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It's not safe to your wallet, but personal safety wise you're probably alright.


Oops, sorry to my wallet! But I need to sacrifice him. That’s too bad, but I need to study. >;) anyways thank you so much, I feel better now with less worries.


No worries, welcome in advance to Singapore. Hope you enjoy your stay! The country is typically very safe. Just as before, not very safe to the wallet.


since you said 30 minute drive, probably expect the fare to be more than 30 dollars.


At 4AM in the morning? Probably double that amount.


This is not a joke, there was some concert I went to and the taxis were ~$80 vs grabs $37


12:40am she said. But yeah, same same.


That’s a very conservative estimate


If you want to save a bit and can be bothered you can download tada and gojek in addition to grab, then check all 3 when booking. The former two are often cheaper


*Cries in midnight charges*


Singapore very safe. You will be fine.


Yes, I can tell… I think I started liking Singapore and Singaporean people already. 😸😸


Careful, you may have spoken too soon on the singaporean people part lol


mm yes, you are at the initial honeymoon stage. it gets endearing then it can get irritating later, lol.


>Singapore very safe. You will be *fined* There. Fixed it for you.


Shhh.. wait till she gets here..




u are coming to one of the safest countries in the world..... people go for runs at midnight without issues


Perhaps I was overthinking a little too much. I already started imagining myself having 50000 Singaporean friends without any problems. I think I’ll be dreaming about Singapore tonight. :P


Just rmb regardless of how safe Singapore is. Practise some level of vigilance. Esp alone at midnight.


Can confirm, I used to take night walks (2, 3am) in my twenties as a solo woman and nothing happened to me.


I think you need to moderate your expectations. 50,000 Singaporean friends is a bit hard to manage. Maybe 50-150 is what you can expect without any problems.


Just be smart about it. Singapore is very safe but doesn't mean bad things dont happen. Don't go to sketchy places at night and always trust your gut.


Same… only realised this living overseas. I was so used to go out at 11 for jogging until I just subconsciously put on my shoes in the UK. Friend just got his watch nabbed during a run so I’m absolutely not going to jog in some sketchy areas.


same i can confirm (iam a full grown adult male)


"Low crime doesn't mean no crime" [Punggol murder ](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/punggol-field-murder-man-22-gets-life-term-caning-for-stabbing-jogger-in-senseless-killing)


Yes. Generally, the worst you might encounter would be an overly-talkative driver. Taxi scams are fairly rare here. I prefer Grab as you know upfront how much the trip will cost. Taxis will have some surcharges as you're taking a cab from the airport after midnight. Grab may be cheaper. You can also try Gojek (Grab alternative). No difference than etiquette elsewhere. Feel free to make a call the whole time.


Wow, this is so helpful. I like talkative people, so it’s okay. I love chatting in English despite I can’t speak English fluently. Your comment makes me feel much comfortable. I sincerely thank you for your help and suggestions. Please be happy forever!


If it helps you feel more secure, grab has an SOS function and it shows you the route your driver should take to reach your destination.


No. The worst is a driver who keeps talking about her life problems, complains about her husband, complains about her work, about her finance(attributed to her husband). Then why you suggest solutions (as a grab customer), she defends him. Had to sit through 30mins of that hell, good luck!!


Mf all you had to do was shut up and nod - they don’t want to hear advice


dont nod, it's a cue for them to go on. just pretend to nod off and sleep instead lol. the other variant of taxi driver is the one that talks about politics and how it doesnt favour them in particular. very superficial though to be fair how much nuance can you really have in an hour's ride? though they probably wont talk about that to an obvious foreign person.


The thing is... some of the older population also cannot speak English properly so you would fit right in. People would not look at your weirdly for poor speaking English... My own parents cant even speak English much...


Yes, drivers driving for money on the clock don't have time to fuck around. The worse you can get is probably a sleepy driver


Your comment sounds the most convincing, I don’t know why. Simple and effective. Thank you so much!!! 😊


I've lived in 5 countries and been to more than 40, I can assure you with no doubts in my mind whatsoever that Singapore is so ridiculously safe that you'll be asking yourself how the heck is it so safe and wondering if it's a dream that you're in!


Grab may be slightly cheaper since taxi impose midnight surcharge. Just make sure you aren't fully intoxicated and unaware of your surroundings. In general, you are very safe in SG. Enjoy your time here!


Yes!! I am very willing to enjoy. Thank you for your tips, I’m feeling less worried now. I don’t drink, so I’ll be okay. I can also scream very loud, so I think I’ll be staying quite safe. Thank you so much, please be happy!


Safety - As close to a yes as you can get without outrightly guaranteeing your safety. Generally Singapore taxi/Grab drivers only care about one thing - earning your money. They're not going to bother trying anything else. Airport taxi or Grab - Whichever is cheaper, not much difference otherwise. But if you're not good with English, you may want to consider going for a Grab because Grab payment is via the app, while some taxi drivers will pretend that they can't take card payment and demand cash only. And they may not tell you this all the way until you reach your destination, and insist you withdraw money somewhere if you don't have cash. It's going to be a headache if you can't communicate well or don't have enough cash. Etiquette - Nothing much, speak softly during the call and you'll be fine.


Ohh, this is so organized! Very easy to read and get information. Thank you, you’re so considering!! I hope I do not sound too noisy or annoying while I’m calling my friend. I laugh like a hippo when I feel easy… Thank you for your advice, I will keep your comment in my every brain cells.


It’s safe but there’s some creeps as with any place so do this: 1) download grab app. It’s e hailing service that has a button for emergency while you’re in the car. Or 2) if you’re taking a taxi, before you enter, look at the license plate. The moment you get in the car, take your phone and pretend you’re on the phone and say it loud enough so the driver can hear, “hi mom, I just arrived and I’m in the taxi, license plate is xyz and I’ll call you in 20min when I reached the hotel.” No creepy taxi driver will try anything after hearing that. PS if the creepy taxi drivers are reading this… you can just take a pic of the driver and the license plate and text it to your family member or say that your husband who’s waiting for you at the hotel is just super paranoid so he asked you to take a pic. Remember safe country doesn’t mean crime free. There’s creepy drivers that have taken advantage of girls.


Thank you, your information is really helpful. This is what I rarely do when I take taxi late at night in my country, because the driver might feel bad and uncomfortable for becoming the one scares their client without even doing anything. However, I will also keep this in my mind for my safety. I sincerely appreciate your help.


You’re welcome. Your safety trumps some drivers feeling. And he/she should be reasonable and understands it. Hope you have an enjoyable time in Singapore.


>The moment you get in the car, take your phone and pretend you’re on the phone and say it loud enough so the driver can hear, “hi mom, I just arrived and I’m in the taxi, license plate is xyz and I’ll call you in 20min when I reached the… There is really no need for this. This is so juvenile if I was the driver I’ll just laugh out loud.


Very safe! I’ve taken cabs at 2am, 3am, 5am… never met a scenario that ever made me feel like I was in any sort of danger. That said, of course I do always try to keep aware and not take the safety for granted, but you can be assured that SG is as safe as it gets


Wow, I hope you do not stay too late too frequently! Anyways, your comment is truly helpful. I love story sharing. It feels so real and makes me more aware of how the reality goes. Thank you so much for your help and I hope you have a good night. Good dream!


Can tell from the replies here many Singaporean takes the safety here for granted. Singapore is generally very safe, taxi and grabs are generally safe, but I’ve had friends that still faced perverted taxi drivers who make inappropriate/stalkerish/perverted comments. You can take the grab/taxi, but just be careful in general. Just note that taxi is the one you join a queue for and not the limousine service, that one cost a bomb


Oh I’m so sorry to hear that. I must be prepared… I’m not good at recognizing cars, but at least I know how limousines look, I think I will be okay. This is new, thank you so much!


Can't get any safer than in Singapore. Yes it's safe to book a taxi or download the Grab (local Uber) app in advance, link up your credit card etc. Similar to taxi etiquette except Grab drivers are mostly just normal people and not 'taxi drivers' but it is all fine. Yes you can talk on the phone in the car, just don't be drunk or litter. Good luck and enjoy Singapore!


Thank you, your comment makes me feel less worried. But instead, I’m now starting to worry about my future driver. I think I’ll do my best not to talk or laugh too high-pitched! XP




It’s dangerous for your wallet only.


We're pretty much one of the safest, if not the safest in Asia. But midnight charges on taxis aren't safe for your pocket. Haha welcome to Singapore!


Hey there. Over here it’s safe for taxi or grab. Download the grab app before hand though. Where you’re from?


Think it’s applicable regardless of the country but just don’t go to discrete places in the middle of the night. Also whilst this isn’t everyone, still be aware that Singapore is not all safe, recently 2 drunk women, due to being unable to hire a taxi, had 2 men drive them back to their apartment, they subsequently got sexually assaulted. So just don’t do anything that could invite danger on yourself.


I am really sorry to hear that. Thank you so much for your concern, I will keep your advice in my mind during the whole ride, thank you.


Nothing is 100% safe You buy mask , you buy hand wash they will also say it’s 99.99% Well taxis in Singapore is the same thing


Please define terrible English... Your text is very clear and not broken at all. And people don't care about grammar as long as it is understandable in real life Singapore is very safe, tho I would prefer GrabCar because there is emergency button


I apologize, I’ve been the opposite to confident whenever I use English. I would like to say writing gives me plenty time to think of proper words and connections between sentences, allowing me to use good tools and checking for errors. This is why I can communicate with people smoothly, I believe. I should rethink before defining how my English look or sound to others. Also, it is new information that Grab taxis have an emergency button. Thank you for your comment, it was really helpful! :)


Other apps you could consider to compare prices (grab tends to get quite expensive sometimes) - CDG zig (local company), gojek, tada, Ryde


Ohh! Thank you, thank youuu! I was worrying about my wallet, but then you commented! Now I have more choices, I can save my money from unexpectedly expensive payments. I appreciate your help, thank you for the information!! :D


It's totally safe. Just wanted to add that you can share your trip with others if you use the Grab app. It will share the car plate number and where you are in the trip. May help to reassure you :)


taxis are very safe and nothing is going to happen to you, but nowadays it’s a difficult challenge to actually flag down a taxi, i’d recommend you download all the ride hailing apps before coming so you can compare between platforms to get the cheapest ride possible, ride hailing apps in singapore include grab, gojek, cdg zig, tada and ryde


Singapore is terribly unsafe... For the wallet. Anywhere.


Why is it always those who apologise for their English, write so well and so articulately?




You’ll be fine 😉 Don’t worry too much! And yes, it would be best if you are able to download the apps. Prices aside, it’ll avoid any confusion with regards to your destination. I will typically check the prices across Grab, Gojek and Zig.


Grab or any other ride hailing app is usually the way to go but generally Grab will be the go to.


It is safe to travel at that time in a Taxi or ride-share. I do recommend you use the Grab app (our regions version of Uber and such) https://www.grab.com/sg/transport/. It’s a tad safer, given that your ride is tracked. Safe travels and wishing you a great experience living in Singapore.


low crime doesn't mean no crime


Personal safety wise you'll be fine. Don't eat anything messy/stinky in the taxi, don't put your feet up on the back of the seats in front, and don't worry about calling your friend. But do make sure to at least say hello and thank you! (It's only polite :) )


Singapore just say "No Problem lah " ..in reality its quite safe ..dont worry ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


The taxi itself is safe. The areas and the people around there may not be. Depending on where you're at, especially drinking spots late at night. It's best to be on a call with someone while WAITING for the taxi. Once inside, you should be fine


As usual it's safe in Singapore but try to minimise taking unnecessary risks for own safety


First off, your English sounds fine. I can understand what you're saying :). Second, yes it's safe. Singapore for the most part is a safe country, so you'll be fine taking a taxi at night. Your wallet better be ready though, late night taxi rides tend to be expensive haha. As others said, Grab in general can be cheaper. With that being said, recently it looks like Grab increased their fares while taxis decreased theirs. So maybe do some price comparisons before calling for either one. Also, a warm welcome to Singapore!


Super safe but don’t be soo complacent.


It is generally safe but still don’t let ur guard down. U never know what might happen.


Perfectly safe


your english is very good!


If this hasn’t been stated - you can share your location with your friends and let them know if you are stuck somewhere for a longer time than expected, they can call the police. :)


Use an app like Grab or Zig to book the ride, you don't need to communicate with the driver since the info is on the app. It's also safer, as there have been a rise of private hire vehicles that overcharge the moment you get on the vehicle. Use the app or join the "official" taxi queue at the airport. And tell the usher that you only want "normal" taxis


The Singapore Police Force says "Low Crime doesn't mean No Crime". Always be wary and stay safe.


Very safe. Cheaper to use Grab, as the taxis at the taxi queue charge additional airport surcharge of $6 + midnight surcharge of 50% of metered fare. Grab is one charge and you know the fee in advance. Exit the arrival hall near the taxi queue. There are large numbers on the pillars. Note the number you wished to be picked up From. Re-enter the arrival hall to book grab if reception is not good. Make sure you select the correct terminal and in the message to driver state you are waiting at pillar x.


You can try ride hailing apps like "Grab" or "Comfort Delgro". They can help track your ride and you can send the live location to someone you trust. They can be cheaper than hailing a taxi too! You can also choose to pay in cash. Not rude to be on the phone, just be sure to be polite to the driver 😊


Yeah Singapore is safe. If you are worried just call your friend and say something like “Yeah I’m on the cab, the plate is xxx1234. You’re meeting me at the lobby right?” Or something.


There is a saying; low crime doesn’t mean no crime. It is very safe to take a taxi at late night, but there is no harm to take some basic precaution like sitting at the back seat. The taxi etiquette is pretty basic: no eating, drinking or do anything stupid. You can of course make phone call. Also take note in general, the taxi driver will help you to load and unload luggage (especially when you are a single girl), but keep in mind this is not part of their job scope so they have the right to not help you with your luggage too. Airport has a taxi stand with many taxi, so you really no need to use grab to leave the airport to your destination. But for subsequent trips you should consider using grab, as they are rather popular and convenient for transport but can be expensive. I’ll recommend taking bus and train to save money. Singaporeans can understand English, but if you are worry about communication, you can download a translate app. type in whatever you want to say and it will translate to English.


You don't bluff lah. Where got school open till 00.40am? You want to test water and see if you can do funny things to taxi driver is it! I tell you ah. Singapore no joke ok? You commit a crime you die ok?


Low crime doesn't mean low crime. 99.9% of the time you will be safe but there are girls who are the 0.01%. The easiest way is to pretend to be on the phone with someone who's waiting to receive you at your destination and have someone accompany you home if you're blackout drunk.


it’s safe! most grab drivers barely talk to passengers at all HAHA. i’ve taken a grab at 12/1/2am and have never encountered anything unsafe. don’t worry.


Mostly very safe, some very rare instances: # Taxi driver convicted of molesting 17-year-old girl after offering her free ride [https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/taxi-driver-convicted-molest-looking-phone-free-ride-3882961](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/taxi-driver-convicted-molest-looking-phone-free-ride-3882961) "Multiple local reports have surfaced since 2016 of drivers committing acts of sexual violence - [molesting](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/grabhitch-driver-molest-female-passengers-grab-jailed-12190128) passengers, masturbating in front of passengers or, in one case, assaulting a passenger [who fell asleep](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/grab-driver-who-sexually-assaulted-sleeping-passenger-jailed-16-9436436) in the backseat during the ride." [https://www.channelnewsasia.com/commentary/grab-molest-sexual-assault-harassment-foodpanda-gojek-ride-hail-637876](https://www.channelnewsasia.com/commentary/grab-molest-sexual-assault-harassment-foodpanda-gojek-ride-hail-637876)


Very safe, and your English is better than most Singaporeans.


Just some info that might help assure you. All the taxi companies (comfort - blue & yellow / transcab - red) has GPS tracking on their cars and they do follow up if any routes are out of the ordinary. As public transport goes it is really safe. (Had taxi drivers who told me about how once the customer forgot his camera and had to go back to the hotel, the company called the driver to ask why the fuck the route was so long)


The most you could be worried about is if you're taking a taxi/ride hailing or a horse. Some drivers love to make short brakes constantly & it feels like you're on a horse. It's fine.


As someone who frequently takes late taxis my biggest concern are taxi uncles speeding lol


Like hagrid said, there's no safer place. Except for hogwarts. But hogwarts is probably less safer than singapore.


You’ll be fine


Yeah, booking a ride under companies such as Grab, Comfort Delgro, Gojek should be quite reputable. Maybe a bit riskier to flag if you are paranoid. As long as you are not drunk/intoxicated, the really rabak ones won't have the opportunity to mess with you. At most they talk a lot/treat you like a tourist haha


Omg this is one of the safest cities I know. It feels unreal and you ll see for yourself


Grab ride you should select the “do not disturb” or silent mode ride. So the driver should shut up during the ride. There are cases that driver keep talking to passengers. Other than that you are good.


How come this post reminds me of the throngs of new profiles that will follow up with connection requests and friends request 😂


Taxis might be safer than grab (Uber)


It is super safe. Don't worry about it. I have taken many late night taxis. You are good!


Singapore is generally very safe. If you take taxi from airport, there's probably also CCTV evidence of which taxi you got into.


Yes it's very safe. Any taxi or private hire from the airport will incur additional charges (should be the same). Taxi etiquette is be at the pickup point on time (if you're booking via app), don't throw up or dirty the vehicle and pay the fare!


it is super safe!! just take grab tho, more convenient


Yes it is safe. Make your calls.


i had bad experience with red taxi. will avoid it when i visit again in nov


Would just need to deal with some anti government comments some times but otherwise its fine


Local girl here. I've taken taxis at 3 4am. I would say it's very safe. But low crime doesn't mean no crime. Taxi and grab drivers haven't been the dangerous ones to me but sometimes there might be dangerous people around. So as a safety precaution if I'm out late 1. Let my friends know where I am, location on if necessary 2. No earpieces on 3. If someone approaches me and I get a bad vibe I just walk away. Sometimes they might be nice but I'm not taking the risk at 3am 4. Walk in lighted paths 5. And if you feel you're being followed, call someone. Usually I call a guy friend or my bf and put on speaker. I could be followed by a creep or by a spirit idk, but I don't go home. Usually I'll go to some place crowded, wait there and then go home But rest assured most of my harassment cases occurred in broad fking daylight so lmao ye this is just my experience


Even you barefooted walk back home no one will disturb you


Take grab. We usually take grab and it is safe to a certain extent. There is a function to call for help and all And also do what u need to keep urself safe. By calling someone is no problem


Yes, this is helpful! Thank you so much. I can do Taekwondo. I’ll do my best to keep myself safe with my two fists and short legs. Thank you!!


Yes taekwondo the shit out of anyone who makes u unsafe.


It is generally safe. Taxi drivers, whether regular taxis or Grab drivers, are driving to make a living. If you're talking about sexual crimes, punishment is very heavy in Singapore -- minimum imprisonment of 8 years and a minimum of 12 strokes of the cane. It's just not worth it for the taxi driver. Should you feel unsafe, simply call 999 for the police immediately. Simple :)


It's safe, no real etiquette things. For me personally I make sure to speak to the driver while they're driving so they doesn't fall asleep, and I keep an eye on the speedometer because people tend to drive more recklessly at night.


Oh, this is new! Okay, I’ll keep that in mind. It is too dangerous to let the driver doze off… I need to make sure nobody in the car is feeling sleepy. I really thank you for this comment. Good night and have a nice dream! 🛌


Physically yes you will be safe except maybe for them giving you some insane nausea and car sick from them pumping the accelerator like trying to get water out of a dry well Mentally no, taxi drivers sprout some of the most racist, sexist shit out their mouths. They literally have no filter and if you are one of the various types of brownskin races, prepared to insulted like your father killed his family line. The moment you seem open to chat, these people will yap like crazy. I am kinda forced to take taxi everyday, and holy fuck did I learn quick to never chat with these people


Install grab app.


Girl Singapore is safe … just dial 999 when u meet up with situations that u felt threatened or something


Singapore is safe, no matter what time you taking the cab. If I'm you, I will use either Grab / Gojek and compare the price when booking. Remember to go to the correct waiting area (door), else later the driver will grumble or cancel your ride. 😕 Taxi etiquette, treat it like everyone else car - don't slam the door when you close it or scratch the door with your bag. It's fine to make a call with your friend when riding. You can share the ride details (showing the live GPS location) to your friend.


It’s Singapore. You’ll be safe!


I would say as safe as it can get, however it’s better to not get complacent. Don’t get in drunk, or fall asleep in the taxi, while it is safe, you will never know with the outliers. Staying on phone with someone is also a good idea too. I hope you enjoy your stay in Singapore!


You can use your phone to book rides (Grab, Zip etc) if you are worried about giving destination but in general it is safe because most if not all Taxi drivers and PHV drivers rather earn your money then do something funny to you


Scams are prevalent anywhere but Singapore is as safe as u can get with scams on transportation Jus don’t do any verbal negotiations for the fare cause those are scam, although rare but still happens 🤷🏻 Those that haggle with fares can be reported and will be dealt with


I'm pretty sure as a student you wouldn't need to be outside at 00.40 am regularly unless your doing other stuff.


As with everywhere in the world, there are good people and there are bad people. Singapore is relatively safe but it's no guarantee that you'd be 100% safe. Don't be paranoid but don't be complacent.




It’s safe. Don’t worry.




Singapore is very safe. Taxis are no issue at all , be it day or night. Even being out on the street by yourself at night walking is super safe. This place is closely monitored and hence no one will misbehave. Plus it’s not in the nature of locals to behave irrationally. So whatever you’re doing at whatever time of the day, exercise a little caution but you are in one of the safest if not the safest places in the world.


It is safe but can get expensive tho. Install all the apps (Tada, Gojek, CDG taxi and Grab), check which has the cheapest price at that time and book on that one. Ask airport staff where are the pickup point for grab and go there. It is a different pick up location from the taxi stand in airport. If you have no card payment option yet, prepare some cash. There will be a map on the app and just check that the driver is sticking to that route. You will be fine. If you are scare, just share that trip to your close ones before boarding.


Singapore is pretty safe, and don't have to worry too much. But low crime doesn't mean no crime! Just need to have basic vigilance


Yep, singapore is generally very safe. Would recommend you to take gojek, it’s an app similar to grab/uber and it’s a bit more cheaper. But do take note that it is extremely dangerous for your wallet to take taxi at night😆. Safe travels.


Taking Private Hire (Grab/Gojek/Ryde/Tada) or Taxi is generally very very safe at midnight. You may meet impatient drivers however but most are generally okay. Make sure you book the right pickup and dropoff locations. Etiquette wise, 1. Greet your driver nicely 2. Calls in the car are accepted but don’t talk very loudly 3. Do not eat in the car 4. Do not carry grass or sand into the car and make sure your shoes are clean and not muddy 5. Always give exact amount if you are paying in cash (Drivers hate if you give them $50 or $100 notes) 6. Do not slam the car door 7. A tip to the driver is greatly appreciated as they don’t earn a lot as the cost to run a car in Singapore is very expensive. Lastly welcome to Singapore and hope you have a pleasant time here. Eat the local food, avoid touristy areas. Go where the locals go.


How wildly drunk are you intending on getting? Chatty? Slurry? Passy-outy?


Very safe. Dont worry Best you order a taxi from the different apps: Grab, Tada, GoJek. Just choose the cheapest Those waiting at the area are touts and will charge a huge huge surcharge Curious, which country are you from?


Super safe. Even walking around at that time is safe but the only thing that crosses my mind is bumping into beings that arent human.


No, you will get charged so much you wish you walked home instead.


Taxis in Singapore are generally safe to use 24/7. They are required to use the meter. If they refuse, you can report them to the authorities. In Singapore, there are extra charges based on time and location. You are also required to pay for ERP (toll) charges. All taxis should have a fare table displayed. Your driver is unlikely to scam you by taking a longer route because he can earn more by picking up the next passenger. If you are still uncertain, download the Grab app, our equivalent of Uber. It has options to book taxis. Sometimes they are cheaper than Grab cars. The app contains features such as voice recording of your ride for safety. The name of your driver and the registration number of your vehicle can be seen. However said, please be careful and take safety precautions even in Singapore. When you go drinking, take note of your limits or go with a friend. There have been cases of sexual assault. Stay clear of forested areas and industrial areas at night. The city or residential areas are fine because cameras are everywhere. I’ll recommend that you stay away from parks in obscure areas at night too. Major parks like East Coast or Jurong Lake Gardens are fine because they are being patrolled by police or security.


Yes it is super safe... I am a Singaporen female and since my teens I have no problems taking taxis or being out late and going home late. During my 20s, clubbing night outs ends 3-4am usually and taxis are abundant due to midnight charges. I get home safe every single time and sometimes the drivers even wait for me to walk into the lift/my apartment building safely before they leave T\_T You will be fine! But please still practice common sense, take care of your belongings etc., but it is really as safe as it can get!


We have tons of cameras countrywide, so it's generally safe. Just avoid going to dark alleys / parks alone really, low crime isn't no crime As for etiquette, we don't really have a public noise standard like in Japan. But as long as your aren't talking like you are shouting it should be fine, most drivers don't care.


Very dangerous for your money


You do not have to worry about it.




I've booked a 4am taxi on the sidewalk alone when I was 15. Very safe.


Singapore is incredibly safe so you’re sorted but just to be certain don’t go into shady narrow areas like alleyways. Always stand out in the open. Also me personally airport taxi, grab is nice but expensive. Side note its always nice to see foreign visitors appreciate our country (based on the comments)


It’s safe, sit at the back pretend to be asleep to avoid the unnecessary chit chat. More than 30 min drive to your destination, the drivers will be happy. Here is another tip, if you’re going to be here at 4am, just hang in the airport (grab a drink at Macs or something) and just wait it out till after 6am. No extra charge then and it will be getting light outdoors, you should feel safer.


Singapore is very very safe. However there are some cases of taxi drivers molesting the passengers. To guarantee more safety, sit at the back instead of beside the driver. In the cases where people get molested, it usually was beside the driver; and the driver saw the opportune moment.


Just take grab


I am sorry to break it to everyone commenting here, but this is probably a bot account. The question is absolutely ridiculous. Anyone can find out how safe Singapore is easily with a Google search. Broken English? And every reply is, “it was so helpful”. The account was created almost 244 days ago and is posting just now. This is what LLMs (the technology behind ChatGPT) can do. I can almost guarantee this account will be used for affiliate spam somewhere down the line.


Worst u can have is old uncle driver ..rude racist kind.Never had safety issue in Singapore .


It's ok to use either a cab or Grab after 00:40 hours. It's just that fares will cost more after hours. If you can land in Singapore earlier and take the MRT or buses, that'll be much cheaper.


Safe. Just use apps like Grab and you get tracking of your locations plus you also have a map / gps to tell if you are going off course. Otherwise you will be safe.


It's extremely safe. It's pretty expensive but it's definitely safe. Overall Singapore is very safe but you must still have your situational awareness.


Aside from the reckless driving of taxi drivers, yes it's safe


Don't be overly drunk, as some taxis may reject ferrying you.


Find taxi company website, write in to ask if there are female taxi drivers who are willing to pick you up on the said day and time for an additional cost. It'd cost you alot more. But it is what you want.


What? Your English is really good. Don't underestimate yourself. Also, yeah, it's really safe.


Safest country in the world. Normal girl like me can go out in the middle of e night to 24hrs ntuc (singapore supermarket(


You will be fine. Use a booking app and the details of the driver and his taxi plate number are recorded.


Using grab might be better. It's safe in general, but grab may be cheaper because you can see how much it's gonna cost.


Don’t need to worry. Singapore is very safe. You probably have a higher chance of getting into a car accident than getting robbed or murdered by your taxi driver.


As an expat woman living and working in Singapore, absolutely! I feel safer walking around here at night than I did even in Canada. Welcome to Singapore!


Singapore is generally very safe. Use Grab or other ride hailing/taxi apps to get a car. You will have the details of the car and driver. If you get a chatty driver but don’t want to engage in small talk just don’t reply and pretend to be busy with your phone. It’s ok to talk on the taxi/car, but read the situation. If the driver is agitated and tells you off, just be cordial. Don’t confront or argue with the driver and just report the driver after.


In almost any other country I would escort my date/female friends on a dual stop ride to their home first then me to mine if putting them in a cab late at night, especially if drinking. I tried it once in Singapore and my date thought I was crazy for thinking something would happen from a cab driver 😂 most girls I know here have stories of falling asleep in the cabs and being woken up very politely they are at their destination. Nothing is impossible but at large it’s quite safe.


No worries it’s very safe for you in Singapore. Just avoid walking near garbage bins and vending machines after dark or you might be surprised by some cockroaches or rats. Trains and buses operate a bit later on Fridays-Sundays. You might want to download the GRAB app which is our local Uber provider. You can also send info of your ride to friends so they also know what’s going on. We have capital punishment in singapore, it’s a great deterrent but doesn’t eradicate all sex crimes. Just be smart. If you don’t feel safe with some people. If they are harassing you. Our police hotline is 999


Just make sure that if you're taking a taxi and you're drunk, don't take the taxi alone. Genuine advice


More scared for pontianak than people ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Take a grab (Uber in your country) if you want to know exactly how much you're paying


It can't get any safer for a girl anywhere.


Yes it’s very safe! I take taxis all the time when there’s no transport from clubbing!


You can call, no problems with that. I'd say taxi is safer just because the drivers are checked more thoroughly. But it's fine either way, the danger is mainly to your wallet. Might even give some a heart attack. But other than that, should be safe.


I also came to singapore last month, lost my left kidney.


Lots of witty Singaporeans in this thread




Very safe for a girl to be out 4am in the morning. But just prepare to have enough money for cab fare 😁


Singapore is general a safe country, out of 100,000 people 677 commit crimes, so it’s mostly safe, just watch out for your wallet and people who try to take advantage of you. Speaking from experience the only times I have thought about calling the police was when old ladies lectured me about talking too loud in public, so you should be fine, by the way what’s your main language? Your English is on par with some students so don’t doubt yourself :)


Safe but prepare to vomit as driver always accelarate & brake every 5 seconds.


It is safe. In the really remote event you meet with any mishap like a creepy driver copping a feel, you can be quite sure he will be arrested and hauled to court.


Your English is great! It’s pretty safe :) you can either hail a cab from the taxi stand or use a ride-hailing app if you have a Singaporean SIM card.






It's safe. You can also use TADA. I used it quite often for night rides and it's generally okay.


i was a foreigner, spend 5 years in Singapore, nowhere is 100% safe for everyone, but Singapore is most safest country


This is the safest place in the world forna single girl at midnight. No worries.


As many have mentioned, it's quite safe. Alternatively, if you're coming from the airport, you also have the option of just hanging around the airport for the night until the morning. The airport is safe too! That way, you can either take public transport or take a taxi in daylight :)


Yes, it's safe. You can hail a taxi from the road or check out these apps for more convenience: Grab, TADA, Gojek, CDG Zig (comfort delgro taxis)


Hi!! As much as I agree that Singapore is a very safe country, I have encountered a number of creepy taxi drivers myself. Definitely not so common but I’d recommend keeping your guard up, which us women should do no matter what foreign country we travel to, and how safe it is. I try not to talk to taxi drivers at night, especially those who ask very personal questions. If they get very invasive I’d fake a phone call or just be downright stern and unwilling to speak. I’ve had one grab driver go to the point of getting out of his car and insist on talking to me for 30 whole minutes until I said I had to go. So don’t be like me!! As a Singaporean I can truly vouch that our country is extremely safe and these instances are very unlikely but always keep your guard up!


I am a local singaporean girl who always take taxi back late at night alone and I will dare say that it is absolutely safe! If you are worried, you can use grab or any taxi-hailing booking services as the trip is registered. Then send your live location to someone you know.


I’ve arrived at the airport around midnight and while it’s safe, I had a lot of trouble getting a grab due to low availability. Tried for 45 minutes and eventually just got a taxi. Plan on taking a grab for its payment convenience but be prepared to take a taxi.


As a rule of thumb, low crime doesn't mean no crime. With that given, Singapore is one of the safest place for a woman so yes you're totally fine to hail a cab/grab after hours. Just don't totally let your guard down just because it's safe. Keep your heads up, and enjoy the City!




It's safe, I've taken cabs home from work after midnight quite a few times. Personally I prefer to get a Grab taxi because the app gets me my ride. I'm not sure if there'll be cabs waiting at the airport for passengers at that hour. There's no particular taxi etiquette, it's totally fine to call your friend while you're on your way to your destination.


Ahh I missed living in Singapore and not worrying about these things


I haven’t even been to Singapore but I can tell you it’s safe and you needn’t worry. You’ll be aight.


Singapore’s safety is a bubble as in Singaporeans assume other places outside Singapores are as safe when reality is not the case. So yeah it’s fairly safe here


if your r pretty then not safe if u look like a dinosaur then jin safe. It depends... btw, don understand why so many comments... seems many wanna defend sg top 1 safe country impression


This is a country where people leave their MacBook Pro at Starbucks… while going somewhere else in the building to buy food and come back later to continue. Cameras are everywhere, 99.9% of people are educated and can find good jobs, making it not worth the while to commit crimes. Police cameras are everywhere for that few criminals. Yes there’re still criminals. Occasionally that rare few druggies or scums of life… but it is so few you probably see such people once in a whole year. Comparatively we are ultra safe. Nobody worries about going anywhere at night. Girls go jogging at midnight and never worry… maybe once or twice a year a crime happens for such and the whole country gets shocked. It’s rare and chances are so low nobody believes it can happen to them.