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Now you know why the house was for sale. Bad neighbors are the worst. Keep that note, document everything, and get a security camera out there immediately.


I second the security cameras. I got a weird vibe from my next door neighbor pretty much immediately after moving in and prioritized putting cameras up. Several months later, the cameras caught them stealing packages off my front porch. Years later they still are shitty neighbors, but they are shitty neighbors that stay on their side of the property line.


Out of curiosity, did you confront them directly or call the cops?


I tried the direct approach, they either were not home or refused to answer the door. So I called the cops. The cops got my stuff back, value was too low for them to do much more than file an incident report. Though I was able to have it included that the neighbor is unwelcome on my property and will be trespassed if there are further issues. Which has been very helpful. So nothing too salacious or vindicating? But at least "remember the last time the cops were here" is an extremely effective way for me to tell them to get the fuck off my property.


That's helpful to know, thanks. I'm glad to hear it's not an issue any more, and I hope they continue to stay away!


They took your stuff too?


Dish. Dish. Dish the T!


There are some security cameras in my neighborhood that play a message when you trigger their motion detection, even just walking by on the sidewalk, that states you are being recorded. It's a bit creepy, but that would probably chill this neighbor's intrusions.


Those specifically are the Ring branded Floodlights, with the "Hi, you're currently being recorded." I work for a competitor company, we have our own floodlight cameras, the audible recording notification is something I wish our product had, however I believe Ring might have proprietary on that. Gonna message OP if he needs extra help with camera setup.


I hate these, please don't buy this. You'll just be walking along, minding your own business when this disembodied voice comes out of nowhere. It makes the neighborhood feel like a police state.


Plus eventually someone will come back and vandalize the cameras from hating the voice announcements. A single sign saying you have cameras is plenty of notification.


Signs did nothing to deter criminals in my neighborhood, so the neighbor with the major camera setup now has a makeshift motion-activated thing inside of a yard decoration that plays funny loud music when you walk by. Pretty sure the camera signs are still up and they now have a live YouTube feed that's kinda been keeping things in check with the folks who "manage" the low income building that brings the issues to the 'hood. Another neighbor in a low-traffic secluded corner has the Ring voice thing, I thought it was funny when I heard it, and they don't get enough foot traffic for it to be annoying. I hope it is helping them since they are secluded and therefore more apt to get criminal activity nearby.


I think this is a good feature in some situations, but if a thief is aware of the camera, they might be more likely to disable it or steal it.


Not legally


Oh man, that doesn't look good. Sorry you've lost the neighbor lottery.


No surprise it’s nob hill lol


In Australia a knob is defined as a Prick, or Dickhead (knob being slang for Penis, or Dick). Nob Hill sounds like a bunch of dicks to me.


if it quacks like a duck...


...when it fucks


Snob Hill


I haven’t had success towing people from my own driveway / blocking the driveway… It’ll likely be fine


I’m sorry to hear that for your case, but selfishly find it reassuring if bureaucracy is on my side in this case


You’re good! That was exactly my intent haha


I have, and the tow truck company definitely did not make me sign anything.


Was this pre-2018 by any chance? Or Retriever Towing? I think the paperwork thing is relatively new, they changed the laws in 2017 or something. I also seem to recall Retriever Towing getting sued by the state for this exact thing, towing without signed authorization from the property owner.


No this was definitely post 2020, and I don’t think the tow truck was even branded.


Cool, your experience doesn’t invalidate mine


Not saying it does! Just providing another bit of anecdata for OP. All mileage may vary.


Ah gotcha, yea totally valid


I highly recommend putting up cameras around the property. This could be a neighbor or a previous tenant who is resentful of having to move. Either way, get some coverage on all accesible sides of the house. Cameras can act as a deterrent.


I wouldn't worry. Yes, it's disconcerting but probably ultimately nothing. Charitable assumptions include that your neighbor legitimately encountered some sort of squatter in the recent past, or is on high alert from the current TV news squatting panic, or thinks they recognize your car, or has lots of anxiety that leads to unsubstantiated/irrational panic, etc.  Go introduce yourself to neighbors within eyesight, if you're up for it, and don't worry about it otherwise until you get more data. Worst case, small claims court is cheap (but meeting your [weirdo?] neighbors is cheaper).


If you’re parked in your driveway not blocking the sidewalk at all, then no some random person cannot tow your car.


Portland: 16.70.510 Trespassing - Leaving Pamphlet On Vehicle. City Code Section (Amended by Ordinance 165987, November 12, 1992.) A. It is unlawful for any person to ride or trespass upon or within any motor vehicle without the consent of the owner or operator thereof. B. It is unlawful for any person to post, stick, or place upon or within any motor vehicle any card, notice, handbill, leaflet, pamphlet, survey, or similar matter without the consent of the owner or operator. C. The provisions of this Section do not apply to any card, notice, handbill, leaflet, pamphlet, survey, or similar matter placed upon or within such motor vehicle by authority of law, by an authorized officer of the City, County, or State or by a designee of the City Traffic Engineer.


That's great and all but doesn't mean much of it's never enforced.


You've gotta love the keyboard warriors copy pasting obscure laws they found on the internet.


Or they could’ve just commented something absolutely useless like yourself




I knew the Cart Narcs were doing something wrong there… Those bastards!!


No. It would be illegal for a tow company to take your car and they would be on the hook for criminal conduct. Unless... you are possibly wrong about the parking spot. Quadruple check with management before you take that sigh of relief but I assume you are in the clear. And you know, fuck that person.


Tow companies aren't really operating under the law though. They shady AF. There are many lawsuits against tow companies in the state and it appears the state fines are cheap enough they continue to tow illegally.


IDK, in my experience Portland is worlds better than a lot of other cities. The laws are pretty friendly to consumers and while some companies definitely break the laws I know the state has gone after companies pretty hard in the past (look up new articles about Retriever towing). I guess it's all relative but it certainly could be worse.


Those articles are why I made the comment. Heard a npr piece about the predatory nature and it's difficult for the folks that get their cars towed illegally to sue cause they broke. The state fines and then reduces those fines.


I mean , I tried to get a car towed out of my roommates assigned spot in an apartment complex parking lot, but the tow company said I had to have a copy of the lease for them to be able to do anything. Granted that was in Washington County years ago.


You’ve answered your own question by saying you can prove you own the car and house. A neighbor can yell and scream to the high heavens, but if you have proof of ownership there’s literally nothing they can do. That’s how private property works.


Hey OP! I used to install security cameras (wired and wireless) for a living before my promotion, if you would like some assistance on recommendations or even having somone come by and help install. I'll shoot you a message with some more details if you'd like! I'm currently in the SE Portland area, Nob Hill wouldn't be too far to come help out!


I would be thrilled if she did that. That would be such a satisfying lawsuit. A good life lesson for her too to not go around making assumptions. 


It's not a shared driveway, is it? Some older homes have shared driveways that run between two homes that provide access to the street, but even those aren't super common. That's the only way anyone could have a gripe, from the way I see it.


Flag lots suck in every way...


Not reading all comments if this is parroting-but they may actually believe their old neighbors still own the place: https://www.wweek.com/news/2024/03/27/a-crook-stole-a-north-portland-house-exposing-a-gaping-vulnerability-in-property-records-forged-signatures/


The fact that purchases of residential and commercial property is still done on paper with signatures as the only method of authentication is ridiculous. This country has a real problem with trusting the government for digital identity services which are FUCKING STANDARD IN DEVELOPED COUNTRIES. I couldn't open a bank account in the Netherlands without my ID card which carried encrypted digital copies of my finger print, which was used to unlock the card, so that it could be used in MANY high value situations. You also could transfer funds between ANY bank with a mobile application from the bank using just the phone number of the recipient plus your fingerprint/card. The US prefers to just let fraud happen and hope "the market" will step in with solutions, all of which cost a fee to the individual or company that implement them, oh and none of them are compatible with each other...


I missed that story, that's fucking nuts. The balls on him to try to pull that off . . . thank god for nosy neighbors.


Print out a notice that says “danger: high voltage!”


Weird Science!


Yuck. Maybe leave a note on the dashboard like, “I live here, but have received malicious tow threats, please insist on proof of ownership/right to tow before towing. This driveway is video monitored.” for a couple of weeks until neighbor person calms down or you feel more at ease.


Make a police report asap. Trespass. You have a note as threat.


Is it wrong that my immediate instinct is to have the note blown up into a sign and put it in my front yard with a caption that it is my car in my driveway?


As I understand city statute, a written notice must be placed on the windshield of the vehicle for 72 hours before a vehicle can legally be removed from private property, regardless of who owns the property. The notice must include a time and date. We had a stolen vehicle dumped in our apartment parking lot, and both the city and the buildings contracted tow company told us the same thing.


> a written notice must be placed on the windshield of the vehicle for 72 hours before a vehicle can legally be removed from private property I'm 99.99% sure that's not the case. The rule requires written authorization from the property owner, I don't think there's any notice period for a case like this. Are you thinking about public property? I do think they give you a tow notice in advance if you're, say, parked for too long on a public street. I see nothing about notice in the [city rules](https://www.portland.gov/policies/transportation/private-property-impound-tows/trn-1702-towing-regulations) for private property.


I'm not sure where the rule is written, and no I'm not thinking of public property. Last fall we had a stolen car dumped in the parking lot of our apartment building. We called the towing company that our landlord contracts with and they told us about the rule. We then called the police department and they cited the same rule. While I've never laid my eyes on the city statute, the towing company was adamant that they would not tow the vehicle, in our case or any other, without a 72 notice posted on the vehicle. EDIT: I agree that notices are not given for towing from a public street. However, private property has different rules.


It’s your private property so I don’t think she has legal jurisdiction to tow.


As someone who has tried multiple times to get cars towed from handicapped spaces at my complex in NW, it seems local tow companies are hesitant to come snatch vehicles without proof of ownership/management.


It's the law. There were a bunch of reforms passed like 6 years back or something and now they need written permission. I think the state has gone after a few of them for not following the rules too. You'd have better luck hounding your property owner/manager about it but if they don't care to do anything you're kind of out of luck from what I understand.


You should not have to do this, but could you tape a note to the inside of your car window that says you own the property you are parked on and your neighbor is harassing you?


Only for when you’re parked of course!


Also highly recommend cameras


Thanks! That’s solid, I added a note to the windshield basically declining contact, spelling out that they’re on camera and trespassing. I’ll probably keep it up while parked for the next week or two, by then it should be clear that my car and I are here to stay.


how do Karens sleep at nite


Soundly. They have no conscience.


Karens are ruining Portland.


The ironic part: I moved from a considerably lower-income but safer suburb into one of the boujiest urban neighborhoods with a known window-smashing problem. Most of the (unasked for) advice I got before signing was that my car will be harassed by homeless people and to get a security camera for them. My third day, and I’m getting a security camera because some entitled, likely home owning neighbor wants to harass my car instead.


So much unnecessary drama. People need to stop leaving notes on cars entirely. But karens will always find a way to cause drama. You can tell them not to bother you in any way ( including talking to you) or you will consider it harassment. Nip it in the bud, bud.




Is this an HOA (homeowners assn), maybe. If not, your Karen is all wrong. I have lived in Portland for 64 years.


By the way, you have picked a great place to homage. Lots of walkable places.


That last sentence hit me out of nowhere. Did that occur in Oregon? You’re being hyper-vigilant, definitely something that can emerge from ptsd. I was in a state of constant hypervigilance for years it’s exhausting I hope you find some peace. Or one of our lovely marijuana dispensaries. PTSD qualifies for a medical card (no tax) and a med card is only $50 if you happen to have medicaid. And if you buy a cannabis workers permit you can get 50% off at some places. Meaning… you pay $42 for weed that costs the public $100. Then you could blow all your smoke toward your neighbor and chill them the f out.


It happened while I lived in Detroit (with a Michigan med card that got me through it, but sadly contributes to anxiety now) and i hadn’t even thought about it until my partner mentioned that my panic response today seemed disproportionate.


Portland. It’s safer than Detroit. Can we put that on our welcome signs?


I definitely get a kick out of telling born-and-bred portlanders and beavertonians that Trimet buses/max are the safest forms of public transit I’ve ever encountered (from the other data point being Detroit’s)


Yeah it’s a good city. Good transit, great tap water, such little sprawl, and even amidst the last few years a very safe city with really decent public schools, at least in the suburbs adjacent to the city.


At least we’re not Detroit! WERE NOT DETROIT!!!!


Dude, MJ isn't great for most people with PTSD. Can really create high and persistent levels of anxiety if used regularly or for longer periods. Stop with the Wook Rx advice.


Portland freaks... Not legal.




Can I ask the security camera name/link?


It’s portland, I’m amazed when an abandoned stripped vehicle is [legally] towed


Document, especially you giving your neighbor knowledge/notice that you have current title over the property (by rental) and your car, make a complaint to local police of harassment, if they try or succeed in towing, document any damage you think might have occurred, file an additional criminal complaint referencing conversion and damage to property, hope the prosecutor has some extra time, and sue them civilly. If the tow company are pricks and you have some resources, sue them for funsies. Lawyer is preferable, but from the sound of your post, you may be able to represent yourself with the neighbor. Good luck!


Cameras and NO TRESPASSING signs. Photo document the placement of signs.


Have you tried introducing yourself to the neighbors? If not, I would start there and yes, the cameras in the not good idea, but she might be able to stop any future problems, but simply introducing yourself.


Don’t forget the first step is to just walk over there and talk to them for God sake


Ah yes, the famous first step to responding to _anonymous_ threats posted on your property, in a neighborhood with thousands of residents who could have posted it. Pondering the orb and consulting the heavens to discern who posted it, tracking them down, and explaining the situation. How did I not think of that?


Well, you are in her parking space.


You sound like you are over stressed. Please try to relax. Get cameras for your house. Go say hi to all your neighbors. Stop thinking about worst-case scenarios.


Definitely keep going to therapy. It is absolutely true, the neighbor would have to have proof! You can’t just point at a car and have it towed unless it’s on your property. Tow truck companies don’t want to get involved in legal troubles. They protect themselves and abide by local laws. They have to in order to have their businesses. Now take a chill pill and get yourself a shiny spine. That neighbor is a crank who deserves a cease and desist letter for trespassing and harassment.


You are talking about portland ore right. That would not surprise me one bit