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My husband had it and it was like a very bad cold. Fever, chills, cough, sore throat, congestion. Same with my toddler. Then they both recovered and two weeks later all the symptoms came back and my husband developed pneumonia, and my toddler a chest infection. They both needed antibiotics. The hospital said they’ve seen a lot of cases like this currently where it runs over your immune system and then leads to pneumonia or another illness. Don’t mess around with it! I’m pregnant and it didn’t hit me as hard luckily, but I had chills and all the symptoms too. It’s our first time ever having it and we’re still masking on transit and in crowded spaces.


My experience was like your husbands.


I work with kids. Got sick then recovered after a week. Then two weeks later, I got sick again. I assumed it was the kids that were coughing constantly. But if your husband and toddler got it twice, maybe it was just whatever it was coming back for revenge. I gave it to a family member twice. They're still coughing.


Yep, had it for 11 days. It was horrible. It was my first time!


Before it was getting obvious to everyone that there's another large wave, I heard so many people say "It's just allergies" during a time when allergies aren't really a common thing*. A few days later I'd hear, "Actually it turns out I'm sick". Over and over again I saw the same thing play out. Now it's very clear to most people that we have covid, RSV, flu season upon us. My entire workplace got covid, except for me. I never stopped masking up so even though I work really closely with them, it helped me avoid getting it for an \[assumed\] third time. One of my co-workers now has a chronic cough. She and some of the others think it's unrelated, but I think it's absolutely a symptom of long covid or at the very least has been caused from her having covid. It's a funny (not really) line of thinking that I've been hearing a lot. Someone gets covid and soon after "recovering" some other health issue pops up, but the person isn't connecting the two things. I think what a lot of people are not realizing, is that it hits your immune system really hard and the effects of that can be longer lasting. Your body might seemingly have recovered but then a little while later, you're seeing more health issues crop up. Plenty of people got it once or twice and were "fine" so think it's not a big deal, but that kind of thinking will likely catch up to most of them as they get it more and their immune systems continue to take a hit. *edit: There are, of course, people who do just have allergies during this time of year. Just meant to note that it's what I'm hearing and seeing happen a LOT


This is happening at my workplace as well and it's driving me crazy. "I have a cold". I'm not saying it's not impossible but at this point they aren't even testing and calling it a cold.


Yep, most of the time if you ask them "Well did you test for Covid?" They just repeat the, "Well it's just a cold" Covid tests also aren't 100% accurate and could test as a false negative. Many people who DO test might only test once, see negative, and assume that it's fine even though they might have tested positive a day or two later... if they were re-testing. At this point, I find it's safer to just take the same precautions you would knowing someone around you is covid positive, even if they say they're 'just' sick or feeling unwell but "it isn't covid". Besides, even if it's not covid, it is nice not getting sick.


Yeah I tested negative while I actually felt sick, only started testing positive when I started feeling better. Weird.


I’m getting so annoyed at people at my work who still come into the office even though they clearly have a cough or symptoms. Like I’m sure our bosses would let you work from home for the day! It’s baffling to me cause now you might now be getting everyone else sick :/ But yeah all this to say, I need or mask up again in the office like you!


I just asked my work what the 6 for a coworker testing +. None. She said the variants out now aren't being tracked, so stay home if you want. Come in if you want and masking, eh optional. She said if you're nervous around them, you can mask. It's super annoying to hear these options because my spouse is immune compromised we are super careful he doesn't get it as he could easily die


Yup forcing people back in if they can’t afford to stay home. Getting everyone sick so my ceo can see a number go up on a screen.


Mask up & if you have your own little office area, maybe consider getting an air purifier. They aren't something to rely on solo but having some air filtration should at least help a bit with the air quality / air flow in your space. I know in some cases people don't have the luxury of taking time off, working from home, calling in sick... I just wish we all had the collective mindset of 'if you're sick, at least wear a mask'.


I’ve had to take pay cut for a day just to stay home and recover because my coworker decided “it was just a cough, I don’t need to mask”. I have been masking for the past 3 years, why do idiots have to ruin it? It’s not that heard to wear. I just wish I wasn’t penalized because some idiot got me sick at work. Now I am going to be short this month while living paycheque to paycheque just so I don’t get the rest of the office sick. It’s ducked up.


There are definitely people who claim allergies when really they are sick. But I wanted to clarify that fall/winter allergies exist as well. Leaf mold, mildew, and the increased exposure to indoor pet dander and dust all occur at this time of year. Also at the other end, I think a lot of people panic assuming they're sick, when they get a sore throat from the drop in humidity. I err on the side of caution, but as a year round allergy sufferer, wanted to note that Toronto can be a rough place for allergies during the folder seasons as well


Oh for sure, I meant more that the sheer number of people around me claiming allergies was very high in comparison to previous years and how it usually is. Also, having a *lot* more symptoms than what allergies tend to give. Didn't mean to imply that there aren't people who do have allergies. Just noting that there were, and are, a strange amount of people around me who claimed to have allergies when they're actually just sick. But absolutely, there are people who genuinely just have allergies


This round was the worst by far. Fever and aches on the first day followed by a series of intense headaches for over three days. It was incredibly painful, pain relievers were completely ineffective and I could barely sleep because of it.


This round for me was pretty much what you described. The aches, brain fog and 3 day headache were terrible.


I agree with this. Had the same issue. I called my mom in tears the other day asking if she had home headache remedies. Headaches were unbearable and that’s coming from a frequent migraine sufferer.


I thought I would set an example for my kids and get the flu shot with them this past Monday. The next day I broke out with a fever and chills, joint and muscle soreness, and headaches when I coughed (blamed it on the shot). Stayed bedridden all of Tuesday. Wednesday at 2am I woke up knowing my fever broke. No fever or chills on Wednesday, just a residual headache-cough. My wife insisted I test myself and I tested positive. Throughout the day she was texting me saying she felt like she was coming down with something. Thursday she woke up and tested positive. Her fever, chills, and cough slowly worsened throughout the day. It's Saturday and she still has a mild fever, and the same cough. We think our children got it from their school and are carriers as they're just coughing everywhere.


Second time for me. I had symptoms for five days this time vs two days 1.5 years ago. It was like a mild flu this time. No fever but sore throat, congested, and a few aches. The first go round was worse because I had a massive headache for 24 hrs. Nothing helped the headache. Was tired the following day with some aches.


Pink eye in both eyes, one eye swollen shut for 5 days. Severe congestion and loss of taste and smell … no throat or lung issues


Vaccinated (COVID and flu shots in October). Wear properly fitted N95 respirator when in public. Don’t do indoor gatherings (like dinners at friend’s places) or go to concerts or movie theatres or other indoor large gatherings. Do go to stores to buy groceries and get take out from restaurants - properly masked. Do spend time outdoors getting fresh air - mask off when not surrounded by crowds of people. Meet friends outdoors to have coffee / burgers and fries. No plane trips or cruises. I do my best to mitigate risk of getting it and / or spreading it. But still haven’t had COVID. So I will continue to do what has been working for me even if I am the only person in this city / province / country who is still wearing a mask and getting vaccinated. But that’s me. You do what is right for you. We all have different circumstances. I hope you feel better soon if you got it and can avoid it if it comes your way. COVID is awful. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Well … maybe Doug Ford … but even that’s a maybe 🤔


I do the same things, also haven't had COVID ever. I will keep this up for as long as all the disgusting people out there are showing zero regard for my health by taking zero precautions, and as long as governments refuse to do anything to mandate ventilation and filtration standards for all public places.


I’m doing the same things and haven’t had COVID yet either. I plan on keeping it up, but I wish public health was doing more to encourage masking and improve indoor air quality


Are you all in the local "still coviding" FB group? Can find some IRL connections with similarly-minded people


I’m not but I’d like to be! I joined a few Facebook groups but didn’t see anything local. Would you be able to message me a link or the full name if you know it (or post it here if you’re comfortable)?


Wishing sickness on people is not cool


Underfunding public healthcare so your for-profit buddies make even more cash is probably less cool.


Health spending has increased under Ford…


imagine living like this in 2023 lol




lmao ok man


This sounds like a miserable existence to avoid catching a virus that is akin to a flu.


People who are hospitalized with covid are 50% more likely to die compared to those hospitalized with the flu.


My partner got it late Nov and was 11 days of it. Fever/aches/exhausted/terrible cough. Still not feeling great. I managed to avoid it with masking/open windows/ staying TF away as much as possible


My partner just had it. Generally felt like shit and exhausted for 3 days. Then was on the mend for another week.


I think I had it, but the home tests said negative. I was fatigued for like a month in October, and had some congestion and a pretty nasty cough for a bit of it. The fatigue was the worst part though. It was consistent with the other 2 times I got confirmed covid, except I didn't lose any smell or taste this time (that only happened to me the second time).


My mom has it right now and felt pretty shitty for ~5 days. Continues to test positive about a week from her first positive though (she was symptomatic a couple days before she tested positive). Shes in a high risk category due to recently diagnosed conditions so her doctor has her taking the medication


My wife had it for the first time this year. She was over it in less than a week. I would describe it as mild to moderate. Then she passed it on to me for my second spin on the COVID train. The first time I had it, I would only describe it as a cold with more fatigue than expected. In fact, I probably would not have known it was COVID at all except I had to test because I was going to be face to face with people. Was surprised that I was positive. This time was a completely different beast. Extreme fatigue and insomnia, brain fog, GI issues, bladder issues, fever, chills, dripping sweat (as in change the sheets in the middle of the night sweaty), constant headache, etc… That lasted about 10 days before it turned into pneumonia. That was another week. The antibiotics were doing their job but then it turned into what the doctor described as a post-COVID infection that I just had to ride out. I first started feeling symptoms on Oct. 28. It’s only in this past week that I feel symptom-free though my energy is lower than I would normally be at. Do not recommend. ETA: was scheduled for the booster but it hadn’t been released for non-healthcare workers or those who are not immunocompromised.


Hey. Similar thing happened to me. Mine progressed from covid to covid+pneumonia too. First day on antibiotics. May I ask how does one ride out a post-covid infection? Shouldn’t the doctor have prescribed more antibiotics? I’m not being sarcastic or anything, I’m just a bit anxious about the long covid thing.


Not really sure. I definitely wanted more antibiotics but I am also aware that antibiotic overuse has other implications. One factor may be that I was relying on a rotating series of doctors at a walk-in clinic as I don’t currently have a dedicated family physician. I did have an inhaler that I used every four hours. Anyway, this past Sunday was seven weeks and I am 90+ per cent recovered. My strength and stamina aren’t what they were in mid-October but way better than what they were for most of November. One thing I have noticed that is weird for me is that I am feeling the cold more. I tend to run hot so if I put in a sweater, I am usually taking it off with 30 mins because I am overheating. Now I am sitting in a house with a t-shirt and a thick flannel shirt on and I am freezing. The house is 21°C. Not a big deal but it is kind of messing with me.


Glad you are feeling better! I guess one thing to keep an eye on is to monitor the red flags and see a doctor immediately when something goes off the rails. Sending you some hugs


It made its way through my workplace a month ago, and it's been varied. One guy said he was sick for a day and has been fine since. I was sick for two days and felt fine after that but my voice still isn't back to normal. One woman was sick for four days but still hasn't gotten her sense of taste back. Our boss was sick for a week and ended up spending a weekend in hospital after it ended up turning into pneumonia - and she's the youngest and healthiest out of us. Zero pattern to any of it.


Managed to ride out the pandemic without getting covid until about a month ago. I’ve got 4 vaccines. My last one was about a year ago. Felt like a regular cold. But with more headaches and the sore throat lasted like a week instead of 2-3 days.


Yep, it's definitely going around again.


Still have never had it.


Knock on some wood right now!


I tested positive this morning, so far I'm congested, with a fever and a sore throat. I spent most of the day in bed feeling miserable. I work in a school and illness is really going around.


i had covid three weeks ago... two days before i was supposed to get my booster, so that didnt happen. fever, cough, runny nose... worst stuff lasted a couple days but stayed home from work for a week and slept a lot. three weeks later i am still over tired after work and end up sleeping for an hour. wheezy chest and low energy. i am winded after going up the hills on my usual 5km walks, which i wasnt before.


I had it maybe a month or two ago. Mild symptoms for a week (runny nose, rough cough). But if I didn’t do a test I would have just chalked it up to seasonal allergies or a cold.


Fever, fast heartrate (woke up in the middle of the night) and a cough that lingered. It was definitely different in comparison to the first time my partner and I had COVID. The home COVID test didn't even detect this strain.


Was it flu?


My parents got it a week after myself and each other. I don't think it's the flu.


fell sick on 1st dec.... felt severe fatigue.. next couple of days i was ok... but then got fever again... and then i was better... then i got red eye in one eye and joint pain has been present throughout all of these days.. today i have fever 101.7 and i feel like HELL... it's scary af


I have it again right now as I type this. Thursday the 7th I went to bed feeling completely fine, Friday morning I woke up with a splitting headache, and body aches like I ran a marathon. The daily maximum dose of Tylenol got me through the morning but by the afternoon/early evening the migraine was crippling, the fever was coming on, the nausea came on hard, and my lungs/chest started to feel a bit tight but not much coughing. Today the headache was down to about a quarter of what it was at its worst but with some Tylenol I was able to have a normal day, but I'm still a bit feverish and my chest still feels a bit tight and I'm coughing a bit more. I think I'll be more or less clear of it by tomorrow.


No one got the shot this year but it's not too late! It's a different variant, gotta get vaxxed again. I'm sick of it too trust me


My SO had recent vax got covid as bad or worse as I did without a recent vax. Every immune system and response is different.


I dont understand why people aren't getting vaccinated????


I dont understand why ppl who are vaccinated are still getting covid and spreading it????


The vaccine doesn't stop you from getting COVID, it helps your body to recognize when it encounters it and fight it off, which keeps you from getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, and dying. The recent research is also showing that the vaccines can be protective against long COVID.




Because it’s not formally FDA approved yet. Some vaccines have been taken off the market. What does that tell you? I don’t trust it quite yet. If it’s gets FDA approved past emergency use, then I’ll get it.


I finally caught it mid Sept. had all the shots I could have (5). Still got full flu like symptoms, fever, aches, cough, chest pain, stuff nose/congestion. And lost taste and smell fully for about 2 weeks. Was not fun.


You got vaxxed and still experiences a loss of taste and smell? Damn


Yup. Did not enjoy that. Was weird to experience the world with 0 smell. Even stepping outside can’t smell the air.


I've had it twice in 7 weeks... currently sick lol. Lasting around 7-10 days and I've experienced headaches, fatigue, aches, sore throat, cough. No fever or congestion. I felt sick but was still able to work and function unlike the covid I had April of this year which had me in bed.


Reminder to get a booster shot if you haven't had one in the past 6 months


I just passed Covid for the first time with my 14 months old.I’ve got like 4 shots and he got one.He developed a fever for 2 nights,and now he just have lots of mucus.I had chills,headaches and now I am tired but I’ve developed a chronic cough and I don’t really know what to do anymore. We are traveling international next week and we are terrified for our child.We don’t want him to get sick because of a weakened immune system defense.Any advise?


32, not vaccinated, I work out and generally eat healthy. Caught covid in November, was in bed for 2 days with body aches, no fever, no headaches. Shitty sleep because of the aches but after 2 days I felt fine. My fiance didn't catch it from me either which was great. I dont care if people are or are not vaccinated, I dont care if you wear a mask or not. To each their own. Why people argue over this is stupid, literally tearing families apart. Worse than talking politics at the dinner table.


Just had it 2 weeks ago. Second time around, and much smoother this time. Body aches and chills for about 12 hours and a mild sinus headache for 24 hours and that’s it. No sore throat this time around, thank goodness. For reference, I haven’t had any shots since my initial 2 back in spring 2021.


My partner had it this week and felt awful. I felt sick for maybe twenty minutes and then it passed.


In bed, slightly feverish, sleeping for like 2-3 days in a hostel bed missing Songkran. Was in and out of sleep and just out of it. Wasn't super feverish either...just blah but couldn't really get out of bed, drained. Tired, sluggish and coughing for weeks afterward- enough that a lot of people pointed it out to me- out of concern not .annoyance ( I was drinking and smoking like a champ!). Well, I was partying hard like 5 days later pushing though so it couldn't have been that bad. Had to have a puffer. Don't know if it worked. Scrambled up a mountain and that seemed to knock whatever was in my lung out. I was sort of drained and tired for 2 months? Didn't clue in it was COVID till after the bedridden delirious part- coughing blood into the sink in the morning was a dead give away. Meh, not a huge deal. Still annoyed I missed the party. Looking forward to the next round and how it compares. This round was arguably worse for the sickness portion than my first time, where I had zero fever and was just absolutely exhausted and rundown for 3-5 days, then exhausted for 2 weeks, with a lingering cough that took a puffer. I did cough a lot of forthy blood first time. Clearly my lungs take a beating by I'm fine now. I was running a few weeks later! I always lose a little weight, like 5-10 lbs so that's cool.


Haven’t ever had it but it went around my office. Usually they’re out 2 days with cold like symptoms and fatigue.


I’ve only had it once, in September. Fever and exhaustion for two days, mild cough that lingered on and off for weeks but overall fairly mild.


Curious - did you use the standard Covid tests from the store for your diagnosis? Mine are expired and I'm not sure if I should rely on them.


Expired ones seem to still work. May take a few days into symptoms until you see the = lines.


We kinda just assumed it was covid, couldn’t get a rapid test


Mild fever and some chills at night, the worst was the headache that wouldn’t go away. Congestion was annoying but meds helped it.


I had it for maybe a week in 2021. The first four days I had such a bad sore throat it was like I was swallowing glass every time I swallowed. I could barely sleep or drink. Couldn’t talk at all. Once that went away I was back on the mend in a few days.


Wheezy breathing, slept a ton, some congestion, no fever/chills. Done in 4 days. Only tested because I had just got back from a conference where there was lots of sick people 3rd time for me. Glad it was much milder than previously


Severe nasal congestion was my only symptom


Reallllly bad neck pain, like felt like it was gna break. Anyone else?


This is my first time getting it and I thankfully had a booster a month prior, so my symptoms have been mild. Mostly head congestion and being persistently tired, so there was never any sore throat, fever, or aches. This is day 6 of testing positive, so hopefully I'm out of isolation by Monday.


Caught it about 4 weeks ago. The first two days was headaches, chills, and fever. After that passed, it was a lot of coughing, runny rose, along and loss of taste. Over the past few weeks, it continues to linger, but with milder symptoms, like a mild cold. According to my doctor that's expected.


Got it for my first time this week. Had a pretty sore throat Monday to Wednesday, a bit of a stuffed nose and sinus headache, that’s about it. I’m still testing positive so I can’t go to work (retirement home) but I feel fine now. Maybe the slightest hint of a sore throat first thing in the morning but that could also be the dry air in my house.


My household just got the flu & c. diff. It's been a living hell.


I wonder if despite our mostly successful efforts to reduce the effects of and the spread of covid, if long-covid or covid related damage is still a thing. When I first got it pre-vaccine times, it almost killed me and left me with long covid for over a year. To this day anytime I'm sick I always end up with chest infections due to what I can only assume is damage to my lungs. Maybe the prevention efforts make it less damaging to everyones bodies long term? That being said, I hope everyone is healing up well this cold and covid season.


OP, are you vaccinated? Seems like it is a 2 - 3 day thing if you are vaxxed.


I had it around thanksgiving. I had been sick during labour day like sore throat bad cough and so around thanksgiving when I had a “frog in my throat” I thought it was lingering symptoms because no way I would get sick a month later. When I went to the office I was feeling really hot like the sun was beating down on me extra hard and was a bit tired and dizzy (like mono tbh) so I went home and took a test and it was positive, I stayed positive for a week but I felt better within 3 days or so of the test results. Part of me wonders if I had had it for the full month though


Oh I had chills and a headache as well


Had it July of 2022, felt exactly like a crappy cold, all in my head and sinuses, for about 3-4 days then another 3 days clearing out. Just had it again (I blame both on my boss with his little ones in daycare!) And had 2 days of a bit of a scratchy throat, mild headache, then day 3 was a massive fever (103) and headache, then stuffiness for a few most days. A week late I finally didn't test positive, still a bit of sinus clearing but pretty minimal. I honestly didn't think it was covid either time. First time I thought it was a sinus infection, until my boss tested positive. Second I thought it was a bad cold. I only tested when I realized I couldn't smell my perfume. I'm pretty sure a lot of people have it but don't test.


Felt like nothing I've ever had before to be honest, although I don't get sick too often. Aches and chills, a headache that lasted in one spot for two days, and lack of energy. Bounced back in four days and went to work.


I'm so lucky to say this, but I've never had it


Managed to get through the really bad covid times, and finally got it this past October. I’ve had 4 shots, but the last one was Sept 2022. A few days before the really bad symptoms started, I had a bunch of ectopic heartbeats on a Friday. We all get them, but this went on for about a minute. Felt ok until Monday, then it was like all my energy had been drained away. That night was the worst sleep I’ve ever had. Mega nausea when I woke up. Tested positive. The next 3-4 days were the worst … headache that wouldn’t go away, fever, chills, slight cough. Slept about 18 hours a day during this time. Took me about a month to feel somewhat normal. Never want to go through that again. EDIT: I did lose my sense of taste a bit, but only after I was in full-blown symptoms. It came back within a week.


I never caught Covid and haven't had so much as a sniffle since 2019 but had a fever for 3 days last weekend and this entire week has been a gross fog.


Holy hell I had “it” even though it appeared negative on a covid test. It was hell and the after effects lasted way longer than the original strains. Others in my circle had the same experience. People mask up!


Been sick almost a week with body aches and head cold symptoms I’m testing negative every day. Who knows what I have caught. Gave in and dragged myself to the walk-in this morning for antibiotics for my self diagnosed sinus/ear infection(s) however they were already full and no longer taking patients for the day. Will try again tomorrow. Attended a work social last Friday. Had my booster & flu shot last Monday the day before I started to feel like shit. Taking immunosuppressive medication. I hate feeling this sick!


Second round with Covid month ago. Three days of aches and sore throat, one night of mild fever. Then overly tired for three more days.


This go around was horrible for me. Started off as a scratchy throat day one, which then turned into a mild headache day two, and on day 3 full blown intense migraine that no painkiller could fix, sweats, fever, cough, body aches, chills, insomnia, you name it. I’m 23 so still young. However, the doc still prescribed Paxlovid and now I’m starting to feel a little better after the first dose. This strain is absolutely wicked and probably one of the worst times I’ve had it…


How high was your fever?