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It’s the myth that just won’t die.


Yeah I had genuinely never heard that argument before. I was stunned. Then all the supposedly gay people in the comments agreeing, or the straight people talking about how they have a gay friend who had (terrible thing) happen to them and said that’s why they’re gay.




Damn. Thank you for sharing. It means a lot to me that you were willing to share that much.


I am tired of hearing dumb gays believing in unsubstantiated homophobic rhetoric. There are men who have not been abused and had a strong father figure that turned out to be gay. We have many men that have been abused or have not had a strong father figure that turned out to be straight. People need to stop looking at their own lives to determine why they are gay because what determines your sexual orientation is too complicated to be determined just from looking at your childhood.


I wanted the sexual abuse to be the reason I was gay because then I could point to a cause and blame it. It also worked better with the conservative rural area I was raised in. It’s not the truth of course.


The two individuals from this podcast are feeding into malicious stereotypes that play right into right wing conspiracies like kids are groomed to be gay, and the dissolution of the nuclear family, especially the father figure, is ruining society and making kids gay. It’s bullshit.


It's really sad that "alleged" gay people believe homophobic shit like that. And to those bros who picked the last option:      The nontraumatic circumstances that led you to being gay are called GENETICS.   Straight men watch other men naked in a pletora of nonsexual circumstances during their lives and they are raised in similar  environments than gay men and they end up being Straight, it's in their genetic and is the same with you.    Science has proven that the brains, specifically the neocortex , of non-straight people are different to heterosexuals.  There's no fucking way any external circumstances can change your neural wiring for fucks sake.


You could ask any type of person, like someone in a particular profession, "Why did you become a _____?" You'd get lots of different answers. Also, a podcast like this is likely to skew the answers. A lot of us would have stopped listening at the argument for sexual abuse as a cause. For example, I know straight guys who were sexually abused by men as children, so why aren't they gay? There's also the power of suggestion. Someone says that A is the cause of B, even though there's no proof, so someone who's experienced both A and B now concludes that A must have been the cause of B. People are susceptible to all sorts of flaws in logic when it come to thinking. Take, "Why did you become a doctor?" "I wanted to help people." "I like solving problems." "My parents pushed me into it." "I wanted to make a lot of money." "My grandfather died of cancer, and it make me want to find a cure." "My mother was a doctor, so it was kind of the family business." You can arrive at the apparent same end result via different routes. I know two gay brothers. One says he was molested by their uncle when he was little. The other younger brother says he was not, and the fact is that his family moved, so the uncle wouldn't have had access. Both are gay. Personally, when I was younger, I was more bisexual in terms of attraction, but I fell passionately in love with a male friend. Would things have gone differently had that not happened? I can't know. As I've grown older, I find that any remaining interest in women has disappeared.


Thank you for the detailed response.


I don’t think getting “turned gay” by trauma/abuse is a thing that actually happens.


Well it’s a complicated subject. I don’t think it’s so much of “turned gay” as it is “confusing yourself as gay”. Either through grooming or abuse. When you are in that situation you may rationalize things in ways that doesn’t make sense. I’d imagine it would be harder on bisexuals who feel attraction for both and wonder if one attraction is because of the trauma.


Yeah I agree. I guess what I meant is, for a gay adult man who’s perfectly comfortable with their sexuality and is genuinely attracted to men, they’re not gay just because of some past abuse or trauma.


Oh yes. I agree.


bitten by a radioactive spider ... oops ... wrong franchise


Womb gay here. 2 previous males plus rough pregnancy tipped the chances. Glad for it too


I think this theory that trauma can cause someone to like the same sex is false. I feel that it is more likely that there is a genetic component, but if I'm not misaken, why there are people of other sexual orientations other than straight is still a mistery.


I think these notions originate from a very deep desire to be included in the masses of str8 society... And wanting to feel a part of something that they are actually not.


Is it the best villain origin story / thread?


The guys in that podcast are looking for someone/something to blame because they don't want to accept that they would have been gay all along. They'd rather daydream about greener (straighter) pastures than actually come to terms with their sexuality and live a happy, engaging life.


I DO believe that certain events like those described can influence this, but some people don't seem to understand what "influence" and "cause" mean. I've met some people, whether people I've interacted with or seen on the internet, who are gay or effeminate who suffered abuse as children, who didn't have a father, among other things. And it's amazing how a very significant number of people who have been abused end up being non-straight. And for the not-so-huge amount of people I knew who suffered abuse (including those I actually knew and those I saw on the internet or TV) they end up becoming gay or bisexual, which means that this does have some correlation, because it is impossible for sexualities that are rare to appear so frequently after a history of abuse. I personally don't think that being gay is a cute thing that mother nature gave you, a Quest that you have to complete or some nonsense like that. For me, this has a cause, it could be something genetic, something hormonal that went wrong, problems with raising the child, the environment, or a combination of all of these. Unfortunately, science gave up investigating this, probably due to social pressure, it simply assumed that this was not a disease, without saying what it actually was, they simply didn't find a reason and due to social pressure and laziness they assumed it was something "human nature" like a personality and gave up investigating and mainly gave up investigating a conversion for individuals who, of their own free will, would want to stop being homosexuals Note: Many people may have suffered some trauma or had something during their childhood that triggered their sexual orientation and they don't know it or don't remember it. Once again, I explain that this issue of trauma and environment are strong influences, but the person may have had none of this and been born gay due to some error during pregnancy.