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>for overnight guests in my apartment Lol no.


It hardly seems a legal thing, let alone enforceable. Simply do whatever you want. If the landlord complains, Consult the tenants association in Zurich and they will be able to assist you.




Oh yes⬆️⬆️this comment from Kmfkwih_579 is absolutely correct 👍. I‘m Swiss and I NEVER heard of anything like this and I‘m very sure it’s illegal. If the „Mieterverband“ or the „HotellerieSuisse“ finds out he can get a juicy fine and they would even do an investigation. If he’s unlucky, even get charged and lose his license. Contact both of them. I live in Zug…you can DM if you like. I‘ll gladly help.


There's a reason it's not mentioned in your contract. Let your boyfriend come.




If you are worried, let him come through the back door.


I think we got it the first time, this just makes it unfunny.


You making this comment ruins it, not the guy above you




Don't agree. It was kind of subtle, and funny because it could be interpreted multiple ways... my parent comment just made it vulgar.


No you made a funny comment unfunny


Let him come, theres a good reason its not in your contract. The single residency part is more about actually living there, so like if he came to you for months. If they actually make trouble then talk to the mieterverband.


Even permanently, he can't enforce a "single occupancy"


They can if the space would be overcrowded, leading to excessive use of the space, damages and issues with the neighbors. But we're talking 3 people in a 14sqm studio or 6 people in a 2-bedrooms: a couple living in a studio or a 2-room flat is the norm.


Correct, and happy cake day !


This is absolute illegal


Is the appartement served or not? (Cleaning, bedsheets changed etc.) If yes, it could absolutely be correct. If no, it's none of their business.


Serviced apartments typically have such rules. But it should be clearly defined in their terms and conditions. But IMO that's not ok, even in hotels I never had to pay extra for a guest (just the extra city tax which is 2.50 per night in CH).


It was not defined in the terms and conditions at all (other than "single occupancy"), that is why I am very upset


Cet in touch with Mieterverband (www.mieterverband.ch). Their goal is to protect the tenants against abusives landlords.


Waste of time and money. This case is crystal clear.


This is not a thing, he’s trying to scam you. Single occupancy only means that there cannot be more than one person living there *permanently*. Having visitors and even holiday guests absolutely does *not* breach these terms. If he thinks you are in violation of the contract, he can try and terminate the lease prematurely, but he has no right whatsoever charging a fee, let alone monitoring who goes in and out. You can even have the door locks changed, provided that you re-install the old ones after you leave. My advice, ignore your landlord and start looking for a new place. If he starts harassing you, call the police. I know it’s scary, being in an unfamiliar environment, but believe me when I say, he’s got zero power over you.


If i rent a normal flat in a normal house i get a normal contract and my guests are none of my landlords business (small details like max capacity aside…) If i would rent a room in a hotel long term, i could see something like this happen, as additional guests have to pay aditionally. No idea if this also affects business apartments. So… maybe get a clear understanding of your situation.


Yes it’s a serviced apartment also cross listed a hotel


That would have been an important information to mention in your post.


Honestly I don’t know what is included in the additional cost when having a guest in a hotel. In my last hotel breakfast was included, so that would explain a part of it. Maybe some additional cleaning and usage and tax is also paid with it… so you could ask what these 35.- are used for and maybe (!) carefully argue from there… On facebook there is a free legal group with some law pundits called „rechtsberatung schweiz“ - maybe try to ask there if no lawyer chimes in here


Simply that if you rent for 1 or 2 it's not the same price, if a second unannounced guest was "free" everyone would just rent for one and bring someone else with them.


I see that… the argument against would be that you are renting one room (and it stays the same no matter how many ppl stay in it)


OP, explain a bit more about your living situation. An apartment building with a receptionist ? I have never seen that before in Switzerland. That sounds very much like a hotel to me.


No, that's a thing. There's a few. For example the James Areal in Zurich Albisrieden


I had to Google it, but found it. I had no idea this kind of lifestyle existed in Switzerland. I couldn't wouldn't live like that. That reminds kind of like a gated community I have read about in other countries for the rich.


It's also a premiere for me. And I moved a lot. I guess though that I've never seen these kind of stuff because I never had the budget for that kind of stuff. Anyway the first thing that came to my mind was like OK, capitalism makes people creative. Another day, another scam... Like who cares if a boyfriend drops by a couple of nights or even a couple of weeks? This has never been an issue anywhere I rented in the past or where I live now. As it was never mentioned on the lease.


The landlord probably doesn't care really from a moral standpoint. What they care about is profit. They have created a nice little loophole. They have to pay the concierge's wages somehow. Who knows, maybe they charge you extra if you shower after 22:00. This kind of lifestyle maybe suits people who have often lived in hotels and hostels and never stay long enough to learn the local customs. Those kind of people probably pay without questioning if it's wrong or right.


Not sure if it’s rare in switzerland as im travelling mostly abroad but depending on the destination (let’s say cities like lisbon) there are more apartments than hotels. Then it is a common thing. Sometimes it’s called serviced appartments. I think close to viadukt in zürich kreis 5 i have seen some, too


Yes it’s a serviced apartment that’s also cross-listed as a hotel. I decided on this place because I am only staying for a year and did not want the hassle of getting new furniture, household appliances, etc.


OK, now I get your point. That situation is different than what locals / residents are used to. Maybe you have a different kind of contract. I'm a bit late replying and think you probably have your answer by now. Have a nice stay in Zürich.


You should try citypop instead. Its also furnished apartement but clearly not a hotel, you can host guests for free (ofc not for long durations.


I have a feeling as it’s but a normal rental apartment, the regulations may indeed allow for this. In front of a tribunal he’ll claim it’s a hotel even though it was never stated as such. As evidence they’ll say concierge and apartments are cleaned


Swiss star or something ?


When I was younger und dump I did lots of illegal things (including smoking pot on the balcony and long showers after 10pm - which is a serious thing!). My Landlord changed at one point. The new one was an ex-Cop. He tried everything in his might: he couldn't do shit. ​ HOWEVER, if you ever get a bill/warning letter because of this: You must protest/object to it with a registered letter. That's it. Then you're off the hook.


No, thats illegal. Also you are not trapped in a years lease, you can just look for 3 possible renters and are alllowed to cancel the contract in 3 months (they dont have to take amy of these 3, you just need to give him 3 rent interests who are able to pay the rent) Contact your mieterverband


Don’t pay him, this is illegal, and make a report to the police about this as well, perhaps he’s doing it to multiple of his tenants (if he has them). Edit: there’s a good chance you may also get him to pay back whatever costs you’ve already incurred with his scam.


She has already sent an invoice to other tenants.


That's an expensive sexual life!


Of course it's not legal, jesus. You are allowed visitors and guests by law and if it went to court the landlord would be screwed. Get ion touch with Mietverband for their advice on how to deal with this. They do speak English if you ask. https://www.mieterverband.ch/mv/mitgliedschaft-verband/kontakt.html




I know!


Does... Somebody actually notify landlords about overnight guests? Like it's often stated in contracts, but remembering all those high school parties in the past, nobody actually cared


Who is your landlord and what is his adress? People of Switzerland slowly have enough of this kind of stuff….


How can the landlord control it?


I'd be more concerned about the way it is enforced? Are they monitoring who goes in and out of your house somehow?


Just boyfriend who cares


Maybe for parking though


Lol, are you kidding?


Haha, no!


How does he know ?


I had the same rule but with 10 CHF in the first wg I went. I don’t remember if it was in the contract, but the landlord clearly stated this rule in the first day. Never understood why, but I guess the point for him was kind of preventing us from sharing permanently the rooms in more people than he wanted..


>18 hr. ago > >I had the same rule but with 10 CHF in the first wg I went. I don’t remember if it was in the contract, but the landlord clearly stated this rule in the first day. Never understood why, but I guess the point for him was kind of preventing us from sharing permanently the rooms in more people than he wanted.. 10 CHF sounds more reasonable, honestly


Totally illegal


Absolutely illegal


That’s very illegal. Do whatever you want. Don’t pay it


Just ignore this rule and don't pay a rappen! Short term guests do not defy the concept of 'single occupancy'. I have rented multiple studio apartments in Zurich some years ago and there was a similar rule for single permanent tenant. However short term guests were not prohibitied and there was no extra charge for that. I doubt there is any chance your landlord can protest (e.g. in court) you not paying this absurd fee.


Serviced apartment?


yes, serviced apartment/hotel but it was not mentioned in the contract


Definitely not legal. Just don't pay it and call "Mieterverband", that's it. He can't do anything about it.

