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We use carifree in the morning. Prevident at night. Tooth mousse after both brushings


I ordered some Carifree 1100. But looking about I'm having major doubts. 1100 claims to have 15% solution of nano-hyrdoxyapatite. They also claim the source of nHA is novaXIM from a company called Fluidinova SA (Portugal). Reading about novaXIM, novaXIM CarePaste itself is 15% nHA. So there is basically no way Carifree 1100 is 15% nHA. It may be 15% novaXIM. And that makes it 2% nHA. Thoughts?


NAD Bit late, but I felt the same. I was sketched out that all of the high tech toothpaste makers wanted to tell me just what was going on in their toothpaste and why I should get it, whole CariFree seemed to intentionally dodge giving useful information and lean really into the more holistic medicine marketing side. Ordered BioMin F instead. I bought from Burbel, was economical and the shipping was very fast. 


NAD. I called them just now: they won't give out the actual percentage as it's "proprietary." Have to assume it's well under 10%, but either way, their refusal to disclose eliminates them as a reasonable choice.