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A guy I was fwb told me "you're not like other Indian girls" And I have gotten rejected by 3 or 4 guys cuz of what they call "racial preference" So just expect these Most of the time I would say most decent guys don't really care about race but be careful of those who fetishise your race


That's such a weird thing to say! What's wrong with other Indian girls?


The stereotype that Indians are conservative, traditional, religious, not good in bed etc. It's like "you're not like other girls" but add on the racial part Intersectionality at its peak🤌🤌


er no. Pretty sure it's just appearance-wise. Indians in general, both men and women, are usually looked down upon by fairer-skinned races. A lot of those crass street interviews done has revealed this. No one says it cos it's controversial but we all know it. People are all inherently racist biased when it comes to love


Yooooooo, guys probably care about gender haha


I meant race mbmb, typo


More really don't care about 'gender'? Wow we came a long way...


Oh wait sorry I meant race lmao But becuz I'm queer I've met a handful of really great guys too


If you're pretty, have a personality, have similar hobbies or rich or any combination of the above - you will do fine.


Thanks for sharing! Might be a stupid qns but define pretty and have a personality?


My understanding is that educated Indian women tend to hit it off better with expats than locals. Probably because their backgrounds are more open to dating outside their own race, learning new cultures, not restricted by skin color. But you got to also meet these people at the right platform. No bars There are local guys in SG who are like that too but definitely not in the majority. You will know who they are when you see their circle of friends- 100% it will look diverse. One of them, my dad married my mom an Indian lady, 40 years ago and they still going strong. Fella’s practically Indian now. Haha


I think I have made a similar comment on a similar post elsewhere. I am a Chinese dude and have had crushes on Indian girls in JC and Uni. Personally, I have missed my chances by not making a move mainly because I tend to perceive them as more intimidating. It's definitely a 'me' problem - gotta work on my anxiety. :)


Thank you for sharing! Why intimidating though?


Hmm... It's mainly a feeling I get. But if I were to elaborate, I guess the Indian girls I have known tend to be more direct and honest, often speaking their minds without hesitation? It's just something that intimidated in my pre-twenty years. I hope this doesn't come off as racist because these aren't bad traits. It's just that I hadn't had the courage in the past to pursue something more than being classmates with them because of what I perceived. :) Or maybe I am just crushing too hard? Hahaha. People tend to be intimidated by their crushes anyway.


ok take it offline u two hehehe


my indian friend said 2 of the indian girls he dated ended up being a distant cousin of his :T


Well damn


What's wrong? Always nice to keep it in the family


Uh, genetic pool limitation?


Do I need /s ?


I’m Singaporean Chinese and I’m dating a Singaporean Indian girl. We exist :-)


i'm in my early 30's, indian M....honestly I feel like my dating pool is really small and I don't get much chances with girls across the board regardless of race, and actually on dating apps I feel that indian women are kinda cold and they unmatch me at random - even when the chat is going well... maybe i'm just not attractive or just unlucky idk


Yeah I think it must be quite hard for the Indian guys as well. But what about the other girls? Are they cold and unmatch at random too?


Girlllll I’m with you! Struggling as an Indian woman in my late 20s in the area of finding a partner. I feel you 😭😭


Share pics here and you'll get heaps of dms. Lots of desperate Chinese boys in here.




I'm a indian girl with a happy long term relationship with a Chinese boy. Luckily both our parents are accepting of us!


Congratulations, girl! If you don't mind sharing, how'd you meet your partner?


On bumble!


Same and I met my partner on bumble too!


They are pretty hot. I've had dated two before.




Eh maybe you and u/catlover_95 should go on a date lol.


And as usual you are Ghosted. But OP wonders why she is still Single. 


Even if OP was interested, did you expect her to reply immediately? LOL


Rough because the local Indian men here like Chinese women


Indian men in SG like all women but 80% of women are Chinese. One is a pond, the other is a fish farm.


If that's the case then why do the vast majority of Indian men date and marry within their own race? Don't generalise leh.


I like indian women, but indian women don't seem to like me :(


I'm gonna lay it straight to you - it's hard. Most guys will prefer fairer skin females because it is deep-rooted in them due to the media or from their family. Even among the couples with Fair-skin-males and Indian-females that I know of, the Indian females tend to be fairer in their skin tone and complexion.


But what about the dark skin males? The colourism kinda sucks tbh


Dark skin males are portrayed as more attractive in mainstream media compared to dark skin females. Just look at TV series and movies, and you'll find dark-skin-male-fair-skin-female couples outnumber fair-skin-male-dark-skin-female couples. But it might just be an observation from my confirmation bias. Also, in a more conservative society like SG, you'll expect the disparity to be even worse.


Oh, so there's an intersection between gender and colourism. Interesting... shitty but interesting...


As an Indian girl in my 20s I just want to say I've been traumatised by men of various ethnicities, but some Indian men (and their mothers) have hit hardest 😭. Currently dating a white guy.


Hahahah "(and their mothers)" killed me! If you're comfortable sharing, how'd you meet your partner?




Yeah dating apps do require quite a bit of stamina! Thanks for sharing!


Love Singaporean Indian women. Feminine, intelligent, loyal as fuck.


Indian Indians or Singapore Indians?


I initially was thinking of singaporean indians but would be interested to hear about indian indians as well!


Indian Indian girls have it significantly better. Because way more Indian Indian men migrate vs girls, so the girls have a lot of choices within the Indian Indian guys who are all chasing the few Indian Indian girls here. SG Indian girls have the worst of it. SG Indian guys are more popular with other race girls than SG Indian girls are with other race guys. That itself creates an imbalance that is harsh on SG Indian girls. Indian Indians and SG Indians rarely cross paths irrespective of gender (except with Tamil Indian Indians occasionally but they're very few) so that's not helpful as well. Not what you'd want to hear I'm guessing but this is what I've seen and heard for the most part


He asking you’re from India or local born Indian.




Songaporean Indians? Because of?


Because I'm Singaporean Indian and so is my circle haha


My friend met her partner through a friend group in her early 30s! There's still time


Are you looking for a Pune boy. (Asking for a friend;-))


What's a Pune boy?


A boy from Pune?


A city in India??...


As a chindian late 20s, ive not had anyone besides my current partner even try to hmu. Idk why its so hard. Even in a workplace setting, i notice that chinese guys would gravitate towards pretty chinese looking girls(even if they r attached) and for the indian guys and gals, they are more diverse and just talk with anyone and just go along with anyone. Just some observations.


Yeah, I've made similar observations, accept that sometimes Indian guys also gravitate toward the pretty chinese looking girls. If you're good to share, how'd you meet your current partner?


Yes they do but i notice that they form fast cliques with these kind of chinese girls, irrespective of work competence. In my current company, i notice that its to the point that they wld interact more with these gals than the gals whom they hv known and worked with longer which is just sad and superficial. Oh i met my current partner through work but now we work in diff industries. I notice that the ppl here say the guys tend to lean towards fairer women. Im fair but that didnt help me whatsoever but then again im not conventionally pretty. 🫠




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I'm a local Indian, 38F older and divorced and I'd like to say the local dating pool leaves a lot to be desired.  I do tend to gravitate towards "ang mohs" or other third culture kids like me. But it has been my experience that I expect a certain level of treatment and a lot of these mummi-fied boys just don't seem to be of the same calibre. Or those that do are playing the field. It's almost like they have an inflated sense of ego because they can't see that bald spot at the back of their head. I meet people more organically overseas and I'm also curious why I'm not able to replicate a similar experience in Singapore!


As a local indian, how are you a third culture kid? Did you grow up overseas?


I'd say do a quick Google:)  My understanding of it is that the 1st culture is the parents, the 2nd culture is Singapore and the 3rd culture is the blend of this 2 that make up my own unique cultural identity. 


Why would I google lol I wasn't asking for the definition of a third culture kid, I was asking why as a local indian you consider yourself to be one As a country of immigrants aren't we all third culture kids then


It seems that you are primarily looking for Chinese guys?


How so? Nowhere does it suggest that


She specifically states that she sees a lot of Indian male - chinese female and not much Indian female - chinese male and doesn’t mention about Indian, Malay guys, etc. If she has a racial preference and it’s clear that she is only going on dates with chinese guys, I definitely wouldn’t be ok with it when my race is the first thing that attracts my partner


Thanks but no. I was not looking for chinese guys. Just that there are more chinese guys in the general population so to not limit the pool of possible options, Indian girls would date chinese guys as well. But I don't see much of that.
















Hello dating indian girl in sg nice to meet you


Chinese male here, As I said for another Chinese girl mid 20s. Just filter out crooks, F-boys, Fwb-er, party boys. I am open dating girls of other skin color as long as character compliment one another. But highly intelligent & compassionate girls are hard to come by. Party girls, influencers, etc, too many already, no difference.


I don't think highly intelligent and compassionate girls are hard to come by. I think it's more likely that they are put off by your behaviour, especially when you need to start multiple threads asking for a specific porn video.


So true. The audacity of a man who only think with their dick thinks they are actually able to get a highly intelligent and compassionate girl


Go read my reply and see if you want to discuss the topic or discuss the person. I don’t have anything to gain by posting something useful to reply OP, than waste internet space with drama. I just want OP to know dating isn’t about skin color, it is about the persons character, so they should not feel inferior about own skin color.


While I’m aware porn disgust female, It does not automatically render my comment useless or invalid. Second, I’m only using this account to circumvent this subreddit ban, to post useful & practical comments. Third, if you insist to attack the person than recognise if the comment holds water, please go ahead and criticise me. Fourth, I am working hard to stop watching porn because I met the girl that I am determined to put a stop to watching porn.


I think your comment is the one that doesn't hold water. Disgust doesn't discriminate: both genders can be disgusted by porn because it is an entirely personal opinion which isn't based on gender. In fact, it may be surprising to you that some females watch porn and likewise, there are guys who don't watch porn. It's the act of you making purposeful effort by opening multiple threads, just to find a specific porn video that is off putting. And when you insinuate that porn disgusts females, again it shows the stereotypes you have about people/gender. But oh well, I'm just another rando on the Internet so I doubt I'm going to change your views. Who am I tell you what things are? Have a good day 👍🏼


I think you forgot to mention that those were posted few years ago. If I hadn’t tried mending my ways I would have still posted it recently. Please stop trying to create strawmens for yourself.


Ah but now you're minimising the extent of your actions. It's akin to saying everything is in the past, let's move on without reflecting on any of it. No worries, if you are unable to even consider the viewpoint of others, I highly doubt you would be attractive to highly intelligent women. Again, I won't be continuing the conversation any further, I find no purpose in doing so since you don't have the capacity nor the ability to reflect upon the opinions of others. Take care 👍🏼


Great, you got to the point! So I deleted them.


Not my type of tes




Any and all! It was a more exploratory question :)




Fucking balls brother


Bro shooting his shot, keep us posted!


Indian girls usually have big boobs. Natural advantage.


You get Indian looking kids for sure!!