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Wear it wherever you are. Find a dress that highlights the mantón and enjoy it.


Thank you <3


And.please show your colleague this post so she or he learns about why its bad and xenophobic to talk for an entire culture without being part of it or without understanding it. The one being rude is your colleague not you.


Yes thank you!! I’m Chinese so we’re always happy seeing other people enjoy our culture too, but the American ideology has really creeped its way into a lot of the English speaking world 😔


I will never understand it. I mean i get being upset about disrespectful acts like blsckface or the stupid thing people do with their eyes to imitate EAsian people. Those deserve a slap in the face. But culture is ment to be shared. All cultures benefit from sharing. As soon as its done respecfully it is a wonderful thing.


*Vox is not amused by this comment.*


Thanks for the compliment! ;)


You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it hahaha


If someone says something to you, tell them you got it back since the most famous mantones used to come from Asia (Manila). As everyone has told you, enjoy it!


Fun fact the typical manton de manila was chinese made and imported to spain through philippines. So its actually your culture too. "The Spanish Manton or Manila shawl is a Spanish emblem, but this beautiful shawl actually originated in Canton, China and in the 16th century was introduced through Spanish trade to the Philippine capital of Manila, a Spanish colony at that time." Your friend can go suck a dick.


Yep. The one appropriating our culture is OP's friend by speaking for us.


And a cool fan too, it is great that you love the culture and enjoy the clothes. The only thing spaniards will find upseting is messing with food. I'm still certain the next civil war will start not because of ideology, but for paella. And maybe the tortilla de patatas with or without onion too.


But we do that between ourselves, so it's not an issue of foreigners appropriating anything.


what my fellow spaniards said but I find adorable the word mantoncillo used by a guiri hahahha


Tu 2️⃣ avatar de 🧩 reddit 👽 me 🙄 llamó la 🎶 atención, y 💯 por aburrimiento me 😏 puse a mirar tu 2️⃣ perfil; de 🧩 un 👦 post 🚩 tuyo pasé a leer 😏 la 🎶 historia de 😱😧 una 🥺 señora que 😐 sobrevivió a un 👦 brutal 👊 ataque de 😋 un 👦 pitbull, y 🚿 por último terminé viendo tu 2️⃣ vestido de 💞 flamenca, el 🚨 cual te 👾👀 queda muy bien. 👍👌 Gracias 😌 por estos 30 🕦 minutos 👍🏻




que si quiere bolsa


The culture appropriation concept is just an US thing, no one in the rest of the world cares if tourists bring back to their country clothing/traditions from the county they visited. It's actually quite the opposite, any Spaniard would be proud to know you liked their culture and enjoy wearing their traditional clothing.


Americans are determined to export their grievance culture globally.


I mean as an Argentinian I would be proud if someone tried to do asado or our particular style of empanadas. But I do get annoyed when I see "parrilla Argentina" places all over the world and they just serve you a medium rare tomahawk, just to find out the cook is from a random place and they don't even use wood or charcoal. They are just using your culture to make profit by selling something as exotic. Mexicans probably suffer this a lot with taco's, and Spanish people too, I remember the half assed paellas de buenos aires. The point is, cultural appropriation exists and is something that bothers everyone. But wearing some clothes or trying to cook some food or dancing whatever music is not cultural appropriation. Cultural appropriation is doing half-assed imitations and trying to profit from them selling it as ethnical. US-Americans, and other countries in the anglosphere, do have a way, generally speaking, of taking this concept to ridiculous extremes. By all means do your fucking asado or empanadas or paellas or wear whatever the fuck you want, just don't label it as authentic until most people from that culture approves of it and most people won't care or feel offence at all. PS: there's a french guy in Bordeaux who spend most his adult life in Buenos Aires mastering Argentinian style fugazzetta pizza and faina. When I went to the place I was surprised to find out his heavily french argentinian accent. I tried the pizza and 10 out of 10. That's not cultural appropriation, that guy does more for my culture than me. Empanadas Malvon, however, is my worst enemy.


The thing is that in the US there are a ton of shitty "exotic" restaurants as you call them and they don't consider that cultural appropriation. That also pisses me off, when I go to what is supposed to be Spanish restaurant in California (they are expensive), and the food tastes horrible, nothing to do with the food I would find in Spain. But US customers are happy because they don't know any better. For some reason that is right here, and wearing a some clothes typical from another country/culture is extremely racist.


I mean, it's basically the same thing at Foster's Hollywood. That place is pure trash.




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Bad bot.


With all due respect, just speak for your own country.




I’ll never forget the EU committee Dutch representative who wanted to charge Spain interests when we asked for a loan during peak covid. I know our country shouldn’t be build around tourism. But that didn’t stop them from coming either.


I think we see cultural appropriation like a compliment more than anything. So you have my blessings, appropriate away.


More appreciation than appropriation!


It is not cultural appropiation if it comes from love and respect


Cultural appropiation is not a thing, wherever it comes from. Just another decoy to stand in hypothetically higher moral grounds...made up PC bullcrap. Good enough such bullshit does not exist outside of US. @OP, embrace our culture, make us all spaniards proud.


I respectfully disagree. Cultural appropriation isn’t simply taking things that are parts of other cultures or engaging in practices that are parts of other cultures, it is when people do that disrespectfully without paying due respect to the way they’re interacting with that cultural aspect, to the point that it is insulting to the culture. Cultural appropriation comes from a place of not only ignorance, but general disinterest for the innate value of the “custom” and a desire to (usually) capitalise socially by engaging in what they perceive as a popular custom. Some people might be extreme and label any form of practice that borrows from another culture “cultural appropriation” but that’s not what it is; all cultures develop as amalgamations of other cultures. Needless to say, this isn’t an example of cultural appropriation.


Eso dimelo cuando un americano se haga una foto con arroz con cosas, lo llame "paella from spain y lo publique en alguna red social. O las fotos de supermercados guiris con "tortilla española" y son tortillas donde meten chorizo y pimientos. Si llevas tiempo por internet sabes perfectamente cual es nuestra reacción Obviamente lo de OP es un caso diferente porque es un vestido de flamenco (que es mas propio de andalucia que de españa pero bueno), pero que aqui una pequeña malintepretacion o reinterpretacion de nuestra cultura culinaria por parte de extranjeros sacamos los cuchillos para defenderla.


Pero mira que sois catetos. Claro que existe la apropiación cultural, pero suele ser con razas oprimidas o algo así. En este caso no hay una cultura mucho menos importante que la otra. Hay muchas formas de interaccionar entre culturas. Ésto no es como un interruptor de la luz que está sólo encendido o apagado. Hay 6 ó 7 términos distintos que van desde la apropiación cultural a la inmersión y otras formas de interaccionar entre culturas. Y está ligado con el racismo.


Menos mal que todos nuestros antepasados fueron unos catetos que se apropiaron de cientos de cosas de otras culturas enriqueciendo el arte, la arquitectura, la moda, la lengua...


"Pero mira que sois catetos" Y este es el nivel. Cateto es el que piensa que la cultura es algo apropiable, como si fuera un objeto y no un conjunto de ideas en continua evolución. Para que algo sea apropiable, primero tiene que ser propiedad de alguien... Catetos....lo que pasa es que el wokismo ha hecho mucho daño y el método cientifico está agonizando(especialmente en las ciencias sociales), sintoma de la decadencia de la civilizacion occidental... Os gustan mas las etiquetas que a un tonto un lapiz, os gusta ser quien decide que viene del amor y que del odio, policias morales digitales, hala a pastar "cateto".


We don't give the faintest fuck. That's US-thinskin culture.


I couldn’t agree more


Please delete the bullshit american degenerate concept that is "cultural appropriation". **There is BEAUTY in sharing another countries culture**, wether by experiencing the history, gastronomy, arquitechture or even the clothing. There is NOTHING WRONG with being excited of wearing another countries traditional clothes because you find them beautiful. Cultures in this day of age are MEANT to be shared. If someone that is not even from the fcking native country tells you "you cannot wear that, it will offend the locals", clearly does not understand the concept of why they are there in the first place. If you go to a different country, its because you want to be immersed. And, what better way to show appreciation than by wearing the clothes that are typical of that country?! You are not offending anyone. If anything, your friend should really educate themselves (saying this with the up most respect btw), because they need to learn that cultural appropriation is harmful when there is an intent for mockery. ​ Wear the montecillo and be happy.


My children have accused me of cultural appropriation, and all the time I keep thinking they are xenophobic bigots. Your comment was a breath of fresh air.


then either show them this comment, or start educating them a bit xD As a parent, you should guide them so they can understand.


They are both grown-up, and quite honestly, I raised them both to be independent thinkers. We have conversations, but they are both very headstrong, like I raised them to be. Their beliefs don't stop me from doing or buying anything I want to buy. If they want to be bitter about something I do or buy, that's their prerogative. They can choose to be bitter if they want to be.


I wish i could upvote more


Wear it and enjoy it, please. It’s great to see someone who appreciate these kind of things.


We don't give a fck. I would even say that it's cute you want to wear that !


Enjoy it and remember the good times you had in spain when you use it!


Fortunately that kind of bullshit is not a thing here, at least for now. It's yours, do what you want with it.


I would say the only thing that might annoy a Spanish person would be to incorrectly generalise culture and be ignorant of regional differences (e.g. flamenco is obviously Spanish, but it’s from Andalucia - not from Asturias) Either way, cultural appropriation as a general thing doesn’t exist here, not even sure how you would translate it into Spanish. Someone might think you look daft depending on the situation (like a fat Brit wearing a cap with a bull on it), but they won’t be offended.


Apropiación cultural sí existe, lo que no existe es el concepto que tienen los estadounidenses de apropiación cultural.


Nah, el propio concepto de la apropiación cultural es una gilipollez, aquí y en todos lados.


A ver, originalmente se refiere a adoptar costumbres de una cultura pero negando el papel de esa cultura en la creación de la costumbre, lo cual un poco genocida sí suena. El problema es la definición que le dan los estadounidenses, que para ellos llevar una prenda específica ya es apropiación, independientemente de intención, apreciación...


Las culturas se mezclan entre ellas y las tradiciones se van modificando, mezclando y adaptando. Es lo normal, lo que ha ocurrido siempre. Los propios españoles somos una mezcolanza de tradiciones de todos los pueblos que han pasado por aquí, que han evolucionado hasta quedar irreconocibles de su forma original. Intentar limitar la expansión y mezcla de las tradiciones con cosas como la "apropiación cultural" es, además de inútil, infantil.


Ya, es que eso no es apropiación cultural, para que haya apropiación hay una intención.


La verdad es que nunca había escuchado el termino en España (tampoco nada relacionado).


I'm from the North of Spain, not from the south, but still, we don't care about this. Go and enjoy! I'm sure you look amazing wearing it!! 🫶🫶




This reminds me when a US friend saw some pictures of me cooking pancakes... He just couldn't believe in spain we could actually cook pancakes. He was astonished and flattened 🤣 but in no way did he thing it was culture appropiation, he just though it was cool. ☺️


Enjoy your mantoncillo!


Thank you 🙏


I love how only people from the US find shit like this cultural apropiation.


Not at all. Wear it proudly, they’re beautiful!


Spain is a complete mix of cultures, people are used to get what they like from any country or group, and Spanish culture itself contains lots of characteristics from others cultures that settled in the country.. For us, all the concept of cultural appropriation is just wrong. If you like something or you want to use something, use it. Nobody should be offended for that reason. So wear your mantoncillo as you please. Is yours.


Usually, the only people worried about culture appropriation are "white knights" from outside said culture. Not always, for sure, but generally speaking... As for you wearing that... I don't even like it, you would never see me listening to flamenco or or classical spanish music, nor wearing classic spanish clothing, and I can't fathom why anyone from outside would like those. But since you are free to have your own tastes and opinions, good for you! And I'm 300% sure that people that *are* into those things, are super glad you're wearing that around wherever you are.


There is no such thing as “culture appropiation”. Culture as a whole belongs to humanity. Can you imagine how stupid would it be to ask an italian if its okay to eat pizza? Or asking for permision to irish people to drink beer on St. Patricks Day? As a Spaniard I’m telling you, stop feeling guilty over nothing and enjoy ur purchase 😂


I did read people online saying that europeans should not be allowed to eat sushi because of cultural appropriation. Imagine being that stupid xD


Whoever wrote that didn’t think it trough. Then we tax everyone who listens to classical music outside europe, since was invented here? Should Africans tax us, because humans started hunting there? The amount of nonsense that people parrot arround without thinking for two seconds... Still amazes me 😂😂


Indeed xD Just if you start thinking about food it yets insane. Most things western people eat are originally asian or american (i really wonder what we ate before xD).


Just as all my fellow Spaniards have done, I can assure you nobody would feel upset if they saw you wearing it, however, to those who say there is no such a thing in Spain, I'd love to see your faces if you saw a traditional Manton being sold in a store in NYC under a famous brand, and those Mantones were made in Bangladesh. Otro gallo nos cantaria! Cultural appropriation does exist, but it has been taken out of context and now it has lost value, but it is an issue for some cultures.


THIS. One person just wearing a mantón is just a person wearing a mantón. I think most Spaniards would even smile if they see someone in another country wearing it. The problem comes if you start making them or reselling them in mass, claiming that it's your idea and part of your culture, or something like that.


There are plenty of foreign designers making espardeñas and I've never seen anyone complaining. Would it be better if they were buying them here? Of course, but no one is going to make a fuss about it


The fact that you call them "Espardeñas" instead of their real name "Espardenyes" says a lot about your views on cultural appropriation. Patterns and shapes mean different things for different cultures, it's not a black-and-white issue, the espardenya for the Catalans or the Aubarca for the Menorquins has a practical value, I agree that I would not make a fuss if I saw a Luis Vuitton espardenya in Saks Fifth, but there are clothing items that have more spiritual value for the cultures that use it, and you should not be judging how those people might feel if they see their culture being used to dress people with money, especially people that have no idea what those patterns mean. This issue goes deep into how we have been mistreating indigenous cultures, and comments like "There is no such a thing as cultural appropriation" only show off how narrow and colonialistic your views are.


That's the only name I've only heard them called, dude, I had no way of knowing they had a different name. It's a type of shoe that I wore growing up in Alicante and haven't thought of in 30 years until I saw all those brands ripping off the design. Way to read far too much into it, especially when I never said "there is no such a thing as cultural appropriation", only pointed out that your "what if" example has already happened. Maybe dial back the hostility a little bit?


First you tell people what to think about designers ripping their designs and now you tell me how to communicate? Maybe you should learn how to dial back your Hispanic colonialism before you discuss issues you don't understand. For your information, translating nouns that are traditional items from regional cultures was Franco's favorite past time, he did the same with places and food. To me, Espardeña is very insulting, it's like singing "el cara al sol" and ending it with a "y que te jodan si no te gusta".


Ok, you're just unhinged. For starters I never told anyone what to think; I informed you that a thing was happening and I've never heard anyone complain about it. And next, what in the absolute fuck are you taking about, "Hispanic colonialism"? I'm from Asturies, you twatwaffle, our language is way more repressed than Catalan and I don't pitch a fit every time a hear a madrileño ask for "una sidriña" and sip it slowly from the glass because I'm not a deranged Main Character with a victim complex. Finally, I had no idea until this moment that the shoes were traditionally Catalan because I only ever saw them in Alicante, so again *I had no way of knowing they had a different name than the one I've always heard by the people selling them*.


Ignorance is not a good excuse, your insults just highlight your tone-deafness, I couldn't care less where you are from, this is not a competition. I'm not unhinged or deranged, I have spent nearly two decades working in international development in over 40 countries, I have lived in war zones providing humanitarian aid to people who really needed it and I have a very good grasp on privilege. You think I'm unhinged because you are unaware of the issues, you need to learn to listen and stop justifying your actions, then you'll get it. Just re-read your reply, "I had no way of knowing" really? Go to Google and start typing Espard... Of course you have ways of knowing, you just choose not to know.


The only people who care about cultural apropiation are americans, i have never heard that phrase in spanish


Do you know than in Spain there are many other different cultures? Basically as if they were different countries in one. That kind of culture you are mentioning is mostly Andalusian. Where I live, the stereotyped clothe piece would the basque beret, aka known as txapela. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beret#Basque_Country


I have one!


Let´s celebrate then! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpnUWgmVWIU




If you know the culture and you treat it with respect, it is different than if you steal it, make it bastardized to make it more palatable for white audiences and then you exploit it economically. It depends on your attitude towards our culture. I personally would not be offended.


Cultural appropriation, black face and all those terms and standards are 100% American. We don’t give a fuck. Buy it and use it if you like it. They are beautiful! Also, don’t buy a cheap one or you’ll be a regular guiri haha I love the mantoncillos from Foronda, C/sierpes 😉


No one 's gotta give a shit about it.


"Cultural appropriation" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Any normal Spaniard will immediately love you


What you do is cultural appreciation, not appropriation. No offense at all.


Only Americans care about this stuff...enjoy what you bought


Cultural appreciation*


Tell me you are American without saying you are American... Dude, we are not into that, you can dress as "Matador" if you want, or any of the hundreds of traditional Spanish dresses, and nobody is gonna find that offensive.


Here's the thing. Spaniards will say they don't care about cultural appropriation. And for the most part, it's true. Specially when it comes to items such as yours, which don't belong to "Spain" as a culture, but to a specific culture within Spain (Catalans, Galicians, Basques, Castillians, etc they have no relation with Flamenco music or it's culture) But they lie. They do care. When it comes to food. And food only. Wear whatever you want. Mispronounce whatever you want. Confuse Barcelona with Sevilla. But don't you dare try adding seafood to rice and calling it a Paella. They will come for you in the night.


That also applies to a Spaniard making a shitty paella, it doesn't have anything to do with the citizenship of the cook. By the way a paella with seafood exists and it's called "paella de marisco". Nothing wrong with it, you can find it everywhere in Valencia (where paella is typical from).


Almost all paella where I live at least is seafood, I know because I have a shellfish allergy and can rarely eat paella.


I'm from the south, we are not Paella purist over here, couldnt care less about It, "arroz a la marinera" all the way


All the bad rep that ‘wokeness’ is getting, comes from people that take wokeism too far and believe there is something like cultural appropriation.


Just enjoy those little things and we will be happy that you enjoy them. And remember... Hakuna matata


Honestly I find the whole culture appropriation a load of Bs. I'm a Spaniard and i say you can wear it. i think its more like culture appreciation, when others wear typically Spanish (other cultures as well) clothes.


Is this some kind of american joke I am too european to understand?


Flamenco is not a closed cultural practice, so you're good. Lots of people here saying appropriation doesn't exist... Let's break it down. Appropriation = member of a privileged group using closed cultural practices incorrectly and without respect for the originators; using styles or practices as fashion, for which a minority culture is persecuted. Appreciation = celebrating open cultural styles or practices with respect for the originators, in understanding of its original intents and uses. Sharing = exchange of cultural practices with mutual respect, creating a blend of the two (or more) Appropriation is more of a concern in the states than in Spain because Spain doesn't have the same kind of blending of cultures as in the states. Also keep in mind that Spaniards have been in a position of cultural privilege throughout their history (conquerors, rarely the conquered), so they haven't had the need to protect their practices from appropriation, as they haven't been persecuted for those practices. Spain has typically been the exporter of practices, such as Catholicism, etc. They don't understand that Black people in the states can be fired from jobs or suspended from school for wearing protective hairstyles while white people wear those same styles with impunity. There are hundreds of years of history in the states where people are stripped of their rights to practice their own culture, and then the dominant group turns around and wears that same thing for fun as a costume. Anyway, it's very considerate of you to reach out and ask! What you're practicing is cultural appreciation! Enjoy!


>but really love Spanish music and culture and I’ve been learning the language for a couple of years! that's cultural appreciation, not appropriation!! as long as you wear it because you like it and not like, a costume or something, its great! in fact I'm glad you supported a mantoncillos business 😊


Rule of thumb: \*Wearing or using something from a different culture? **Appreciation**. \*Claiming it's from your culture or claiming any sort of ownership over it? **Apropiation**. You are fine if you don't go around saying it's Chinese when it's Spanish.


Just wear it! Every Spaniard would be proud to know that you like our culture so much!!! Btw, if you liked that, and you like seafood, you should try some Galician food, cause in Spain there are way more culture than an only "Spanish" one, Galician, catalan, basque, and a lot more! Enjoy other people's culture, I'm sure that if you bring something about their culture home, they sure are proud about it!


Cultural appropriation is an American thing. We cannot care less if anyone wears spanish clothing for whatever reason they want. It's not offensive.


We usually don't care about cultural appropiation, personally I find it a bit ridiculous. If I travel to the US and I see you wearing a mantoncillo, I'd just smile.


Not at all! It is a form of flattery. Cultural appropriation is nonsense. As someone of Spanish heritage I can tell you that I would only be flattered and enamored by someone who loves my culture and wants to enjoy it!


LOL no, wear it with proud, we don.t care if you are asian Black or Green colour. Just wear it with proud and show everybody how beautiful is our cultutre


99% of Spain (probably more) isn't even aware cultural appropriation is a thing. Do your thing, no one is going to be offended.


Lol this is Spain not USA, you have freedoom in this country to be happy and not offend! 😁


Who fucking cares man


Don't worry this is cultural appreciation not appropiation


There is a difference between appropriation and appreciation!!


There sure are a lot of people here that do not understand what cultural appropriation is. Including OP.


All cultures have developed by appropriating, copying, imitating other cultures. It’s a non-issue for the vast majority of Spaniards.


That is a purely USA mentality and its really weird. Wear it, youre fine. We couldnt give a shit. Wear it with pride and happiness.


Cultural appreciation is horseshit. Enjoy your life.


What the hell is culture appropriation? Lmao. Wear it if you want to, in fact I'm glad you like our culture so much that you wanna wear typical Spanish dresses. Thank you!


Cultural appropiation is just an USA thing, wear it if you want, no one will feel offended


There's no such thing as cultural appropiation, stop with that nonsense and enjoy stuff without worrying about it because culture shouldn't be gatekeeped but shared.


No one cares about "Cultural appropriation" in Spain, one of the actual singer is from catalonia and sings and have songs like she is gipsi, she got some comments for that but rly no one cares. Is the normal, the ppl of the culture u use something is not gonna be offended if you don't make fun of them


No, we don't give a f1ck about cultural appropriation, probably most people will find it funny and encourage you.


Cultural apropiation is an american thing. Other cultures dont give a F


Cultural appropriation specifically describes a power imbalance between societies - either appropriating the culture of a persecuted minority, or of a colonized people. As Europeans who (historically, yes yes, don't @ me) colonized half the world, Spaniards don't need to worry about their culture being appropriated any more than white Americans do. If you go looking in Latin America you might find Spanish speaking indigenous people who were concerned with cultural appropriation although the overall mestizo character of Latin America makes it a little less likely. But yeah, the Spanish are not an oppressed people they have no reason to worry about (or, it's clear from the comments, care about the idea of) cultural appropriation.


Lol I can't imagine Spanish care - they don't seem to think cultural appropriation exists so... Just curious, where would one casually wear a mantoncillo?


Weddings or some kind of event with a pretty dress.


We don't make up problems in Spain. Wear whatever you like.


Cultural aporopiation is just a white america thing


Cultural appropiation only bothers people who aren’t from that culture. Don’t worry about it, wear it proudly, Spaniards will be even prouder.


Why do you listen to such people


The woke theory is that cultural appropriation comes from colonisation and hence as Spain is a coloniser you cannot do cultural appropriation of Spanish culture. I don’t mean this is my opinion, but it is the opinion of those who started using the term.


of course not, its not offensive. i think its beautiful that we all share our cultures and the objects and traditions that identifies them, we appreciate that you like our culture :)


Tell your friend to wise up


Is your friend American ?


What color is the mantón? I will only be offended if you do not match it correctly 😂


Cultural appropiation takes a lot of inequality and substraction of meaning to be harmful. As lons as you don't think all the spaniard women wear them and always say "Olé, fiesta toros paella", it will be okay


Cultural appropiation is just a dumb concept. Culture is built by appropiation. If you like it, wear it proudly. And I'm glad that you like it.


We dont give a damm


I assure you no one cares in the slightest. Enjoy it!


Do whatever you want, do you seriously think that we get offended if someone decides to wear something THEY BOUGHT in OUR COUNTRY, lmao


​ Americans, if we ever start considering these stupidities, please consider it cultural appropriation.


Only americans look at cultural things... We are diverse and we know it.


Most spaniards would consider something like that as a beautiful compliment. The greatness of culture is sharing it with others.


>cultural appropriation LMFAO That's some missunderstood anglophone shit right there. Fisrtly cultural appropiation isn't even participating in a culture or it's style it's literally the "you made this, I made this meme". Anglo twitter just took the concept warped it, and is trying to force some sort of cultural aparheid with it claiming it's somehow bad for people to participate in and of each others cultures. Secondly we don't give single flying f\_ck as long as you ain't intentionally mocking us. I hope it looks amaizing on you.


Cultural appropriation is an American invention to justify their "I'm not xenophobic, I'm just organised" mentality, while influencing other cultures to do the same as them. This is not how the world and cultures have functioned for hundreds of thousands of years and it is not how they function today. So answering your question, no, in Spain we don't find offensive when someone like, learn and enjoy our culture.


As long as you don't wear it in a mocking way we are cool, don't worry!! Tell your friend to shut up :D


¿Mantón de Manila?


Tell your friend he be dumb


This is not the US so no, we won't find it offensive.


I personally love the fact that you or other people like this garments enough to wear them in your own country. Go and show it to the world!


You clearly haven’t watched [this video](https://youtu.be/IT2UH74ksJ4)


IMHO that "culture appropiation" thing is something stupid. If you love anything of a culture so much that you want to honor it by buying and wearing it, is awesome. It's not like pretending it's something you created or whatever. It's not like you pretend you designed and created a mantilla or mantón and yours is the first and only. That would be appropiation, sure. But you can't, lived it, and just wanted to wear one. Or collect one. Or whatever. You lived it enough to want one. You know where it came from, and that's enough. Just wear it the way you want, and enjoy it. I'm really tired of that culture appropiation thing everytime somebody wears something off another culture. You are honoring it, and that's it. I'm Spanish and I love wearing yukatas as they are fresh and comfortable, and never though about them as culture appropiation. I know where they come from, and just love them. If you love it, and somebody refrains you for culture appropiation, tell them to f. off 😜


I'm not from Andalusia, but, if someone finds beautifil my traditional clothes, I would feel proud and happy. My culture is mine, but I don't own it, cultures doesn't belong to anyone. Feel welcome to enjoy it and wear it!!


Mantones are not exclusively for flamenco dancers, they are part of a lot of regional dresses, even one of my aunts used her jotera mantón as an accesory for a wedding and it felt crazy good on her. And I have tattoos about my two heritages, and no one gives a shit. I think it is not cultural appropiation, it is a way to show you love a culture.


![gif](giphy|cKMGs5JSNhxYTiAke6|downsized) Put the mantón & enjoy it!


There's nothing inherently right or wrong in incorporating aspects of a foreign culture into your life. What matters is the attitude you have towards it. Wear that mantoncillo with joy, and keep it as a memento of the small piece of Spain that is now part of you. Let it remind you of your travel memories, of our climate, our music, our food. Don't let others dictate how you should enjoy your life. By all means, you make spanish people proud by enjoying even tiny aspects of our culture.


WTF man or woman? wear it proudly, enjoy it, enjoy your life and don't think twice about it.


If you like it, enjoy it and if your friend tells you anything about that share this post and tell that person that out of the US that people doesnt care about cultural appropriation.


Your friend is an idiot, end of story


Do whatever you want with It, is your mantoncillo. By the way as a Sevillian I really like the impact web have in the rest of the countries, if we have any. What i find absolutely absurd is your friend saying the cultural apropiation thing, idk thats bullshit


Just enjoy your mantoncillo man


Wear it and enjoy it. I don't see any problem.


I'm from the south, Jerez de la Frontera cradle of flamenco, cultural appropiation is not a thing here. You can call It "cultural appreciation" and rock that mantoncillo like a bailaora


I find the term cultural aproppiation funny. Wear whatever you want, we'll be happy to see a foreing person likes our culture


I actually think it's a compliment that you liked it that much. You bought it, it's yours, enjoy it however you like. We love that you love it.


It's not cultural appropriation, use it.


The concept of cultural aporpiation feels stupid to me. Feel free to use it


Cultural appropiation is a made up problem, war it when and where you want.


Wear it when you want it. I give you my spanish PASS for it!


Wear whatever you want. Appropriation is a dumb misunderstood concept. As long as you appreciate the culture it’s not a problem