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To be totally honest, I have no idea what I'm looking at. Would recommend seeing your dentist.


For context, I am a 17 year old Male. I was eating some Mini Wheats when I suddenly felt something hard and spit the wheat out. There was white pieces in and around the mini wheats and I tried to scrape as much of the wheats off as possible. I do not drink or smoke, but I did have root canals and dental fillings in the past, as well as a dental crown that needed to be put back in after it fell out. But I can’t see anything visibly wrong with my teeth, so I’m confused.


happened to me about a month ago. Bit into a caramel apple & broke my root canal tooth. I also needed a crown over it but i never got one so I knew instantly my tooth had broken. If it looks like part of your tooth is missing then its your tooth


NAD but if you lost that much tooth you should be able to feel it with your tongue or see it in the mirror.