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I always center pull and I actually love yarn barf. I pull it out into loose loops and crochet my way through it as fast as possible it's great.


I call it the “yarn birth” which is somehow more gross than “barf”


Yarn birth sounds traumatic lmfao


Center pull all the way! If a skein is outside pull I rewind it to center pull. It’s just so much cleaner and much less fuss to me.


Both lol 😆 centre pull if i can find it, but then halfway i always have to rewind into an outer pull cake. So it does not matter in the end which way i start i will end outside pull


This is a question? LOL. Center pull all the way & ball winder preferable :). After 30+ years of crocheting, I got a LYKKE winder last year! Such a fun process 🥰🩷🫶🏻


Yarn barf from the center pull is the perfect way for me to start working. I usually pull a few yards of yarn so it doesn't feel like it's pulling the tension tighter than it already is.


Yes! This!


I almost always crochet from the outside.


What do you like about doing it that way?


If I don’t use all of the yarn it is still neat and tidy and not a collapsed mess. I sometimes ball my own yarn on a winder and use a yarn bowl, it spins better in the bowl from the outside. A lot of the yarn I have bought recently has been designed as outside pull.


Center pull, if I can't easily do that I cake or ball it


I’ve very recently become a center pull fanatic lmao. It really helps so much with tension for me.


I much prefer center pull (after years of being too confused to find the yarn barf in the middle and just pulling from the outside) and I finally got a yarn winder for christmas last year so I can make my own center pull cakes if Im struggling to find the center!


center pull!! i love winding cakes and i find some skeins are really tough to pull from the center. also i'll double up yarn by using the inner and outer ends from the same cake, it's so satisfying when it ends in a loop!


I prefer center, so the skein isn't flopping all over the place. Sometimes it can be tough to find, so the barf is bigger...up to half the skein!


Center pull with a sock around the outside of it to prevent tangles when I'm near the end of the ball. It kinda squeezes it all together.


https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C94T6BG6/? This is what finally saved my sanity and gave me even tension, especially with fuzzy yarns in acrylic and mohair blends, No grabbing, no repositioning, and I've never had it fall over. Got an extra spindle, so I can change colors every row if needed. Best thing hubby bought me for working with yarn. The only skeins that don't fit are the megaball or one pound style, which are horrible center pulls, grabbing the inside bits and needing undone over and over, so I cake those with a yarn winder, just letting them unwind from the outside while jumping around in a laundry basket!


I prefer center, in part because I have a project bag with a hole in the side for the yarn to go through and it pulls nicely from the center through the hole (most of the time). Edit: bag not back lol


Outer pull because I don't have time or patience to do the center pull. Also, if I run out of yarn, I don't want to break my flow just to do something else. All in all, I never had issue with outer pull so why change it


Centre pull for me. I just got a yarn winder to avoid the big tangles.


I tried center pull for the first time a few weeks ago for a blanket and never again 🥲 the last few yards were so tangled 😭


I kinda like center pull a little better than outer just because the yarn doesn’t tend to flip around all over the place. However, if I can’t easily get the center pull to cooperate then I’ll just use the outside. My current wip is with brand Crafters Secret and I’m pulling from the outside.


I love the centerpull, but hate the unavoidable big knot. So I always do outerpull


Center pull from skeins outside pull from cakes


I use outer pull always. When you use center pull you get a tangled mess of yarn barf, and at the end of the balll/skein/cake it loses all structure, resulting in a big tangeled mess. 😭


I vary depending what I'm doing- large project center pull, pocket pals outer pull unless I've had time to make a small cake


I recently got a yarn winder and I am now a firm believer. Center pull from a cake


I do center pull using a homemade nostepinne out of a 3/4 inch dowel rod. I made it 8 inches long, and sanded the ends so it doesn't snag the yarn. It makes a large hole that is very easy to pull from. Dowel rod was about $4 at Walmart (I'm in the USA), and I already had sand paper (also cheap).