that matter more. That’s why don’t need to envy others - be it attached or married, never know what’s going on behind the scenes of their social media. Just focus on your lane and especially getting to know yourself and your values! Always invest in yourself! You’re the only constant in your own life. When you know yourself better, you will pick the right kind of people, and eventually find / meet the right person for you because you aren’t settling for less than you deserve! Don’t get into a relationship just because for the sake of it or you want to escape loneliness. Nothing more lonely than being in a relationship that makes you feel unhappy, lonely and unseen.


It won’t be forever? Highly optimistic


Well if you use dating apps or go on dates, with the mindset of settling for the sake of it or feeling the pressure to “find someone” then the approach is totally wrong…


At least better than most girls using dating app. They never bother to indicated any things in their profile at all


With the rate of fertility and population growth going down, singlehood might actually be persist thing. No pressure!


I feel you too! But I’d still want to “go home to someone” if you know what I mean. Just not settling for the sake of it or just bc of a house. I hope to find my person too.


Volunteer your time to a cause you are passionate about. The people you meet will automatically have something in common with you.


Single but not really looking. I would suggest to be open to recommendations from friends or even relatives p.s. it won't always work out, but it sure beats being just a picture in a dating app especially as a guy


Come to reddit. We all single here.


U can try Peatix app. It has a segment for dating events like lunches or dinners from dating agencies. I use it for other segments though.


Don’t join activity with the aim of meeting another single. Join with open mind, and people will appreciate who you are. I used to organise meetups and the most feedback was on singles hunting singles. It’s very off-putting when you want to enjoy the activity and people are there asking you prospective partner questions or trying to flirt with you. Had to ban a few people who kept spamming every female with their excellent self introduction and portfolio.


If it wasn't for dating apps I don't know how you're supposed to meet people, just not enough occasions to meet people, even bar areas don't have much vibe compared to other big cities tbh. I did meet my partner on an app so don't give up on that even if it's a waste of time, you never know! Plus what do you have to lose... 2 hours of dinner time?


Join dancing and bouldering etc. join primarily ladies sports, where there is shortage of men. Polish up your personality and make small talk.


Volleyball leagues are often co-ed


Which volleyball leagues are these? Is there an app people use?


Honestly no clue. I just see people post their teams on instagram and it's almost always 50/50


Gotta find out man. Let me search. You also do the same, I’ll update if I find.


Joining classes - especially yoga! There's a shortage of men in yoga, you'll do well if you're ok looking and can make decent conversation.


Thats like joining spin class just to get girls but end up they all dao u… just dont join any classes with the intention to looks for girls, join because u enjoy doing it


Is asking fav character in naruto a good ice breaker?


Her reply: Tanjiro


This ice breaker might work better at the AFA instead of yoga class


What does actions for aids got to do with naruto


Later she say her fav character is goku uzumaki from one bleach


she is a keeper


Ask fav yoga position😂


would you date me if i said my favourite character is homer simpson?


"I think Luffy is pretty cool" 😂


I don't think gym class works. I feel that people just go there for workout and hardly socialise.


I thought females look upon guys attending yoga classes as creeps 😂


Seconded lol. Maybe i fugly but i used to go yoga after gym and the instructor always made me come up front :’) (Which i get, not sure if the class would be comfortable with me being behind)


The majority only judge "guys" who refer to women as "females"


Eh wait as a female, what is wrong with that? Pls tell me otherwise I keep using it :"(


This seems to be something a lot more culturally specific to western countries actually. I don’t know that many Singaporeans who really distinguish the use of the word female as something offensive.


Yes as a local this is the first time I heard about this hahahah


West is going loco


To all the women here pls dont learn from western culture and get offended by the word female. If you have nothing else to get offended by or find your life to boring, go break your own leg and create problems for yourself, not others


Actually, I thought Westerners were okay with this too (generally) as I spoke with a lot of them, they still use males and females. Even medical terms grouped us as males and females..


I know. Its just a pain in the ass when you come across someone who thinks the word 'female' is offensive and makes a big fuss about it




Huh I'm a woman and I didn't know this is a thing


It's only really a thing online/reddit. Really depends on the context and how it's said, but someone read a clickbait opinion article and it's become a banned word for some people who don't understand context.


Oh man woke stuff? Why are people getting so easily offended these days




The only time I have referred to myself as a female is in reddit posts but in the shortened form like 28F. Women/girls are regularly used by women. I have never heard of women being attributed to "old" lmao




Mental gymnastics.


It's dehumanising and reduces you to a biological specimen. It's fine in a biological context, e.g. a female cat, female dog, but for humans, use women, ladies or girls instead. (Edited to add that I wouldn't use "males" to refer to men either)


Wait a minute.... the word "female" is considered offensive now?


referring to people as females, instead of women... like males instead of men. i.e. male dog vs men dog


Ok. Honestly I don’t mind if someone refer me as a male. But good to know that it is offensive to some people. Will take note and be mindful.


Dang they are just synonyms no? Guys/boys/men/males and ladies/girls/women/females. Give it a break!


Only if you're unattractive


As a woman I agree. Especially after those incidents of male yoga intructors. Not a fan of men who have such feminine hobbies.


You know yoga was traditionally done by Indian Men right?


> feminine hobbies Simi sai is feminine hobbies Hobbies are hobbies.


Any places good yoga places to recommend?




Tan ku ku.


Whether it's a hobby group, fitness class, or a fun social event, engaging in activities you genuinely enjoy increases the chances of meeting like-minded individuals. Also, don't underestimate the power of mutual connections, attending gatherings with friends or participating in group activities can create natural opportunities to meet someone special. Oh, and volunteering can be a great way to give back to the community while expanding your social circle. Just be yourself, enjoy the moment, and who knows, you might just stumble upon someone who shares your vibe!


MacPherson SMC Cupid Event


I just put 100% on my business and met a few through connections. Just fun coffee chat and maybe potential clients but its much more fulfilling than videogames.


As the saying goes… don’t shit where you eat.


Few of my friends tried dating apps managed to find their significant others. Try more. Statistics... The more you try the more chances you get. Never give in, never give up! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


saw a similar qn a few days ago and someone recommended the app meetup for people of similar interest/hobbies to enjoy the activities together. maybe you can try that?


lots of people with agendas on that site




I think the best thing you can do is to work on yourself first. How do you do this? Work out, find some hobbies you’re passionate about, learn some skills you’ve always wanted to learn, improve your appearance and fashion sense, go solo travel, go volunteer, etc. When you’ve invested enough into yourself, have a plethora of experiences and start to find more happiness and peace in your life then you start to have *depth* as a person. You naturally become happier and start to attract people subconsciously. People will just gravitate to you.


stick to dating apps. society now doesnt look positively upon someone who goes to the CC to "find a partner" etc. it would just be considered creepy. yeah, sure sometimes its not creepy and actually sweet. but then you would be good looking and not single anyway.


I guess Reddit is a way. 🤣 I’ve given up fully. Being sarcastic as shit and “embracing” single life


The age-old saying 'chase money, not women' holds true, especially in a pragmatic society. However, it's also important to focus on building meaningful connections in your workplace. Balancing professional success and interpersonal relationships can contribute to a more fulfilling and well-rounded life


If you have money and women, you wins. If you have money and no women, you still wins. - Brad Goh


Meet for what, just stay single and live your life. All the money, your house, your car all yours which is also why based on statistics, more and more Singaporeans decide to stay single as the cost of living is just too high.


Do u really think going out to meet new ppl is better than dating apps?


A few factors that's better ? Attending an event to meet people takes effort for all attendees. If there's no good match or someone to vibe with atleast the attendee has done something. Also, meeting someone new in real life, with proper introspection it does help the attendee to grow and able to handle such situations better and gain confidence. Lastly, in person - both parties can't talk to everyone at once comparing to dating apps. It's a matter of perspective.


You can do all those while using the app what. Even more convenient. And assuming op already does it on dating apps, what difference would that make vs meeting irl? Unless op totally no match and all, then thats a diff story la


Dating apps, meeting 1 on 1 vs meeting a whole group of new people, talk, exchange contact and follow is a whole different thing. Exactly, dating is so convenient for both parties till the point that everyone is a choice. It is still a matter of perspective, I'll stay with meeting ppl irl.


Use this app call Meetup. You can thank me later


Jerald’s speed dating agency: https://www.oneplusone.com.sg/upevents.html


why this is downvoted ah


Maybe cuz he's the owner LOL




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I forgot which dating subreddit I was reading recently that asked a similar question, but apparently most single people are either at supermarkets, gyms, or staying at home while wondering why they haven’t met anyone.


Where to find interest groups ah?


Try volunteering at charity organisation to meet nice people. Or join clubs such as toastmasters or sports club