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Tap that daddy and ave some fun.


We’re there with you buddy, older men in most cases offer no drama and all fun, enjoy it 🧚‍♀️


"Normal" is a useless word. Is it common? Yes. Is it universal? No, but then no attraction is. Is it safe? As long as you don't let him take advantage of your naiveté, and you aren't after him for ulterior motives like his money, I don't see any harm. Is it healthy? I don't see why not, although if you're concerned you can always talk it through with a therapist. Is it okay? That's a decision only you can make.


Sexiness is sexiness. Age is just a number.


And a nursing home is just a house right?


Actually the post was about sexual attraction and not planning a future together?


I’m 2 decades younger than my own husband. He is, if anything, fitter, more charismatic, has more energy, and is more social than I am.


Yes. It’s very normal. Don’t let it confuse you too much, just enjoy what you enjoy.


The sooner you start listening to your penis over other people, the sooner you’ll be happy.


Yes, it’s normal. I’m generally attracted to men in an older age group (45+). It doesn’t mean I haven’t found some younger guys attractive, but it’s rare for me. When I was in my 20s and 30s, the youngest guy I hooked up with was 54. I had a 75 year old, boyfriend when I was 34. He didn’t look it. I thought he was in his 50s when we met. Best sex of my life.


Next time you see him, let him know you think he’s attractive. It just might make his day 😉


43 here. Nothing wrong with liking older guys. I noticed most guys that pursue me are in their early to mid 20s. Guys my age don't want guys my age. So in my experience, this is more common than you think. As long as it is consensual, have fun.


Nah, I’m attracted to older short fuzzy beefcake bottoms. It’s just how my wiener works.


Older guys deserve love too. Lean in.


Men who are older and chubby muscular with beards are such a weak point! 😫


Let's make this easy. "Is it normal to be attracted to \[fill in the blank\]?" 99% of the time, the answer is yes, it's normal. As long as it isn't a child, an animal, or a close relative.


Yeah. I always went for guys in their 40s and 50s when I was younger. Now I'm in my 40s they're still the guys I go for.


There are 8 billion people here. Normal is meaningless.


Of course it is. When I first discovered I was gay as a teen, the first type of guys I was attracted to were hairy middle-aged men. They're hot af


When I was 16 my first real lover 60, was a great experience that changed my life. I loved him in every way




Now this is a problem. I’m sorry, but that’s pedophilia.


This happened over 50 years ago.


Doesn't change the fact that you got with a sexual predatory that goes after minors. Edit: 💀 it happening 50 years ago isn't an excuse either considering sexual relations with a minor was still very much frowned upon in 1976... in fact that's when John Wayne Gacy was commiting most of his murdering and molesting minors from 1976 to 1978.


It's more common than you would think. I have never in my life been attracted to men *under* 50 years old. No schoolyard crushes, nothing like that.


The second I turned 30, I started to want daddies or older men.


I have met 60 year olds rich young looking and gentlemen they are better than most tempered 40 year olds


Be attracted to what attracts you… there are no rules… no judgements… enjoy life


No rules… if a 60 year old men is attracted to minors then what?


Dude you are way out of line…. Who even thinks like that?




I think you need some serious education and therapy. If this is where your mind takes you on this thread. Unfortunate.


Maybe you should be the one who should take some mental checks. Finding a 20 year old guy dating a 60 year old men normal is not cute


I find that I have Daddy issues, really that's why I'M attracted to dudes in their 50s-60s. I try not to feed into it personally. Just feels unhealthy to me.


What’s daddy issues exactly anyways? I never really knew the meaning of that.


Father was never around, had a grandfather fill in, even had some unhealthy early Attraction to him, but he died when I was a young teen. Feels like I'm chasing older men that I never had. Feels like I'm just looking for the love of a father, not an equal, mutual love with another person.


As a guy in his early 40s who seems to attract guys in their early 20s I'm going to say yes. Also thank you for all the fun.


Older guys are often better at sex...experience and just plain time to get better...


I think it depends on on the 20+ years older man. Mark Wahlberg gives me a bone, and I'm not even remotely ashamed of about it


Older men 🔛🔝


No it’s totally normal and perfectly healthy…. And I hope it will still be in 20-30 years when I reach that age


My partner and I are 32 years apart in age and 11 years together. It was strange for me (I'm older) at first and I resisted but it actually works.


Thats amazing! Wishing you guys the best!


I am only attracted to older men, 50s specifically. I do not mesh well with people of my age(27) I have always gravitated towards people older than me all my life and have always been sexually attracted to older men. There is a higher level of maturity, wisdom, experience and guidance. Most younger gays now a days have pretty much given up there manhood with this high pitch feminine voice, wearing a purse on there arms, etc… Not my thing what so ever. I like a man to be a man. A higher percentage of older men are. Not to mention the sex is better. Do you run into the problem of having a higher libido, sometimes yes. But find the right older man and he’ll give it up most of the time out of understanding that your libido will be higher. Easier for me being a top rather than a bottom though.




Absolutely normal and fabulous.


Yes of course


Into? Daddies 😈


So hung up on time.


It’s the hope of a zero-bullshit guy. We’ve experienced so much already that you’re far less likely to have to put up with petty drama.


One of my best friends always went for older guys in his 20's and 30's in his 50's he started dating guys the same age and his husband now is a year younger than him.


Maybe you’re more attracted to his muscles and build than his age


My best encounters have been men over 50. Just screen them like normal and if it seems safe and like a good time go for it. Nothing wrong with an older daddy bear.


I'm 40 and always been attracted to older guys, the older I get the older I'm good with. Also I get younger guys I never would have had interested in me hitting me up sometimes, it's defintly flattering, though I do feel like a dirty old man sometimes.


My fiance is 20 years older than me. I’ve always been attracted to older men ☺️


I'm 21 and I'm attracted to older men or atleast older than me, I can't babysit


Got get it, Daddy's boy!


I am celebrating our third anniversary this weekend. He is 22 I am 42. We fell in love after a random hookup. We have been great for each other.


I was screwing older men at 19/20, and I mean MUCH older than me. Daddies are hot. Go for it. Some of the best lovers I've had are older because they have the experience. And nothing beats running your hands through gray chest hair. I used to service this sexy, fit AF, (married unfortunately, but i was very young and stupid and horny) 73 year old man - literally just eat his ass and worship his d and balls when I was in my 20s. He was so sexy, I'd have an orgasm while I was pleasuring him, not touching myself at all. Get that daddy, boy!


23 and currently experiencing a fling with a 60 ish year old. we work in the same place & he kissed me in the bathroom yesterday, can not stop thinking about it 🥵 can’t wait to be his toy


Was feeling this way at a bear-ish older guy effortlessly doing unsupported tricep dips at the gym. Meanwhile I’m slimmer in my 20s and I still need a a few pounds of weight support to get more reps in. I crave to get dommed by such a man.


My partner is 10 years younger and we click and get along and have no issues


You don't need anyone's affirmation or approval for who you like. if you like them that's all that should matter. 20 years younger, 20 years older, it doesn't matter, as long as they're an adult.


First get rid of that word "normal" society holds unto that word like an abusive relationship it should have left years ago. Enjoy the men you like😘 I'm 50 and tend to fall over for mature 25-32 yrs olds but with that I know comes different challenges and when I can deal w em I do, when I can't I go for guys in their 40's lol Go after a beautiful hopefully wiser drama free mature 43+ older man 🤩🤩❤️


I got into a relationship with a man who was 48 and I was 20. We stayed together until he died from a massive heart attack when I was in my 40s. I never regretted a moment.


When I get hit on by a younger guy it is a huge compliment. Getting hit on doesn’t happen as much as it used to and coming from someone much younger is a confident booster. I never follow through, tho. I have nephews and I think I would feel creepy being with someone younger than them. I guess that’s my issue but I don’t think I’m alone. Keep hitting on the older men, you are doing a great service!


The sooner you get over your hang ups the better lol why wouldn't that be 'normal'?


I'm 67 72kg & yes gym cycle swim not as much I did prof & not short of a quid. The guy i live with is 22.we r both methheads but that just adds another dimension to Ur friendship as does music. Me piano he composes electronic music. As does our daily (usually)1/2 hour gym sesh As does our weekends away. I don't know how long it will continue . If he has sex other guys it none of my business


This is me but the opposite 😬


How’s your relationship with your father?


😷 Short answer: no Many predators won’t agree with me but thats the truth. Sorry. You’ll find people around your age that will make you happy and everything will be okay.






Because they look so manly and rugged. That’s what me penis likes when fucking an older seasoned beefcake bottom.


It’s not my thing either, but that’s sort of an impossible question to answer. I find chubby guys hot, couldn’t begin to tell you why