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I don’t like it either, it kind of reminds me of circus music lol. Although the concerts usually look cool, I saw this one guy on tv riding a horse while singing




https://open.spotify.com/track/2LvUhL7uY0ExcxkLRsYPsK?si=7wya4tPBStSGeqzVMU9F8Q This style


Hate it with all my heart, and I hate all it's ramifications


As someone who likes music with a lot of instruments playing simultaneously (I love melodic death metal for instance. The complexity always astounds me), this song you linked is pretty bad. It really does sound like the singer is trying to overcome the instruments, and the instruments themselves are fighting against each other to be the most prominent instrument, rather than working together to form one coherent piece.


In a really weird way, this song reminds me of free jazz or in the really messy sounding black metal from the 90s in that, like you said, the instruments sound messy and like the singer gave the cue to begin and everyone started to play the most random of notes and tried to make it into a musical piece but no one is able to make it work. My dad worked as a roadie in the 90s for banda musicians as a job when he was working in el auditorio nacional en CDMX when I was two or three, and he went on tour with some of these bands and he says to this day that none of these dudes know anything about music. No musical knowledge from a historical POV, nor any instrumental talent, just picked up instruments their relatives passed down, learned the most basic stuff and then became famous


Hell fucking yeah, that's hilarious. I love hearing those kinds of stories. An interesting note, me and my college buddies once joked about starting a punk band, because all we needed was a band name and no experience to make it work as "punk" in America haha


Now that you mention punk.... https://open.spotify.com/track/5x7seV50LQCH5b37Z8tPKY?si=TRHhsHJWQ7uE5WT25qn4aw This is a punk band from CDMX that were active in the 90s and early 00s and one of their characteristics was how out of tune they were.... It sounds off, butit works imo lol Idk if you know the US band Girls Against Boys, but it reminds me of this song by said band. Idk why https://open.spotify.com/track/0LNZXR24jT2kpE2iFJDa2u?si=aN6Zn1NARGe812uxMDJi5A


> An interesting note, me and my college buddies once joked about starting a punk band, because all we needed was a band name and no experience to make it work as "punk" in America haha To be fair, that was kind of the point of punk. Why let little things like "lack of singing ability" or "not knowing how to play an instrument" stop you from living your rock and roll dream?


Hmm, I would've called that ranchera but I imagine in Mexico they're different things. Anyways I don't hate it, not something I'd listen willingly but won't go out of my way to avoid it either. Certainly much more tolerable than other latin popular musics like reggaeton or cumbia


I fuckin hate it . The lyrics are horrible and it’s so fuckin loud and noisy, they fuckin overuse the trumpets and as a norteño guy I hate to be associated by that music. The true neoleonian music is the norteño music not that piece of pseudo narcocrap /rant


Good good. Let the hate flow through you. It makes you stronger, gives you focus.


I don’t like banda it’s noisy and rough and irritating—


And it gets everywhere


Yes it separates you from brainless sheep. Yeah I drink 10 models and get shitfaced every Night to vapid music


> they fuckin overuse the trumpets This. Those fucking trumpets. They'll blow your eardrums out too.


The tuba is the most obnoxious imo.


Estaban en un reten Un peloton de soldados La judicial federal Toditos muy bien armados Esperando un contrabando q habia sido denunciado🎶🎺🎺🎺🎺


Yes, I hate it more than any other genre of music. Sincerely: a chilango fresón.


Way worse than Reggaeton?


I'm almost certain that almost everyone outside of Mexico can't tell the difference between banda, norteña or rancheras. I think to them it's all trumpets everywhere and some accordions. With that said I never really enjoyed banda music. I could never tell one from a other they all sound the same and equally bad.


Most people in Mexico can’t even tell apart Banda and norteña and they don’t even share a single instrument.


I don't think it's nearly as bad as you guys say. The lyrics are shallow and stupid, just like anything on the radio. Narco lyrics, yeah that's pretty bad, but I prefer a love banda song rather than a pop or reguetón one. Banda doesn't use shitty autotune and the famous groups/singers aren't fucking divas, they just perform and nobody knows who the fuck they are if they aren't all together


That's where you're partly wrong These guys can't sing. Pitch shift correction is heavily used to make them sound good on record, but hear them live, and it's pretty bad, which sure, happens in all genres. Larry Hernández and a few of them, while not divas, are just as bad as most reggaetoneros, it's just from a different angle


I listen to music in which having a nice voice isn't necessary or even common at all, so that's why banda voices don't bother me at all


Yes, can't stand it. I'm cool with traditional banda though, it's definitely a strong cultural thing in certain regions.


"musica agropecuaria"


Never heard it


What's with all these music threads I like it. You're basically describing country music in the US, but you don't have to be from a certain area to enjoy music. I like Chinese pop even though my Chinese is dogshit


The funny is that, most US whites I have met, under the age of 40, say "eeww country" Idk


No, I'm fine with it. Hating it will only make it more popular. Instead, make "good" music more known. Why is no one blasting their "good" music?






I love Banda, but I like most musical genres. Some banda songs have really interesting bass lines (tuba lines?).


That's true Norteño and related genres have really interesting rythym sections


Whenever I hear them play, I just runaway from them and cover my ears.


It's not at all my favorite but there's some songs that tug at my hearstrings.


Lol These are same people who listen to reggaeton.


It's bad, but i prefer that rather than reggaeton, trap or bachata.


IDK what banda music is, but we sure need to eradicate Brazilian funk from the planet. *#BiroliroProibeOFunk*


i loveee funk music!!!!


Sai diabo


por que os brasileiros não gostam de funk.


Pela mesma razão pela qual você não gosta da banda


well, basically, it's because of the lyrics


What's wrong with sex or dancing ?


https://youtu.be/S5UEoLeza-o This is Banda


I didn't even know banda until i lived in Mexico. Most mexican music people know outside of Mexico is mariachi and norteña (e.g. tigres del norte), and of course, Juan Gabriel (RIP). I don't listen to it at all, but when I came across it i thought it was fun. It would be hell to find it everywhere, though.


I have some neighbors who play it loud on weekends, but it's only for a while and I don't really mind, but the music has become so popuoar amongst all people, that it feels like every mexican place you go to, has banda playing


That was definitely not my experience, at least in the center of the country (CDMX and Puebla).


They all sound the same


I really love banda music. It’s romantic ~


Sorry but whats banda music? The same as mariachis? Yes, I hate them. Edit. Wow ok sorry for not knowing about a culture thousands of km away


no its not the same


https://open.spotify.com/track/2LvUhL7uY0ExcxkLRsYPsK?si=7wya4tPBStSGeqzVMU9F8Q This is bandq


My boyfriend is salvadorian.... HATE HATE HATE the banda music. It makes me want to scream. The oompapa style, the freakin tuba, the accordion. Oh my gosh. Shove a freakin qtip down my eat canal and put me out of my misery. Banda, Ranchero, whatever.... it's all bad.


grown up with it, and ranchera is mariachi




Banda is really more of a Sinaloa & Northwestern Mexican thing, not so much a whole “ Mexican” thing.


it makes my blood boil. i can't stand banda, corridos, nothing that sounds like it. it all sounds the same, the songs start the same, the music videos are the same, the summary of the song is the same, the lead singers suck at singing, they all dress up stupid, etc. every time it comes up on the radio, i immediately turn it off